baked-mashed-potato · 2 years
This is not a drill. Our new Community Guidelines are here. 
We recently introduced Community Labels to give everyone more control over their dashboard experience. With this new feature, you can adjust your feed to your preferred comfort level by setting the types of content you want to see. It was our first step toward a more open Tumblr. 
Today, we’re taking the next step: We now welcome a broader range of expression, creativity, and art on Tumblr, including content depicting the human form (yes, that includes the naked human form).
So, even if your creations contain nudity, mature subject matter, or sexual themes, you can now share them on Tumblr using the appropriate Community Label so that everyone remains in control of the types of content they see on their dash. 
We have updated our Community Guidelines to reflect these changes; the rest of our content policies remain the same: We still don’t allow hate, spam, violent threats, or anything illegal, and visual depictions of sexually explicit acts remain off-limits on Tumblr (if you want to know more about that, our CEO Matt recently explained why it’s not feasible for us to safely and successfully support porn communities at this time). If you come across these types of content, please continue to report them to us.
Similarly, if you come across content on Tumblr that doesn’t appear to be appropriately labeled, please let us know. This is how we’ll work together to create safer spaces for everyone on Tumblr, whatever their interests and needs. 
We hope this shift creates more room for artistic expression to flourish on Tumblr while empowering each of you to craft your own experience and safely explore and discover the things you love.
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baked-mashed-potato · 2 years
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COUNTDOWN TO COUNTDOWN: BOOK 1 will start its crowdfunding campaign on April 22. Midnight EST!
The crowdfund will be done on Hiveworks, we’ll be trying to print the first 4 chapters of CTC in a 200 paged graphic novel, alongside some other merch. Listing will be posted at the time of launch!
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baked-mashed-potato · 2 years
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baked-mashed-potato · 6 years
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Stand a chance to be featured in a center spread in our zine, with the top 10 characters being illustrated by 2 of our wonderful artists!
All you have to do to enter is to reblog this post and in the caption of the reblog, tell us your favourite character and why you think they should be in the top 10!
Each person may submit up to 2 entries (either in the same reblog or a different one) but only 1 entry per person will be accepted.
Last Date to submit your entries is July 12th 23:59pm GMT-12!!
If you have any questions, do let us know :)
If you’ve already submitted on the previous post, you need not apply again as we’ve already counted your entry! ❤️
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baked-mashed-potato · 6 years
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New Zine - Iridescent: a BNHA Color Fanzine
Thank you everyone for your patience, the site revamp is now complete! Feel free to explore the Tumblr a bit, there’s a lot of new things including our own custom URL! Please note that our Twitter has also changed! Now that the site revamp is officially complete, we are now excited to announce our brand new project, Iridescent!
Iridescent is a charity BNHA color fanzine! Now what do we mean by a color fanzine? Each artist/writer will have to create their piece centered around one specific color of the rainbow, it’s essentially a limited color palette challenge! For more information, please visit the links at the end of this post! Please note that the links will open in a SEPARATE site. This is to promote mobile-friendly viewing! Thank you for understanding :)
Applications open 8th July at 00:00 PST (Midnight)
Reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
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baked-mashed-potato · 6 years
MOVED TO @JammyJellyZines
MOVED TO @jammyjellyzines
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baked-mashed-potato · 6 years
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Site Revamp Information
Earlier this year we made a poll about how to approach our future zines and we had come to the conclusion that a general zine blog would be the best way to go (you can find the results of the poll here).
This change will be made on the 1st of July, 00:00 ~ 02:00 PST.
During this time, this blog may be a little bit all over the place and you may be unable to find us until all changes have been finalized. Worry not, we will ensure that we will be finished by 2am at the latest! Additionally, once the maintenance is complete, we will be announcing our Brand New Zine Project, so make sure to keep an eye out for that!
With that being said, if we announce our completion and you still find errors in links or other sections of the site, please feel free to drop us an ask or an email and we’ll do our best to fix it!
Thank you all again for your continued love and support!
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baked-mashed-potato · 6 years
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Time is drawing near!! 
Ready your calendars friends because apps for The Year of Heroes Charity Calendar open June 23, just a week away! 
The Year of Heroes Calendar is a 2019 11x8.5” wall calendar! Each month will feature different art of all your favorite BnHA kids. We will also be offering themed merch for all your schedule keeping needs. Apps will open for calendar artists and merch artists on the 23rd and run for three weeks. We’ll be looking for artists to do month page pieces and chibi artists for decorative days art and merch. 
