amirajoyy Ā· 3 years
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ā€œBatman, where the hell have you been, Loca?ā€
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amirajoyy Ā· 3 years
I really don't want to talk about it but it looks like most people forget one thing: the Seven actually treated Nico like shit.
Don't get me started with the jar and wonder bread thing, because I can talk about that for hours but let's talk about how it was when Nico was on Argo 2. Most of them didn't actually want Nico to be there because they thought he was creepy and said that multiple times in the book. Like, if Nico had to go on a mission with one of them they were like "Oh thank gods it's not me who has to go with him" or "I don't want him to come with me". That's how Jason thought but he's forgiven because of the Cupid scene. But how about others.
Everyone but Hazel didn't like Nico's presence and didn't really try to conceal how they felt towards him (one of the reasons why he liked to be alone cause he's not stupid and he can feel that he's unwanted). I feel like Frank and Leo treated Nico worse than everyone else.
When they had to go on a mission in Venice, Frank didn't like the fact that Nico has to go with them because he knows Italian and used to live there. Frank thought that Hazel was much more prettier than Nico (I know it's because he's in love with Hazel but I still wanted to slap Frank at this point). And when Hazel almost died he was mad at Nico for "not protecting her" and even though Frank didn't say it, it was written on his face. Now imagine being Nico, having his sister almost dead and seeing someone blaming you for it.
And then, Leo. We know that Leo loves making jokes etc. but his joke about Nico (I don't remember how it sounded) was cruel, cause Jason snapped at him for that. And you know what was really hurtful? Both Leo and Piper didn't understand why Jason was mad. They were like "since when is he protecting Nico di Angelo?" and didn't have a single thought that maybe it's wrong to have such attitude towards a person who saved their lives multiple times. They felt like it was natural to make cruel jokes on Nico.
I know that partly it's Nico's fault but let's be honest, it isn't great when main protagonists act like that towards a boy who did nothing wrong and constantly tried to help.
Maybe I'm overreacting but I feel sick everytime I think about it. Nico was treated very badly. They all were biased and it annoys me everytime I read House of Hades.
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amirajoyy Ā· 3 years
If I see one more post about Latino Jason Todd Iā€™m going to scream.
Oh, okay, you mean to tell me you headcanon the angry street child as Latino even though he isnā€™t Latino in the slightest and isnā€™t even coded with the mannerisms of an actual Latino person?
And you donā€™t expect actual Latinos to be offended about this?
First of all, ā€œLatinoā€ could mean anything from Venezuelan to Ecuadorian to Brazilian heritage. And even then the line gets even blurrier? Are his parents from Venezuela, for example? If so, which state? Because I live in Venezuela (in Caracas, the capital) and if you compared a CaraqueƱo with someone from Los Llanos, for example, it is entirely possible you will find literally cero actual shared mannerisms.
Letā€™s talk about what this headcanon means.
This makes Jason Todd, the angry street kid, Latino. Okay. That is really fucking racist all by itself, but it gets worse.
Now, if you headcanon Jason Todd as Latino, then it means at least one of his parents are Latino too. Letā€™s look at Jasonā€™s parents, shall we?
Willis Todd, abusive alcoholic criminal asshole. Okay, not the best look to headcanon this mofo as Latino.
Catherine Todd: not actually his biological mother but still his mother figure (if you headcanon her as Latino, either one or both of his biological parents have to be Latino as well for Jason to be Latino). She is..a drug addict who died of a drug overdose, leaving her child to starve. Also also not the best look to headcanon this woman as Latino.
Sheila Haywood, otherwise known as she-who-must-not-be-named-especially-not-in-Jasonā€™s-hearing: person who sold drugs to refugees in Ethiopia and betrayed her estranged son to the Joker, of all fucking people, to get money and to stop anyone from finding out she sold drugs to refugees. Also also also not the best look to headcanon this person as Latino.
So youā€™ve got these objectively terrible people (Catherine IS objectively absolute terrible for putting her son through watching her die and not taking them away from Willis even if she did try to be a mother) and you tell me you headcanon at least one of them as Latino and expect me to be happy about that?
All to headcanon the angry pint-sized criminal street kid as Latino?
