babywhereyougone · 5 years
[SUBS] What will HiHi Jets buy when they Google ‘XX sweets’? [Part 2]
Part 2 up! 
[SUBS] What will HiHi Jets buy when they Google ‘XX sweets’? [Part 1]
Happy New Year! Yet, posting a bit of a throwback to 2018. Added English subtitles to the video where Sakuma, Igari, and Hashimoto went out looking for dessert using their friend, Google.
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babywhereyougone · 5 years
[SUBS] What will HiHi Jets buy when they Google ‘XX sweets’? [Part 1]
Happy New Year! Yet, posting a bit of a throwback to 2018. Added English subtitles to the video where Sakuma, Igari, and Hashimoto went out looking for dessert using their friend, Google.
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babywhereyougone · 5 years
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[Translation] Weekly TV Guide 2019-01-11: HiHi Jets x Mouse: CHUU Talk (original scan: nsnsns_mmm@twitter)
[T/N: Onomatopoeia for mice sounds is “chuu” so the topics they discuss have “chuu” in it.]
Mizuki x Yuto x Soya Igari: Yuto is always [shōCHUU] taking his clothes off! It’s limited to when it’s hot, but he’s topless during rehearsals. Takahashi: Well, that’s… Igari: You did that, right? Takahashi: I mean I did 😐 Igari: Taking your clothes off and leaving them all over the place during the break! Takahashi: Hey (lol). Igari: Looking back on the video we have where you have nothing on is hilarious (lol). Takahashi: It’s just, I didn’t want to get my clothes sweaty! Inoue: Bwaha (/burst out laughing/)! Then why do you come dressed? Takahashi: Why does that matter! It wasn’t just rehearsals that day, there was something else. And so, so I… Igari: Didn’t want to sweat? Takahashi: Yes, exactly. Practice wear can be washed at the studio but it won’t be dried. So for that day in particular, we danced a lot. And, I didn’t want to get it sweaty so I took it off. Igari: I still don’t get your explanation. Takahashi: Gari-san, you have something too. You always buy something when you go into a store! Igari: Ahaha, I do! I’m terrible at refusing! When I go into a store, the store clerk is so helpful, it’s business (lol). Inoue: Hehehe (lol). Igari: And, I think it’s bad to leave without buying anything so I ended up buying a shirt. Takahashi: But, you went in there wanting to buy a dress shirt (lol). But, it was too expensive so you didn’t buy it and got a t-shirt instead. Which was also expensive, but you told yourself it was cheaper (lol). Inoue: What a great customer. Takahashi: For Mizuki-kun, your smartphone case is always [shōCHUU] cold (lol)! Igari: There’s a smartphone when you open the refrigerator (lol)! Inoue: My smartphone overheats quickly so I have to cool it down in the fridge. Takahashi: Not a thing that gets overlooked over when it’s in the fridge (lol). Inoue: Next up, for the topic of making requests [CHUUmon] to members… Sakuma’s snoring is so loud! All 3: (Cracks up.) Igari: I have a video of Saku-chan sleeping! (Hashimoto, doing his interview next to them: “I have a video of him too!”) Takahashi: And so Saku-chan quick said he’s buy a pillow to reduce his snoring (lol). Igari: And even though there was a product review after the commercial, he bought it before the CM ended (lol). Inoue: And we also have Yuto’s singing (lol)! Igari: Loud singing out of nowhere! Takahashi: I’m the type of person who’s too embarrassed to sing in front of others! Igari: Nah, but it’s super annoying (lol). Inoue: What was he singing? Like the chorus of something. Igari: A CM jingle that repeats the same phrase over and over. Takahashi: It was stuck in my head! This isn’t funny! I’m hopeless in this area (lol). Igari: And there were so many parodies. And it’ll start halfway through the B melody. It’s so bad. Takahashi: Not even the hook (lol).Inoue: It’s super, super annoying (lol). Takahashi: But, seriously, it’s super catchy, though? (/Three of them sing the CM jingle, and afterwards, Takahashi laughs and double claps!) Igari: And also this thing (lol)! I want you to stop doing this too! The double clap when you laugh is super annoying!! Takahashi: This just happens without thinking (lol). There was once where my finger was injured, and something on TV was funny, and I clapped as I normally did and it really hurt. Inoue: Are you stupid (lol)? Igari: It makes me really happy you laugh at the joke, but getting the double clap for a minor joke is rough when a bigger punchline is coming is rough. Takahashi: Laugh too easily huh? Igari: Way too easily (lol).
Ryo x Sakuma Sakuma: I have headphones on when I’m engrossed [muCHUU] in something. I bought them to use on the airplane on our way to Hawaii. Hashimoto: Ah, so that’s why you bought them. Sakuma: They’re big and bulk so I only use them when I’m long travel of long stretches of time to myself. I’m really pleased with them on the airplane so I’ve really gotten use out of them. Hashimoto: I get it. Buying headphones is a great purchase. I bought my really nice pair I like, too. Sakuma: There’s a lot of functions I played around with—listening to one song and jumping to the next one. Electronics have a lot of settings to play around. Hashimoto: I love electronics, but the good ones are quite expensive (lol). Sakuma: It is. I usually save up money so I don’t purchase much. For clothes and going shopping, I go about once per season. Hashimoto: Yup, saving. Sakuma: I write warnings to myself that remind me when I pick up my smartphone. Here, take a look. (Shows his mobile screen.) I wrote, “Track Your Finances.” Hashimoto: Hahaha! Totally get it. When I’m short on money, I write, “Seriously, don’t spend any money.” A warning to yourself (lol). Sakuma: The sentence changes depending, but it always keeps it real. Hashimoto: I want to live on my own someday so I’m saving now. Well, I just usually try not to waste money. Sakuma: Let’s do our best to save (lol). Hashimoto: Ahaha. Well, the next “CHUU” is junior high student [CHUU gakusei]. Sakuma: …I was a junior high student up until last year (lol). Hashimoto: Crazy (lol). Sakuma: Right, it’s hard to believe. I can’t even comprehend. I was still a junior high schooler during the Kurie (Johnny’s Ginza 2018) press conference. Hashimoto: Now that you mention, I was also in my third year of junior high when I did my first press conference. I was there with Mizuki for the “Johnny’s World” press conference, and it was my first. Nervously, I said, “(In a baby voice) We’re HiHi Jet. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu” (lol). Same feeling. Saku-chan, you had some nervousness about being added to an existing group, but it was also different. Sakuma: Yeah, having Igari there helped a lot. But, it wasn’t different from the things I was already doing. Though, the form and format of what I was doing was different. Hashimoto: But, you feel more grown up now that you’re in your first year of high school. You have two more years left of high school? Sakuma: Two more years left. Long ways (lol)!Hashimoto: Long time left. Sakuma: Right. Still two more years of studying. And moving onto the next “CHUU”… somersaults [CHUUgaeri]. Hashimoto: Ah, I want to be able to do that soon. A backflip though. Sakuma: You’re always saying that. Hashimoto: I can’t seem to do a backflip no matter how hard I try. Sakuma: You’re almost there, Hashimocchan. Hashimoto: I’ve had the courage for a while now, but my body hasn’t caught up to it yet (lol). Sakuma: That desperate (lol). I think you’ll get it if you spend time on it. Hashimoto: It just isn’t my specialty (lol). Saku-chan has already mastered it. Within our group, it’s only Mizuki and Saku-chan who can do it. Sakuma: If we were to say something was lacking in our group, that may be it. It would change things if you three could do it. Maybe. Hashimoto: Right, that flip is my goal. I’m probably more likely to be able to do it now than in the past. Through with accepting limits, absolutely fearless. Sakuma: Whoo!
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babywhereyougone · 5 years
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[Translation] The Television 2019-02 (original scan: nsnsns_mmm@twitter)
Takahashi to Inoue: I have an image of you having more defined muscles before, but you seem more soft lately…? My apologies if I’ve mistaken, have you been slacking off (lol). Inoue to Takahashi: You’re so good at talking. Always a big help for us. I would like you to practice your dancing a bit more (lol). As the oldest, please keep leading us forward!
Igari to Hashimoto: In 2018, the two of us were the jokesters causing Yuto stress (lol). Especially during the summer concerts MC, we were such fools. Let’s be even crazier in 2019! Hashimoto to Igari: Please keep working hard on your rapping. Go for a blond, fur costumes, rough around the edges kind of feel. Let’s work hard to have a concert at a huge venue one day.
Hashimoto to Sakuma: Please give me some of your height! I’m the tallest in the Hashimoto family, but I want to be even taller so Saku-chan, could you please give me some of yours? I want to keep up! Sakuma to Hashimoto: It’s gotten colder, but you’re still wearing sandals? And you keep saying it’s cold, it’s cold—please explain!? (lol) You’re gonna catch a cold?
Takahashi to Igari: Your hair is so long now. I think it looks really good! You dyed your hair purple, but it looks kinda red too—it’s really well done. Igari to Takahashi: Yuto and I MC’d together, and that was when Yuto transforms! You start up the conversation with the members, and the five of us in a rhythm.
Sakuma to Igari: We’re the same age, but it does’t feel like that at all. Thank you for always having an idea when I’m at a loss—in both work and in private. Igari to Sakuma: It feels like we’re always together—we go shopping together, we go out to eat together, we go to Disneyland together. The two of us had so much going wild at Disneyland from morning to evening.
Hashimoto to Inoue: Realized we only have a few more months left of high school! Although it was tough balancing school and work, we had a lot of fun when I look back on it. Let’s go all out and have the best time during our graduation ceremony! Inoue to Hashimoto: It’s almost our graduation. The always cheery mood maker Hashimoto was there at school so it always a good time. Looking forward to working with you graduation onwards, too!
Takahashi to Hashimoto: Everyone changed their hairstyles in 2018, but Hashimoto-kun went the above and beyond. I worry about your scalp, but I look forward to even more of your unique hairstyles! Hashimoto to Takahashi: You have to give a serious comment at press conferences, so thank you for being the ones who makes the statement. Because you take on that responsibility, I am free to say whatever I like so you’re a big help!
Igari to Inoue: We don’t really go shopping together, but we often discuss each other’s fashion. I trust Mizuki-kun’s point of view since he gives objective opinions. Inoue to Igari: Thank you for writing the rap. Thank you for creating the choreography. Thank you for everything you did for our concert. Never lose your unique style!