We’re counting down the days until we get to see everyone’s amazing portfolios. But until then… 
Plus Ultra! 
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baked-mashed-potato · 6 years
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Production Updates 02!
Hello everyone! Thank you for being patient with us! We’ve received hardcopy proofs and begun receiving merch. However, we were informed that some products will be delayed in production. This unfortunately moves our ship date to early June. We’re terribly sorry about this and hope you all understand! 
As always, we provide more frequent updates on our twitter! 
More details below the cut!
Keep reading
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baked-mashed-potato · 6 years
re: zine etiquette...
zines are fun, amazing projects and I’m thrilled so many people are getting to experience what it’s like to participate in zines. however, there are some concerning habits popping up across projects and people getting burned as a result, so i wanted to make a post on basic zine etiquette. zines–especially zines that involve money exchanging hands–straddle a delicate line of being business and fun and, while there’s no hard and fast way to handle running a zine, there are some things that should be givens. so as a mod, here are some things you should be doing, and contributors and buyers, here are things to look out for:
protect contributors and buyers and any information they entrusted you with
this refers to BCCing emails, not giving out personal information like names or addresses, etc. mods are asking people to trust them with this type of information: don’t let them down
in addition, don’t discuss your contributors or applicants behind their backs. that’s incredibly unfair and cruel, especially in the case of mods discussing (and in a certain case: mocking) apps to contributors. don’t trust mods that do this. they won’t be professional in other settings and you’ll always be walking a tightrope with them
check for similar themed/timed projects first
check current zine themes and schedules. projects of similar themes and too similar timelines just hurt each other and a zine market can’t support that kind of competition. there’s so many zine resource blogs out right now, the excuse “but i didn’t know” doesn’t hold water–especially since it suggests the mod hasn’t done much research on how to mod either. speaking of:
zines are rewarding but a ton of work. go in with your eyes wide open and a lot of research and resources under your belt. there are so many people out there willing to help, you don’t have to face this alone. badly prepared mods result in flopped projects and/or people losing money, something nobody wants
list mods’ personal mains/active sms in an easily seen place on the zine/project blog (or an easy link in the case of mobile)
when money exchanges hands, people want to know who they’re placing their trust in. if mods aren’t willing to list this information, you need to ask what they’re hiding and why
have channels/spaces designated for contributors/buyers to ask questions and prompt response time
good communication can make or break a project. contributors will want to know everything that’s going on and buyers will want to know what’s happened with their money. if mods can’t answer questions within a 36 hour window, they should at least have something explaining why there’s a delay
i’m infuriated i even have to start with this, but first and foremost:
i cannot believe the audacity of mods threatening contributors who might be late on their pieces. this is fandom. people are doing this for fun. zines are projects to bring us together over our love of a story. life gets busy, dates get lost, etc etc. 
“but they’re late!!1!” / “it’s just a joke !!” / literally any excuse ever
you are a mod. you have no excuse. you were trusted with personal information. you were trusted with a project. you will be respectful, no matter what, end of story
don’t rank contributors’ contributions/anyone’s workloads
some projects rank people to determine pay in for-profits for some baffling reason?? it makes no sense. zine’s are group projects. no one, not even mods, are doing so much work as to warrant more than a fraction’s more pay than others. everyone’s work in creating the zine is important and suggesting that one person’s work is more crucial than others is not only cruel, but also downright wrong. in addition, zine’s rarely make enough money for a system to break up pay unevenly to be a reasonable, or sometimes even feasible, method of distributing profits
don’t send other mods or contributors hate/inappropriate messages
why do i even have to say this
but to be thorough: i don’t care how much you don’t like someone. i don’t give a shit if they frustrate you. i don’t give a fuck what went on, you never send inappropriate messages, especially not hate. besides this just being wrong all around, this sort of behavior reflects on your project and to an extent, your contributors as well. as a mod, you need to be better 
ps: if you think you’re protected by anon just. stop. you’re not. there are ways to find out exactly who the hate anon is, even on this hellsite, anon really doesn’t protect you the way you think it does 
there are many different ways to run a zine and no zine is run exactly the same. however, there are some constants that all zines should follow. i worry a lot about the inappropriate behavior that’s being handwaved when it really shouldn’t be. mods need to care about etiquette because it can and will affect the success of their project, contributors should care because it can and will affect their experience in the project, and buyers will care because they need to trust where their money is going
also, friends, if you think there’s something fishy going on with a zine, trust that instinct. zine mods need to build trust and respect with contributors and buyers from the ground up instead of presuming it to be a given and that needs to start now
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baked-mashed-potato · 6 years
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Fanart for the amazing @potatoccalon because we’ve been given so much beautiful tdbk i figured it was time to give back <333 (click for full res)
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baked-mashed-potato · 6 years
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Attention, Heroes-in-Training!
