amypc1 · 1 year
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It has been a mighty, mighty, minute since I've tried to host a fic writing challenge, but why not??? What's old is new again, and yadda yadda yadda. Announcing a new challenge: The Logan & Veronica: New Year, New Fic Writing Fest!
We’ll start writing in the first month of the year, and then posting the first week of February. New year! New fic! 
Posting Dates: Wednesday, February 1, 2023 through Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Fic! Fan art! Manips! Playlists! Headcanons! Lists of fic recommendations! We want it all!
To kickoff the first year of this challenge, I thought it'd be fun if we take inspiration from some of the fandom's greatest hits, that is, fics with the most amount of kudos over on AO3.
Please note: I have picked key elements of some of the most kudos'd fics EVER (according to AO3) to inspire these prompts. If you want to do an actual, explicit remix of one of these fics, it's fandom best practice to reach out to the author in advance. Any questions about that distinction? Just send me an ask or a message!
Most importantly: tag everything #2023 LV New Year in the first five tags so all those who love these two idiots can see and track the content. You can also post in the 2023 LV New Year challenge category on AO3.
No time to create? Boy, do I have a suggestion for you! Sometimes fics considered "old" by the fandom can drop off the radar. Why not take the time this week to dole out kudos and/or comments to some older but much loved fics?
Canon divergence, fics inspired by universes you've already created, long one-shots, new multichapters that incorporate each plot - all fic writing formats that are completely on the table!
Day 1: Market Fic - inspired by "A Strange New Story Every Time" by gyzym - Farmer's market? Specialty food store? Mini-market? So many markets...so many possibilities.
Day 2: Non-Linear Storytelling - inspired by "Slipstream" by @cheshirecatstrut. - Any way of telling a story where the events are not told in complete chronological order.
Day 3: Hurt/Comfort and/or Domesticity inspired by "With Me" by @bryrosea and "Same Old Song" by @susanmichelin - You can treat these as two separate prompts, or, as both of these fics do in an expert manner, incorporate them together
Day 4: Epistolary inspired by "Three Emails Sent Across Continents (And Possible Five Text Messages)" by Care and "Wingspan" by @theawkwardterrier - Journals, letters, texts, etc. They can provide the full text or simply feature as one component.
Day 5: Lawyer!Veronica inspired by "A Better Claim" by @best-laid-plaids - She spent all that time and energy on getting that degree - it seems a shame we fic writers don't put it to good use!
Day 6: "I love a man in uniform" inspired by "Metal Under Tension" by @machawicket - Not saying it has to be a military uniform...though that option is, of course, there.
Day 7: s1 canon fix-it or s1 canon divergence inspired by "Sometimes" by @mysilverylining and "Time, Make it Go Faster or Just Rewind" by @kmd0107 - We're all in agreement that s1 is the most complete season of this show, correct? That doesn't mean that the what-if possibilities are in any way limited, though!
So, What are the rules? There aren't really any, but in summation:
Look at the prompts for each day.
Post them on tumblr or AO3.
Tag them (on Tumblr and/or AO3) with #2023 LV New Year and/or add to the AO3 collection.
So, 2! 4! 6! 8! reblog this post and then create! 
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amypc1 · 2 years
A Dramione favorite has updated friends!
Resilience Chapter Update!!
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An unexpected tingling sensation filled his stomach, and a rush of warmth tickled the top of his head and flowed down his spine. His teacup clattered against the saucer as his hand trembled.
"Draco, darling! What is it? Is it the Dark Lord? Has he summoned you?"
He felt his cheeks heat, as a sudden flash of himself appeared in his mind. A dainty pair of hands smoothed up his chest, digging into his hair and pulling. The tingle morphed into a spark of magic that shot straight to his core, causing Draco to keel over and brace himself against the dresser.
Resilience by @kmd0107 and @the-og-mkt
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amypc1 · 2 years
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“Draco? Why not transfigure the sofa into a bed at least? Make it a little more comfortable?”
He ran a hand along the green velvet beside him, a smile playing at his lips.
“Some things are too precious,” he said.
A tufted green velvet copy of Wait and Hope by @mightbewriting
This is a vision I have had for over a year. Before I even started binding books. I finally felt that I could bring it to life. It’s not perfect, but I learned so much from this experience and I am incredibly proud to present it to you all. I hope you guys like it as much as I do.
Thank you to some of my friends for really encouraging me through this process. I needed every bit of it. 😂❤️
My copy of Beginning and End will be next. But I don’t know if I have it in me to tuft that one as well. 😅 let me know what you think about that.