Inoue to Sakuma: Saku-chan’s jokes are pretty boring, but when it’s really bad, it’s kind of soothing. You always have that kind of humor. Also, how tall are you now? You’re freaking huge (lol). Sakuma to Inoue: You were drinking vegetable juice a lot during this summer; have you been skipping it lately? You actually don’t like vegetable juice, right? How do you really feel about it?
Takahashi to Sakuma: There were a lot of days where you would call me, “Let’s go have yakiniku!,” and we’d go and eat so much. Let’s do it again. Also, Saku-chan, you snore pretty loudly when you’re tired (lol). Sakuma to Takahashi: Your music selection timing is so not courteous! When everyone is exhausted, you play hardcore rock music and it’s like… what the heck, now!? Your energy level doesn’t line up with everyone else (lol).
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My Lucky Item:
Hashimoto: I love sunglasses, and I have more than 20 pairs of them. I’m currently into the 100% UV polarized ones.
Inoue: A good luck charm from Kurumazaki Shrine. My grandpa and grandma bought it for me when I was in my third year of junior high. It’s always in the pocket of my bag.
Takahashi: White wristwatch. To celebrate my entrance to university, my parents bought it for me. I got to pick out the one I liked.
Igari: I’ve only worn it for about six months, but my heart charm necklace. It’s like a good luck charm to get through anything.
Sakuma: Cafe IC card. Had to queue up to buy it so it’s rare and memorable.
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From concerts to stage plays, HiHi Jets had an incredibly busy year. Takahashi: During the summer, we had our first solo concert at Tokyo EX Theatre which was a huge deal. Up until then, we were backups to our senpai so this was the first time only the five of us were the main acts for the entire show. Being able to meet that challenge has given us confidence. Inoue: Yeah. What we wanted to do became clear, and we were able to show the color (essence/character). Igari: It was a busy year~ Hashimoto: Yeah. A really fulfilling year! Sakuma: We learned a lot when we did “DREAM BOYS” together with Kis-My-Ft2. Inoue: Especially the comedy “time.” Igari: Mizuki-kun, Hashimocchan, and Saku-chan took on the challenge of comedy skits. Sakuma: Yeah. There was a scene in the play where we had to do comedy skits… it was so hard. Hashimoto: It really was~ Was able to do my best with detailed guidance from Senga (Kento)-kun. Sakuma: Senga-kun was watching us from the wings everyday. Hashimoto: We tried harder to make Senga-kun laugh more than we did the audience (lol). Takahashi: Senga-kun laughed so much. Whatever the skit was for the audience, he’d burst out in laughter. Inoue: Getting Senga-kun to laugh is enough! Igari: The success rate of the audience laughing was like 1 out of 33. Hashimoto: When was that one time!? (lol) Igari: The last one with the cockroach. That one where Mizuki-kun freaked out got the laughs. Sakuma: Yeah, that one had the audience rolling. Hashimoto: So, the other ones where all fails? (lol) Inoue: They were all winners to Senga-kun so we good.
Who is the MVP of 2018? Hashimoto: Everyone! Everyone was amazing! Everyone: Yaaay! (high fives) Takahashi: So, how about we go clockwise (around the table) and say one amazing thing about each person. Up first, Mizuki-kun. Your solo performance of “Think u x.” was perfectly done and amazing ne. Inoue: Amazing ne. So next up is “ne”? Takahashi: We’re not playing shiritori here! (lol) Inoue: (Ignores Takahashi) Ne… Ne-oki ga ikemen (The person who looks most handsome right out of bed), Hashimochan! N? Hashimoto: You ended the shiritori game! (lol). Well, whatever. Gari-san’s rap is the best. Igari: Saku-chan got taller! Sakuma: That’s what you’re commenting on!? Takahashi: This veered off real quick (lol). Igari: No, I’m serious. His height really accentuates his dancing. Sakuma: Hehehe (happy). So, last one is Yuto. 2018 brought us all together. We’re an immature bunch, and if Yuto wasn’t here… Hashimoto: If he wasn’t here, we’d be killing it. Inoue: Yes, this is work after all. Takahashi: Hey!! (lol) Igari: Anyway, but really, we have a lot of fun because Yuto is here with us. And so, I hope 2019 also treats us well!
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Top Recs of 2018! J Concerts & Stage Shows
Hashimoto: Kis-My-Ft2’s concert at MetLife Dome had so many fireworks—they way they went off was insanely intense.
Inoue: Johnny’s Jr. Matsuri. I was impressed by SixTONES’ remix medley of their original songs. So invigorating.
Takahashi: At Johnny’s Jr. Matsuri, the way all the groups had their own ways of engaging the audience—from dancing, band instruments, etc.—gave me goosebumps.
Igari: Kisumai’s concert. The huge venue was something I hadn’t seem before, and I was envious. I bet roller skating on the huge stage would be really fun!
Sakuma: Natsu Matsuri! Hadaka no Shōnen (Sexy Bishōnen’s show). The day I saw it was Taisho’s birthday. They celebrated it together with the fans during MC, and it was a lot of fun.
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babywhereyougone · 5 years
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[Translation] Monthly TV Guide 2019-02 Special Talk (original scan: nsnsns_mmm@twitter)
Takahashi: 2018 was a transformative year or us. First off, let’s look back on Saku-chan being added to the group. Sakuma: I’m glad I knew everyone from before so nothing really had to change. The amount of work increased, though. Inoue: Getting to do concerts and stage shows was something that changed for us, though? Sakuma: The focus has changed, perhaps. Takahashi: For us, rather than Saku-chan joining us and doing the same work we did when we were four members, we had so many new experiences as five members so it wasn’t awkward at all. Hashimoto: For sure. Like, experiencing our first solo show. Inoue: We did say around this time in 2017 that we wanted to do a solo show in 2018. Igari: We did say that~ Inoue: And also “The Shōnen Club.” It’s completely different for us now! Hashimoto: We get to do more than just singing now, like MC and such. Igari: And there’s a new segment, too. Takahashi: The way I see the show has changed. I have to check the schedule in advance to know where I need to be and what I need to say. Inoue: We get to be in the game segment now, too. Igari: I’m so happy and grateful! Hashimoto: And we got to do the “Natsu Matsuri! Hadaka no Shōnen” show. Sakuma: Our poster was posted all around TV Asahi. Hashimoto: Got to see them while passing by every morning! Igari: And this one’s not really looking back much, but the five of us appeared in “DREAM BOYS” in September Takahashi: We got to learn how to be in a real, full musical. Also, we said we’d pick our unofficial MVP for the show. Hashimoto: It’s all the same when the five of us are out on stage together. Sakuma: The kind of people who make sure things go as they’re supposed to on in public. Takahashi: (/Points to Sakuma/) You’re the ones who doesn’t do it right the most behind-the-scenes! Sakuma: Muhehehehe. Takahashi: Saku-chan is the kind of person who can do everything. He picks up on choreography quickly and doesn’t forget it. Igari: At this point, there is common agreement that everything Saku-chan does is correct. Hashimoto: By the way, there was a “DREAM BOYS” show where Yuto came out wearing no-show socks… Inoue: Ah. The time where when you have to quickly do a costume change and the socks also come off when you change out of your pants? Takahashi: I was changing right before we go out to sing “DREAMER.” Wasn’t sure if I’d make it out in time. Hashimoto: There are clothes that are easier and harder to change on top of getting over to the other side. Worried if you were gonna make it, I only saw Mizuki come through. Igari: It was just me and Hashimoto-san standing by on our side, I wasn’t sure if Saku-chan was going to come out. But he really is a DekiJu (‘Dekiru Jr.’ = Can-Do-Anything-Jr)! When the curtains went down, I said a little thank you… Sakuma: I’m sorry, I said (lol). Inoue: Actually, Saku-chan was also wearing no-show socks. Miraculously came out at the same time! Sakuma: Right, I had just come through (lol). Takahashi: But even making it out there to perform, I was the one who made mistakes while Saku-chan responded to the whole situation like he was immortal… Inoue: Fans noticed it, too. Sakuma: Probably because I was at the end that no one noticed. Igari: Yuto had to get to the center. Probably a lot of people thinking Takahashi was at it again (lol). Takahashi: …so anyone, Saku-chan shone brightly as our unofficial MVP! So, what are our goals for 2019? Hashimoto: What we say here now has a high possibility of happening in 2019. Takahashi: First things first, since 2019 is an odd year, please be careful of injuries. Igari: I get injured during odd years. Takahashi: Even if Gari-san is injured, everyone will cover for him. We won’t be complacent with what we have, we’ll aim even higher and keep climbing as many steps as we can!
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babywhereyougone · 5 years
[SUBS] 2018.12.14 SC - Santa’s Family
From the Christmas Special episode, one of Santa Juri (Tanaka)’s comedy presents. This was HiHi Jets’ skit. Have you ever wondered about Santa’s family? 🎅Merry Christmas, everyone! (raw credit: shokura@LJ)
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babywhereyougone · 5 years
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[Translation] with 2019-01: Takahashi Yuto & Sakuma Ryuto on HiHi Jets (original scan: @H1H115___YUP/)
Takahashi: It hasn’t even been 10 months since Saku-chan joined us in February of this year, but the five of us have already made so many unforgettable memories! Roller skating performances is something our senpais Kis-My-Ft2 do as well, but we’re creating something original with our current style.
Sakuma: Hashimocchan (Hashimoto Ryo) looks like a flirt, can’t read kanji, doesn’t study when he should, is an easygoing kind of person. But, he will genuinely do everything he can for the group. With his extensive experience as a junior, behind the scenes, he is someone who earnestly does not want to lose to (Inoue) Mizuki-kun and always considers the needs of the group. But, if you were to be honest, there are no group members who would oppose Mizuki-kun. He is constantly reviewing television appearance recordings to find his areas of improvement. In private, he is an incredibly normal high school boy. When it’s time for fun and games, he joins in on the fun, but during work, he enters “Emperor” Mode (lol). Igari (Soya)! Out of the five of us, he’s the most out there. He has the most ego. We’re the same age, but the way he carries himself is so different from me—there’s a madness to him along with the creativity. He contributes to the content of our concerts, he writes his own rap lyrics, he’s good with words. It’s like he’s a different race of people from me. Yuto loves being the MC (lol). He’s the oldest at 19 years old, but he’s still young at heart! We hang out quite a bit outside of work. Like after the first show of the stage play, we would go out for yakiniku together. He would treat me. He is also a decisive person. Ah, the one thing is that he joined Johnny’s after I did. When I first saw him, I was so surprised at how poor his singing and dancing was!
Takahashi: Shut up (lol)!!
