allthespreads · 1 year
Making your dreams into reality
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It’s time to swim in those waters, friends!
What future visions need to check in with present reality?
How can my dreams for humanity nurture my empathy?
How can I deepen my connection to the psychic realms?
When does my inability to focus on the here-and-now provide an opportunity to dream, untethered?
What hidden fantasy will help me to manifest good fortune?
And if you’re looking for more information about creating the spread (or my other tarot and Oracle spreads), visit my blog at HermitsMirror.com/musings.
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allthespreads · 1 year
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allthespreads · 1 year
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From the Epic Tarot
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allthespreads · 1 year
spread 🏹 interviewing a new deck
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1 - the voice/personality of the deck
2 - how the deck sees me as a reader now
3 - how to approach a working relationship with the deck
4 - topics the deck likes to cover
5 - topics the deck does not like to cover
6 - when this deck should be called for guidance
7 - a card to analyze right now
- Source: Mine
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allthespreads · 1 year
spread 🀄 daily tarot/oracle reading
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1 - what energy i am carrying into today from yesterday
2 - what part of today is brand new
3 - what attitude would best support me to bring into this day
4 - a compliment/affirmation from my deck to me
- Source: Lightwands Tarot
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allthespreads · 1 year
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allthespreads · 1 year
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This came with Legend: The Arthurian Tarot.
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allthespreads · 1 year
Pride and Prejudice
A tarot spread for when there’s conflict between you and someone in your life. Particularly when pride and stubbornness contribute to the issue. 
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1. Pride: Represents you in this stubborn situation. 
2. Prejudice: Represents them in this stubborn situation. 
3. The Miserable Half: how your attitude contributes to the conflict. 
4. The Regiments are coming: how their attitude contributes to the conflict. 
5. An Unexpected Proposal: advice on how to resolve the conflict to everyone’s liking. 
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allthespreads · 1 year
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Temper Temper Tarot Spread
1- Who am I when I’m angry?(You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry) This should be a court card.  Separate and shuffle your court cards and draw one for this position.  Shuffle the rest of your courts back into your deck.  OR separate court cards from a 2nd deck for this position.  If you read reversals, *purposely* reverse this card.
2- Trigger Warning  What sets you off? 3- Why does it effect you so much?  Underlying influences of your reaction
4- Anger Management  How can you change your reaction?
5- Moving forward  How will a positive change affect your life?
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allthespreads · 1 year
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allthespreads · 1 year
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allthespreads · 1 year
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It’s Henry Rollins’ birthday, so I decided it would be a good day to share this Black Flag-inspired tarot spread I came up with:
1 - the thing (situation, emotion, etc.) you are trying to rise above 2 - what’s holding you down 3 - what will help you rise/your chance to break free 4 - what might happen once you rise above
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allthespreads · 1 year
Spirit Identification Tarot Spread
A friend of mine recently asked me to do a reading for them based on a spirit that’s been hanging around them lately, so I came up with this spread to help! If you’ve got a spirit (or spirits) hanging around you and you’re not 100% sure what they’re up to, I recommend giving this one a shot!
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1. What is the spirit’s intent? 2. How long has this spirit been around? 3. Is there anything specific that this spirit wants me to know? 4. Does this spirit want to work together in the long-term? 5. If they do want to work together, what do I need to do/how can I make this relationship happen?
Of course, feel free to play around with the questions and tweak them as needed. Hopefully this helps some of you! 
Friendly reminder that you can view exclusive content, gain early access to my content, and tons of other perks over on my Patreon for only $2 a month!
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allthespreads · 1 year
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Tell me about yourself. What is your most important characteristic?
What are your strengths as a deck?
What are your limits as a deck?
What are you here to teach me?
How can I best learn and collaborate with you?
What is the potential outcome of our working relationship?
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allthespreads · 1 year
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Stay warm this winter solstice!
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allthespreads · 1 year
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Since it's nearly valentines day....here's a self-love tarot spread 💖
My energy currently:
Parts of me I love:
What am I neglecting that needs to be cared for?
What can I give to myself that I normally give to others?
How can I build a better relationship with myself?
What expectations/judgments do I need to let go of that are holding me back?
Advice/support from guides? (This is open to you, you can ask whatever you want. Some examples are: what do your guides think of you? What do they think your best traits are? etc.
Wishing you all the best ✨ and hope you find this spread helpful.
🌙 Yio
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allthespreads · 1 year
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