Okay, why exactly do you expect me to be okay with that? What in the name of the ever-loving mother of unconscious racial biases told you this was in any way, shape, or form, a good idea? Jesus Christ. Itā€™s like the ā€œfiery Latinaā€ trope all over again!
If you headcanon Jason Todd as Latino please let me know so I can block you and get on with my life. I donā€™t need this. I shouldnā€™t have to sort through upsetting stereotypes just to read fanfics or browse heascanons about my favorite comic characters. I shouldnā€™t have to look at painful reminders that even the people who scream loudly about how they are fighting for me and my representation in media stereotype my entire fucking race. If you people are the guys that would put more Latinos in media Iā€™m almost glad we arenā€™t shown more. Because if I had to look at characters made with the kind of thinking that lead to whatever the fuck this bizarre headcanon is I would genuinely stop watching movies.
This also goes to all the people who headcanon Tim as Asian American, btw. Iā€™m just not as personally offended by that because Iā€™m not Asian (disregarding that ā€œAsianā€ is a term used for around 4.561 billion people, which is, you know, MORE THAN HALF THE POPULATION OF THE PLANET). Still, it bears mentioning, because racial biases must be fought at every opportunity no matter who they are about.
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amirajoyy Ā· 3 years
The PJO Fandom On Tumblr Is A Whole Ass Circus
Browsing through the spoiler tags for Tower Of Nero has got me running into a lot of anti rick riordan bullshit. You complain about a man who has given us nothing but consistent representation for the last 15 years. He may not get it right every time and heā€™s certainly not perfect, but it bugs the shit out of me when people bash him because he didnā€™t make your faveā€™s headcanon canonical. It happened with Reyna and now Iā€™m seeing it again with Piper. The book isnā€™t even out yet. Weā€™re all vaguely piecing stuff together through snippets of leaked chapters on instagram. We donā€™t fully know yet how he is going to handle Piper being saphhic (not putting a label on her being bi or a lesbian until itā€™s been confirmed which). I saw a post saying he only made her gay to appease fans after the backlash with Reyna. Uuuuuuh???? WHAT?! Did you forget two lesbians appeared in the second Trials of Apollo book? Have we forgotten about Nicoā€“a gay man, Alex Fierroā€“a transgender/genderfluid person, Apolloā€“who is a flaming bisexual (literally) and Magnus Chase who is somewhere on the LGBTQ spectrum?? But yes he retconned a girlā€™s sexuality who openly admitted her motherā€™s meddling with her memories was the reason she broke up with Jason to appease fans of the lesbian! Reyna headcanon.
And Iā€™m not even talking about just this. Iā€™ve seen posts where people are trying to paint Annabeth as a villain for dragging Percy away from his friends and family to move across the country so she can live her ideal life. And at that I have to laugh. In the second Heroes of Olympus book, Percy got the idea to live in New Rome with Annabeth after he saw the life there. Heā€™s not being forced into anything. Itā€™s ok if you donā€™t like Rick or like some of the choices he makes. Itā€™s ok if youā€™ve simply outgrown him but are still sticking around because youā€™ve grown up with the characters and want to see how it ends. But damn stop bashing a man about being a terrible writer or what have you simply because you donā€™t agree with how he writes HIS OWN CHARACTERS. Not many authors would risk their career by putting so many lgbt, poc, neurodivergent protagonists in their books. And when Rick kept getting asked about writing books set in myths that werenā€™t his culture, instead of taking the easy buck, he used his platform to create a space where authors of color could write about heroes/heroines based on their cultureā€™s myths and do it authentically. Iā€™m paraphrasing this albeit not by much but Rick said ā€œI may not always get it right, but Iā€™ll never stop listening or stop trying.ā€Ā 
That, my friends, is a true ally.
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amirajoyy Ā· 3 years
no better feeling than watching ao3 reach 400% of their donation goal in less than two daysĀ 
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amirajoyy Ā· 3 years
So any batfam + interrogation methods hcs šŸ˜
ooooh ok babe. this may get a tad dark so imma put it under a cut
bruce: his chosen interrogation method is to weaponize fear. he knows how terrifying the batman is, how mysterious and near godlike. and he knows how to accentuate those rumors. heā€™ll conduct interrogations in utter darkness, heā€™ll make sure the person heā€™s interrogating wonā€™t be able to see him, heā€™ll deliberately pause or talk over the person. anything to make the person sweat or uncomfortable. once their guard is down, heā€™ll ask questions and the person will be too terrified to do anything other than tell the truth.
