ask-idv-the-fool · 27 days
"Mhm! Although, they all are grown and yet still seem so stuck in their rebellious stage! It seems long-term teenaged rebellion is just something all my kins seem to possess."
Azathoth is back at it again. Slightly spilling out somewhat embarrassing fact of his own flesh and blood, the smile on the vessel's mask seems to be "softer" in its own way. He makes a note to himself to go and spend some more times with his kins later. The vessel's mask soon warps back to its original expression.
Azathoth's hands were relaxed, and one finger seems to move the vessel's head in a way to shake his head "no" in a cheerful and more playful way. Hearing such honorific attached to his name just didn't seem to exactly have the same casual vibes as "Aza" does. Although, he did have to agree that "Lord Aza" does have a nice ring to it. The inclusion of "Aza" in "Lord Aza" was just enough where he wouldn't exactly outright disapprove being called it.
"Ah, I suppose so, but such title is far too formal and stiff for me. Any more titles too and it makes it sound as if I have similar preference to Hastur for honorifics!"
Azathoth chuckles in response, now nodding the vessel's head with one finger. He then just ruffles his own vessel's head, slightly misaligning the jester hat and the flowers that light the rim. He doesn't know exactly why he wouldn't be certain about such simple thing.
"Mhm, I'm certain. It is not as if the vessel has ever had a mind of its own."
The vessel's mask warps into a bigger smile, and Azathoth cannot help but giggle. He nods the vessel's head a bit faster, mimicking excitement as best as he possibly could. He thinks it's a rather fine nickname! It's a cute nickname in his opinion!
"Yes, yes! You're Isma, it took me a bit to come up with a nickname and many trials, but I had figured it out by now!"
A faint knock is heard at the door of The Fool's door. Outside, a lone mannequin stands, holding a small basket full of all sorts of various trinkets. "Hello! I heard we had a new hunter arrive recently and wished to introduce myself properly. I've also brought a few welcome gifts along with me for you as well huhu!."
-(,◡ _ ◡,)
((sasdkhjfdsahjfk your guy is so cool RAHHHH I had to throw someone at him. @manor-tea-time
Azathoth perks his hands up slightly, and switches the position of the vessel. The vessel laid in the right, sat up as the right seems to lower itself similar to that of a chair. The left remained tall and high, moving towards the door and opening it. Tilting the vessel's head to the side with a simple poke, the mask seems to have become perplexed.
"Is this something children of man do? How... strange. ...Nevermind that, it's a pleasure to meet you."
What... exactly were welcome gifts though? Unsure what to exactly do, the left lowers itself and simply presented its palm. He didn't exactly want to pick up the vaguely familiar, as in having felt it briefly in the passing, presence.
"I suppose it would be improper for me not to ask this, so what is your name, child of man? The winds doesn't seem to exactly have caught it... well, Oig-Oig and Ari haven't seem to caught most other hunters' names."
The mask on the vessel warps into a question mark rather than expression this time.
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ask-idv-the-fool · 28 days
// i am alive. but damn, i miss my ap lit exam... i have more finals to study for and some thing to do for school. things will slow down.... maybe we'll figure it out.
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ask-idv-the-fool · 1 month
If Azathoth still had his eyes and could move his vessel, thos eyes would absolutely be sparkling right now. ...He would also be grinning if he could, but that should be left to the imagination on what it would look like.
"Uppies you shall have then!"
Almost immediately, Azathoth lift the two up high in the air. And by lift, that means he extended his fingers upward and proceeded to extend his arm really high into the exosphere. Fortunately, he made no attempt to throw these two or else they both would both be wandering the stars again. He giggles, keeping the two of them up for a while.
"And now down we go!"
He then quickly begins to shoot down. The speed would kill a normal being, but this speed should be nothing for any unfathomable beings. Once he was at decent height, he lowered his hand and set the two down.
"Now off you two shall go! Go and run along, do whatever you silly critters do as long as you both greet Aunty Yiddy and Hastie by the end of the day! Oh and go greet your brother, Itawa, while you're at it!"
