ask-ephraelrhiannon · 2 years
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one of these days i will 1. develop a consistent art style and 2. draw runa not crying
anyway: diversity win! these female characters are all deranged in specific and different ways!
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ask-ephraelrhiannon · 3 years
Where did you go? What happened to Albion?
Man, it's really cool to see someone showing interest actually? (assuming you aren't ulfric mun doing some kind of weird scheme to restart the albion campaign, which would be unnecessary)
Essentially: I moved halfway across the country and have been trying to find a job, so things have been a little wild, but I DO want to come back to running this blog and updating Albion! Hopefully sometime soon, anon, thank you.
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ask-ephraelrhiannon · 3 years
[@ask-ephraelrhiannon] [Ephrael Rhiannon, Ceridwen Aderyn] [Inquisition, CSM/Tzeentch]
GAMERS! In the interest of the 40k rp community, I have decided to create an updated list of rp accounts by faction ✨
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I’ve seen newer, promising accounts reblog 40k rp lists in the hopes of getting some activity. The results, I imagine, aren’t tremendously satisfying. To my enduring heartbreak, these lists are ANCIENT: theyre full of retired accounts, and no one’s following up on the newer reblogs.
I need YOUR help to change this 🔫
If you have an active warhammer 40k rp account (as in active some time this year), or are planning to become active, please send the following info right into my inbox, or leave it as a reply or reblog, so I can get started on my ULTRAlist
[your rp account] [your muse] [your faction]
this c e n s u s will run from feb 28-mar 12
& pls share this post around with ur rp circles (ex. in my case, it would be the eldar squad)
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ask-ephraelrhiannon · 3 years
Hey guys, it's eph-mun, I know I haven't been as active lately but I could seriously use a boost here. I appreciate all y'all.
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My etsy and patreon are now live! After my hours got slashed at work (as in, I-haven’t-had-a-single-shift-in-the-past-week slashed), I decided to open up tarot on a more permanent basis. Buy single readings through my etsy, or get monthly readings as well as original tarot spreads and guides to learning and improving your tarot skills through my patreon.
My patreon has 8 tiers ranging in price from $1 (access to my posts and a one-card monthly reading) to $100 (early access to my posts, voting power, a 10-card monthly reading, 3 free readings per month with no card limit, unlimited pendulum questions, and a Rahdue’s Wheel reading upon subscription) so check it out, subscribe if you can, and cast a vote on what my first post should be! Subscriptions before Feb. 14 will get a monthly reading for February, subscriptions after Feb. 14 will start their monthly readings in March.
Reblogs appreciated, please boost!
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ask-ephraelrhiannon · 3 years
Reblog if I’m allowed to send you in character asks even if we have never talked before.
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ask-ephraelrhiannon · 3 years
Reblog if I’m allowed to send you in character asks even if we have never talked before.
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ask-ephraelrhiannon · 3 years
Corner Gas quotes sentence starters
There’s lots to see. There’s nothin’ to block your view. 
I got two words for ya. Boycott! I’m gonna put this place outta business.
I have never overstated a single thing in the history of the planet!
Why’d you come in person? You ever hear of a telephone? It’s a handy invention; I’ll show you how it works sometime.
I didn’t know whether to tell you this or not, but someone in town has a crush on me.
Carl Jung says that we all have a shadow figure, a kind of nemesis. In fact I actually found mine.
I love books. I’m a voluptuous reader.
This is not about revenge. This is about getting even.
Who leaves a pair of pants by the side of the road?
You’re bribing me with a piece of wood?
Revenge is a brunch best served with nice biscuits.
Here, hold my monkey.
Decaf? The “caf” is what I need! The caf is the whole point of this. I’m not just jonesing for some hot brown liquid, with or without caf. I need the caf!
Not now, I’m downloading a Google.
I’ve had it with your stupid plans. Now it’s time for my stupid plans.
I don’t appreciate being called a thief.
When you fall off the roof, try not to land on anything important.
Oh right. Like you’ve never made a rash decision at a bulk food store.
Why did you blow up the tractor?
Why do people who like to do things make people who don’t like to do things do things?