Sakuma: But, what was it, about six months before I entered HiHi Jets? It looked like you almost caught up with everyone, and I realized how hard you must have worked to get there. Even now, you put so much effort into the whole performance, not just MC. You have so much potential.
Takahashi: Hehe. Rather than HiHi Jets be a group with an obvious person at center, our weapon lies in our ability to change the center depending on the song. If it’s rapping, we have Igari. If it’s being the visual, we have Sakuma. If it’s powerful dancing, we have Inoue. If it’s being sexy, we have Hashimoto. For me, who is a work-in-progress, I’ll be in charge of the basics—faithfully dancing to the basics (lol). My dream for the group is to make it onto the Billboard Charts and to hold a concert in the New National Stadium! I honestly believe the five of us can do it. To the readers of with magazine, you’ll regret it if you don’t pay attention to HiHi Jets (lol)!
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babywhereyougone · 5 years
Hello, I’m a hihi’s fan who can’t read or understand japanese. So, I’m glad to know that you translate their magazine’s crosstalk!! Thank you for translate it!! I’m so happy💕💕
Thank you for reading and you’re welcome! (*´ω`*)
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babywhereyougone · 5 years
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[Translation] WiNK UP 2019-01 12/December. (original scan: nsnsns_mmm@twitter)
When it comes to December, you think of Christmas✩ For this month, the photoshoot of the five of them gets you in the Christmas spirit. The conversation gets lost in the theme of a Christmas date!
1. The outfit your girlfriend wears on a Christmas date that gets you excited⤴ What is your top 5 fashion key points?
Ryuto: 1) Something red or blue that’s doesn’t get dirty easily 2) Fluffy from head to toe; 3) Prioritizes warmth 4) Casual, but not too casual; 5) Not having her wallet (lol). I want to pay for everything!
Miyuki: 1) Clean, neat, subtle; 2) Mature; 3) Simple colors; 4) Chesterfield coat; 5) Other than a dress!
Yuto: 1) A fashionable girlfriend …I have no clue about fashion so I can’t name five things (lol)! But, since I have no sense a style, a fashionable girlfriend would be nice. Wouldn’t it be such a mess if the two of us were both lame (lol)?
Ryo: 1) Her usual hairstyle; 2) Hoodie underneath a jean jacket; 3) Skinnies or loose, flowy bottoms; 4) Sneakers; 5) Muffler
Soya: 1) White turtleneck; 2) Black skinnies; 3) Fluffy coat; 4) Black bob or long brown hair; 5) A bag that’s way too tiny
2. What would you do if you ran into a group member during a date?
Ryo: In that situation, I would turn it back to the members, “What are you guys doing here!” (lol). Realistically, if it’s Mizuki or Saku-chan, I wouldn’t do anything. The two of them are good at reading the room and will just move along. Afterwards, I would apologize if I made anything feel awkward (lol). If it’s Igari or Yuto, I would run away! Those two definitely would not stop asking annoying questions (lol)!
Yuto: Run away! Having them follow along with me would be annoying so I would cross the street. Saku-chan, in particular, would follow us. Hashimoto-san would also follow and video record everything. He’d giggle while taking pictures and texting me “So what are you guys doing~” That will elicit a reaction from me, and they’d know where I am for sure.
Soya: That situation would be so bad (lol)! If it’s Yuto, I’d brag about it. Nah, I’d probably brag about it to all of them. I’d proudly introduce her, “This girl here is my girlfriend.” But, if I really loved her, we would be spending our time at home relaxing and chatting rather than going out. Staying at home from start to end is the perfect date.
Mizuki: What a situation! Can’t even imagine (lol). Umm… I would say, “Hey,” and introduce my girlfriend to them. If I don’t introduce her, my girlfriend would think that she isn’t the kind of girl that I’d introduce to others. That would be a bit upsetting. But, I don’t want to introduce her to Yuto~ (lol).
Ryuto: Ahaha! Can something like that happen (lol)? Only my imagination, but I would say to them, “Show me your girlfriend!,” when I see them. To give them a taste of their own medicine (lol). But, this is assuming I’m not a Junior. It definitely wouldn’t happen if the other party wasn’t a HiHi member (lol).
3. You ended up not making a reservation for the restaurant you were gonna take your girlfriend! How do you swiftly make up for it?
Ryuto: I’ll tell my girlfriend the moment I find out a reservation wasn’t made. Something like, “Can you believe it, it turns out a reservation wasn’t made (lol).” A girl who can laugh at a situation like that is the ideal girl. Someone who goes, “What!?,” is probably someone I wouldn’t want to go out with. So when that happens, I’d take her to a nearby spot to see the illuminations. And end the day laughing together how we didn’t up doing anything~
Ryo: The best thing would be to go buy food somewhere else, get in the car, and drive towards the ocean, and enjoy our food together. For food… if it can’t be beef bowls, then anything else is ok too (lol). But the thing is that I am confident I wouldn’t make the mistake of not making a reservation in the first place. I want to make sure things are properly done and being able to react when issues arise!
Mizuki: If that happens… wouldn’t you end up cooking for yourself (lol)? We’d go to back to either of our places and cook something together. I’d be so happy if my girlfriend cooked for me. I can malso make pasta. I don’t know how to to make sauce so I’m one of those guys who buys it (lol).
Yuto: We'll probably go to another restaurant. A completely different one would be so fun. It would be so much fun if we could laugh and talk about it afterwards. "Aren't you glad we didn't end up going there?” “If we had a reservation there, we probably never would’ve came here.” Since it’s Christmas, the two of us should have chicken together.
Soya: That situation would be so embarrassing (lol). In that case, we’ll change it to an at home date. An at home date is so my ideal date. My girlfriend and I would go buy chicken at the convenience store, buy cake, and head back to my place. We’d stay in and talk endlessly into the night.
4. What Christmas present do you want from your girlfriend?
Soya: If I want something, I would buy it myself~ So, anything will be good. But, something long lasting, that can withstand the test of time will be amazing.
Ryo: I want something that I can keep with me at all times so an accessory of some sort! A matching item would be great. I think it’s adorable when a girl says, “I want us to match.”
Yuto: Anything is good. I love it when someone wants to gift something to me! Small accessories or the like.
Mizuki: Things that I don’t buy for myself but would be happy if I had it.
Ryuto: There isn’t really anything I want so anything will be good. Rather than a present, I want a promise of another Christmas date in the new year.
5. If you wanted to surprise her with a present, when would you want to give it to her?
Mizuki: I’d give it to her right before we head home. The present would be a Christmas-y muffler. I’d want to give her an expensive one. And also, an accessory would be nice too. But for me, rather than surprising her, I’d probably ask her what she would like. Isn’t it better to give her something she wants?
Yuto: After we eat, I’d give it to her when we leave the restaurant. Not really original, but wouldn’t a necklace be nice? I’m not entirely confident in my selection, but I want to pick something that she would like. Rather not give her something she doesn’t want.
Ryo: What would a girl want the most… how about a silver necklace! It would be from a somewhat high end brand. For the timing of when to give it to her, I’d give it to her when we’re having the most fun. I’d decide, “Right now! This is the time,” and give it to her.
Soya: Instead of a trendy brand, I’d rather give her something from a slightly obscure brand. One where she would ask, “Where is this from?” Like a bracelet… ah! No, a wristwatch is nice, too. A feminine watch so delicate you wonder if it tells time. I wonder if I’d be able to see her reaction if I give it to her right as we’re heading home.
Ryuto: The present would be a bracelet—or something similarly delicate. Something she wears when she feels likes it. Something Christmas-y, silver in color. I’d give it her at the very, very end of the date, perhaps right as we’re about to part ways.
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babywhereyougone · 5 years
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[Translation] QLAP 2018-12 HiHi Jets x (元)東京B少年: Our Noël (Part 2 - Cross Talks) (original: nsnsns_mmm@twitter)
Cross Talk: Takahashi Yuto x Hashimoto Ryo x Fujii Naoki x Sato Ryuga x Kanasashi Issei It’s been some time since the two groups, HiHi Jets and Tokyo B Shōnen, did an interview together. Takahashi: Yes! Really fun time. Hashimoto: Super loud—like an all boys high school! Fujii: Just nonstop laughter. Takahashi: About a year and a half ago, it was almost a given the two groups had work together~ Fujii: We got to hang out a lot more during our days off. Hashimoto: I remember! That time we all went to the theme park and rode roller coasters, We were all dying about Kanasashi.. Do you remember? Kanasashi: I remember it~ (lol). Hashimoto: Rough summary―right before we rode the ride, Kanasashi kept saying “I can’t! This is impossible! I can’t do this.!” Just kept on dragging his feet (lol!) Sato: Didn’t Kanasashi-kun only join Tokyo B Shōnen a month prior? Kanasashi: Yea. I hadn’t had the chance to get to know anyone yet so I was super nervous. The whole situation was honestly rough (lol). Hashimoto: But in the end, you rode it, right? Kanasashi: Yes, was surprisingly ok (lol). Fujii: Also on that day, everyone else was late but me. I had about 3-4 hours alone, and I also rode the roller coasters? Takahashi: When everyone got there, Fujii was the only one looking like he enjoyed himself (lol). Sato: The difference in mood was too much. Hashimoto: I’m really sorry about that day (lol)!
These two groups get along well—but how do you view each other? Takahashi: B Shōnen have the image of fresh, sparkling idols! Hashimoto: They shine so bright, it’s blinding! Fujii: You really think so? (lol) From our end, HiHi seem like the big bros. When we have concerts together, they’re always the ones leading us on. Kanasashi: They have more experience at this and always lead by example. Sato: It’s like we’re chasing after them. Takahashi: Such nice compliments. I’m always watching and laughing at your YouTube videos. Doesn’t it seem like it’s all game videos? Sato: Yes! I also like HiHi’s videos—from the mountain climbing to the negotiating for filming permissions—you guys put yourselves on the line a lot. Hashimoto: It’s a lot of work! Takahashi: Now that I think about it, wouldn’t it be really fun for the two groups to do a collab video together? Sato: Ooh, I want to! Takahashi: How about dodgeball? Kanasashi: Sounds like fun! Fujii: I want to play basketball. Takahashi: How about a sports ball competition? Sounds like something, one of the two youngest groups in Jr., would do―let’s do it and make a super fun collab video.