dick: aight people may hate me for this one. but listen. dick grayson is one of the most experienced vigilantes of all time. he was a fucking child vigilante, and i donā€™t think some of yall understand the implications behind the wordĀ ā€œvigilante.ā€ heā€™s not just going around town beating up muggers or conducting stakeouts. no, he knows he needs information the man has and he will utilize what he has to get it. he knows heā€™s good looking, he knows how people look at him, and he uses that. sometimes, the person doesnā€™t even know theyā€™re being interrogated: dickā€™ll approach them at a bar or on the street or something. other times, heā€™ll have them bound and isolated like in a traditional interrogation. in either case, heā€™ll pretend to sympathize with their situation, then go over the top in interrogations, till the other personā€™s breathing hard and not thinking straight. then, once dick knows the guy isnā€™t in his right mind, heā€™ll apply force at the guyā€™s pressure points, picking at guilt or fear or sick satisfaction or whatever else the person was feeling, and try to exploit that. the other person would be in no frame of mind to fight back, and with a bit more hands-on activity, dick would have the information he needs. interrogations always leave dick feeling sick, and leave the other person feeling either uncomfortable or way too forward. if one gets more in depth than usual, heā€™ll probably throw up afterwards. heā€™s very skilled in them, but he hates doing them, and will usually try to get someone else to take a crack at them first.
jason: blackmail. pure and simple. heā€™s a crime lord, heā€™s got connections (read: underlings) and can find out whatever dirty little thing the person heā€™s interrogating is trying to hide. if it comes to it, and if the person has a family, jason will threaten them and tell the person what heā€™s going to do to them if they donā€™t cooperate, but in reality, wonā€™t ever go near the family. itā€™s just an effective tactic for the person heā€™s interrogating. he knows how intimidating he looks, because honestly, with the guns displayed casually and the leather jacket and the hood, heā€™ll power posture to freak the guy out. if heā€™s with his family, heā€™ll keep doing it to try and keep his manmade reputation up (not all of them fall for it.) if heā€™s by himself, heā€™ll immediately change out of his gear into like a hoodie and pajama pants or something. he hates feeling and acting like the very people he was so terrified of when he was a kid. jasonā€™s not above using physical violence, (heā€™d be careful because thereā€™s alwaysĀ a possibility of death with guns, even when he wasnā€™t aiming for anything vital) but itā€™s not his first choice.Ā 
tim: i feel like tim would utilize other people a whole lot. he would use what barbara dug up on the guy or find things out with his own technology skills, and talk about the guyā€™s worst secrets flippantly. cassie doesnā€™t have her own lasso of truth, but if sheā€™s currently borrowing donnaā€™s or dianaā€™s, then tim will ask to use it on the interrogator. heā€™ll ask bart to just be himself around the person heā€™s interrogating, then have bart randomly vibrate through stuff or play around with his powers. then, heā€™ll overexaggerate bartā€™s impulsiveness and remorselessness to the man (which, if iā€™m being honest, isnā€™t even that overexaggerated. comics bart is fucking terrifying with the amount of apathy he has towards anything or anyone that isnā€™t his friends and/or family). tim will, like, vaguely implyĀ that if the man doesnā€™t tell tim what he wants to know, then bart will vibrate his hand through the guyā€™s body and crush his heart. or heā€™ll get kon to show up and have him casually use his super strength and other powers for really mundane shit, like using his heat vision to heat up coffee or using his strength to fold a metal chair to be more comfortable or never walking anywhere, just floating, to really accentuate his otherworldliness and ease he has with his powers. then, timā€™ll act completely at ease around kon, like they do when theyā€™re just hanging out as best friends, making this poor little civilian shit his pants at the sight of tim bossing around and acting like best friends with someone whoā€™s basically god. i also think tim would do a lot of interrogations with cass
cass: she and tim would tag-team, i think. sheā€™s not very fond of interrogations, preferring to stick to the physical side of vigilantism or letting others do the work for her. on the rare cases she does have to interrogate someone, sheā€™ll work together with tim. mostly, the two of them will psychologically mess with peopleā€™s minds. cass isnā€™t a mind reader, but sheā€™s pretty damn good at reading peopleā€™s bodies. unlike dick, who uses his emotional intelligence to help people, she uses her to find out exactly what the personā€™s scared of or uncomfortable about (and thatā€™s not her fault, thatā€™s just how she was raised). sheā€™ll relay this information to tim, and while tim expands on what she gives her, talking and talking until the person is shivering, sheā€™ll prowl around the personā€™s body, getting closer and closer until the guy doesnā€™t know what to focus on, cassā€™ clearly threatening body language or timā€™s harsh words. that causes them to break soon enough.