I, Principal Nezu, take pride in UA and our students for coming this far. With this, we are in search for students to document the growth of each class starting with a yearbook for Class 1-A!
YEAR ONE is a for-profit yearbook-style My Hero Academia fanzine that covers Class 1-A’s school life.
The zine contains the canon episodes and/or what-ifs that happened inside and outside the classroom!
Zine contributors will take the role of a member of the yearbook committee as they document scenarios relating to Class 1-A.
Applications for artists and writers will run from May 12th through June 1st.
Let’s gather these memories together to keep for a lifetime! Go beyond! Plus Ultra! ٩(≧◡≦ )ง
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baked-mashed-potato · 6 years
A day in the life of an activist
I won’t lie, it’s tough work. 
The weight of people’s sins do make me question, at times, the integrity of humanity. The goodness of people. There are times I look up and the trek to righteousness seems endless. A light at the end of the tunnel I can never seem to reach, no matter how much I try. And I try. So hard.
But I know that the work of a true activist never ends. I know that, for a single moment I rest, there goes another sinner astray. One I must personally rend back into the light, lest they feel the cold, parching flames of Hell grace their skin, to teach them too late. And what am I if not their saviour? Their guiding light? Whom else would they rely upon, if not me?
That’s why I go back. Every day, without fail, I flex my fingers, wipe the grime off my computer screen…
And start writing a callout post.
The things that I’ve seen…make me retch. I see pixels, coloured and arranged in lines resembling a courgette, and bile rises in my throat. It may not even be that; they may just be lying horizontal, holding hands and smiling, and already the warning sirens flash within my head. And not just in images. Words describing horrible, awful things, of 18 year olds (or older but who weren’t that age in the source material because that is the point why would they taint these non-existent characters that don’t exist ever with their adult imagination) doing, more than…
I’m sorry, I got away from myself there. I usually save that for my callouts. Forgive me. 
At times they—god, I might get sick—they have this time travel Ay-Yu, where…where they have one of someone’s fictional creation interact with the other someone’s fictional creation when one’s in middle school, and the other is in high school? 
That isn’t the worst of it.
And sometimes (Lord save me now) these people have these non-existent lines…touch. 
It’s morally wrong! Morally wrong, I tell you! It’s paedophilia! I mean yeah there are kids around the world being traumatised by acts of twisted, foul, actual paedophiles who would think of preying and damaging the lives and psyches of real children who will grow with the stains of their trauma clinging onto them indelibly, requiring the most delicate and vigilant of professional help to ensure their recovery and prevent their suffering.
But we’re talking about the real issues here.
Escapist fantasy? No one’s getting hurt? People can tell between fiction and reality? It’s a work of fiction and at the production for and consumption by and large by adults who are legally able to view porn of real people which is somehow more normalised in society than the depiction of sex in erotica or fanart? 
I don’t even bother deigning a response to that BS.
Lies beget lies, and you start to wonder when it ever gets old. All the dissent, all the haters clinging on and making excuses for the true perpetrators (an apologist for a rape apologist; their kind tend to flock, don’t they?). 
They even flag their content as the NSFW atrocities they are, the twisted bastards. And tag all their content, too. 
Have they no shame?  
 Don’t they know children are on the sites where they disseminate their vile creed? Don’t they know the creator is responsible for who decides to view and engage with their work, and that even though options like blocking and safe mode exist the consumer has zero, absolutely rock-bottom responsibility in maintaining and controlling the sort of content they view?
Child abuse at its finest I tell you.
I’ve turned down job offers before. Interviews where they ask me why I don’t dedicate my activism to paedophilia, rape, and abusive relationships in the real world because of how madly, deeply I care about what I think it is in derivative works of fiction. They ask me how I have the time to dedicate myself so passionately to other people’s business in the figments of their imagination about other figments of imagination.
