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All Saint’s Wake Manor pics of one (1) drowned rat boy for my friend~
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Can you imagine in the asahi sticks around au he gets his ass saved my the wol but they actually make sure he’s ok and care about his well being unlike zenos
He had played his part to perfection, worked tirelessly to endear himself to the vaunted Champion of the realm and their company. So well had he immersed himself in the role, in fact, that even he had moments where he believed the honeyed, companionable words that fell from his lips. The hero had been wary, of course. Yet slowly but surely had Asahi proven himself to them, lowered their guard. The time was almost upon them.
And now it would be all for naught. Everything he had done, the hours he hand spent whiling away at the heroes’ side, as friend and confidant; and If Asahi was not mistaken, the hero desired more. Hah! How rich, how humorous. How delightful it would be when they realized…
But no, it was not to be. Asahi grits his teeth, his expression twisting into a sneer made up of fear and rage. 
“We are on the same side, you fools, you imbeciles!” Asahi hisses, clutching at his bloodied and broken sword arm, dangling at his side, useless. 
How had it come to this? 
For the second time did Asahi stare imminent death in the face. Only this time Lord Zenos would not save him. There is a whirring of magitek and Asahi tenses, jerking his face away and closing his eyes, awaiting pain and oncoming oblivion. 
There is the sound of turret fire, Asahi jumping with the spray of bullets, but he is not struck. Asahi cracks his eyes open, and blinks at the sight of the hero stood in front of him, their arms stretched wide. A bubble of protection magic rendering the projectiles useless, flattened on the barrier and falling at their feet. 
“What are you doing…?” 
They spare him a glance, their gaze fierce. “Protecting you.”
Asahi bares his teeth at them, angry, but the hero seems to take it for pain. 
They arch their eyebrows as if questioning if he was serious. But there is no further time for talk, ‘twas a time for action, and Asahi stands back as the hero thoroughly thrashes all who opposes them, sending them running with the threat that any other who came for his head would meet a far worse fate. 
Asahi mislikes the welling of warmth in his breast. No, no, this was all a farce. He should not be affected at all that the hero came to his aid. Just as his Lord Zenos had… No, this was different.  
There was no indifference in their face as they look him over, taking stock of his injuries. The hero looked at him as if.. as if they truly cared for his well-being! Kami, had he really done it? Had he become a friend to the Warrior of Light?
Asahi stares incredulously at their hand as they hold it out to him. He clutches his arm tighter, shaking his head. No, no. He should not go, he needed time to think, to regroup. He needed..
“Ah!” Asahi yelps as the hero sweeps him up into their arms with surprising strength, his world tilting. “Put me down, you savage!” 
They favor him with a look, their lips quirking. “That is not very nice,” they say chidingly. 
Asahi flushes. Damn. “..M-mine, apologies, my friend,” he says, and the word tastes bitter and far too heavy on his tongue. Was it true? “..You startled me.”
They smile at him, their eyes warm. Asahi looks down, swallowing, truly feeling like a traitor. 
But to whom? To His Radiance? 
Or to the Warrior of Light?
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Rewatching the cutscenes I was reminded that young Asahi had freckles when he was out and about in the sun so this thing happened.
In hindsight, the summer evening top might not have been the wisest choice of swimwear.
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…Better to get hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie.
Khaled Hosseini (via quotemadness)
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Peyto Lake
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I will not be made to fight for the throne a second time.
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Ghirahim's radiant!!
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william vangeance golden dawn captain
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“Try not to die.”
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William Vangeance Icons
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ravioli ravioli here’s all my patolli
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