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'tis the season. happy april fools, and thanks to everyone whose jokes i copied down, so thanks to:
@toastyglow @ehlers-world-problems @streetlight-spam @spidermanifested and @fwizard
i have decided to do a zine challenge this april. a zine a day, hopefully, inspired by @koddlet's zinetober last year, so there's more to come, hopefully. i'm typing this on the 31st of march, so i'm giving myself a headstart
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make bad art / page intentionally left blank
a mini zine about perfectionism
image description applying to all photos: a background of bright colourful floral fabric with in front of it a booklet, each photo a different page. individual image description embedded
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what are your ideal writing conditions? do you have a specific place you like to sit, maybe a special drink/snack, or even a certain time of day or weather?
oh hello!
(i say, as if i'm surprised and didn't know about this ask bomb event this whole time and am gonna send some asks myself at some point)
..... i don't actually know, tbh. I often write in my bed, i write on the bus, i write pretty much anywhere i have my phone or laptop with me, as for weather, snacks, or time of day? it often end up being later in the day just by proxy of school or hw but just whenever, weather dosen't really matter, and sometimes i'll have a cup of tea? (often earl grey, some kind of mint, or lemon(& ginger).
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Oh? What’s this! Looks like you’ve just been ask-bombed 💣! Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
No way it's another one!
I generally title my fics after i've finished, and it's just a member or wracking my brain to try and come up with something, but occasionally i'll come up with one part way through (or on the rarest of occasions, before) writing
Thanks for the ask!
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Writer Goal Ask List for a New Year 🎉
These writer asks are always so fun to both ask and answer. Fanfic or original fiction writers, reblog away! These are asks based in new goals for a new year.
💖 What is your primary writing goal for this year?
🛳 Are there any new ships you want to write for? (Platonic, romantic, or anything in between.)
🤔 Are there any new characters you want to write about?
🥸 Does anyone in IRL know you write fanfic or original fiction? If not, do you plan on telling anyone this year?
🥵 Any plans to write steamy or spicy content this year?
👻 Is there a new genre you'd like to write?
🦄 Is there a new POV you'd like to try writing?
🐌 What is one of your smallest writing goals?
🦖 Are there any fandoms you wrote for in the past that you'd like to return to?
🍄 Are there any fandoms you've never written for but want to try?
🌈 What research do you plan on doing for your writing?
✨What's one area of your writing that you think needs the least amount of improvement?
🥕 What's one area of your writing that you think needs the most amount of improvement?
🫘 Spill the beans. What's a new project you're doing this year?
🥳 How are you going to celebrate when you achieve one of your writing goals?
🎃 Do you plan on writing any seasonal fics?
🐾 Do you plan on writing for any fests or competitions?
✍️ Which stat matters most to you (if at all!): subscriptions, kudos/favorites, comments, bookmarks, word count, or hits?
👾 Do you have any "bad" writing habits you want to break?
🤖 Are you looking to change your current writing setup? (Or establish one, if you don't have one?)
🦷 Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're dreading to write (but is necessary to your plot)? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
🍕Will you be making any changes to your posting schedule (if you have one)? (Or do you want to establish a posting schedule?)
🛏 Is there a new trope you'd like to write this year?
🪩 Do you have any "good" writing habits you want to cultivate?
🎉 How are you going to be kind to yourself if you don't meet your goals?
💌 Are you willing to take requests or prompts for writing?
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Here is your card for Bad Things Happen Bingo. Happy writing!
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artqueen02actuallyarts · 11 months
Hey! First proper post on this account!
I’ve recently gotten into the Lego Ninjago fandom and I drew Zane, I’m gonna put the image here but then I’m probably gonna end up rambling a bit under the cut so proceed with caution
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so. like i said i've gotten into the ninjago fandom recently, and basically how that happened is like maybe five years ago? or thereabouts when I was but a child my brother was watching it and so i sorta watched it with him in like bits and stuff and then recently he was watching some of the more recent stuff that's come out and i was sorta just there and i watched a bit and i was like "oh this isn't half bad" and then i read a couple fics and looked at some fanart, and then i started shipping polyninja and coming up with headcannons, and then I spent like my whole time that was meant to be like a three day holiday with my family on a three day holiday in bed and i read like most of the polninja fics on ao3 and zane became my blorbo so I read some zangst um and yeah here we are. so yeah I am currently rewatching the show (I'm only up to like episode 4 i only started at like midnight last night) but I drew this.
