aqua-marine-art · 3 years
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𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖉𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖒𝖊𝖆𝖓 𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖞 𝖚𝖘𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖔.
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aqua-marine-art · 3 years
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Elina, Fairy of the Rainbow!
this is the result of working on the Winx AU while rewatching the Barbie Fairytopia movies (they still slap)
(Magic Winx/Charmix based off the first movie, Enchantix based off Mermaidia, Mythix based off Magic of the Rainbow)
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aqua-marine-art · 4 years
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Some of my favorite old cartoon characters.
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aqua-marine-art · 4 years
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Woonyoung Jung  -  https://woonyoung.tumblr.com  -  https://www.facebook.com/woonyoung.jung.9  -  http://woonyoung.blogspot.com.es  -  http://woonyoung.bigcartel.com/  -  https://www.instagram.com/woonyoungjung
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aqua-marine-art · 4 years
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just wanted to draw catradora in these outfits!
(catra’s outfit is from bp’s kill this love and adora’s is from rv’s psycho. i think maybe they would relate to these songs during the angsty part of their story)
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aqua-marine-art · 4 years
i know there's a ton of Good Character Development reasons for percy to keep the curse of achilles but consider, the bullshit reasons
the hephaestus cabin used to make automatons for archery classes to fire at to get practice with moving targets, but it became a game for the apollo cabin and the ares cabin to see who could destroy the most automatons, and the hephaestus cabin went on strike. lee fletcher, head counselor at the time and also the resident archery instructor, went to chiron and started begging for a solution. chiron wants to be the person who says, "fix it yourself," but it's his job to train heroes, which is how chiron ends up digging out his old horse armor and spraypaints a red bullseye over the hindquarter piece and runs around getting fired at by teenagers and tweens. do you know how many times a pisses off kid "accidentally" missed the armor? and then percy takes on the curse of achilles, and now percy and chiron take shifts getting fired at by teenagers and tweens because percy doesn't know how to say no. they give percy chest/back armor spraypainted with a bullseye, as is tradition. this sometimes devolves into percy going, "hey will? can you shoot me in the eye with an arrow. i'm invulnerable but like, how invulnerable," and then will does it and percy falls over like I WASN'T PREPARED FOR IT TO NOT HURT I WASN'T PREPARED FOR HOW WEIRD THAT WAS GOING TO FEEL, WILL CAN YOU DO THAT AGAIN
he's banned from capture the flag because having percy on your team is emphatically unfair. percy doesn't like being banned from capture the flag, so he makes his own job for capture the flag, which is that he sneaks in and fucks with the teams while they play. absolutely no fighting, just pure "i wonder how necessary the stream is to the team's battle strategy. what if it moved" or "would suck, if the hephaestus cabin's war machines stopped working." he can't win but he can make it really hard for everyone else to. the camp counselor meeting over this particular issue is a shitshow, and it ends when katie gardiner throws a can of cheese whiz at annabeth for implying that the demeter kids couldn't beat her cabin at anything, up to and including dance dance revolution. chiron wakes up the next day to an official petition nailed to the big house door, demanding rights to dance dance revolution. this post is not about DDR, but for the sake of being right, i am telling you that nico would win DDR in an absolute landslide. my reasoning: the lotus casino had to have gotten DDR at some point, and nico, under full sway of the spell, did not realize there was anything weird about this game. he's had a fuckton of practice. he's basically unbeatable.
percy would lose round one of DDR, but again, this post is not about DDR. maybe it should be, considering i have weirdly intense opinions about demigod dance dance revolution. DDDR.
clarisse goes, "your face can't break most swords, can it," and percy's like, "what the fuck do you mean, my face can't break most swords? it's the curse of achilles. the point is that my face can break most swords. maybe even all swords," and that's how clarisse pisses off the hephaestus cabin permanently by breaking seven swords on percy's face before jake mason interrupts, screaming, "WHO DO YOU THINK MAKES THE SWORDS, LA RUE?" and once again the hephaestus kids go on strike. to smooth things over with jake, percy chills at the forges for a while doing menial tasks because he can't be burned while doing them. it becomes a game for campers to ask percy to hold boiling hot metal. they're teenagers, superpowers are cool. percy's just relieved he can't set himself on fire anymore, because getting burned alive in a volcano sucked.
