anomalyhill · 10 months
Hello and welcome to our new show Marvel has a problem with women! I'm your host, skye, and tonight we'll be discussing why I'm fUCKING SICK OF IT.
(Secret invasion spoilers ahead)
Maria Hill. Commander of SHIELD. The only person capable of truly predicting Nick Furys literal bullshit. The only person capable of successfully wrangling the Avengers. The only person qualified to take no shit from anyone. She is one of the most important main characters for marvels plot development and characterisation. AND THEY FUCKING FRIDGED HER IN THE FIRST EPISODE OF A SHOW THATS NOT EVEN FUCKING HERS?? It wasnt for character development because her death is only used as leverage against Fury. That if that video of 'him' killing Maria Hill gets out then everything he's worked for will fall apart. It wasn't for the plot because her death has absolutely no relevance to the rest of the show. It wasn't even to reveal something. She isn't even thanked for her service to SHIELD and the Marines. SHE DOESNT EVEN HAVE A FUNERAL. She's just dead. Lying in a casket along with so many other women marvel packed up for the fucking sake of it.
I won't accept that they've done that to her. She could've been so much more. She shouldve been.
And now Carol Danvers. Captain Marvel. The human equivalent of a nuke. The woman Thanos punched in the face and didn't even flinch. The Avenger for every other planet in the goddamn fucking universe. She is the only Captain Marvel. She is meant to be one of the most powerful people in the universe. Her powers are able to kill Gods. AND GI'AH JUST FUCKING GETS THEM?? AFTER ALL THE TRAUMA CAROL GOES THROUGH TO GET THEM, AND ITS NOT EVEN HER FUCKING CHOICE. Why do Marvel repeatedly diminish the power women have over and over and fucking over. Let us have these strong characters without someone else just one upping them just be-fucking-cause.
I'm sick of it. Im so fucking sick of it. These characters were mine. They were my lifeline. I can't even have my lifeline anymore
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anomalyhill · 1 year
Lou; “Since we’re in this relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don’t ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt.”
Debbie; “Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don’t wanna hear shit.”
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anomalyhill · 2 years
Gina: Why do bad things keep happening to me? Am i cursed?!
Rosa: Bad things keep happening to you because you’re a dumbass.
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anomalyhill · 2 years
Rosa: *chugs coffee*
Gina, mumbling: That was hot.
Rosa: what
Gina: what
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anomalyhill · 2 years
Rosa: Gina, what the hell were you thinking?!!
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