Right now, you’re in the middle of training for “JOHNNY’S King & Prince IsLAND.” What’s the training atmosphere like? Fujii: It’s like this―friendly. We mess around when there’s downtime. Takahashi: We take training pretty seriously. Hashimoto: We have areas to sharpen. Some of the contents and details are still being finalized, but as a member of HiHi, I want to show off my roller skating. Kanasashi: Might be sharing too much about me but I want to work on the rifle performance, which I’m awful at. I want to practice on my own it so I can stand on the stage with confidence.
This show will run for about two months starting in December. Are you looking forward to anything? Fujii: Ryuga’s birthday is in December, right? Takahashi: Ohh, let’s celebrate it with everyone. Let’s send out some invitations (lol). Hashimoto: Great idea. Something like “Sato Ryuga’s Birthday Celebration in Imperial Theater.” Sato: Eh!? For me? (Lol). But, everyone wishing me a happy birthday on my birthday is enough to make me happy~ Fujii: What about Christmas and New Years afterwards? Sato: Let’s have a party with everyone! Hashimoto: On the matter of catering food to the dressing room, Yuto-senpai can handle the payments……. Takahashi: Why me!? Fujii: Because you’re the Big Brother (’oniichan’). Hashimoto: Can you order enough pizza for 20 people? Sato: I want sushi! Kanasashi: Ramen for me. Hashimoto: Eh, what’s this I hear? Yuto-onii is going to give us otoshidama (new year’s money) for New Years!? Sato: I want to do mochitsuki (making mochi/mochi pounding). Takahashi: Y’all gang up on me it feels like I’m the one getting pounded into mochi!? (lol) Hashimoto: Because out of everyone in the two groups, you’re the most reliable~ You’re always impressively saving us during MC corners! Sato: He’s usually the one who inherently manages and brings everyone together. Fujii: A truly awesome oniichan♥ Hashimoto: …Hey, are you plotting something? Fujii: No way, it never crossed my mind to have him pay for food catering~ Takahashi: I am. Not. A. Wallet! (Lol)
We talked about how out of the 11 people, Takahashi-kun is the most ‘oniichan’ with his reliableness. Conversely, who is the most goofy airheaded one? Takahashi: It’s Hashimoto Ryo. The Hashimoto-kun on Youtube is in his own world! Hashimoto: I’m what’s called at ease♪ Takahashi: An airheaded reply (lol). What about you three―what are your superlatives? Fujii: Issei is “The Cleanest.” Takahashi: True true~ He even took out a disinfectant wipe to wipe the desk today (lol). Hashimoto: Can you touch bugs? Kanasashi: Bugs are ok! It’s the stuff that’s shared by everyone thatI can’t do. Takahashi: Now that you mention it, when I waved my dirty hand at him, he made a really disgusted face. Hashimoto: Anyone would be disgusted by that (lol). Fujii: Yeah (lol). Ryuuga is the opposite―he causes the most mess in the dressing room. Sato: That’s not it―it’s because the rubbish bin is always far away! That’s why I always toss it to Nasu, who is nearby, to take care of it for me (lol). Fujii: Nasu is always the halfway point between you and the rubbish bin (lol). Hashimoto: Lastly, what’s your superlative, Naa-kun (Fujii)? Fujii: (*blinking eyes*) Eh~? Would have to be the cutest♥ Takahashi: You’re already freaking 18 years old! Fujii: But I look like I’m 12. Hashimoto: No way (lol)! Sato: Kanasashi-kun, what do you think? Kanasashi: Um…… he’s the oldest member of B Shōnen. Hashimoto: Hahahaha! Not a believable age? Takahashi: That’s all you can say (lol)? Fujii: I wanted you to say “Fujii is cute”~ (cries).
Cross Talk: Inoue MIzuki x Igari Soya x Sakuma Ryuto x Nasu Yuto x Ukisho Hidaka x Iwasaki Taisho How is the training for “JOHNNYS’ King & Prince IsLAND” going? Inoue: Training for every element is progressing well. Right now, we started on lessons for the rifle performance so there are a lot of techniques we’re learning. Sakuma: This year’s rifle performance is a step up than prior years—it’s challenging. Nasu: It is challenging~ Saku-chan and Taisho were practicing it independently ne. Sakuma & Iwasaki: We are! Nasu: So commendable~ When I see you guys, I really feel like I have to do that too. Iwasaki: You do? But, it is really challenging that if you’ll be at a loss if you don’t practice it on your own! Ukisho: In other words, it’s gonna be a highlight of the show. The choreographer told us that we’ve moved up from the kids rifles. Inoue: It hasn’t been finalized yet, but I’m excited to see how the whole story will unfold. Sakuma: Yeah. Johnny-san said to change it so I’m looking forward to it. Ukisho: Speaking of looking forward, I’m also looking forward to Christmas. We have a show on that day so we should have a party in the dressing room! Sakuma: That sounds like fun! Igari: HiHi had one before. About 2-3 years ago? We bought up all the chicken wings at the convenience store and had a party in the dressing room. Inoue: Ah~ we did. Igari: We bought way too much and couldn’t finish it all so we gave it away to other Jrs. Was a strange act of handing over  chicken and wishing them, “Good luck.” Nasu: That was something (lol). As the first person to suggest the idea this year, Ukisho should be the coordinator. Ukisho: Sure thing! We’ll set off celebration crackers in HiHi’s dressing room! Igari: And leave us to clean up the mess? Ukisho: Ah, you saw through my plan~ (lol)! Sakuma: If we’re gonna do it at the venue, shouldn’t we have it in B Shōnen’s dressing room? You have one more member than us so your dressing room should be bigger. Ukisho: Nah, nah, that has no say in the matter (lol)! Nasu: Hosting it at the venue seems to be a problem (f^_^;) Mizuki: I got it! Let’s do it in the Jr. ‘mansion’ (T/N: Referring to the stage scene where all the juniors are presented on multi levels in their own ‘room’/compartment.). On the third level!! Nasu: That’s the top level (lol). Iwasaki: Since it’s Christmas, could Mizuki-kun and I do something on our own? Inoue: Where this come from all of a sudden? Iwasaki: The two of us are together♥ Igari: That’s just in your head. Iwasaki: Eh? Isn’t it mutual? Inoue: I’ve said it repeatedly, no. Isn’t it “UkiNasu” that is mutual? Nasu: No……. um……. (restless). Ukisho: All 11 of us are mutual♥ Igari: I have no idea what you mean by that (lol). Sakuma: The thing is that we haven’t done an interview together in a while, but HiHi & B Shōnen still spend time together in private. Just today, Mizuki-kun, Taisho, and I hung out together during lunch. Inoue: You guys came with me as I had something to take care of at the mobile phone shop. Iwasaki: Then, we had ice cream afterwards! Igari: We watch each other on YouTube. It was hilarious how you all ganged up on Kanasashi in the “Indian Poker” video (lol). Nasu: We get pretty into that (lol). Iwasaki: I also watched the video where HiHi is walking all over! I thought talking about the course was an added plus. Ukisho: We all motivate one another.
Since we have the two groups here today, let’s decide on the superlatives for all 11 of you guys! Let's start off with who is the most diligent, and on the flip side, who is the most sloppy? Inoue: It seems like Ukisho or Gari-san are the most diligent. Ukisho really cares for his senpai. Igari: Didn’t you send your impressions of his drama to (Hirano) Sho-kun? Ukisho: I do do that. Igari: For Gari-san, more specifically is that his preparation level is incredible. From makeup to nail clippers to bandages—he has everything with him. Sakuma: Femininity level is high. Igari: I don’t like when there’s unused space in my bag. Because then it loses its shape. Ukisho: What if you put in styrofoam? Igari: Well, we don’t need to go that far (lol). But it helps a lot of others. For instance, I lend my nail clippers to Mizuki-kun a lot. Inoue: Thank you for that (lol)! The sloppiest are (Takahashi) Yuto, Hashimocchan, Ryuga? Nasu: Ryuga gets stuff everywhere in the dressing room. He throughs trash at people (lol). Igari: Hashimocchan also clutters up the dressing room, doesn’t he. Sakuma: But, Yuto’s bag is… Igari: When we went to a movie theater together, a hairdryer fell out from his bag (lol). Sakuma: He forgot about it in there (lol). Ukisho: Nasu is like that too. Isn’t the first script of “Hadaka no Shōnen” still in your bag? Nasu: It’s there (lol). But, I managed to put it inside of a file folder. Igari: in that case, you’re a hair above Yuto (lol).
Moving on, who is the most ‘Big Brother’-like and on the other end, who is the most ‘Little Brother’-like? Igari: Yuto is the Big Brother, and the Little Brother is Kanasashi. That ends up being by age (lol). Inoue: Saku-chan has the presence of a 35 year old, but he isn’t really Big Brother-like. Sakuma: After all, I am the youngest in HiHi. Inoue: Yuto is like the Big Brother to everyone. Kanasashi doesn’t always fit the mold, but he’s still a kid. Ukisho: But, Kanasashi is always determined when he’s focused. He does a lot of independent practice. Nasu: He has Fujii-kun showing him. Speaking of which, would you say Fujii-kun is the Big Brother of B Shōnen? Iwasaki: Yeah. He’s the oldest in B Shōnen! Inoue: But to all 11 of us, Fujii is… Ukisho: That’s true, Fujii-kun is different when there are senpai around (lol). Inoue: He’s always repeating the same nonsense. Igari: Just rolls through it (lol). Taisho seems like the nephew. Can’t exactly articulate it, but Taisho is not exactly like the Little Brother-type. Iwasaki: I’ll be the Nation’s Best Nephew (lol)! Nasu: Who is the Little Brother in HiHi? Inoue & Igari & Sakuma: There is none! Iwasaki: Ehh, is this an option for Gari-san? Igari: It definitely isn’t me though!? Inoue: Ah, but didn’t you, yourself, say, “I’m the Nation’s Little Brother” on The Shōnen Club. Igari: I forgot (lol). I’m the Little Brother.
Which part makes you the Nation’s Little Brother? Igari: …rapping? Nasu: A funky little brother (lol). Igari: I’ll work hard to achieve my Little Brother-ness (lol)!