”There you two are! Now, where did you two run off to? What adventures did you get in when you two disappeared? Ah, by the way, has Hastie talked you about being nicer to your brother yet?”
// HEHEHEHE I GET TO BE THE FIRST ASK…. from @ask-idv-the-fool
The twins looked at Azathoth, all of their eyes were on the Blind Idiot God, who could tell that he was here? The Obscenity, Zhar, may not have a mouth, but he did not need one to speak, after all, is all just looks.
"I recently took Lloigor out of a mess, we ended here because he noticed a new pattern in the stars and decided to walk to this directions"
After hearing the answer, the Star Treader, Lloigor, decided to put his voice in this.
Unlike Zhar, Lloigor has a mouth, which he used to respond his brother's words
"We didn't ran off, i was just doing my usual thing, Zhar decided to follow me, guess spending a twin-to-twin time is nice and all, about the adventures... well... could had been better, but now THIS is interesting, so big, and many to discover..."
"About the last bit...we haven't seen Hastur yet...we still have to check out everything, and i have to keep a lots and lots of eyes on Lloigor..."
It was actually a surprise to see no other than Azathoth himself, or well, the vessel, but still was a surprise, could be called pleasent, seeing a familiar face is nice...
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ask-idv-the-fool · 1 month
''I suppose so in a way, but I was talking more-so about my grandchildren. Such a rambunctious bunch!"
Azathoth couldn't help but chuckle as he recalls his grandchildren's antics that he sometimes knew about. He could ramble about them for ages and spill of all the embarrassing details he had known of. Many details he could ramble about, but for Hastur's sake, he decided not to do so.
"It's fine, I quite like it even if it's small. I do not exactly need to slumber, but there was a lot of work put into this. I shall value it as something akin to an offering."
Despite being new, he had caught wind of something called a mini-hunter pet. He had also caught wind his darling Hastie was part of that line-up. He'll probably bug Stawy to let him swaddle the little thing up if they ever get one.
Azathoth also found it quite funny with how Miss Manni seemed to be cooing over the vessel. He could only chuckle once more, and he did smile... just not one visible in this current plane of existence. Oh, and he finally thought of a nickname.
"Mhm! Plus, I do think it might be tiring to have to constantly refer to someone as 'Lord' most of the times."
He's not naming names, but he does note how a certain grandchild of his always requires honorfics when being spoken to. He continues on with speaking.
"Oh, you seem to also be rather fond of my vessel's appearance, Isma. If you wish to decorate it, feel free to do so."
A faint knock is heard at the door of The Fool's door. Outside, a lone mannequin stands, holding a small basket full of all sorts of various trinkets. "Hello! I heard we had a new hunter arrive recently and wished to introduce myself properly. I've also brought a few welcome gifts along with me for you as well huhu!."
-(,◡ _ ◡,)
((sasdkhjfdsahjfk your guy is so cool RAHHHH I had to throw someone at him. @manor-tea-time
Azathoth perks his hands up slightly, and switches the position of the vessel. The vessel laid in the right, sat up as the right seems to lower itself similar to that of a chair. The left remained tall and high, moving towards the door and opening it. Tilting the vessel's head to the side with a simple poke, the mask seems to have become perplexed.
"Is this something children of man do? How... strange. ...Nevermind that, it's a pleasure to meet you."
What... exactly were welcome gifts though? Unsure what to exactly do, the left lowers itself and simply presented its palm. He didn't exactly want to pick up the vaguely familiar, as in having felt it briefly in the passing, presence.
"I suppose it would be improper for me not to ask this, so what is your name, child of man? The winds doesn't seem to exactly have caught it... well, Oig-Oig and Ari haven't seem to caught most other hunters' names."
The mask on the vessel warps into a question mark rather than expression this time.
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ask-idv-the-fool · 1 month
Azathoth wish he could just nod along, but the most he could was just nod the vessel's head by making his fingertips gently push the head up and down. The mask changes again back to the smile it always had on. He didn't seem too bothered by the reaction, especially when such reaction come from most people beyond his own kins and those within his court.
