akiseung · 1 year
Angel or Devil ep.2
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warnings : bully!soobin, manipulator!soobin bullying, manipulation, verbal abuse????
category : angst
a/n : school is taking over my liiife so i havent wrote about this in a while but im very bored and i'm very inspired SO here we goooo!
part 1!!!!!
part 2 !!!!
just get here kai, was all your mind had been thinking for the past 5 minutes. You just wanted one of his comforting hugs.
"im here Y/N, i'm just around the corner…" Kai say's as calmly as he can.
"actually let me come get you, stay where you are...okay?" Kai asks.
"yeah... okay..." You say, finally catching your breath
He finds you in record speed and you guys silently walk back to the car.
"so... wanna tell me what happened?" he asks nervously. You could tell he was freaking out himself.
"yeah so uhm.. basically soobin came and he like... uhm.." you took a deep breath in and out
"take your time." Kai says reassuringly.
"he uhm... threatened me.... he was telling me stuff like he was going to get rid of my friends and make my life a living hell.." You said cautiously
"I understand if you don't believe me-"
"no, no, I believe you Y/N. Just why would he do that?" Kai asks concerned.
"He didn't hurt you, right??" He goes into panic mode, checking your face and arms for scars or bruises.
"No he didn't, he said he didn't want me to have 'physical proof' or something like that... but i'm not sure, he said just 'because he wanted to'?"
"Well, that's good... but there has to be more than that... I mean, his mom died... you don't think..." Kai asked with eyes wide, shocked at the discovery he just made.
"There's no way..." You breathe out
"Neither of my parents ever went to jail or anything. No cops have ever showed up to our house, and I don't think any of my relatives have a relationship with his family... though I can't be sure on that last part." You say with a little confidence
"well, how about we rule that out for now. The problem is... what's the next step? If he really is going to try to get rid of your friends, wouldn't he start with me? And how is he going to make your life a 'living hell'??" Kai asks, looking out of breath at the realization.
"I really don't know.. I guess we'll have to find out on monday." You say, looking at your hands in your lap. You were almost embarrassed. You felt bad for putting Kai in this position, he didn't deserve that.
"hey..." Kai said, poking your hand.
"whats going on, I know that look" He says almost comedically
"I just feel bad for putting you in this position, you know?" you mumble.
Kai almost laughs
"it's not funny..." the tears were about to fall, how could he joke at a time like this???
"It's not funny I know," He says cooing you
"But it's funny that you think I wouldn't want to be in this position, I would much rather help you and take on any burden you have then sit and watch, I promise Y/N you should not feel bad for telling me ok? what else are best friends for?" Kai asks, full body towards you now.
You finally look up, making eye contact with Kai
"thank you so much Kai, you have no idea how much that means to me, I mean it, thank you" you say whole heartedly.
Even though you two are in a car, that wasn't particularly THAT comfortable, that doesn't stop Kai from hugging you as hard as he can.
"kai.. I can't breathe" you say, jokingly
"maybe I don't want you to!" He says in a sarcastic, high-pitched voice.
"let's put a bitch in his fucking place on monday, yeah?" Kai says, evilly smirking
oh boy, what does he have planned now...
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akiseung · 1 year
Angel or Devil ep.1
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warnings : bully!soobin, manipulator!soobin bullying, manipulation, verbal abuse????
category : angst
a/n : i wanted to turn this into one of those angst to fluff... HOW DO I TURN THIS FROM ANGST TO FLUFF- anyways after like 3 days i'm finally finished writing part 1 whoopdedoo
part 1 !!!!
But he was so sweet? You thought, how could anyone possibly dislike this man??
The man you were speaking of was of course the one and only Choi Soobin. He was an angel in your eyes, he lent anything to anyone no questions asked, he would always bring extra sweatshirts and sweaters for people who were cold throughout the day, he even brought warmers for people to put in their pockets, a real angel.
But some would argue hes a devil and that he would do anything to hurt anyone. You've heard rumors that he's not only a bully but also would hurt people for fun.
the school was split about 20/80. 20% thinking that hes evil and is nothing close to the 'sweet angel' he appears to be, only because they've experienced it themselves, and 80% that think hes the most handsome, sweetest, cutest guy who could do no harm. You and your best friend ,Huening Kai, were defiantly on the 80% that thought he was just so sweet.
