aceinthehellhole · 1 year
2 out of 3 potential movement classes suck so far, and I'm not holding out hope for the third.
Professor Crewel (yes his actual LITERAL name sounds like "CRUEL") is the most terrifying man I've ever met, and I don't admit that lightly. I am of the philosophy to never turn tail when faced with anyone who wants to mess with me, but Crewel?
Ugh... I just got a full body shudder. This man reeks intimidation. He's got jet black hair and piercing gray eyes that seem to stab through your soul, ripping apart your insides to loot around for something interesting.
Acting movement class takes place in the auditorium on a big stage, and the entire class we had today was about WALKING. I don't know how this school gets funding if they're teaching people how to walk, but I guess that's just the state of our education system for you.
Now, don't get me wrong, it wasn't an easy lap around the room. He called on us one by one to walk the length of the stage with different prompts and kept changing them every few people. Stuff like "walk like an old lady", "walk like someone with a secret", etc etc.
Admittedly it would have been kind of funny watching my classmates go and follow the prompts, walking like goofs in front of everyone. But there was this heavy weight in the room. I dunno if it was from Crewel's stare or the spotlights above the stage, illuminating us like specimens in a lab, but everyone knew to take this thing seriously like always.
So when my name gets called and I jump to my feet, trying to seem casual and confident even though my palms are all sweaty at the thought of becoming the next goof on the chopping block.
The stage lights are super bright and hot and I have to squint to see Professor Crewel, leaning leisurely against his desk, which is on the floor below the stage.
He carries one of those old school extendable pointers with him 24/7, and keeps tapping it against his palm in a way that only he could make feel threatening.
"Trappola!" He barks, flicking the pointer to the right. "Walk as though you are a newly escaped prisoner."
Oh, great.
Actually teach, that's what I wish I was! An escape-y from Night Raven College! This is barely acting!
So I sigh and hunch over, trying to imagine what someone in that situation would look like. Shifting eyes? A malicious grin? Tiptoeing, so as not to draw attention to-
The noise rings through the auditorium, making me nearly shit myself.
"Bad form. You look more like a guilty hound dog than a convict." Crewel says, withdrawing the pointer, where it had definitely left a mark from how he'd whipped it against his desk.
Yeesh. His first negative review of the day. Surprise, surprise - it's for me!
Crewel's eyes scan the students' faces, looking for god knows what. His gaze lands on one and his mouth lifts into what for him could be considered a smile.
"Viper." He says, beckoning one guy forward.
The guy nods and steps up. He has, like, the most silky hair I've ever seen. Literally like he stepped out of a Garnier commercial.
"Demonstrate." Crewel barks again.
Viper guy doesn't need to be told twice, and he immediately crouches low to the ground, his ponytail swishing against his back. He crawls forward, eyes scanning left and right, then barrel rolls into a stance as if his back is pressed against an invisible wall, hand splayed behind him as he peeks around the invisible corner.
It feels like I'm watching an action movie unfold right before my eyes. I can't even complain about being cut off in my lousy attempt at playing pretend, this guy is living it.
Crewel claps once. His highest known form of praise. "Well done."
Hell, I'm tempted to clap too. That was... objectively really cool.
But then Crewel's steely eyes bore into me and any thoughts of applause go out the invisible window.
"Trappola. You are to do partner work with Viper. Put together a five minute pantomime." He looks at Viper. "Present it to me by next week."
Ugh. More homework.
Viper nods again. "Yes, sir."
I mean, maybe this pantomime thingy won't be so bad. Viper seems pretty cool.
It's only my third week here, and the universe continually insists on screwing me over.
I hold up my hand to high five him as he rejoins the group, but he COMPLETELY ignores me. Even bumps past my hand on his way. So much for the hope that ONE GUY here wouldn't be a complete asswipe.
Is it because I'm too hot? Too charismatic?? What egregious sin did I commit in a past life to have this one suck so bad?? Ugh.
Lunch time, my lord and savior, please don't fail me now...
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aceinthehellhole · 2 years
So, movement class sucked, but I don't know what else I expected.
I used to like to consider myself an optimist. And an opportunist. And an atheist.
This school has made me question all three.
Our teacher for all dance related stuff is Professor Vargas, who literally looks like he lives in the woods and wrestles bears as a pastime. Which, based on his teaching methods, might be the case.
He shouts out corrections constantly, and if you don't lift your leg to the exact degree angle he wants, then he "adjusts" you by mangling your limbs in whatever position is required.
Funny thing is - you're never gonna believe this - his primary target is usually ME. I must remind the guy of a bear he lost a wrestling match to or something, because I swear he's out to get me...
Deuce says it's because I had no experience in dance before this semester, which is blatantly untrue. I know Cotton Eyed Joe. I can do the Macarena. I know a few key points of kpop dances.
The point is, I'm not entirely clueless about dancing. It's not like I have no rhythm or anything.
Sure, Vargas can teach ballet and grond juhtay or whatever, but who dances to that?? Do they play classical music in clubs? I don't think so. Studying ballet feels like learning to speak Latin. It's not used anywhere in the real world, so what's the point?