Although, he was more fascinated with the sounds he was hearing. Children of man didn't usually sound like metal or clicking, but then again, he also was told the species was an adaptable one. He moved the vessel's hand to wave dismissively with another finger, stopping the nodding.
"No need, it is a normal reaction. I doubt any child of man would react calmly to a large hand moving. Not even my own kins have reacted calmly to my own presence!"
Azathoth, truly being as simple-minded as he was made to be, could really only properly deduct in this situation that the items being placed on his hand were definitely more human-sized, or well vessel-sized. ...But that is to be expected. He'll probably have give most of these to his kins or have one of them read the little notes given to him.
The vessel's mask warps to an expression of one with amusement. The handicraft of the blanket is something he could respect. Plus, the various different fabrics provided a rather fascinating experience. He didn't really expect that something as simple as a blanket could just be made out of multiple things. He makes a note to himself to keep this somewhere safe or to bring it back to his true body one day.
Azathoth snaps out of his own thoughts, coming back to reality, hopefully the right one. He focused in right on time to hear the child of man's name. The name... is one of the stranger ones he heard, but he shouldn't judge a custom he had no clue about.
"Miss Manni... hmm... Mima...? Ansi...?"
Azathoth almost immediately started thinking of nicknames, but quickly stopped that train of thought. He'll think of a nickname when it was more proper to do so. He introduces himself swiftly, mentally batting away the various nicknames that popped up in his head.
"My name is Azathoth, my given title being The Fool. You can call me Aza if you wish, it would be nice to have someone to talk casually with that is not within my Court or my kins!"
A faint knock is heard at the door of The Fool's door. Outside, a lone mannequin stands, holding a small basket full of all sorts of various trinkets. "Hello! I heard we had a new hunter arrive recently and wished to introduce myself properly. I've also brought a few welcome gifts along with me for you as well huhu!."
-(,◡ _ ◡,)
((sasdkhjfdsahjfk your guy is so cool RAHHHH I had to throw someone at him. @manor-tea-time
Azathoth perks his hands up slightly, and switches the position of the vessel. The vessel laid in the right, sat up as the right seems to lower itself similar to that of a chair. The left remained tall and high, moving towards the door and opening it. Tilting the vessel's head to the side with a simple poke, the mask seems to have become perplexed.
"Is this something children of man do? How... strange. ...Nevermind that, it's a pleasure to meet you."
What... exactly were welcome gifts though? Unsure what to exactly do, the left lowers itself and simply presented its palm. He didn't exactly want to pick up the vaguely familiar, as in having felt it briefly in the passing, presence.
"I suppose it would be improper for me not to ask this, so what is your name, child of man? The winds doesn't seem to exactly have caught it... well, Oig-Oig and Ari haven't seem to caught most other hunters' names."
The mask on the vessel warps into a question mark rather than expression this time.
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ask-idv-the-fool · 1 month
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/// Zhar and Lloigor's bust! Too lazy to do a full body, but what matters is the head part after all, Zhar doesn't need a face unlike Lloigor.
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ask-idv-the-fool · 1 month
Azathoth pauses briefly, tilting the vessel's head with his finger. The mask changes to a complexed expression. He is silent for a brief moment, once again thinking really hard about something. It's hard to tell what he's thinking about. Then, he finally responded although the mask on the vessel seems to become swirl-like.
"Hm but then the yous I saw earlier...? Well, never mind that, I must be getting old then. But, I suppose that makes sense. Just remember to check up on Hastie and Aunt Yiddy after this... and your Uncle Nya-Nya if he's here. I don't know if your Uncle Nya-Nya is here, but I feel his presence strangely enough."
Azathoth pushes the vessel to one of his hands. He is quiet but soon enough uses two fingers to pick up Zhar and Lloigor around the waist. He doesn't exactly lift them up yet.
"Uppies, Oig-Oig and Ari?"
”There you two are! Now, where did you two run off to? What adventures did you get in when you two disappeared? Ah, by the way, has Hastie talked you about being nicer to your brother yet?”