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amypc1 · 2 years
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Just sweet Dramione💕
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amypc1 · 2 years
I think we’re kind of starting to get away from this but have y’all noticed how in the vast majority of popular media, sex scenes don’t actually tend to involve a lot of talking/fumbling/awkwardness unless it’s for humor or to indicate that the people having sex are a.) probably Wrong for each other somehow or b.) inexperienced, possibly having sex for the first time?
but “good” sex, between people who are experienced and In Love etc, is almost always effortlessly athletic and steamy and they somehow telepathically know exactly what to do. I’m not talking about knowing what their lover enjoys, that’s entirely feasible, but they never even have to coordinate what they’re doing. there’s no “do you want me on top?” or “do you want to do [x]?” or accidentally getting in each other’s way.
the overwhelming message that I’ve always gotten from pop culture is that Good Sex happens without communication and, more dangerously, that needing to communicate is a sign that you’re somehow bad at sex, when in reality that’s almost definitely a sign that you’re, you know, a considerate partner who actually gives a shit about people being comfortable when they have sex with you.  
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amypc1 · 2 years
why do we live here?
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In Black Widow (2021) it’s clear from the very beginning that all events happen in a fictional, unrealistic universe, because nobody ever said “I want to stay in Ohio” in real life.
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amypc1 · 2 years
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♡ ULTIMATE SHIPS MEME ♡ : Declaration’s [1/5] ↳ Wade Kinsella & Zoe Hart, Hart of Dixie 2.10
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amypc1 · 2 years
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He’s a pampered purebred kitten at the manor. One day he finds a stray with wild curly fur sneaking around the garden. He brings her home, they end up bonded for life 🥺
The owners don’t want a stray so he shows her the secret passages to get around. He grows up protecting her from all the dangers of the manor, because she’s insatiably curious and wants to explore EVERYTHING🥺
Dramionimals, March 6 - Cats
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amypc1 · 2 years
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amypc1 · 2 years
Women in STEM (Smut, Trauma, Enemies to lovers, Masquerade balls)
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amypc1 · 2 years
everything I touched told me it would be better shared with you
dear hermione,
i should really be writing my auror report or sleeping or even drowning myself in firewhiskey for fuck's sake. the one thing i shouldn't be doing is writing this letter to you, at 4 in the morning, the morning which has come without the sleep the night should have brought.
hermione. hermione. hermione.
what do i do with the four syllables of your name on my tongue when you would never look back at me, with your cinnamon eyes full of love i could never dream i would receive from you?
i believe all my past sins have caught up with me. the cruel fate has decided that to love you and lose you is a better punishment than to never love you at all. if i had never loved you, the painting of your serene sleeping face bathed in sunlight would not have been plastered on the inside of my eyes, hazy like a memory from a long lost time- like waking up from a dream and only remembering how it felt, all our time together and all i remember is your face before you woke up, your fingers on my chest, your breathing steady. i wonder if this is worse than not having loved you at all. if i had never realized how so wrong i was about everything, about my place in this world and yours, or if you had never forgiven me for the unforgivable deeds of my past, or if both of us were just too broken for everything, or if the invisible string had just tangled too much and stretched too taut, would i have felt it in my heart of hearts that i am walking around space and time missing half of my soul? i think about it all the time. i am scared that the answer might be 'no' and everything stills for minutes at a time.
i think of the sand on the beach that my parents used to take me to as a child. you are the ocean, hermione and i am mere sand. once you touched me i was never the same again. you dragged parts of me with you, irretrievable when you left but the waves of the ocean come back to the sand. come back, please.
one day you touched me and the fingertips that were supposed to have dirty blood inside them traced circles on my forearm. the dark black that had seeped inside my skin rose up into goosebumps to meet the shimmering gold that coated your existence. your lips broke into a smile and my insides fluttered like butterflies with something resembling happiness and not dread. i didn't think i could feel that way again, like flying on a broom before I started feeling the fiendfyre burning up my feet.
fate might see it as a punishment but i would still take the moments we spent together as a rose in the graveyard of my life but most days i can't get beyond blaming myself for all of it. in second year, i wished you dead hermione. every time i think of the disgusting words spilling out of my mouth, the image of you convulsing in pain on the floor of my childhood home's parlour cascades over all the rocky walls i have tried creating around it. i didn't even deserve your forgiveness, your love was the privilege i would pay for all my lives. i wish i could bargain more of it in this lifetime for another lifetime of suffering.
i don't know how to go on any longer. i don't know where or how to send this to you. three drawers of your office table are full of these letters and potter told me we have to clean out your office soon. where do i send your open cases granger? where do i send your books? the letters that i write instead of sleeping or eating or working? where do i go? remember when you thought ending letters with 'till death do us part' was dramatic? i don't know how to end these letters anymore.