But you know what they say. An activist’s…
A hero’s work is never done.
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baked-mashed-potato · 6 years
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Dear Kiri is a collaborative charity zine project about Kirishima Eijirou and love in all its forms.
This thick book features work by over 30 artists and half a dozen writers, and is packed full of illustrations, comics, and short stories of our best boy along with his classmates and mentors.
You can preview art and fics included in the zine in our preview tag, and on our twitter. Participants will be posting more previews in this coming week! ♡ Full Participant List ♡ *Please note that our deadline has not yet arrived, therefore not all participants have submitted and are not guaranteed.*
Specifications ♡ 65+ Pages ♡ ♡ 5.5″ x 8.5″ ♡ ♡ Perfect Bound ♡ ♡ Full Color ♡
ALL PROFITS WILL BE DONATED TO CHARITY! Our charity of choice is Love Myself, a UNICEF project focused on ending bullying, abuse, and violence against children, part of the #EndViolencecampaign. You can learn more and donate here and here! If we see much success, we may split our donation between a few charities.
♡ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ♡
P r e o r d e r
The shop will open HERE at 11:00 AM EST on Saturday, April 28th, and close at 11:59 PM EST on May 20th*  *Dates subject to change with 72 hours notice on social media. Zines are expected to ship early to mid-June. There are several purchasing options to fit your needs and desires ~ You can preview each option and its contents right now! ♡ ♡ $12 Digital PDF ♡ ♡ $24 Physical Zine Only ♡ ♡ $34 Bundle ♡ ♡ $44 Deluxe Bundle ♡ Accepted payment methods are Stripe (credit cards) and PayPal.
B o n u s / L i m i t e d
♡  The first 10 Bundle and first 10 Deluxe Bundle orders will receive a surprise bonus item! The bonus will be revealed at a later time. ♡  LIMITED EDITION washi tape is available in the Deluxe Bundle - until we run out! Due to manufacturing restrictions, this item had to be ordered in advance and thus we have a maximum of 100 pieces. The listing will be updated to reflect this if/when they sell out.
S h i p p i n g
DOMESTIC (Within the United States) Shipping will cost you a standard $3.50-$4 for the first item, with additional costs of .50 - $4 each for additional items.
INTERNATIONAL With past zine shipping experience, I know that this book will be thick and heavy enough that it will likely push postage to the second weight class, and definitely will with the added bundle goodies. Unfortunately, this means the cost for international shipping is relatively high. Here are the international shipping costs for all physical items. Please keep in mind our intent is to charge shipping AT COST, with .75 or less added for packaging costs. 
I would highly suggest looking into ORDERING WITH FRIEND or A GROUP ORDER, as it would definitely cut costs for everyone involved!
If you are international and plan on ordering MULTIPLE books/bundles, PLEASE E-MAIL INQUIRES to [email protected] with your country and how many of what you want so I may provide you with an accurate quote! The restrictions of Big Cartel’s shipping classes won’t always give you an accurate quote for multiple books, and it is possible you may be overcharged if you buy several items such as in the case of a group order. ♡ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ♡
Phew! I think that about covers it! We will be posting more previews as participants wrap up their pieces as well as a giveaway post, so keep your eyes peeled!
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baked-mashed-potato · 6 years
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baked-mashed-potato · 6 years
I'd just like y'all to know that I spent 2 hours cleaning this image for thus graphic HAHHAKSNDND no regrets
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Pre-Orders are now Closed!
The Pre-order period is now officially over! Thank you all for your amazing support, we were absolutely blown away by all the love we’ve received so far!
We’ve hit a total of 1200+ total orders, with 1100+ physical zine orders which means… YES! The final flash goal has also been reached! This means that all physical zine orders (including bundles) will be receiving a free mystery sticker sheet along with all other stretch goal merch (two free postcards, one free random polaroid printed with real film and one collar pin set).
We will now be working as quick as we can to get all items ready for shipping. This means ordering proofs and samples before printing the final products! We’ll keep you updated and take photos of our progress :) We’ll being using Tumblr only for bigger updates. For more frequent updates, make sure to follow us on Twitter!
Thank you again for being such a wonderful audience! You all should take pride in supporting such a large group of amazing content creators!
Reblog to spread the word!
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baked-mashed-potato · 6 years
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Art by Xixyu穸钰
※Permission to upload was granted by the artist. Please do not repost, edit, or remove credits. Please support the artist!
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