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babywhereyougone · 6 years
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[Translation] QLAP 2018-12 HiHi Jets x (元)東京B少年: Our Noël (Part 1) (original: nsnsns_mmm@twitter)
What comes to mind when you hear “Christmas”? Takahashi: Christmas songs! I don’t know the name of the song, but whenever my mom is at home, she always plays this song by a western artist when winter comes. When I hear that song, I’m delighted because it reminds me the Christmas season is here~ Inoue: I love the winter illumination! Nowadays I usually have work so I can’t make it out to them, but one winter, Taisho, Fujii, and I were going to dinner in Ebisu and we saw it on the way there. The three of us were having a merry, super swell time there for about an hour~ (lol). Fujii: When I was kid, I looked forward the advent calendars my mom bought for me each year. I break open each day at a time leading up to Christmas, and i loved getting excited about the numbers of days left and eating the chocolate that was inside each day. Ukisho: Winter illumination and Santa-san! I believed in Santa-san until my first year of junior high. I was in shock with I heard the truth from my mom~ Since then, presents have been on a request basis. But, my mom keeps suggesting study guides each year so I’m stuck (lol). Sato: The thing that feels the most Christmas is the illumination. There is a street near the Imperial Theater that has really pretty illumination each year. My mood goes up when I get to see on the way home after stage shows♪ I love Christmas! Igari: Family get-together. My family celebrates every year. My mom is an excellent cook, she makes dishes like roasted turkey and acqua pazza—it’s a really luxurious menu. I still get presents from Santa, but I still prepare gifts for everyone in the family. Hashimoto: Probably winter illumination. Before, I went as a group of five guys and everyone there were couples—it was really depressing (lol). I want to go to the Yokohama illumination event this year. I think it would be really fun if I go with Shimekake-kun together!   Nasu: Winter illumination. I can’t forget the incredible views of it when I was at an amusement park with a friend. After work, I catch the pretty Blue Caves in Shibuya on the way home. Everyone there are happy couples so it’s a little depressing (lol). Iwasaki: Meat! I look forward to the my family’s party each year. There is a huge turkey that comes out and we eat until we’re stuffed. For presents… I wish for a driver’s license every year. I’m beginning driving school, but it wouldn’t hurt to have some magical assistance (lol). Kanasashi: Nothing really (lol). I had cake with my dad before, but since it was just the two of us, it didn’t feel like a party. Santa also doesn’t come to our house. Since I was little, each year, I would request what I want as a present from my dad and he would get it for me. Sakuma: Christmas tree. Our family has a small Christmas tree and come December, we go buy ornaments to decorate it. It’s our family tradition to have different ornaments each year. I don’t know if I’ll be able to go shopping for them with everyone this year, but I want to be part of the decorating.
What is the most memorable present? Takahashi Yuto: When I was in the fourth grade, I asked Santa for three things, which I ranked from 1-3. The #1 present I asked for was one billion yen so I was quite interested in how that’d go, but what I got was #3, which was a video game. In #2, I asked for a pro baseball player’s autograph and a year’s supply of coke so #3 was the most shockingly realistic request (lol). Sato Ryuga: I treasure the parka Travis Japan’s Nakamura Kaito-kun gave me last winter. Kaito-kun asked me if I had one ,and I told him I would like one. It’s unlike me to ask for things but I’m glad he heard me (lol). Hashimoto Ryo: Last birthday, I went out to dinner with Travis Japan’s Shimekake (Ryuya)-kun and (Yoshizawa) Shizuya-kun, and suddenly the lights went out, and the two of them surprised me with a birthday cake! I was so happy. For this year’s birthday, I already plan to go to my obaachan’s house and eat fried shrimp! Nasu Yuto: There is a clothing brand, that donates some of its earnings, that Sakurai (Sho)-kun wears often. I also started buying from that brand a bit. When I wore it on television, at a later date, Sakura-kun gifted me with five of the brand’s new products—I was so overwhelmed! My respect for him grew even more. Igari Soya: It’s the wristwatch that doesn’t break even when dropped that my pops gave me for my birthday this year. We talked about how watches break immediately once it’s drops, and it appears he remembered that conversation. Before i opened the box, pops said, “It moves, before careful,” and my heart was beating thinking whatever inside was alive!? (lol). Iwasaki Taisho: About 3-4 years ago, Hirano (Sho)-kun came up behind me and suddenly started choking me!? …or so I thought as I screamed out, “Waaah!” When I looked down at my neck, I was surprised to see a necklace there. I'm the guy who always said to give me your hand-me-downs so I was so delighted, I still wear it lots♪ Inoue Mizuki: Probably my birthday this year… About two weeks ago, my school friend suddenly asked me, “What cake flavor do you like?” That’s the first time something like that happened to me so those words alone made me really happy! If we really do celebrate it, I’ll probably cry.   Ukisho Hidaka: The wallet my mom gave me on September 13. That day is actually mom’s birthday, but it was a lucky day and it turned out I got a present instead. I got her hand cream and nine roses. I chose roses because in flower language, roses mean “Please stay like this together forever.” Fujii Naoki: A body pillow of my favorite character that I got from Mizuki-kun and Gari-san for my birthday two years ago. I was surprised at how big it was that you could hug it with your entire body, and I love how feels—it’s sooo soft and smooth when I touch itI It made me really happy two of them knew what I wanted♪ Sakuma Ryuto: For my birthday last year, my good friend from kindergarten texted me right at midnight. I was delighted but we hadn’t contacted before so it was surprising and memorable to receive that text. For my birthday this year, I get tricked my the group members! (lol). Kanasashi Issei: The present I received from Jinguji (Yuta)-kun last year or my birthday. I didn’t think I would get anything so I was really touched. Jinguji-kun’s birthday is in a few days so I plan give him clothes. My dad and I already picked something out together, but I’m still thinking of adding to it.
What is the present you struggled with the most? Takahashi Yuto: I just went to Hawaii for work, and I couldn’t decide what to get my dad for his birthday present/souvenir. In the end, I decided on a Hawaiian brand wallet, recommended to me by the local coordinator. It’s a design you don’t see in Japan so my dad was really happy! Sato Ryuga: This year’s birthday present to Nasu. I was struggling over it, and then the actual day came. I quickly ran and bought a hairdryer and beauty goods right before a show (lol). What should I get him next year~ I want to get him something he wants so I should pay attention to our conversations. Hashimoto Ryo: Last year, my big sis told me she wanted sunglasses for her birthday, and I was so stuck. I have no idea what looks good for ladies things like sunglasses! In the end, I went to the store and asked the store associate there which pair was the trendiest and picked that one for her (lol). Nasu Yuto: For my good friend, I’m struggling with what to get him that would bring a smile to his face. In my second year of junior high, I also had a hard time with a birthday present for my friend. In the end, I bought a portable mobile phone charger with a bear print. At the time, portable characters were still new so he seemed pretty happy with how useful it is. Igari Soya: Last Christmas, I had work so I couldn’t see my little brother so I thought about getting him a lot of presents to make up for it. On Christmas Eve, I gave him remote-controlled car; on Christmas Day, I gave him a remote-controlled dinosaur, clothes, and a wallet—in total, four items. And of course, I’ve run out of Christmas ideas. Iwasaki Taisho: I never struggle. That’s because I go and buy what they want from regular conversations. If for some reason I have no hints to work with, I’ll probably turn my time into a present by having a dinner get-together. We’ll also have decorations and surprises to make the space a more fun atmosphere. Inoue Mizuki: I don’t think I struggle too much. Especially when it’s my group members, I know their hobbies so when I see something when I go shopping, I immediately decide on something when I see it! I’m the type of person who tries to send a happy birthday text as best I can at midnight. By the way, the most recent present I gave to someone was Johnny-san for his birthday. It was a large amount of dry shredded squid for business purposes (lol). Ukisho Hidaka: Exactly right now, I’m having trouble deciding on Hashimoto-kun and Mizuki-kun’s birthday present. I bought two clothing items, but I haven’t decided which one to give and to who. I think either item would look good on either of them. I’ll keep thinking about it until Hashimoto-kun’s birthday, which comes first, and decide which one to give to who on the day! Fujii Naoki: Issei looks like a person who has everything so I really struggle on getting him something for his birthday. For his last birthday, I ended up getting him a star charm bracelet. It was simple and a bit mature. But, now I’m not sure what to get for his upcoming birthday (lol). Sakuma Ryuto: I’m struggling with it now. Hashimocchan and Mizuki-kun’s birthdays are coming up, so I’m thinking how to celebrate it. I haven’t prepared any presents yet, so I’m trying to recall our conversations and go get something that would make them happy. I don’t want to send them a happy birthday text, I want to say it to them in person! Kanasashi Issei: I always have a hard time with the members’ birthdays~ For Fujii-kun’s birthday, I got him a green knit top, green pants, and a green hat. Fujii-kun likes green—he also wears green during rehearsals. I’m like this as well—everyone in B Shōnen unconsciously channels their member color on the regular (lol).
Takahashi Yuto’s Message to Ryuga: To me, Ryuga is an adorable kōhai… you’re my body pillow (lol). Hugging you is calming. You’re so tall yet so puffy and squishy—there’s not that many people like that. Keep that flexible body and innocence forever (lol)! Sato Ryuga’s Message to Yuto-kun: You brought it back recently, but you haven’t come over and hugged me since last winter—I was a little sad about it (lol). “Ah, he’s not coming over…” Yuto-kun always has this reliable leader-like presence. I really respect that firm quality of yours! Hashimoto Ryo’s Message to Nasu: Now that you’re in your second year of high school, your face and your mindset has matured a bit. I think it’s amazing how you earnestly think about the concert setup. Lately, my mind is on checking out Toyosu Market (T/N: New market in Tokyo that replaced Tsukiji Fish Market in October 2018)—let’s go together, eat fish, and you can properly tell me your secrets (lol)! Nasu Yuto's Message to Hashimoto-kun: Hashimoto-kun is my senpai, but you’re always smiling and easy to talk with. And a bit back, I was surprised when we happened to find out we wear exactly the same underpants. I like them but it’s a rare brand that not a lot of people wear so it feels like I’ve gotten closer to you (lol). Igari Soya’s Message to Taisho: In the dressing room, Taisho is pretty much pantsless. Even when you’re wearing a t-shirt, your lower half will surely just be your boxers. I wonder where your pants have gone, and I dislike getting more and more used to it. Since you’re so pale and have define muscles, your bare self looks like a sculpture. Stop showing off your beautiful muscles (lol)! Iwasaki Taisho’s Message to Gari-san: Gari-san likes me too much. You’re always saying, “I like you,”……. is this a comedy skit (lol)? I love Gari-san’s funny, sharp wit. Let’s go that ramen shop the two of us were thinking about next time! Inoue Mizuki’s Message to Ukisho: You don’t really have two sides—normally, you’re still like an “idol.” You’re really good when I watch you perform so I want us to sing a duet together. The song is Yokoyama Yu-kun and Ohkura Tadayoshi-kun’s “Adam and Eve.” When I heard it, it was Ukisho who came into my mind when I thought about who I’d sing it with. Ukisho Hidaka’s Message to Mizuki-kun: Thank you for taking me out to eat and for all the troubles. Let’s definitely go to that trampoline park we texted about! Mizuki-kun has been hitting the ab workout machine lately—it’s starting to show. I’ve secretly noticed (lol).   Sakuma Ryuto’s Message to Fujii-kun: There’s too much I want to say, but first off, can we hold back on the jokes? (Lol) But, I don’t want you to change your always active and energetic self. It’s something I’m lacking so it’s something I want to emulate. Fujii Naoki’s Message to Saku-chan: Saku-chan is a kindred male sweets lover—a friend I frequently go out with to eat pancakes. Also, we use the same computer brand, you’re always helping me out as someone to consult with on computer software. In the future, I want the two of us to try computer graphic design and video making together.   Sakuma Ryuto’s Message to Kanasashi: You’re taking the high school exams next year—and lately, you’ve gotten more mature, or rather, you’re less of a bratty kid (lol). In rehearsals, you’re not cutting corners, and you’re focused. You’re really working hard. I respect that from someone younger! Kanasashi Issei’s Message to Sakuma-kun: It’s hard to believe you’re only a year older—you’re mature and can do anything—from acrobats to roller skating. I really respect you. I want us to go out to eat together, but being younger, I can’t invite you so please invite me! I want to have yakiniku together♥
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babywhereyougone · 6 years
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[Translation] MYOJO 2018-05 Everything Is New & Exciting! (original scan: yoshiko-mama@LJ)
The members share what they do before the start of the new school year. Plus, the the four members (Mizuki, Ryo, Soya, Yuto) all have messages to share to Sakuma, the newly added member. Likewise, Sakuma shares his message to the other members. 