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amypc1 · 2 years
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I HATE how tumblr brings up your old tags as you’re typing a new tag because I really don’t!! Want to remember!!! Some of the things I’ve said on this godforsaken site!!!!
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amypc1 · 2 years
the mortifying ordeal of hearing a recording of your own voice
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amypc1 · 2 years
Bedtime Stories
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An ordinary day in Wiltshire comes to a close. DRACO’s putting his two children, eight-year-old SCORPIUS and ten-year-old PENELOPE, to bed. HERMIONE and GINNY are watching from the doorway.
SCORPIUS: Please, daddy!
PENELOPE: Noooo! He's told that one a million times already!
SCORPIUS: But it's my turn. And I want that one!
       PENELOPE folds her arms, protesting.
DRACO (stroking PENELOPE's hair): Don't be cross, my darling. You get to pick a story tomorrow!
       PENELOPE calms down.
GINNY: I didn't believe Harry, but he really is brilliant with them.
HERMIONE smiles at DRACO who returns her gaze in a way that can only be described as "smouldering".
GINNY (grinning): You two are revolting.
HERMIONE (wistful): And you don't even know the story of the dangerous sorceress who held him captive on an island, for weeks and weeks… (GINNY snickers.) Ah, our honeymoon...
SCORPIUS: Yes, that one!
PENELOPE: I want to hear it, too!
       DRACO glares at HERMIONE and GINNY who break into peals of laughter.
DRACO: Now, look what you've done, witch!
HERMIONE (apologetically, to her kids): How about the one where daddy fights the Cantankerous Cyclops?
       SCORPIUS and PENELOPE break into cheers. DRACO looks a bit hesitant; ultimately, his kids wear him down.
GINNY: Which one is that?
HERMIONE: That was during the war, at Grimmauld Place. It's a good one!
DRACO: I'm telling the story! (clears his throat)
       SCORPIUS and PENELOPE settle under the covers, listening attentively.
DRACO: A long time ago, our hero, the handsome and quick-witted Dragon Prince--
       GINNY snorts.
DRACO (louder): --is having a difficult time. He's slain a vicious, two-headed monster--
HERMIONE (whispering): Nagini and Bathilda Bagshot.
      GINNY shudders.
DRACO: --which he and his companions only survive by the skin of their teeth. He returns to his castle, where he throws himself into the arms of his maiden. She's his only confidante, and as such, they can't bear to be apart.
GINNY: That's the censored version, yeah?
      HERMIONE smirks.
DRACO: But danger's not over. Suddenly, the Cantankerous Cyclops bursts into their room. He’s suspicious and quarrelsome, and threatens to transfigure our hero into a teeny-tiny rabbit--
      SCORPIUS, PENELOPE and GINNY all gasp.
DRACO: Without his wand, our hero is helpless against the foe, when out of nowhere, an old, wise crone--
DRACO: alright, alright, not crone--goddess strides into the room. 'How dare you threaten our hero,' she cries. ‘He’s innocent!’ She wields her wand with furious justice, banning the Cyclops, never to return.
The kids cheer, all thought of sleep soundly forgotten. DRACO starts reading proper bedtime stories to calm them.
HERMIONE and GINNY return downstairs.
GINNY: So, Mad-Eye caught the two of you shagging like bunnies, hence him wanting to transfigure Malfoy into one?
HERMIONE (grins): He thought Draco’d imperiused me.
GINNY: And McGonagall stepped in? Unbelievable!
HERMIONE: I know! Minerva saving Draco from Transfiguration punishment, again?
GINNY: No, I mean...
      (grabs Hermione by the shoulder, staring at her)
      McGonagall saw you two bloody starkers???
This was written for @dramioneldws ROUND 6 | WEEK 4: Athena. War. Wisdom.
Likes/Reblogs and Kudos/Comments are my love language 😍 💕
Find my drabble on AO3
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amypc1 · 2 years
omg, this has me laughing so bad.
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A mad cat
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amypc1 · 2 years
Is discord down for everybody? I don’t know what to do with myself!
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amypc1 · 2 years
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Remain Nameless by the amazing @heyjude19-writing.
How did it feel? It felt like he was barely holding it together. She, of all people, should shun him. Or yell at him. Curse him. Spit at him. Take out her wand and blast him off the face of the earth. It was crushing guilt and relief and confusion all at once when he looked at Hermione Granger. The monotony of Draco’s daily routine had become both a lifeline and a noose. But this new habit of grabbing coffee with Hermione Granger is quickly becoming a reason to get out of bed and is unfortunately forcing him to re-evaluate his inconsequential existence. Hermione is living her life in fragments, separate pieces scattered about, and she can’t find a way to step back and let the full picture form. Why are morning meetings with Draco Malfoy the only thing that make sense anymore?
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