damian: he is always physical. violent interrogations were what he grew up with in the league, and he wonā€™t stop using them now. also, i think you guys are way too lighthearted on what you think bruce and the rest of the batfam would or would not approve of. if itā€™s not as major of an interrogation, then theyā€™d stand back and let damian give them minor injuries, such as breaking fingers or dislocating joints. if itā€™s much more high stakes, theyā€™ll let damian play with fire. waterboarding is a crude method, but itā€™s usually effective. as long as damian doesnā€™t kill, majorly maim, or permanently disfigure the guy, then heā€™s allowed to do it. (even then, i think theyā€™d allow him chopping someoneā€™s fingers off with a knife one by one, or maybe an ear.)Ā 
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amirajoyy Ā· 3 years
things damian has learned from his siblings
Dick Grayson.
How to play Mario 64 on Dickā€™s old N64. Bruce was particularly excited about this development because he would play the same game with his oldest during his Robin days.
How to lead team-bonding with the Titans. Heā€™s still working on how to be an effective leader, but with help from Dick, heā€™ll get there someday.
Jason Todd.
How to pick locks. Sure, Damian already knew how to get out of simple handcuffs and open some doors. But with Jayā€™s help, no where is off limits to him. Jason only slightly regrets this when Damian scares the shit out of him when the kid is sitting on his couch in the middle of the night after getting past Jayā€™s defenses.
How to make Jasonā€™sĀ ā€œspecialā€ sandwich. Itā€™s a combination that he came up with in his pre-dead days and only Dami and him seem to enjoy whatever it really is made up of.Ā 
Cassandra Cain.
When to act and when to be silent. Heā€™s learned mostly from observing Cass and mimicking her behaviors.
How to braid hair. Heā€™s always been curious about different hair styles, and the only other person in the manor with long enough hair to braid is Tim, and that was an awkward conversation he was unwilling to have. Instead, he hung around Cass every time she did Babsā€™s or Stephā€™s hair. She noticed immediately and started slowing down for him to watch and learn.
Tim Drake.
How to make paper cranes. Itā€™s a compulsive nervous habit Tim has to grab any paper near him and try to fashion it into an origami piece. Dami would collect them when Tim fell asleep and try to reconstruct them with the folds he had made. After multiple failures, he woke Tim up and demanded he teach him. They spent an entire night making an army of paper cranes.
How to make real friends. Damian has always been jealous of how strong Timā€™s friendships were, until he realized the root of that jealousy was his longing to have relationships on the same level. Damianā€™s friendship with Jon is built off of mannerisms he observed between Tim and Kon.
Duke Thomas.
How to enjoy reading. Before meeting Duke, Damianā€™s bookshelf was full of books about practical information like biology and self defense. Duke is a big reader of all sorts of genres, which piqued Damianā€™s interest. While his brother was out patrolling, he stole an old sci-fi book from his room and read the whole series in a matter of hours. Duke noticed later that his bookshelf had been slightly rearranged and put the pieces together. Sometimes he buys new books he thinks Damian will like and puts them where he can easily find them.
How to mend clothing. Damian has always been used to receiving new clothing when his current pieces have been torn or ruined in anyway. One day, Duke sat at the kitchen counter sewing a part of the zipper back his favorite hoodie and Damian sat down next to him, determined to fix a jacket of his own.