percy can eat his mom's cookies directly out of the oven and it can't hurt him, and no mere mortal knows the joy of burning hot cookies. they taste better when they would scald anyone else's mouth.
thalia practicing lightning summoning with percy, or rather on percy, and guess what, that shit tickles? it tickles, but in your internal organs, it tickles. it's the weirdest fucking feeling. thalia's like WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING and percy's like I JUST NEED A SECOND...... I JUST NEED A SECOND
i think it should be a thing that when someone pisses off their biggest rival at camp and gets chased around with a weapon, they hide behind percy. not just because he has the curse of achilles, he also happens to be kind of a cool dude. he makes good conversation, while standing between you and a six foot spear being wielded by the person you dumped a can of paint on.
everyone kind of forgets to tell the new campers and one new kid who is a little bit of a pissant tries to attack percy while his back is turned, after a swordfighting class where percy tells him he can't just be a dick. the sword breaks on percy's shoulder. percy pretends not to notice, because percy can have a little fun, as a treat. the new kid lives in Fear
percy sleeps through the boring camp counselor meetings because Curse Of Achilles Naps, so chiron learns that if he frames an idea in the most boring fashion possible and then asks a half-asleep percy if he agrees, percy will just say yes automatically. he'll have at least one instant vote of support, even if the rest of the counselors are dicks about it.
i think annabeth would spend a lot of time practicing dance dance revolution, as someone who is naturally competitive and hates being beaten. i just had to get that out there.
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aqua-marine-art · 4 years
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Finishing to repost the older PJO’s fan arts I still like. I’m starting to understand tumblr but it’s a bit counterintuitive to me… 
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aqua-marine-art · 4 years
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i rewatched all of FMA (2003) in less than a week and I’m crying AGAIN
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aqua-marine-art · 4 years
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Cyril Rolando  -  http://cyrilrolando.tumblr.com  -  https://www.facebook.com/Aquasixio  -  https://twitter.com/RolandoCyril  -  http://sixinside.com  -  https://www.youtube.com/user/Colinlyrador?feature=guide  -  https://vimeo.com/aquasixio  -  https://es.pinterest.com/aquasixio
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aqua-marine-art · 4 years
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Avatar: The Last Airbender art by TKG
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aqua-marine-art · 4 years
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I did another cosplay fanart for the TikToker 1_1snailxd of their nonbinary Janus look.
I really love their cosplay of him and just had to draw them for Pride month! I hope you all like the art as well!!!
Happy Pride Everyone!
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aqua-marine-art · 4 years
This is. Amazing. No wonder Michael didn’t fit in with them. They were already complete
The Lost Boys as Seasons
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David - Winter
Cold • Darkness • Sharp edges • Hunger
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Marko - Spring
Youth • Exhuberance • Chance • Rebirth
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Paul - Summer
Passion • Adventure • Freedom • Joy
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Dwayne - Autumn
Mystery • warmth • tranquility • complexity
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aqua-marine-art · 4 years
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this tweet is such a perfect encapsulation of what the brain trust on twitter considers activism at this point, i swear to god
she was a child
she was a child trapped in a legendarily abusive studio contract where she was being pumped full of drugs and sexually abused by producers
what is the point? “think about this the next time you watch the wizard of oz”? and do what? this tweet is so pointless
not for nothing but she was also a lifelong advocate of the civil rights movement and held a whole press conference to denounce white supremacist terrorism after the 16th street baptist church bombing
there are politicians who did blackface in office right now
judy garland has been dead for 50 slutty, slutty years
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aqua-marine-art · 4 years
i am not immune to the "character's eyes glow when they use their powers" trope
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aqua-marine-art · 4 years
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Fairy Crowns
Just As Strange As I Am on Etsy
See our #Etsy or #Crowns tags
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aqua-marine-art · 4 years
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A punk stops during a gay pride parade to allow a mesmerized child to touch his jacket spikes.
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aqua-marine-art · 4 years
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