Ryuto: Even when the school year changes, my preference is to not renew anything else around me. I’ll still use the same notebook I used the year before. If I change everything, I feel like it would throw off my rhythm and I don’t want that. Although I’m now a high school student, I have no intention on making any big changes… but there are no more school lunches. I have to buy a lunch box now. I’m sad I’ll no longer get to eat my favorite baked breads, but I’m excited for the endless options now. I’ll make lunch sometimes and keep it in an insulated lunch box.
Yuto: I use two types of mechanical pencils depending on the subject. For subjects like Japanese where you write a lot of words, I prefer the thinner 0.2mm, and for subjects like math where you’re feverishly solving equations, I prefer the grip and thickness of the 0.5mm. I recommend switching it up for each subject. I’ll probably keep doing it even in university. But on the other hand, I want to change up my fashion. I don’t want to be lame in university (lol). I want to learn and study up on how to wear solid colored pieces because it seems like you can’t go wrong with them!
Mizuki: I was really into “Kurosaki-kun no iinari ni nante naranai” (T/N: Lit. ‘I’m not just going to do what Kurosaki-kun says”), I would change the color of my sweater every term. Like I would wear the deep navy when I’m feeling the dark side of Kurosaki-kun and wear the beige for the princely Shirakawa Takumi. By the way, I plan to wear on beige for the spring of my third (final) year of high school♪ I change up my notebooks after the tests so I will go get new ones. In my head, each school subject has a member color to it, Japanese & English is red, Math is blue, Science is green, and Japanese & World history is yellow!
Soya: I’m a high schooler now so this feels like a fresh start so I went and got new things. Right when I thought about getting a new phone, it fell into water. I didn’t expect this to happen, but I got to change my mobile so the result was all right in the end (lol). And another thing I want to get is a keychain for my schoolbag. The school-issued bag is the same for everyone so I want to put my marker on it so it can be easily recognized. I haven’t bought it yet, but right now, a Disneyland character is my top pick!
Ryo: On the day before the start of the new school year, I take my dog Tiara on a walk and chill out by the embankment. I reflect on the prior year and mentally prepare for tomorrow’s new year. I also want to change my hairstyle. Last year, I cut my hair short for the new school year. I’m in my third year of high school year so I want to have mature, curly, wavy style. The one thing that that doesn’t change are the people I spend time with during school. Especially for nap times during lunch (lol). The guy who disrupts my beauty nap is Mizuki! A simple “wazzup” has a high rate of getting me up (lol).
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Yuto to Ryuto: Saku-chan, you have qualities that the four of us are lacking, and not to mention, you’re good at making videos. I would like for us to make use of it in a concert one day. Now that we are 5 members, my desire for us to become a group where anyone of us can stand in the center is strengthened. The formations we can do now are endless, and also the fans will be happy! by the way, for member colors, Saku-chan is more of a purple so you’re purple now, and I, who wants to be bright and cheerful, am now pink (lol).
Ryo to Ryuto: Saku-chan, you were always in the roller skating section with us, so since the five of us go back a while, it’s not that weird at all ne! Of course, your dancing and roller skating skills are top notch, but Saku-chan is also good looking so joining us is a perfect fit! The dressing room has gotten even more fun~♪ Saku-chan actually talks quite a bit and is funny. I see you getting pulled into thing Miyuki and Igari so I’m really looking forward to our concert performances, of course, but also the MC section between the five of us!
Soya to Ryuto: Saku-chan is a really hardworker. You started roller skating 3 or 4 years after I did, but you’re already improving more than I am. I’m sure you practice hard on your own when no one else is watching. Is it that no one sees or or that you doesn’t want other to see… I like that about you. We have a new member added to the group, but I want it to be as if we had five people from the start. Please use all the skills have gained so far and apply them to HiHi Jet!!
Mizuki to Ryuto: Saku-chan, you’re really skillful and you can also do acrobatics—you can do anything. I’m so glad the we’re now five people because of the endless formations we can now do However, there is one thing I would like to say, and it’s that to please become a normal person as soon as possible (lol). We go way back, but everything about you is an enigma. Only 2 out of 10 can understand the person called Sakuma Ryuto. I’m terrified—it feels like you’re ready to drop a bomb during the MC portion of a concert… but, when that happens, I’m leave it up to Yuto to handle♪
Ryuto to Everyone: Since I was part of the roller skating section, I know everyone and we’re friends, but there are somethings I’m still not used to yet in regards to being a member of the group. But since now I’m a member, my goal now is to ensure HiHi comes off as a 5 member group. To do that, I can’t think solely on my individualism. Before this, I’ve never really considered how to look cool, but now I want to be more cognizant of it. I have to constantly be thinking constructively about my positives. I want to successfully overcome the obstacles the five of us must overcome.
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babywhereyougone · 6 years
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[Translation] Myojo 2018-11 Autumn Fashion (original scan: yoshiko-mama@LJ)
Understanding Their Fashion Situation | Autumn Styling BATTLE!!
Sakuma Ryuto’s Fashion Situation [Closet By Color] 45% Black, 45% White, 10% Other. “I don’t have a lot brightly colored items. The most colorful one I have is a blue green top, but it’s dark toned.” [Regular Shopping Buddy] Inoue Mizuki. “When it’s the two of us, we end up checking out a lot of places. We go to the stores Mizuki-kun wants to go.” [Senpai Who Recently Gifted You Something] Watanabe Shota. “I’ve only received something from Shota-kun. I still remember it, it’s a t-shirt with an image of sunglasses hanging off of it.” [Ideal Couples’ Match With Your Girlfriend] Matching colors. “Rather than have matching items, I think having matching colors is better. If hat’s the case, matching from head to toe is OK too!”
Hashimoto Ryo’s Fashion Situation [Closet By Color] 60% Black, 30% White, 10% Other. “I have one pale pink top.” [Regular Shopping Buddy] Matsuo Tatsuru, Kanno Taiki. “These two invite me to come along. If it were just me, I have no desire to go shopping.” [Senpai Who Recently Gifted You Something] Shimekake Ryuya. “I have a lot of them, but Shime-chan recently gave me a black tote bag. I told him I wanted it, and he gave me it to me right there♪ I’m using it today, too!” [Ideal Couples’ Match With Your Girlfriend] Parka. “But, there aren’t any that aren’t just a plain black or white, huh.”
Inoue Mizuki’s Fashion Situation [Closet By Color] 60% Black, 30% White, 10% Other. “The ‘Other’ is grey (lol). The brightest thing I own is one (1) yellow piece.” [Regular Shopping Buddy] Iwasaki Taisho. “We both work fast. Whenever we want to go shopping, we’re the friends who ask each other.” [Senpai Who Recently Gifted You Something] Morita Myuto. “I bugged him about it for two years, and I got a racing jacket and a bag! I’m so grateful, I have received a lot from many others.” [Ideal Couples’ Match With Your Girlfriend] Wristwatches. “I think it’s too much to go out and be in an Obvious Couples Outfit so I’d rather go with the casual accessory (lol).”
Takahashi Yuto’s Fashion Situation [Closet By Color] 30% Black, 50% White, 10% Other. “100% Patterned (lol). I don’t own a single solid item. When I wear something plain or solid, it’s borrowed from my little brother.” [Regular Shopping Buddy] Suetake Yukihiro. “I’ve been going shopping on my own recently, but I do go with Suetake a lot. The shop I’ve been frequenting lately is the shop Suetake took me to before. [Senpai Who Recently Gifted You Something] Yasui Kentaro, Jesse. “It wasn’t recent, but Ken-chan has gifted me things, but I remember the bracelet the most. I was bugging him about it as a symbol of how close we got through doing Rajira together… and he gave it to me! Jesse-kun gave me a t-shirt when we did the Shonentachi stage show together.” [Ideal Couples’ Match With Your Girlfriend] With accessories. “How about a ring? Of course, it would be a present from me♥”
Igari Soya’s Fashion Situation [Closet By Color] >50% Black, 30% White, 10% Blue, 5% Red, 5% Other. [Regular Shopping Buddy] Sakuma Ryuto, Matsui Minato, Inoue Mizuki. “I’m usually alone, but since I hang out with Saku-chan and Matsui a lot, we end up going shopping, too. With Mizuki-kun, we’re often synced up on when we want to go.” [Senpai Who Recently Gifted You Something] Hirano Sho. “I got a black fur coat. It’s really warm and stylish—I wear it regularly! (Iwahashi) Genki-kun, Shimekake (Ryuya)-kun, Jesse-kun… I can’t list them all, there are so many generous senpai!” [Ideal Couples’ Match With Your Girlfriend] T-shirt. “But, only when wearing an outwear piece. Looks best if the matching t-shirt just peeks out.”
