aifilaw · 16 days
Chimeras - Overuse of Powers
If chimeras use too much of their power, it will strain their bodies, and their magic will temporarily run out. Fully resting will allow their magic to replenish and will not have long-term consequences.
However, if a chimera does not allow enough time for their body to rest and constantly runs out of magic, they will experience the following consequences depending on what kind of power they yield (elements are not a direct indication of what they will get but it is a good indication of what could happen)
Fire-related powers: Dementia
Water-related powers: Tinnitus
Earth-related powers: Anosmia
Air-related powers: Asthma
Lightning-related powers: Anosmia
Light-related powers: Blindness
Darkness-related powers: Deafness
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aifilaw · 19 days
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Made an icon
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aifilaw · 23 days
Human beings who have absorbed the magic that radiated from the meteor and gained the ability to use powers from the absorbed magic
While everyone absorbs magic, approximately 1 out of every 5 people will gain powers from absorbing the magic
Everyone who has powers is required to register their abilities for health and safety purposes
Depending on the culture and powers, some chimeras may be praised or discriminated against for their powers. A large majority of non-chimera humans are indifferent to the average chimera
There is a special organization called the Chimera Police Force (CPF) which is made up of highly qualified chimeras. The force has various departments that manage different aspects of what chimeras can do, such as dealing with rifts, managing other chimeras, and using their powers for jobs that don't involve rifts
The strength of this magic can change over time and can become either stronger or weaker through training, though the difficulty of changing this is dependent on the person
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aifilaw · 26 days
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Gateways that appear with little warning and allow the dinosaurs to leave the island they live on to enter land further away from the island, which is land humans live on
People with magic can detect when a rift is about to form due to their heightened sensitivity to magic. However, the rift typically appears approximately an hour after it is first detected. Dinosaurs could come out anytime after the rift opens
The rift can stay open for anywhere between a day to a week, though the process of closing it can be sped up by people who specialize in astral magic. However, it cannot be predicted when or how many dinosaurs will come out of the gate
People cannot enter the gate as it only goes one way which is from where the dinosaurs are to where the people are
Gates will typically appear in open spaces which can make them harder to detect ahead of time
There is a specialized group of people who deal with gates from tracking them to closing them called the Chimera Police Force (CPF)
*Picture is being used as a reference
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aifilaw · 1 month
The Korens
An intelligent species that lives on a planet called Kore, distant from Vesta. Each species is its own realm and is capable of wielding any of the 8 elements but is typically associated with the following elements:
Dragons - Fire Includes wyverns, drakes, wyrms, etc
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Aquatics - Water Includes leviathans, mermaids, sea serpents, etc
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Fae - Earth Includes nymphs, elves, goblins, etc
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Avians - Air Includes rocs, phoenixes, harpies, etc
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Beasts - Lightning Includes predatory beasts, ungulate beasts, beasts, etc
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Will-o'-the-wisp - Light Includes feu follet, aurora, naga fireballs, etc
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Umbra - Darkness Includes yokai, demons, etc
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Gargoyles - Astral Includes foo creatures, totem creatures, golem, etc
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*Pictures are not mine and are being used as a reference
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aifilaw · 1 month
A planet equivalent to Earth but with one major event that changed it
During the age of the dinosaurs, a meteor hit the planet, Vesta, causing all the dinosaurs on the planet to perish except for the ones in the area of impact (the purple region shown below)
The dinosaurs in the area of impact (currently dubbed "The Forest") were petrified for millions of years before breaking free of their stone confinement. However, the meteor that had petrified them had imbued them with the magic that was stored inside of it, giving the dinosaurs elemental powers
A vague sketch:
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aifilaw · 1 month
Lisa Bang
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Rough sketch of Lisa Bang
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aifilaw · 1 month
World of Justice v. Peace Intro
Story Characters Magic Science History Society Culture and People Geography and Nature Government and Politics
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