#// my live reaction wa sjust me screaming (pos) ty.............
ask-idv-the-fool · 1 month
A faint knock is heard at the door of The Fool's door. Outside, a lone mannequin stands, holding a small basket full of all sorts of various trinkets. "Hello! I heard we had a new hunter arrive recently and wished to introduce myself properly. I've also brought a few welcome gifts along with me for you as well huhu!."
-(,◡ _ ◡,)
((sasdkhjfdsahjfk your guy is so cool RAHHHH I had to throw someone at him. @manor-tea-time
Azathoth perks his hands up slightly, and switches the position of the vessel. The vessel laid in the right, sat up as the right seems to lower itself similar to that of a chair. The left remained tall and high, moving towards the door and opening it. Tilting the vessel's head to the side with a simple poke, the mask seems to have become perplexed.
"Is this something children of man do? How... strange. ...Nevermind that, it's a pleasure to meet you."
What... exactly were welcome gifts though? Unsure what to exactly do, the left lowers itself and simply presented its palm. He didn't exactly want to pick up the vaguely familiar, as in having felt it briefly in the passing, presence.
"I suppose it would be improper for me not to ask this, so what is your name, child of man? The winds doesn't seem to exactly have caught it... well, Oig-Oig and Ari haven't seem to caught most other hunters' names."
The mask on the vessel warps into a question mark rather than expression this time.
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