ancientblight-blog · 5 years
A Year Has Passed
A Year Has Passed
Unus Annus
A year has come and gone, and so does this website. Unus Annus
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ancientblight-blog · 5 years
M&K Krafft
The life of a geologist is anything but easy. It is full of danger, excitement, and travel! Maurice and Katia dodged a bullet many many times, but they risked their lives until the end and had their lives taken by mother nature. When mother nature is ready to pop a zit, she will. The two geologists gave science a lot of data and…
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ancientblight-blog · 5 years
Red VS Blue
The battle between red and bluedates back hundreds of years, but also dates forward into the future as far as the eye can see. I remember a few of the battles, but the one I recall the most is the battle of Blood Gulch. A small ravine with walls of rock nearly vertical to produce a perfect habitat for secret research. It couldn’t have been much bigger than two football fields, but the enemy was…
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ancientblight-blog · 5 years
Random Network Cloud
It would be safe to say that clouds are a good example of what random is. Many jobs can be done at any time now thanks to books, pictures, and documentaries.
Telling a story after looking at a picture of clouds is something we all rely on every day. Everyone around my parts knows to just wait five minutes and the weather is completely different. Looking at the horizon gives us some idea about…
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ancientblight-blog · 5 years
Living Alone
I have lived alone for over 3 years, but was I ever really alone? Maybe I like to think I am alone, when in fact we are all surrounded by people.
Taking up space is a better term for living alone. Everyone needs a little bit of space to themselves. Living with others means sharing something. Liking something is completely different though. In some cases we have to organize and come together in…
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ancientblight-blog · 5 years
Advantage! Translators.
In the battle between two translators we find a fierce competition between speech to text, vs speech to signs. The money sits on the side with the typists as we all ponder if knowing ASL has an advantage over Keyboard Typing if the patient then becomes blind before deaf.
Telling from memories there are some people that swam without sight. Every judge would lean out of the way so the swimmer could…
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ancientblight-blog · 5 years
Wine is for the Bard
Wine is for the Bard
DALLAS, March 18, 2019 — Frequently drinking wine, such as sodas and cocktail drinks, was associated with an increased risk of death from cardiovascular diseases and, to a lesser extent, cancers, according to new research in the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation. 
Among study participants the risk of death rose as people drank more sugar-sweetened drinks. In addition, substituting…
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ancientblight-blog · 5 years
Pi Day
In the need of a slice of pie? Many retailers celebrate March 14th as a good day to offer free or special offers for all things relating to circles.
Taking a bite out of a fresh pizza pie with garlic white sauce, topped with five different cheeses, and covered with pepperoni, maple covered thick bacon, and chopped anchovies is a sure way right to gourmet deliciousness. Everyone has their own…
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ancientblight-blog · 5 years
The First Pseudonym
If we could go back into history, would we be able to find out who held the first pseudonym? Making a false name is easy, but documenting who made the name is the tricky part.
Telling a story about rogues, I have to add the disclaimer that rogues simply do not exist. Every brother or sister in the class of rogues will at one point get to write their very own pseudonym. Learning the name of a…
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ancientblight-blog · 5 years
The Ease of Making Robocalls
The Ease of Making Robocalls
The above video hits all the key points of spoofing and scam calls, while also being a good laugh. Hopefully videos like this can help spread awareness of the tricks that are being played on phones.
Spoofing has been around for decades, I even spoofed my name in Starcraft to copy certain names, add color to my real name, or make it…
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ancientblight-blog · 5 years
Interesting Job: Eye in the Sky
Interesting Job: Eye in the Sky
In all of my travels there is one thing in common with every business, they all use surveillance cameras. Managing these cameras is just one step in protecting a company’s assets, but there is a major difference between active surveillance and passive surveillance.
The casinos are a well known industry for hiring people to sit in a room and monitor a collection of monitors. Each employee is…
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ancientblight-blog · 5 years
The Perception of a Small Fry
The Perception of a Small Fry
Imagine a fish the size of your palm, a barbed hook speared through its jaw just before being cast back into an ocean with gentle waves bumping into a boat that could hold a great white shark. Magically the fish is able to survive with a new lip piercing, but the life of the fish has changed from that of free will to a destiny of catching a bigger fish.
Tom on the deck of the boat checks the line…
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ancientblight-blog · 5 years
Interesting Jobs: Alpha Tester
Interesting Jobs: Alpha Tester
I have always had the dream job of being a tester. Most jobs have these positions under different names, but they all fall under the umbrella term of Quality Assurance.
Testing things has always been a way to explore new things. Each time something is sent past my desk it had to be broken in a number of different ways, and sometimes it breaks in ways that were unexpected. Learning is a primary…
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ancientblight-blog · 5 years
Interesting Jobs: NDA
I stumbled upon an interesting job that is fairly new called Nuclear Defense Agent. Many people might worry about the next atomic bomb, but this job position is paid to worry about it.
The NDA is meant as a defensive post that is trained to evaluate and predict the outcome of an atomic explosion. Each bomb that explodes is observed with intense scrutiny as we attempt to learn more and more. Like…
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ancientblight-blog · 5 years
The Life of a Businessman
The Life of a Businessman
Not everyone gets the ability, or privilege to have unlimited access to some of the coolest toys in the country. Some kids got unlimited sandwiches, some kids got free concert tickets. Growing up in a party store, I had everything a kid could ever want. When the business owners buy 100 of something, 1 of them always went to the brat that got to test it until it broke. This also meant I got free…
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ancientblight-blog · 5 years
The First
If we take a moment to look around, the entire world is obsessed with being the first of something. Making something be the first is actually very easy.
To make anything the first, we just have to exclude the characteristics of what the first was. Everyone can be the first on the moon after they make their first steps on it. Looking for something new is just trying to be the first at finding…
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ancientblight-blog · 5 years
The Baby Watermelon
I remember a day when my level of responsibility was judged by taking care of a watermelon over the weekend. My watermelon was large, full of seeds, and weighed far too much to just carry around all day.
Thinking back to that weekend, I enjoyed eating the watermelon on the first day. Everyone knows I love watermelon. Like every other watermelon, this one was probably more tasty because I was…
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