If Vargas put on a trap beat I could probably crush him, or anyone else in that dumb class, in an ACTUAL dance off.
Expect maybe Scheonheit. (How tf do you spell that name?? Is it German??) He's a fucking superhuman. He seems to be able to perform anything asked of him with no effort at all. He doesn't even SWEAT. No, literally. Everyone else leaves class with damp shirts and droplets rolling down their faces, but Schoenheit? You'd think he sat in a cushy chair for the entire class for how much he's not sweating.
He's also, for the record, insanely pretty. Like supermodel pretty. Like movie star, magazine cover, only ever see people like that online and not in person pretty. It was trippy being in class with him for the first time, I think my jaw actually hit the floor. Of course, Vargas had promptly chiropracted it back in place.
I was just informed by Deuce that we have movement class next, to which I replied, "You're shitting me."
He seemed confused, so I elaborated. "We just LEFT movement class."
He was like, "Yeah. That was dance movement class. This one is for acting."
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aceinthehellhole · 2 years
So, bad news. I'm not suspended.
Dean Crowely told me that I need to "be more aware" of what I post online because I'm "representing the school" now that I'm a student here.
Bullshit. I bet he has a private twitter where he thirsts over... Madonna or something. He looks like the type.
My point is, I get the feeling that he let me off easy. Which is TERRIBLE.
I tried begging him for just a little suspension, something I could tell my mom so she'd be disappointed in me and send me to- wait no fuck,, I don't wanna go to military school either.
I guess... I'm just fucked either way. Might as well be able to tweet about it freely without fear of "ruining" the military's reputation.
Speaking of getting fucked, my roommates are the worst.
Obviously everyone saw the tweet.
Jack was like "maybe you just need to get laid".
Stupid Jack with his stupid muscles and stupid neck veins.
So I turned to him and was like "dude the absolute LAST thing I need is to have your huge sweaty meat stick shoved up my ass, okay?"
And then he had the AUDACITY to look offended by what I said. As if he wasn't the one being vulgar in the first place. Psh.
Jack isn't even the worst of them.
Deuce is the most annoying person I've ever met. He's at my side 24/7, following me around like a lost duckling, always asking me if I'm okay, and he even holds my hand sometimes. Gross.
What do I look like? A mama duck?
Okay, yes, I did cry to him about how unfair life is and may have fallen asleep on his chest, but that was ONE TIME. That doesn't mean we're automatically fused at the hip now. What is his deal??
And then there's Epel. That guy is so fucking weird. He barely speaks, and when he does, it's to make some backhanded comment about how I'm "pushing people away" and "ignoring the people who care about me".
AS IF anyone in this godforsaken school cares about ME.
Who is he to judge me like that anyway?? Rich coming from the guy who has no friends and refuses to talk to anyone. Sheesh.
The last guy in our dorm is Sebek. He's some kinda exchange student and he's almost as obnoxious as Jack. I get that they're dancers or whatever but do the have to be so RIPPED??
It's hard to focus on basically anything in our dorm when all I can hear is one or both of them grunting and huffing and getting all sweaty while they work out.
The only cool person in this entire school is - I KID YOU NOT - Yuu the janitor. I met them shortly after joining when I (definitely by accident) spilled 6 cans of spaghetti-os in the hallway. Don't ask.
I expected the janitor of this place to be A. some crotchety old man and B. the type to blow up in my face over spilled pasta. But Yuu was neither! They showed up with a mop and bucket on wheels, their pudgy black cat Grim perched lazily on their shoulder. While they started cleaning up the mess, all they said was. "Man, you must really like your o's."
And that was that. We instantly became allies in this cruel and rigorous hellhole of an academic setting, bonded over our shared love of cheap canned food.
Yuu has some kinda scholarship or something where they get free housing and food in exchange for cleaning up, which sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me. If the position wasn't already filled, I would have begged Crowley to let me do that instead of "expressing myself" for a grade.
Speaking of which, I gotta get to something called a "movement class". Ugh. Pray for me.
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aceinthehellhole · 2 years
This is so stupid.
I can't believe I'm being sent to the DEAN'S OFFICE over such a teeny tiny mistake
Like, come on
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Is THIS a reason for punishment?? Sorry I didn't realize that making observations is now a CRIME
Damn I hate all these artsy people, they're the WORST....
"Oh, Ace, wHy are yoU gOing to an aRt schOol theN???" -WELL it was either this or military school (thanks, mom) and I REALLY hate following orders.
I hate the arts, too. But not as much as I hate people telling me what to do.
So here I am. In hell.
Everyone here is all "professional" and "driven" and yes OBJECTIVELY really hot, and now I'm getting probably suspended because of a
Wait wait this is good news
They might suspend me
No more playing the trumpet for three hours a day while Loosey Deucey spits all over me from his dumb trombone.
No more stupid hot guys distracting me with their focus faces and tights bulges while I stumble through ballet moves.
I'M FREE!!!!@@^@%
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