audreyandherocs · 1 year
ICYMI, there was fear that companies were scraping public AO3 fics to train their AI without the consent of AO3 or its users. That fear has been confirmed.
AO3 has written about what they’re doing (and what they’re not able to do), and they recommend restricting your work to AO3 registered users only. [Instructions here]
This gross misuse of the archive by techbros is why I’ve locked down my fics for the foreseeable future. I recommend the rest of you do the same.
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audreyandherocs · 1 year
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audreyandherocs · 1 year
I feel like the only person not tempted to use ChatGPT like it doesn't even occur to me as an option
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audreyandherocs · 1 year
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audreyandherocs · 1 year
A concept in my head that been rolling around a lot:
Hanahaki, but instead of it being triggered by unrequited love, it's triggered because all the love you have for a person turns inwards because you're too afraid to show it.
So it kills you, not because someone doesn't love you back, but because you don't let it out and all that love you have stored, that could grow into something beautiful, turns on you and turns your insides beautiful.
Love is growth, and without any place for it to grow outside, it grows in. If you confess, reciprocated or not, the disease goes away because it's no longer trapped. It gives self-destruction a new meaning.
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audreyandherocs · 1 year
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audreyandherocs · 1 year
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Had an image I wanted to draw for one of the upcoming chapters in my Bleach OC fanfic "The Story of Fumiko" on Ao3 so here we are. Been working on the poses to drawing the pencil drawings over the course of two? three days roughly. I do plan finishing it off more developed but for now here it is.
When the urge to write your OC with your favourite characters aren't enough so you start drawing it lol.
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audreyandherocs · 1 year
💻 Tumblr Blogs: Art Blog
🎨Art Station
📕 Ao3
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audreyandherocs · 1 year
now since tumblr apparently loves to support non-american authors, but is surprisingly mum about this, imma tell you.
you see, everybody's favorite evil corp, Amazon, bought Indian publishing house Westland some six years ago. Now Westland is a very famous and reputed publishing house in India, and has put forth some of the best titles the country has seen. It didn't shy away from controversial and uncomfortable topics, and some of its books quite vocally criticise the current government, which has been responsible for the current state of india as a pseudo-democratic, pseudo-secular, economically ruined country, the most notable one being The Price of the Modi years by Aakar Patel. It also produced Amish Tripathi's pathbreaking Shiva Trilogy.
Now here's the thing that got me nuts.
It has triggered a buying surge in India, as people go on shopping spress to get their hands on the titles they want from this house. Short on supply and high on demand, bookstores across India are showing solidarity and moving surplus books around.
here you go with a few links that i think sum up the problem quite nicely, and please guys. just. please support westland.
here they talk about how this is becoming a trend with global corps.
here they talk about the future of indian publishing houses.
this one talks about a bleak future for literature and how it feels like we're living in a dystopian novel
spread this around. jeff bezos continues to be evil, and will be. he is quite literally, irredeemable.
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audreyandherocs · 1 year
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ID: People don't derive joy from their ocs like they used to. Talk about them on main. Put them in silly little AUs. Torture them a bit. Ship them, make playlists, be cringe. Just have fun.
It's so easy as writers to forget why why're doing this, to get bogged down perfectionism and followers and plotting and marketing when none of that is the point of writing.
The point of writing is just to make a little guy. To make them happy and to make them sad. To teach them lessons and watch them grow. To maybe be a little horny about them (if that's for you). To make YOURSELF happy, above all else.
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audreyandherocs · 2 years
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Bleach (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Ukitake Juushirou/Original Female Character(s), Kyouraku Shunsui/Original Female Character(s), ukitake juushirou/original characters, Kyouraku Shunsui/Original Character(s), Kyouraku Shunsui/Ukitake Juushirou/Original Character(s), Kurosaki Ichigo/Original Character(s), Kurosaki Ichigo/Original Female Character(s), Sado "Chad" Yasutora/Original Female Character(s), Sado "Chad" Yasutora/Original Character(s) Characters: Ukitake Juushirou, Kurosaki Ichigo, Kyouraku Shunsui, Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), Sado "Chad" Yasutora, Inoue Orihime, Ishida Uryuu, Kuchiki Rukia, Urahara Kisuke, Urahara Shouten Ensemble (Bleach), Shihouin Yoruichi, Tsukabishi Tessai, Karakura Gang Ensemble (Bleach), Arisawa Tatsuki, Asano Keigo, Kojima Mizuiro, Kurosaki Yuzu, Kurosaki Karin, Kurosaki Isshin, Hirako Shinji Additional Tags: Reincarnation, Psychological Trauma, Amnesia, POV Third Person
This story begins rather unusually. It starts with a girl named Watanabe Fumiko; who was born in Karakura Town of Japan on January 18, and how she died and came back to life a few days before her 10th birthday. Fumiko saw her life pass before her eyes, how short it was and saw she came to into begin. Before she was Uzume and how she died.
                          How Watanabe Fumiko came to be.                         And how her life is told from here on out.
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audreyandherocs · 2 years
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It's doooooneeeee. This scenerio is based off an imagine between me and my friend @maryenette @ocelysium in a sort of Pokemon AU and how we would meet. This has been literally occupying my brain for months and now it's out, I can sleep now.
or work on my bleach fanfic. Or DSMP. Whichever comes first.
Drawn in traditional media with indian ink. Editted in GIMP. Timelapse from Drafting to Editing: Nov 2, 2022 to Nov 14, 2022.
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audreyandherocs · 2 years
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(via FlimsyFlamingo on Twitter)
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audreyandherocs · 2 years
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audreyandherocs · 2 years
In Honour of Technoblade
Thea breathed and felt the particles of the void enter and leave her lungs. She was weightless and floated in the Void. The darkness was embracing and encouraging. A weighted blanketed that wrapped around her.