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M I Z U K I > In a photoshoot for MYOJO last year, there were these glen plaid underpants, and I saw them again at another location afterwards. I thought they were fated so I decided to buy them from the stylist (lol). Last year, I was really into wearing shorts and vests for a school uniform-ish look. This autumn, I want to try challenge myself with coordinating with monotone tops.  > I’m the type of person who immediately decides to buy something the moment I see it—with the price being the only thing potentially holding me back. The other day, I was strolling through Takeshita Street in Harajuku with Sakuma and Hashimocchan. I bought a Coach jacket from a store we passed by. It’s black, and I like the design with the word “STREET” written in white all over the sleeve. It was cheap so the decision was easy! Now if I can find aa white chesterfield coat I’ve been looking for since last year, then it’ll be perfect.
S O Y A > It’s part of my routine to pick out the outfit I’ll wear that day the moment I wake up. But, since I’m indecisive af, I’d have second thoughts while I”m eating breakfast and change my outfit completely. I’d leave the house, change my mind again, and turn back around. Because of all the changes, my parents ask tell me to decide the moment I wake up, but they don’t get it. Picking out my outfits is fun, even the indecisive part♪ > Last autumn, I bought a knit sweater that looked similar to a happi. Since it wasn’t an item available in Japan, I ordered it based on the model’s pictures they had online, but when it came, it was way too big on me (lol). It looked so good online… When I got it last year, autumn was over, and it was too thin of an item to wear in the winter. I had to wear a knitted turtleneck underneath. I’ll wear it at the start of autumn this year—the lead role this time!
R Y U T O > I love wearing t-shirts with funny illustrations like the one I’m wearing today. Even in my personal wardrobe, I have many similar shirts. My favorite is an illustration of a tonkatsu set meal. It’s so cute, the tonkatsu was drawn with a face. It was love at first sight the moment I saw it! Unfortunately, I currently don’t have the courage to wear that t-shirt when I’m out. But, after today, I might be able to do it if I pair it with a long coat like this (lol). > I have a problem with styling myself the same way! Or rather, it’s frustrating that I can only style myself one way… black skinny jeans with a t-shirt… is my go-to. I also came here today like that. I have four pairs of black skinny jeans. Not to mention, they’re all the same brand and style. I’ve also gotten interested in ripped jeans… but when I start thinking the level of ripped looks good, I have no clue (lol).
Y U T O > For a show project, I saw Sakurai (Sho)-kun wear this super flashy outfit and i wanted to try and replicate that outfit! For me, I think it’s a pretty good replication. I’m wearing it, but that necklace is super heavy! And of course the fanny pack. It’s looks shiny, but it’s actually a clear material and you can see inside it. It looks to be in style, but I have no idea what to put in it. And most importantly, the hat. First time I wore a taller one, I kept hitting everything (lol). The white top I’m wearing underneath is close to my personal style … is what I would like to say, but I I have no confidence in wearing solids. I like patterns so I would buy the leopard print shirt (lol). > Lately, I’ve been understanding fashion less and less. I feel like I should be able to wear whatever. To be honest, I want to wear the sweats I wear during lessons out in the streets~ Is that bad!?
R Y O > I’m awful at the layered look. On cold days, I can’t stand just the layers; only warm days, I can’t take it off right away… so that’s why, I only wear a jacket. It’s not something I would pick out myself, but I like this look so I wanted to try it. My wardrobe is all black and white so this navy is a fresh look♪ > Most of my shopping has been done online as of late. It’s not that I don’t have time to go shopping, it’s just simply easier. But, I had a big fail when I bought these harem pants that looked really cool on the Internet… They were just different from what I had in mind. In the end, I haven’t worn them once… But, I really like the sweats I bought recently! It’s a set with a top and bottom in light blue that stands out from everyone else♪ I wear them lots during stage show lessons. 
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babywhereyougone · 6 years
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[Translation] The Television 2019-01 (Part 3 - Crosstalk) (original image: nsnsns_mmm@twitter)
In January, HiHi Jets started off the year with “JOHNNYS’ Happy New Years IsLAND.” Further, they incredible amounts of experience through the numerous stages they stood on this year—from the first independent performance at Theater Creation in the spring, to their first independent concert at EX Theater Roppongi in the summer, to being a part of the main cast alongside Kis-My-Ft2 in the stage show “DREAM BOYS” in the autumn. All that culminates to the opening of the stage show “JOHNNYS’ King & Prince IsLAND” on 12/6 (Thursday) at the Imperial Theater
Takahashi: We’re so grateful for the incredible amount of opportunities we had this year―from the independent performance, to the independent concert, to being a main cast. Sakuma: Yeah. When I look back on it now, everything went by so fast, but it was so rich in experience. Takahashi: Exactly. The fact that we were all able to successfully take on each chance we were given adds to our own strength and confidence. Were we each able to grow from this? Igari: Yeah. I think we can honestly say we grew. Or rather, it would have been yikes if we didn’t (laughs). Hashimoto: For sure, it has been such a huge experience. Takahashi: We’ll have to apply all our experience towards “IsLAND.” We can’t just rely solely on our senpais―it’s important for us to always remember to forge ahead ourselves when we’re on that stage as well.
The theme of this photoshoot is “Wild Sexy”—what comes to your mind you hear that?
Igari: If it’s our senpai, then KAT-TUN-san, OTOKOGUMI-san, Higashiyama Noriyuki-san. Hashimoto: And also Kimura Takuya-san. Takahashi: For sure, all of them are Wild Sexy. Sakuma: And also Sugi-chan! (T/N: A comedian whose catchphrase to describe his antics is “wild.”) Hashimoto: “Wild darou~? (*Sugi-chan impression*)” (T/N: “Isn’t this wild?”) Inoue: That’s not our senpai! Igari: And we’re off the rails from Sexy (laughs).  Takahashi: If we’re talking Wild, then Saku-chan during “CHANGE UR WORLD” can’t be beat. It's glaring. Igari: For sure, especially when he was singing during “The Shounen Club”―I’ve never seen it that bright before.  Sakuma: Hehehe (laughs). Hashimoto: Gari-san’s brightness can’t be beaten either. Igari: Maa, materially speaking, I’m the brightest one of all (*flashes accessories*) Inoue: How many rings are you wearing today? Igari: 5. Sakuma: Shining brightly today~ (laughs) Takahashi: Materially speaking, yes, but your performances as well. Especially on the first day. Igari: There’s a special feeling that comes with the first and last shows. Takahashi: Shines the brightest. Igari: Not good for the other days then. Inoue: Then, we should always be shining (laughs). Igari: Mizuki-kun is more Sexy than wild. Inoue: You’re saying I don’t shine. Igari: That’s not it! (laughs) Takahashi: Sexy best describe your performances. Igari: Yes, yes. Hashimocchan is also Sexy, though it’s a different Sexy from Mizuki-kun’s. Takahashi: Flirty! Sakuma: Yes! He’s the flirty kind. Hashimoto: Ahaha. It balances us out. Sakuma: And then we have Yuto… Igari: His dancing goes way too hard when it’s a wild song that he bursts (laughs). Takahashi: Hey! Igari: You’re cool when you’re singing, but when you just focus on dancing, that’s a zero on both Wild and Sexy. Takahashi: Maa, that’s not something I can refute. Sakuma: You can’t! (laughs) Takahashi: I give it my all though!
You discussed it individually, but as a group, how would you score HiHi Jets in terms of “Wild Sexy”?
Inoue: Really low. Takahashi: We still can’t describe ourselves as “Wild Sexy”~ Igari: Because we’re still Fresh. Takahashi: But, we can’t keep pushing the Fresh card forever thoughヾ(´Д`) Hashimoto: About Fresh though. It’s more like a Fresh in a sense that there hasn’t been a group like this. Sakuma: Yes. We’re Fresh, like an olive oil kind of fresh. Inoue: We’re pushing the Fresh angle? Takahashi: No, we’re not! Inoue: Then, let’s discuss it seriously… Takahashi: Do it from the start! Inoue: (Laughs.) There isn’t really an adjective that best describes us. Igari: Yeah, exactly. I don’t want us to be typecasted into Wild or Sexy or Fresh. Inoue: You used Fresh( ̄。 ̄ ) Igari: (Laughs.) But, seriously, I don’t want us to easily fit into an adjective. There shouldn’t be any word to describe us other than HiHi Jets. That’s the kind of group I want us to become. That’s because at our core, we’re “Emo.” Sakuma: Emo? Igari: We’re an Emoi (emotional) group. (T/N: Lol, it comes across weird in English. Commonly used by young people—something that’s moving, impressive, etc.; evokes strong feelings.) Hashimoto: Emoi Hihi Jets (‘emoi hai hai jetsu’), then we’re the Emotes (‘emottsu’)! How about we change our group name to Emotes? Sakuma: Cool! (laughs) Emotes! Takahashi: Hard no! Apologize right now to Johnny-san who gave us our name! Everyone: (Cracks up.)