The world’s a dirty place. Things happen. Things you don’t want to know about. Money changes hands; people look the other way; cats go missing.
I like working outside! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the sky is bleeding and the grass is screaming!
Do me a favor put your neck between my hands.
All my life I’ve wanted to be zapped by a Taser gun.
I don’t know why I even involve you in my schemes.
Wow. Marmalade. They take the part of the orange that’s normally thrown in the garbage and make it spreadable.
I brought maple syrup, but I didn’t bring blueberry syrup, because I thought: camping - we’re roughing it.
I’ve angered the Karma Gods, and you’re my punishment.
One day it dawns on you that you’re starting to get old. Then it dawns on you that you are old. Then it dawns on you that every second that ticks by is just another inch that you’ve dragged your carcass towards your own cold grave. Then one day stuff stops dawning on you… ‘cause you died.
Oh, my favourite part was when the shark went back to his home planet. It made me cry.
You’re not going to learn anything from a stupid book.
All right, I’ll take care of it. I’ll need a rope, a burlap sack and some rocks.
This title is misleading. Are they going to kill a mockingbird or not?
Do you even care about making sense any more?
This is government mind control, that’s what it is. Telling you what to do. Stop here, walk, don’t walk, do this, don’t do that, eat your peas.
I hurt a friend once with a careless lie. I learned a valuable lesson about lying more convincingly.
You don’t actually have to be sorry, just say you’re sorry. It’s the Canadian way.
Danger is part of the allure of llama farming.
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ask-ephraelrhiannon · 3 years
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For my first time using green stuff this came out pretty good I think!
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I finally have everything I need to kitbash a Ceridwen model but alas I have class tomorrow so I can’t do it tonight
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ask-ephraelrhiannon · 3 years
Make your pokemon team! 
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Tagged by: @lightofsigmar​
Tagging: @chapter-master-darius​ @randomnightlord​ @ask-the-crimson-king​ @ask-a-scheming-sorcerer​ @ask-rune-priest-ulfric​
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ask-ephraelrhiannon · 3 years
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I finally have everything I need to kitbash a Ceridwen model but alas I have class tomorrow so I can’t do it tonight
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ask-ephraelrhiannon · 3 years
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ask-ephraelrhiannon · 3 years
*cries in frightened/confused Texan*
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This is what we call a ‘medium amount of snow’.
That is 7 inches of snow out there.
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ask-ephraelrhiannon · 3 years
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got a new tablet so i updated the ephref! based off the same original sketch, just redone so the quality is better. also her gloves are white now
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ask-ephraelrhiannon · 4 years
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scenes from albion
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ask-ephraelrhiannon · 4 years
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astrid, runa, caleb, ephrael, and ulfric with their Baby Forms
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ask-ephraelrhiannon · 4 years
“You came here... to request my assistance? Never in a million years would I have thought... No, I will accept this. It is a victory that you have finally decided to embrace your potential. I will guide you, my Sky Warrior. You will have purpose again.”
Ulfric wiped the tears from his face. Took a deep breath. Then he turned back towards the golden figure. “So be it. Let’s continue this one vision. As much as it pains me to say it.”
The figures noded as time continued and the older reflection of Ulfric spoke. “ I’m…… lone wolf.”
Ishabella smiled then vanished into thin air.
He stood to his feet, the body of his beloved in his arms. And slowly made his retreat, avoiding all foes through his mastery of the obscuration disipline. He made it back to Cassandra, she saw her best friends body. Not even a saroritas could keep her composure.
The silver fangs, Caleb and the Emperor’s perfection all gathered on a cliff side over the sea. The crisp autumn air bit their nose tips. In front of Ulfric stood a funeral pyre. With the body of Ephrael layed upon it. He couldn’t hear the sermans of the sisters or wolf priests. He couldn’t even make out what his reflection was saying. The two figures stood beside him, they gave off an aura of sadness. They stared off forward towards the pyre, Cassandra and Ulfric held torches, in unison they lowered it onto the pyre. As it lit. Ulfric saw what looked like a golden bird fly off into the distance from the pyre. Trick of the eyes maybe?