// HEHEHEHE I GET TO BE THE FIRST ASK…. from @ask-idv-the-fool
The twins looked at Azathoth, all of their eyes were on the Blind Idiot God, who could tell that he was here? The Obscenity, Zhar, may not have a mouth, but he did not need one to speak, after all, is all just looks.
"I recently took Lloigor out of a mess, we ended here because he noticed a new pattern in the stars and decided to walk to this directions"
After hearing the answer, the Star Treader, Lloigor, decided to put his voice in this.
Unlike Zhar, Lloigor has a mouth, which he used to respond his brother's words
"We didn't ran off, i was just doing my usual thing, Zhar decided to follow me, guess spending a twin-to-twin time is nice and all, about the adventures... well... could had been better, but now THIS is interesting, so big, and many to discover..."
"About the last bit...we haven't seen Hastur yet...we still have to check out everything, and i have to keep a lots and lots of eyes on Lloigor..."
It was actually a surprise to see no other than Azathoth himself, or well, the vessel, but still was a surprise, could be called pleasent, seeing a familiar face is nice...
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ask-idv-the-fool · 1 month
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Dear detectives The words among the stars became clearer as the one who walks on them, alongside the whispers that enter into the mind. Let the whispers and stars become clearer and welcome "The Obscenity" and "Star Treader"
Information of characters
The Obscenity
Name: Zhar
Title: The Obscenity
Pronouns: He/him/it
Likes: reading minds
Dislikes: Lloigor's empty head
Star Treader
Name: Lloigor
Title: Star Treader
Pronouns: He/him/it
Likes: walking over the stars, making fun of others
Dislikes: Not beign able to do telepathy
¡¡¡Information under the cut!!!
This blog is both a rp and ask blog
Mun speaks spanish, so english might be broken
Mainly a text blog, unless the stars and planets get in line for a drawing response
Any IDV characters (ocs, canon, etc.) are allowed to interact! I greatly encourage it too!
Feel free to refer to Mun with any names, just be friendly! Mun is She/her but actually doesn't mind.
Nothing sexual or any reference to the funny plant, this is a SFW blog. You can flirt all you want, but I cross the line for suggestiveness.
Racism, homophobes, and anything similar in nature is not allowed.
Do not spam if I do not respond to your asks. I may be slow but i won't left hanging! I'm a human living with brain (not like Lloigor)
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ask-idv-the-fool · 1 month
A faint knock is heard at the door of The Fool's door. Outside, a lone mannequin stands, holding a small basket full of all sorts of various trinkets. "Hello! I heard we had a new hunter arrive recently and wished to introduce myself properly. I've also brought a few welcome gifts along with me for you as well huhu!."
-(,◡ _ ◡,)
((sasdkhjfdsahjfk your guy is so cool RAHHHH I had to throw someone at him. @manor-tea-time
Azathoth perks his hands up slightly, and switches the position of the vessel. The vessel laid in the right, sat up as the right seems to lower itself similar to that of a chair. The left remained tall and high, moving towards the door and opening it. Tilting the vessel's head to the side with a simple poke, the mask seems to have become perplexed.
"Is this something children of man do? How... strange. ...Nevermind that, it's a pleasure to meet you."
What... exactly were welcome gifts though? Unsure what to exactly do, the left lowers itself and simply presented its palm. He didn't exactly want to pick up the vaguely familiar, as in having felt it briefly in the passing, presence.
"I suppose it would be improper for me not to ask this, so what is your name, child of man? The winds doesn't seem to exactly have caught it... well, Oig-Oig and Ari haven't seem to caught most other hunters' names."
The mask on the vessel warps into a question mark rather than expression this time.
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ask-idv-the-fool · 1 month
What are you thoughts about Ivy? considering she is also a vessel
Azathoth pauses briefly, and then adjusts his vessel on top of his hands. Shifting it a bit, he lightly brushes off any dust that had managed to collect onto it. He thinks about it really deeply, trying to gather his thoughts for once.