"Y/N GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!!" you heard Kai yell. Oh for fucks sake. You walk over to Kai to see him pointing to Soobin through a window. He knew you had a crush on Soobin and was actually the one who helped you prepare to ask him on a date today, so he called you over so you could both watch in anticipation to see how he reacted to this other girls confession. "nonono.. what if he accepts it!" You whine. "I'm sure he wont!" Kai reassures you, this bitch better be right or he'll be in for a hell of a lot of crying and whining. With a whole audience now, you watch as the girl gets rejected. Most people making an "eeesh" sound or "aww poor girl.." while you and Kai silently celebrate.
"lets gooo!!" you whisper. Kai smiles at you, he wants you to be happy so bad. He really can't wait to see the look on your face when you say you now have a boyfriend.
"Well??" Kai asked while crossing his arms. "Kai im scareddd!!" You whine. "What if he just throws it away?? What if he shows his friends and they laugh?? What if-" "ENOUGH with the 'what if's' Y/n! You won't know unless you don't try, so just give it a shot. If it doesn't work out i'll be here for you, you know I will." Kai said with a smirk. "Fine.." you finally gave in.
It had been around 4 hours since you put that note in his locker. Since you didn't want people to be talking about how you got rejected you and Kai decided that it would be best in a secluded area. Not even Kai himself would be there. As soon as Soobin arrived you got nervous. Maybe you should back out.. yeah thats what you were going to d- "look I know what you're going to ask me, the answer is no, but I wanted to come anyways." Soobin said taking you by suprise. Before you could even get a word in Soobin pushed you to the ground. This wasn't the Soobin you knew.... "You know, look like a loser right now. Asking a guy out just to be rejected. So helpless, even your beloved.. whats his name.. Huening Kai? can't save you. You're all alone and right where I want you." he said with a smirk. "you were shaking in fear, what was he going to do with you, what would happen to you, would anyone believe you, would Kai believe you??
You get pushed out of your thought with the feeling of tugging on your purse, he took it, gave it a little look before stuffing it in his pocket. He look at you with disgust. What had you done to deserve this, you were scared shitless, especially because you had never been bullied before. What was it like, whats he going to hit you? You had to ask, you had to get something out. "a-are you going to.. h-hit me.." you asked, voice sounding small and frail. He scoffs "You think I'd give you physical scars to show your friends. Get rid of my great reputation? Absolutely not." He says rolling his eyes. "What I am going to do is make your life a living hell. Starting off with getting rid of your friends" he says smiling.
What the fuck is wrong with this guy. "why would you tell me your plan? Are you stupid?" You asked scoffing, gaining a bit of confidence, that confidence lasted about 3.5 seconds before Soobin dropped his smile and looked like he was about ready to hit you. "You dare... to call me stupid?? Oh you're really in for it bitch." He walks closer and squats to your level. "I'm telling you this as a gift. It's what will happen but its so ridiculous that no one will believe you. It'll make you seem crazy. That's just what I want." He states with a hard glare.
"but why ME? I've never done anything to you!!" You yell in both an angry and confused tone. "because, you decided to come here alone. You should know better shouldn't you?" He whispered pretty close to your face, You don't think you've ever been so uncomfortable in your life. " 'teaching me a lesson'?? that's not a real reason-" "I don't need a reason. I can do whatever I want." And with that he stands up and walks away. You don't waste a second calling Kai.
"k-k-kai.." you stutter
"HE..y... are you ok? Did he say no-"
He gets cut off by your crying
"Look I know getting rejected is hard but.. crying that hard-"
"I DIDN'T JUST GET REJECTED K-KAI.. please come... pick.. me up"
The pauses were from you trying to catch your breath
"y/n... what happened.. you can-"
"KAI. Please.. just get here"
"got it... send me your location, do you want to stay on the phone with me?"
You've never wanted someone to drive faster.
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akiseung · 2 years
get to know me :>
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helloo! my name is AKI, here are a few things about me and this page!
first of all, everything I write is either fluff or angst as I am a minor, I will not write any smut.
Next, I am a boy group stan with the exception of Kep1er, so pls don't ask me for any other girl groups, and even so kep1er isn't really on my writting list so-
Lastly, I do BOTH member x Y/N and member x member
My requests are OPEN so please request!!
the groups I write for :
Stray Kids
Tomorrow x Together
Ult biases :
Soobin & Huening kai
thats abt it, stay tuned, love uu <333
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