She braced herself as she counted the meaningless seconds that passed through the void. There was a deep sadness within her chest, and she didn’t want to come out of her weighted blanket. She didn’t want to open her eyes and leave the dream. The illusion she was trying to desperately hold onto.
But she had to.
Kristian and Phil-
Thea opened her eyes and let out a shuddering breath before finding herself on a floating island.
Hypixel. Skywars.
Techno told her about this.
She turned around from the edge of the floating island before turning towards the occupant of the island. Her feet carried her and the world around her bended to her whim before she found herself standing next to Technoblade.
In all of his glory.
She observed him. Searing the memory of him into her soul.
The lowering sun created hues of orange and red in the sky, his golden crown catching the light of the sun. His cape fluttered in the warm summer air as his hands petted the white soft fur of Floof.
Techno looked tired but was content.
Thea felt her eyes burning, before she pressed herself against him. The warmth of his body fading (the illusion was fading. He wasn’t here not truly anymore).
“Hullo” he greeted. His voice low, tired, but still…content.
“Hey” she greeted back.
There was silence as they were watching the sun slowly dip in the horizon. It was content silence and normally Thea was more than fine with it.
But not this time.
Time was running out.
Thea bit her lip and then Technoblade wrapping an arm around her shoulders, hugging her.
“I’ll miss you” she said truthfully.
Technoblade hummed.
“You made an impact on my life Technoblade. I know I wasn’t as close with you like you do with Phil and the others, but, I-“ Thea felt her voice cracking and she didn’t want to break down here. No, she had something to say to him, or it would be too late.
“-Thank you for everything Technoblade. You helped shape me and feel better of myself. Despite what faults you may have had and despite the mountain you’ve been caring on your shoulders, you were a friend.”
Techno turned to her and smiled.
The sky was darkening and Thea could hear the sad cacophony of crows cawing.
It was almost time.
Thea found herself standing and she helped Technoblade cross the island. As they walked, Thea could feel her feet losing the solidity.
 The island was disappearing.
Techno still had her arm around her shoulder and brought her close. She kept her own around him and helped him walk. As he walked and walked, he got more and more laggy. Tired.
Thea could see it but he was using as much of his remaining strength to be strong till the end. A true warrior in body and spirit.
Thea looked up and saw Phil standing, truly the angel of Death.
She knew this wasn’t going to be easy for him.
He may be the Angel of Death and knew what his duty entailed…. but it didn’t make it any easier to watch the people you knew and love die.
They reached the dock, the rainbow bridge, where Phil was waiting. Across the sea of the void and darkness, Thea knew that was where Kristin was. Where she would take care of Technoblade till they met again.
Thea knew she couldn’t cross any further but as Technoblade took one step, two steps forward-
He paused and then turned to Thea. He gave a tired smile and his form shifted. She caught a glimpse of the true identity of who was Technoblade underneath this entire time-
But he was always Technoblade. The Blood God. A warrior, a brother, a friend-
Technoblade opened his arms in an open invitation and Thea took it. She wrapped her arms around his body (when did he get so thin-) and tried to squeeze him tight. Maybe tight enough so he wouldn’t disappear.
She felt his arms wrap around her, bringing her in close. He pressed his face against the top of her hair, kissing her forehead before whispering his last words to her.
It was time.
Thea tried to cling to Technoblade in a sad attempt to keep him close, but she had to let go of him. It was his time.
Technoblade gave one last smile to her and then grinned. “Technoblade never dies.”
Thea let out a sad, pathetic laugh as he saluted to her and snapped his cape before walking towards Phil.
She could only watch as Phil reach up to Technoblade and Thea adverted her eyes to allow them privacy that they were entitled to as they were brothers forged by blood and war, friends that relied on each other.
Then Technoblade boarded the ship with Phil at the helm. She watched him go as they sailed through the sea to the island, about to cross the rainbow bridge.
Thea summoned all the strength she had in her body and spirit.
Technoblade turned to her one last time, gave a grin before he took one final breath to yell, “SO LONG NERDS! SUBSCRIBE TO TECHNOBLADE!!” before he disappeared.
Despite all odds, Thea felt the laugh push out of her and she could hear him laugh too.
When he was gone, Thea stood there for a few more minutes before she  felt the smile on her face wobble, before downturning into a frown. Then she broke down. Her throat and lungs burned as she let out cry after cry, her tears burning with tears as despair and loss racked her body. She stayed strong for him so he could rest easy. Content.
She made a promise with her pen and sword that she could continue honouring Technoblade; by supporting his friends, continuing his ideals....
For Technoblade. For Phil, Tommy, Wilbur-
For everyone.
Afterall, Technoblade never dies.
Now Thea would wait for him, the Blood God, as he ascended to Heaven to take on the Kingdom of God.
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audreyandherocs · 2 years
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A snapshot of an illustration that I inked featuring a scene in one of my stories. Been doing these sort of illustrations per chapter and been testing myself. Just an old man talking to his deceased friend through the reflections
An excerpt of the scene:
Meanwhile, Henry huffed as he sat back in his hospital bed. There was a flurry of movement and the television displaying the news coverage of what going on where Thomas was didn’t help.
He looked outside his hospital window and in the reflection, he saw his old friend John in the chair. He was leaning back in the seat and grinned at Henry.
“Keep my grandson safe.”
John gave him a toothy smile and saluted, standing up from his seat and patted his shoulder. It was cold but a familiar sensation.
“Dad? Was everything okay?”
He turned to Patricia and patted his daughter’s hand in reassurance.
“It will be.”
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audreyandherocs · 2 years
@maryenette-writes @maryenette @chi-townbatgirl @call-me-emma
exchanging headcanons and AUs with friends like
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