askamberfall · 9 years
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Apparently I haven’t drawn my character Amber in a year, whoops.
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askamberfall · 10 years
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Super quick random warm up doodle. 
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askamberfall · 10 years
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Been a long while since  drew up Amber, so thought I might as well! 
This is between a doodle and a really worked on image haha I doodled it up but then took much more time on it compared to my regular doodles. 
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askamberfall · 11 years
Hi, I like the thought of creating a character for rotg universe and rping with them. I have a character in mind already, though should I create a new blog for each new character I make? [I have a lot of characters for different universes] Do most people just find a blog and start rping? I do apologize if the answer is somewhere out there, still a little new to tumbler and rping here and unsure who to ask.
Hi there, 
I'm incredibly new to RP on here and have barely done any so far, so I might not be the right person to ask. But!
I think it's really up to you. I've seen separate blogs and I've seen all in one blogs. Separate would be easier to organize and write one on one with one of your characters, while all in one would mean people need to tell you who they're talking to and might be hard to know who's who. 
From what I've seen, people either just go to someone's ask box and starts an RP, or many people write "open RP", the beginning of an RP they leave open for anyone to reply to, while closed RP would be for someone specific.  
If any of my followers have advice, you can add on more info! 
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askamberfall · 11 years
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(( Another super quick drawing. 
I was asked what Amber's weapon would be, as all the Guardians (though she isn't a Guardian) have something, or more then one thing. 
Amber has the ability to make plants grow, put life in them or take it away. This is why she keeps those twigs in her hair, although she won't admit that the real reason is that they get caught as she goes from tree to tree. 
Taking them, she makes it grow into a blade which wraps around her wrist. Of course, this being magic it's not flimsy like a twig would be. This is her preferred fighting method, she does close combat most of the time. 
Don't let looks fool you. She's certainly cute and cheery, but can hold her own. ))
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askamberfall · 11 years
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((A pretty quick image of Amber, since I haven't done much with her in a long time. 
She's not the spirit of Halloween, so she's not responsible for that, but as the spirit of fall she does help in some of the preparations, like helping the pumpkins grow. 
*As a note, Amber flies/floats through magic/wind, which is why she's posed as she is, it's an awkward pose when you don't know that haha))
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askamberfall · 11 years
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Just something quick. 
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askamberfall · 11 years
If you use someone's art for your side bar/icon...
Don’t forget to credit them in your blog description! Saying “Art isn’t mine" does NOT count! 
Or have it under a “general info/about this blog" section linked in your description. 
It’s not too hard to do guys. Even if you change it often, it’s fast to do. I love that you love my art (or others, if it’s theirs), but don’t you want to help my business and have more people find me? People will rarely ask who did the art, so it’s much better to have the info for them. If you like the artist, give them just that bit of respect and help em out! 
I’ve noticed a trend with RP blogs where they use your art as an icon or side bar but say nothing at all. It’s easy to credit and It’s super appreciated c: 
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askamberfall · 11 years
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Haven’t drawn Amber in a while, so I started doodling some images for her. Some are done quicker then others. This is a bit of a reference sheet, while not being a full one since it’s mostly sketches. I’m getting better at drawing humans though, so I’m happy to give Amber more the look I wanted for her. 
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askamberfall · 11 years
Umm... Hi... Do you like movies? If not then.... What stuff do you like?
"Well hey there, Acorn!
Guess I'll have to admit, I've certainly snuck a peak of movies and shows while people were watching them. Shhh, don't tell anyone! I'm incredibly busy, but whenever I have some down times, I sometimes join in with people. They can't see me, so they don't know I'm there."
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askamberfall · 11 years
Are you a Libra, Scorpio, or Sagittarius?
None, I'm a Leo. 
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askamberfall · 11 years
I think a lot of people on tumblr need to see this.
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askamberfall · 11 years
Not Amber related, but since I haven't updated in a while, have some Rise of the Guardians fan art!
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“Surprise Kiss”
Anyone care for some more Frostbite? :P 
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askamberfall · 11 years
((Hi guys!
I'd like to apologize for the lack of things being answered. I adore Amber, and I have ideas I want to draw her in, but I just haven't been feeling it lately, plus commissions keep me quite busy. 
I have a project I want to do with her, which would probably be more then 20 panels long, but this is going to take me a while and I want to wait for when I'm really in the mood for it. 
All in all, I WILL be continuing with Amber and this blog, it just may take me much longer then people like. I'm sorry! While waiting, do feel free to send me more questions about Amber!)) 
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askamberfall · 11 years
Hello Amber, I have some shocking news about the Guardian race. Did you know that Death is a Guardian?
(( Hi there, 
I'm replying as the artist, not Amber. 
Story wise, I'm going with Rise of the Guardians for Amber. Guardians aren't a race, and are special chosen ones. The Guardians are North, Tooth, Bunnymund, Sandy and Jack, there aren't any others. Anything else is simply what I call spirits, since I'm not sure what else to call em. Pitch isn't a guardian, neither is Amber. Will she be in the future? At the moment I'm unsure but it'll be a long time from now once I've developed her. There's also others like the Groundhog and Leprechaun who aren't guardians.
Just writing this out so you guys know! c: ))
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askamberfall · 11 years
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(( Just something I felt like doing before bed! ))
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askamberfall · 11 years
Not Amber related, but it is Rise of the Guardians, and I haven't been able to update for a while. So here you go! 
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Just a cute little head shot of Tooth~
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