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babywhereyougone · 6 years
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[Translation] The Television 2019-01 - Wild Sexy (Part 2 - 20 Questions) (original scans: nsnsns_mmm@twitter)
1. When’s your birthday? Ryo: October 30, 2000 Mizuki: October 31, 2000 Yuto: November 15, 1999 Soya: September 20, 2002 Ryuto: September 30, 2002
2. Where’s your hometown? Ryo: Kangawa Prefecture Mizuki: Kanagawa Prefecture Yuto: Kanagawa Prefecture Soya: Tokyo Ryuto: Kanagawa Prefecture
3. What’s your blood type? Ryo: O Mizuki: AB Yuto: A Soya: A Ryuto: O 4.What’s your hobby/special skill? Ryo: My hobby is billiards. I have been playing it for about a year and have gotten pretty good. My special skill is talking with people I’ve never met before. Zero shyness. Mizuki: My hobby is shopping. My special skill is eliminating my presence. No matter the circumstance, I can disappear with ease and have people wondering where I went (laughs). Yuto: Baseball. I played it from second grade to my first year of high school. I also love watching it. Soya: To debate and talk about the world news and topics. Ryuto: Playing the ukulele is a recent hobby. I bought it when I was abroad, and I got really into it after I played it as a break from the test studying period. My special skills is turning things I hate into things I like. Such an example is acrobatics! 5. On average, how many hours of sleep do you get a night? Ryo: 6 hours. I sleep at midnight and wake up at 6 in the morning. Mizuki: About 7 hours. Today was 6 hours. Yuto: 8 hours. Today was about 8 hours, but the ideal is 24 hours. I can sleep all day! Soya: 6 hours. I got 11 hours today so I’m super content. Ryuto: 7.5 hours. It was about 6 hours today. 6. What’s your favorite thing to eat lately? Ryo: Beef tongue. I buy a block of beef tongue, cook it in sesame oil, and mix it with some spring onions. Eating it like that is the best. Mizuki: The smell of truffle. (Iwahashi) Genki went to this place and had truffle french fries that were super good and now obsessed with, but I haven’t had the chance to try yet (laughs). Yuto: Convenience store oden. I must have daikon and sometimes I’ll also buy egg and kon’nyaku, too. Soya: Cream croquette. Crispy on the outside and soft, melty center inside. Ryuto: Convenience store kalbi bento. 7. What did you eat today? Ryo: For breakfast, I had yesterday’s leftover yakiniku. For lunch, I had curry. Mizuki: Bacon cheeseburger. Yuto: Kimchi. I wasn’t feeling too well this morning, but I felt better after eating kimchi. Soya: For breakfast ad lunch, I had beef tongue rice my mother made. Ryuto: For breakfast I had cereal. I was studying for tests during lunch so I didn’t get a chance to eat… When I’m immersed in something, my appetite takes a break. 8. How many texts do you send in a day? Ryo: About 50. I have about 10 people I talk with regularly. I call in my downtime, so I don’t text much. Mizuki: Almost zero. I immediately reply when I get something, but I rarely send anything myself. Yuto: About 50. Soya: I don’t answer my phone when I’m busy so zero. I usually only text my family, the group members, senpais, and some other people, so maybe about 4 a day. Ryuto: About 3. I call more than text. 9. Who in Johnny’s did you message most recently? Ryo: Shime-chan (Shimekake Ryuya) texted me, “Why didn’t you come to the stage show,?” and I replied, “Because of work and tests.” I want to go if I could~ Mizuki: Nishimura Takuya of Kansai Johnny’s Jr. When I have time, I’d ask him how he is and he sends back a nice reply. Yuto: 7MEN Samurai’s Sasaki Taiko and I entered the company at the same time, so he’s always being cheeky with me. For instance, he saw the TV show I appeared on recently, “Everyone looked amazing …except for Yuto” (laughs). Soya: Tanaka Juri-kun. He gave me advice on the rap I did for “The Shounen Club.” Ryuto: (Sasaki) Taiko. He wants to get something simple across but can’t find the right words for it so the text comes off as angry (laughs). 10. What’s your favorite emoji? Ryo: Cute, funny faces emojis. Mizuki: LINE stamp of the white, round character with his thumbs up. Yuto: Stamps of my favorite anime character. I use the “OK” and “Thank You” ones a lot. Soya: Surreal character stamp of a slim kid. The one where he’s bowing going, “G’mornnnnn!!” is convenient so I use it a lot. Ryuto: Grinning and laughing white bear. I like the relaxed, half-baked ones. 11. What’s on your homescreen? Ryo: A picture taken at Disneyland of JUNIOR 5, including Saku-chan. Mizuki: It’s completely white. I can see the icons easier this way. Yuto: A picture of Mount Fuji I took outside of the hotel window on a family trip. Soya: It’s a photo of a single red rose I purchased. The photo quality on my phone is really good so the red is so vivid and beautiful. Ryuto: The view of the ocean at sunset. Around the summer, it was of Yuto’s expression upon taking a photo with Matsumoto Jun-kun in the dressing room. 12. What’s the most recent photo you took? Ryo: Of my own hair. Just dyed it black. Mizuki: Choreo video. Yuto: A picture of Matsumoto Jun-kun during his concert. The pose he was during while wearing pink gloves was really cool so I took a picture of it without thinking about it when I saw it in a magazine or something. Soya: A picture with friends taken in front of the emergency stairwell on the day of the school culture festival. But we took it with the light the wrong direction so it was a big fail (laughs). Ryuto: Taiko holding a ukulele. 13. What sort of pictures do you have the most in your camera roll? Ryo: Pictures with friends. When we go out, we ask people nearby to take photos for us. Mizuki: I don’t really take photos, they’re pretty much all choreography videos. Yuto: Photos of the members’ selfies when they steal my phone. I dunno what kind of faces Hashimoto-kun makes, Saku-chan’s photos are of eyes wide open, etc. (laughs). Soya: Family. My older sister loves photos so there’s a lot of everyone. I’m like cut off to the side. Ryuto: Of the members. I turn my camera towards the members in between rehearsals. I have a lot of good faces from Yuto. 14. What do you always have in your bag? Ryo: Breath mints. Mizuki: Mask and tissues. And a train character chewing gum. I loved that gum since I was kid so I always have it. Yuto: Perfume. I’m into scents, and I’ve been into jasmine lately. Soya: Hand wipes. I use it when there isn’t any hand soap when I’m out. Ryuto: A ballpoint ben. It’s the kind with both black and red ink together and it fits into my wallet. 15. What’s your most recent purchase? Ryo: Hawaiian jewelry. I bought something that has “strength” associated with it. Mizuki: A red smartphone case. (Takahashi) Kaito gave me a case that has a built-in battery that I’ve been using, but the color faded… so I went and bought the same color and style! Yuto: Hawaiian ring. Soya: Five rings from Hawaii. My fingers look pretty when I put them on. Ryuto: Mobile battery. 16. What do you want the most right now? Ryo: Motorcycle. I want to ride one during a concert! I have to get a license first, though. Mizuki: I want to try living on my own so I want a one bedroom apartment (laughs). Yuto: White sneakers or boots. I surprisingly like white, even the wristwatch I’m wearing now is white. Soya: A super amazing massage chair for when I’m tense. I never experienced it before, but I want to experience the first class cabin of an airplane. Ryuto: Macro lens for an SLR camera. 17. What type of girls do you like? Ryo: A girl who looks good with short, brown hair. Mizuki: A girl who supports and doesn’t reject my opinions. Yuto: Someone who isn’t clingy, a girl who is a bit of a tomboy. Soya: A bit of a dreamer who says funny, innocent things at times. Ryuto: Someone who talks for me. I don’t hate conversation, but I’m bad at bringing up topics… 18. If you were a girl, which member do you want to go out with? Ryo: None! I know too much about them all so it would be bad (laughs). If it’s any other group, then (Yoshizawa) Shizuya-kun. He’s so nice. Mizuki: Sakuma! Since he wouldn’t be disagreeable with me (laughs). Yuto: None (laughs). But, if Saku-chan was my boyfriend, it would be pleasantly fun. Soya: Hard pass on all (laughs). But if I had to choose someone, the person that fits the answer to the last question the most would be Sakuma. Ryuto: I guess Mizuki-kun. If I were his girlfriend, I’d probably fuss a bit over if he’s sleepy. 19. When do you feel the most happy? Ryo: When I’m talking with my friends at school about how we’re graduating soon. It’s a bit sad though—that only have a little bit of time left together with my classmates. Mizuki: When I hit the snooze button. And, when I eat yummy foods! Yuto: That feeling when I realize that so many different people love me now than ever before. Soya: Shampoo (hair wash) at the beauty salon. Ryuto: When I can relate to a book I’m reading. 20. What’s one thing you want to say to yourself about this past year? Ryo: You’ve grown up a lot! You now like black costumes more than the sparkly ones, you now have an interest in cars and motorcycles, your tone suddenly changed. Mizuki: Blossom. It’s your final year of high school, and it feels like it was spent brilliantly blossoming. Yuto: It was an incredible, spectacular year! Soya: You worked hard! Deserving of praise! Ryuto: You worked hard! You gave everything you had in all the work opportunities given this year.
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babywhereyougone · 6 years
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babywhereyougone · 6 years
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[Translation] The Television 2019-01 - Wild Sexy (Part 1--Rankings) (original scans: nsnsns_mmm@twitter)
Mizuki: Hashimocchan (Hashimoto) [95 points] is a wild one—with his hair slicked back and wearing tank tops during rehearsals. He’ll definitely get full marks when he gets older. Gari-san (Igari) [70 points] is more sexy than he is wild. He’s one of the youngest in the group so he still has some childish cuteness to him. Saku-chan (Sakuma) [50 points] can be anything. Someone who can take on any shape. I also gave myself 50 points—I aspire to be someone who can take on any form. I gave Yuto the lowest score [5 points]—I think not having a wild side is his appeal.
Ryo: For now, I’m doing my best to be the sexy one so I put myself first. But, I’m still a kid so I only gave myself 50 points. One day I want to sing a sexy song with slicked back hair. Gari-san [40 points] is sexy, though, perhaps more wild. I want him to never lose that uniqueness. Saku-chan [30 points] has a do-as-one-pleases personality but can suddenly be devoid of any sexiness. For Mizuki [20 points], a red shadow brushes over him when he’s performing—a neutral kind of sexiness. Yuto [10 points] is responsible for HiHi’s MC and has has a role in which he gets teased so his sexy and wild contributions are not needed (laughs)!
Soya: Hashimocchan’s live performances are dripping with wild & sexy [95 points]. And with own unique personality to go with it. I think Saku-chan [85 points] is wild when he eats salad with the tongs~ (laughs). Mizuki-kun’s charm is the sexiness he exudes from his slender build [70 points]. Yuto is more cute so it’s hard so which one he leans more—30 points for wild and 30 points for sexy, I guess. I can’t score myself [? points]. If I say I’m 100% sexy, that thought process is too wild (laughs).
Yuto: Soyan (Igari) is still only 16 years old!? There’s no one that can match his wild, sexiness when he’s rapping or roaring up the audience [1750 points]. I think Hashimoto-kun is still growth so minus 5 points [95 points]. Saku-chan is tall and he has muscles [90 points]! Mizuki-kun has sexy expressions, but his small stature doesn’t have the same wildness [63 points]. And I gave myself 3 points… I was born into this body and muscle doesn’t develop on it. When I played baseball, I was told I wouldn’t be able to throw with that thin arm of mine.
Ryuto: Hashimocchan is someone who can get full score for wild and sexy. But, the 95 points is because he has let loose and showed his adorableness on stage. Gari-san has a wild, sexy hairstyle [80 points]. For Mizuki-kun, the score given was more for his sexiness than wildness [70 points]. When Mizuki is on stage, he is especially sexy. For myself, I’m not sure where my appeal is… but the marks I gave myself was based on my desire to show all sides of myself [50 points]. Yuto is too thin. If you want more points, put on muscle [5 points]!
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