ask-roleswap-fe3h · 4 years
💜 Byleth, Ashen Demon
Byleth Eisner 🔁 Nemesis 
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 Height : 6'6 
Age (physically) : 23 
Age (chronologically) : 1000+ years old 
Specie : Human-to-Demonic beast of sorts (willingly) 
Alliance : Those Who Slither In The Dark 
Gender : Male (but he doesn't really care about such mortal concepts anymore) 
Crest : The Creator's Pyre (currently doesn't have crest) 
Strengths : Sword, authority, reason 
 Byleth Eisner was once a close friend and ally of Sothis, a mortal created to help the growing continent of Fodlan, to guide it as a pyre of light and hope. But that all came crashing down once Sothis' most powerful child, her daughter Seiros, grew jealous enough of their connection and his lack of worship and sent for war on him and his followers. 
 Byleth looked to Sothis for aid, but as a Goddess it would be unjust for her to get involved in mortal affairs. He was betrayed by his only true friend and sent for the war to be carried out. In this, he killed Seiros and took her spine as a sword - the Sword of the Scourged - and swallowed her heart, gaining inhumane abilities and corrupting him further. 
 In this wartime, he founded three factions: the Golden Deer led by Khalid, the Blue Lions led by Lambert and the Black Eagles led by a member of the to-be Aegir line. He used these to conquer and control all of northern Fodlan. His reign was terrible, disregarding everything Sothis said out of pure spite. During this time, he also became known as 'The Ashen Demon', or 'The Demon King'. 
 On the final day of the battle, he was killed by Sothia. She ripped out his heart, the heart she gave him which carried the Crest she also gifted to him. However, she was unable to kill her closest friend, and so held him in divine chains and gave his heart to a child who bore the same name, later to be known as 'Nemesis'. 
 A few years later, he was broken out of his chains by his Three Advisors who claimed to lead the fallen factions. Only the identity of the mysterious 'Claude' was revealed - the other two remained shrouded in mystery. His current whereabouts is unknown, but as long as he doesnt have his heart, he shouldn't pose too much of a threat. 
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ask-roleswap-fe3h · 4 years
💙 Dimitri, Prince of Snakes
Prince Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd 🔁 Cornelia Armin 
Roleswap AU
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 Height : 6'0 
Age (physically) : 19
 Age (chronologically) : Roughly 400 years old 
Specie : Agarthan (by blood) 
Gender : Male 
Crest : Minor Crest of Blaiddyd 
Strengths : Lance, magic (fire specifically) 
 Prince Dimitri - informally known as Dima - is often regarded as the 'Prince of Snakes'. He's courteous, brave, selfless; anything most people would want in a Prince. However, he has shown himself to be capable of heinous acts, such as the quelling of rebellions. He is also not above flirting and offering... questionable services to those he wishes to ally and/or sway the opinion of. 
Despite being a Prince, Dimitri will never be able to be king. As Dimitri is not related by blood to Queen Patricia, his father Lambert and deceased mother reigning from the Empire, Faerghus will not accept his rule, and so the position was passed unto the legitimate heir of Patricia, Princess Cornelia. 
 After the Tragedy of Duscur in which only Cornelia and a servant boy by the name of Arundel survived, she took the burden of the Kingdom, including controlling Dimitri's own role. He is beyond pissed at this, but it's hard to tell with his restraint and sweet-talk.
 He is always seen with a smoking pipe which he often finds breaking under his brute strength.
 It is ideal to turn a blind eye to his silver-tongued ways. Many in Faerghus are suspicious of him; he always dances around the topic of the Tragedy and a certain moment in the Kingdom's past involving someone with a similar name to his own. 
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