apogryphal · 1 year
Credence information
Hey guys, so I just got myself a drawing tablet yesterday and decided to make a character sheet for Credence. With this you also have a bit more information about him. If you don't understand something or have questions about it you can always ask me.
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Credence belongs to me. Credit of the art also goes to me.
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apogryphal · 1 year
Hi there fellow Undertale lovers.
I'm starting this blog to introduce you guys to Credence from my Credencetale AU. He is pretty shy and a bit scared around strangers so please don't scare him off. (Don't let those sharp teeth fool you.)
If you want to ask him questions feel free to do so. I'll also give more information about him in later posts.
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He is my sans from my AU and thus belongs to me.
I'm not that good at drawing and don't have any supplies to and am just not able to draw digitally. I know it is only a head sketch for now but when I get better at drawing him, and just drawing in general, I hope I will be able to do a full body properly one day.
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