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amirajoyy Ā· 3 years
You cannot tell me that demigods donā€™t use their powers for stupid shit
Jason or Thalia want something but itā€™s across the room? They just float it towards them, no problem
No matches to light a birthday candle? No problem for Leo
The waves are too rough for when Estelleā€™s at the beach? Percy calms them down in less than a minute
Someone slightly annoys Hazel? Have fun walking uphill everywhere now
Nico doesnā€™t want to do something? Easy, just summon an army of the dead to do it for him
Plane tickets being way to expensive? Frank just turns into a small dog, and heā€™s allowed on for free
Just,,,,demigods using their powers for more than just fighting monsters
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amirajoyy Ā· 3 years
when the sky is a certain color and youā€™re outside and your entire being aches
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amirajoyy Ā· 4 years
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šŸ‘šŸ¾Education šŸ‘šŸ¾is šŸ‘šŸ¾a šŸ‘šŸ¾right,šŸ‘šŸ¾ notšŸ‘šŸ¾ ašŸ‘šŸ¾ service šŸ‘šŸ¾
Pass along and use the shit out of them
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amirajoyy Ā· 4 years
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amirajoyy Ā· 5 years
the 7 buying school supplies
originally just percy & annabeth were gonna go bUT percy dragged grover with them
then thalia was dragged along
& if thalia's going then jason & piper are going (we're just gonna pretend jason's alive oKAY LET ME LIVE)
& if they're going then of course leo & calypso are going
calypso dragged hazel & frank along as well
& if hazel's coming then nico & reyna are also coming
just imagine - 12 teenagers running into target & just making a mess of things
reyna, thalia, grover, & nico were just there in order to supervise the others since there obviously the most responsible
& they also don't go to school oop
poor bby calypso didn't know wHAT was going on ??
she was so conFUSED I'M CRYING-
but this was her first time school supply shopping
all her supplies were pastel & aesthetically pleasing (vsco girl caly-)
she bought a hydroflask unironically
leo got the bare minimum of eVERYTHING,
like one folder, one notebook, the smallest pack of pencils
he also set fire to some of the notebooks but we don't talk about that
the poor workers were so confused
like why are two 17 year old guys throwing highlighters at each other??
we'll never know
percy's school supplies was basically bleach & gum
no he literally tried to put that in the cart but annabeth made him put them back
he still bought it though
his actual school supplies was blue- per usual
annabeth's supplies had a black & white aesthetic going on & matched her personality perfectly (somehow)
she named her calculator einstein
reyna was criticizing eVeRyThiNG because nothing is good enough for this queen
grover, poor bby grover was just trying to stop all the chaos before they were kicked out but was a victim to a flying box of highlighters
r.i.p. grover you will be missed
nico tried to stay as far away from everyone as possible in hopes to not be associated with the madness going on in the supply area
hazel & frank needed supplies because there are classes at camp jupiter they decided to take
hazel's supplies had a purple & gold theme going on which was like super pretty (you go hazel we stan)
she also got a BUNCH of art supplies but that was to be expected
like leo, frank got the least amount of school supplies as possible
he claims it's for convience but in reality he just doesn't know what he's doing
thalia engaged in the highlighter war
jason & percy immediately regretted starting it once thalia joined in
piper made them break it up before security came
all 3 of them walked away with scratches, bruises, & black eyes
never doubt the ability of a highlighter pack
ironically enough, jason's supplies were honestly kinda cute like go off sis
light blue & white aesthetic for the win
piper got pretty basic supplies
like plain red, orange, & purple folders & notebooks you know, the basics
reyna & nico had to explain to the target employee's what the fuck was going on & needless to say they weren't happy
hi y'all sorry this is lowkey bad it's my first headcanon but feedback pls?
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amirajoyy Ā· 5 years
Jeff: * is fucking up his face in the bathroom *
Mom: * walks in *
Mom: son,.,.,oh my gOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING????
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amirajoyy Ā· 5 years
incorrect quotes #2
annabeth: okay, everybody tell me what color percy's shirt is
jason: grey
piper: it's light grey
leo: grey
annabeth: now, tell us what color YOU think it is percy
percy, mumbling: it's dark white..
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amirajoyy Ā· 5 years
incorrect quotes #1
percy: hey, why can't koalas be bears?
annabeth: because they're marsupials.
percy: *mimicking* bEcAuSe ThEyā€™Re mArSuPiAlS- NO, itā€™s because they don't have the right koalafications!
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amirajoyy Ā· 5 years
titty-loving cowboy yeehawww
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Cursed Creature here
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amirajoyy Ā· 5 years
Jeff - Calm down, itā€™s just a cockroach
*Cockroach starts flying*
Jeff - BITCH RUN!!!
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