Ulfric stepped closer to the mound of ash. Seeing his older reflection sit next to the ashes. Staring off out to see, Ulfric heard him say “ I am lone wolf. But…. I desire my pack. I will get vengeance for you my beloved.” The small golden bird landed by his side atom the pyre. The reflection look directly at it and smiled “I promise.”
Ulfric turned toward the spirits the larger one spoke in a heavy fenrisian accent “well now what.”
Ulfric asked as well. The softer voiced one spoke “I don’t know. The wake maybe?”
A pause, then the one with the softer voice spoke again, as if reconsidering. “No, perhaps it is best we get to the point. We needn’t draw out his sorrow for any longer than is necessary.”
“Aye,” agreed the larger figure, “There’s not much to be gained from this suffering. To the lesson, then.”
The scene in the crystal changed around Ulfric’s reflection- he was alone, now. From the drawn, exhausted look on his face, Ulfric guessed his future self had been alone for quite some time. Still, he was not wandering aimlessly- he seemed to have an idea of where he was going. As for where that was and why, the present Ulfric had no idea. He was stunned to see his future self come face to face with a recognizable figure- the Sorceress. Rather than her messy layered dress, she wore simple but flattering robes, and her hair appeared to be somewhat tamed.
“So, my Sky Warrior,” Her voice was mocking, but there was a trace of genuine curiosity to it. “You’ve sought me out, off the field of battle. To what do I owe this strange twist in our relationship?”
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ask-ephraelrhiannon · 4 years
“Not now, Ulfric. Now, you have piqued my curiosity. Sit, tell me your thoughts.”
The smaller, softer-voiced spirit sighed in audible relief.
Ulfric wiped the tears from his face. Took a deep breath. Then he turned back towards the golden figure. “So be it. Let’s continue this one vision. As much as it pains me to say it.”
The figures noded as time continued and the older reflection of Ulfric spoke. “ I’m…… lone wolf.”
Ishabella smiled then vanished into thin air.
He stood to his feet, the body of his beloved in his arms. And slowly made his retreat, avoiding all foes through his mastery of the obscuration disipline. He made it back to Cassandra, she saw her best friends body. Not even a saroritas could keep her composure.
The silver fangs, Caleb and the Emperor’s perfection all gathered on a cliff side over the sea. The crisp autumn air bit their nose tips. In front of Ulfric stood a funeral pyre. With the body of Ephrael layed upon it. He couldn’t hear the sermans of the sisters or wolf priests. He couldn’t even make out what his reflection was saying. The two figures stood beside him, they gave off an aura of sadness. They stared off forward towards the pyre, Cassandra and Ulfric held torches, in unison they lowered it onto the pyre. As it lit. Ulfric saw what looked like a golden bird fly off into the distance from the pyre. Trick of the eyes maybe?
Ulfric stepped closer to the mound of ash. Seeing his older reflection sit next to the ashes. Staring off out to see, Ulfric heard him say “ I am lone wolf. But…. I desire my pack. I will get vengeance for you my beloved.” The small golden bird landed by his side atom the pyre. The reflection look directly at it and smiled “I promise.”
Ulfric turned toward the spirits the larger one spoke in a heavy fenrisian accent “well now what.”
Ulfric asked as well. The softer voiced one spoke “I don’t know. The wake maybe?”
A pause, then the one with the softer voice spoke again, as if reconsidering. “No, perhaps it is best we get to the point. We needn’t draw out his sorrow for any longer than is necessary.”
“Aye,” agreed the larger figure, “There’s not much to be gained from this suffering. To the lesson, then.”
The scene in the crystal changed around Ulfric’s reflection- he was alone, now. From the drawn, exhausted look on his face, Ulfric guessed his future self had been alone for quite some time. Still, he was not wandering aimlessly- he seemed to have an idea of where he was going. As for where that was and why, the present Ulfric had no idea. He was stunned to see his future self come face to face with a recognizable figure- the Sorceress. Rather than her messy layered dress, she wore simple but flattering robes, and her hair appeared to be somewhat tamed.
“So, my Sky Warrior,” Her voice was mocking, but there was a trace of genuine curiosity to it. “You’ve sought me out, off the field of battle. To what do I owe this strange twist in our relationship?”
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