"Ivy? You mean the Yithian? I don't think she is exactly there anymore, so what is there for me to exactly form an opinion on her? But, in my opinion, if she really doesn't want the Yithian swapping with her, then she should wake up."
Azathoth spoke as if breaking out from an alien's grasp was easy. He continues on, making his vessel shrug its shoulders.
"I get along with 'Ivy' pretty well though, but I would like to meet the real one. The real Ivy must be truly a devoted person to give up her body so easily and not break free."
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ask-idv-the-fool · 1 month
Have you gotten any person going after you? In terms of trying to flirt, knowing how people could be, they would even try to summon eldritch deities just to say "hey bbgirl", EVEN A THEY WOULD SUMMON A GRIM REAPER
"Well... there was... this rather persistent shoggoth, but it wasn't really flirting? They were super persistent about something between children of man and gods? Hastie shut it down pretty quickly though."
Azathoth thinks about the question a bit more. It isn't like it was uncommon for gods to get with humans. He has heard his kins do it so many times, although most half-springs don't really make it that far too the world. It's a pity, but Azathoth sometimes wished just a few would've survived.
"Hmm... actually, there was another Nya-Nya that came around and a child of man came with her. That child of man... was particular? He was very eager... a bit too eager. I don't want to talk much about it."
For once, there's a topic Azathoth doesn't talk too much about. He's not particular to romance, but if he thought really really hard enough, he probably count recount a few encounters.
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ask-idv-the-fool · 1 month
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// school doodles on some old paper…. human au aza + aza sending letters
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ask-idv-the-fool · 1 month
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// dream’s end
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ask-idv-the-fool · 1 month
"Recently, Itawa's brothers have been speaking to me a lot. Silly great great grandchildren, truly silly. They speak of things I do not care for, but they seem so happy about it. As long as they are happy, I would not mind much things. Although Oig-oig seems rather fond of mocking the poor boy. I would scold him, but I'm sure Hastie will deal with it. I'll check in to see if he has someday."
"Many of my kins have been arriving since I've arrived. Not as if that is a bad thing, I quite adore the younglings. But how reminiscent is it that my great great grandson doesn't seem so fond of his two brothers. He must be in his rebellious stage still just like my baby, Nya-nya. Silly little creatures of flesh and mist that my grandchildren are."
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ask-idv-the-fool · 1 month
mun I just want to let you know I love your lil dude and their silly nicknames for the other hunters/residents
// ty.... he's my special lil guy. one of the silliest of all my idv ocs........... weaved himself in my heart like how frederick did www... it's fun to see what he writes for himself
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ask-idv-the-fool · 1 month
What’s your favourite food?
Azathoth is quiet. Using one of their fingers, they decide to emote using the vessel this time. He slightly pushes the vessel's head to the side, trying to make it look as if it's tilting.
"I cannot eat because my vessel cannot eat. For some strange reason, this vessel is nothing but a doll. But I heard the Jelly that Yiddy adores eating and the pasta Hastie prefers is delicious. I heard the Tintin may be able to sew something and make this vessel work again, but not right now. I must wait."
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ask-idv-the-fool · 1 month
What made you choose your vessel?
Azathoth just laughs, and soon enough it decides to set down the vessel. He positions the vessel and had a finger wrapped around the vessel's waist. The vessel slumps forward a bit, arms slightly swaying.
"Actually, I had this vessel made. It's like those dolls, except Armi told me that I'm not allowed to say how it's made. Apparently it's not too human-friendly. It used to look different according to Nya-Nya. But, I suppose you're more-so would be asking WHAT made me keep it this long?"
Azathoth uses another finger to make the vessel stand up straight, propping the head up by placing it under the chin. He continues on, spilling details out with utter ease.
"Hmm... well, it's a bother to go to the process of getting a new and fresh one. Having Lulu pump one out would be hard to do in my current state. Plus, I didn't even know the children of man existed... nor the fact I had worshippers. Plus, this vessel isn't too beaten up! So, why not use it?"
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