But about the actual drawing bc you probably care more about that then my random rambling so um yeah:
so if you can't tell my boi is having a panic attack and all those words around him? yeah those are things that he's thinking about himself. yeah the shading isnt great but honestly? hes floating in the middle of a black void glowing with glowing words floating around him so fuck shading lighting doesn't make sense and that's ok
I'm not 100% happy with how I've drawn him but that's just something I'm gonna have to figure out through trial and error and time and shit so w/e
also um I found the glitch effect on procreate and had to stop myself from using it on like p much everything so yeah um his tears are glitching as well btw if you didn't notice
also titanium zane has white hair in my heart ok sue me
what was that? no of course his feet don't get cold what? he's a nindroid and also the master of ice why would you- the socks? oh they um- they help with stealth! and keeping quiet! no he definetly dosen't wear them around the monastery/bounty because they were a gag gift from his boyfriends and they're soft and fluffy and remind him of them why would you think that?
also all of them have matching trackies like this in their elemental colour with their symbl thingo on the pocket (even wu and nya and lloyd and pixal) and polyninja wear them like all the time when they're not in their ninja shit to be cheesy or whatever and the others like never wear them but lloyd secretly loves his and nya has honestly sorta forgotten she owns some until kai pulls hers and lloyds out one night and makes them wear them andd have a rgb sibling movie night and wu is just like what ???? why woukd you get me these??? ??? ??? and they're literally just an item of clothing to pixal.
oh also i forgot to sign this and i don't have the energy to go back and do it and then get all the images to my laptop again and everything so just. don't steal my art ok? coolio
oh also i intend to write a fic to go with this at some point but don't hold me to that.
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artqueen02actuallyarts · 11 months
Ok ok ok
sososo this is my new sideblog! for anything I do that's like creative stuff/art.
and this is a masterpost (is that the right word?) of what's gonna be going on here, tags, anything like that
Do these things normally have titles?
whatever. I'm gonna pin it anyways so it should be pretty easy to find.
General info
Hi! I'm Charli, she/her, I don't believe we've met? or maybe we have! either way, I'm glad you're here. my main is @artqueen02 if you want to find me, if not, that's also fine!
Ok, now that we've got introductions out of the way, what's this blog about? - yes, we get that it's for my art and shit, but what's actually gonna be going on?
The sorts of things i could be posting here is well, pretty much anything. I often try out really random art related shit. Luckily for you, we're gonna have a tag system here! so let's get into that, shall we?
Tag System
First up, pretty much everything on here is going to have one of three main tags:
#charli tries to be creative - for anything i make, write, anything like that - probably going to be the most used tag on this sideblog
#not my art - we're using art as a pretty broad term here. this encompasses anything I reblog that someone else made
#aaa reblogs - for anything i reblog, will most likely be paired with #not my art or #not art
#not art - for anything that isn't something someone made
Ok, now that we've got those down, let's dive into the main subcategories of these tags
#charli tries to be creative
for anything i make, write, anything like that - probably going to be the most used tag on this sideblog
some other tags i might use with this are
#2d visual art - for drawing, painting, anything like that
#On My IPad - for digital art
#In My Sketchbook - for whatever you call not-digital art like this
#other 2d - for anything not covered here
#3d crafts - for crafts, these posts will include a tag(s) for the appropriate style of craft (eg. macrame would include #macrame and #fibercrafts)
#writing - for writing
#other art - for anything else that I've made that dosen't fit any of these tags
#not my art
we're using art as a pretty broad term here. this encompasses anything I reblog that someone else made
this one doesn't have any other specific tags but will be tagged with appropriate tags for the form of art
#not art
for anything that isn't something someone made
this can be about art, but it just isn't something someone made
#charli rambles - idk this one seems pretty self-explanatory, generally gonna be related to art in some way, otherwise i'd probably post it on my main
#about art - again this one seems self-explanatory, will be used for anything about art that isn't something someone has made
that's everything i can think of for the moment, but i'll keep this post updated
fandom shit - a side note
any fanfic or fanart - which will probably be most of what i make - will be tagged with #fanfic or #fanart accordingly and the appropriate fandom tags.
If you've gotten this far, my AO3 is here
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