acciosblog · 5 years
people who read fanfiction in public are underrated heroes
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acciosblog · 5 years
Do you ever feel the sudden urge to start crying in public cause you barely sleep for 4 hours last night and the fanfiction you were reading didn't end well and the sun is too bright and it burns your eyes and your life is a trainwreck?
I can't be the only one!
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acciosblog · 5 years
Inter-House Friendships #2
Ravenclaw: *laying on the floor having an existential crisis*
Hufflepuff: *quietly lays next to them*
Slytherin: *shakes head in defeat and sits next to the other two*
Gryffindor: *lays entire body on top of Ravenclaw*
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acciosblog · 5 years
draco: you know, i’m so jealous
harry: what, why?
draco: your boyfriend is way hotter than mine
harry: but we’re dating —
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acciosblog · 5 years
If we watch Harry potter togheter, i'm going to spend 99% of the time watching you to make sure you're responding correctly to the film.
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acciosblog · 5 years
Slytherin x Ravenclaw
- first of all, sytherin is absolutely adorable. like puppy-in-a-tea-cup adorable
- except the puppy is a pit bull and it’s angry 
- so like cute as hell and kind of terrifying 
- ravenclaw is weird; they spend more time in their own head than in the real world
- *stubs toe* “oh fudge”
- has a weird fashion sense that they get bullied for
- until slytherin secretly took the bullies aside and threatened to shove their wands so far up their asses they sneeze splinters
- definitely partners in crime 
- like they would be notorious for their pranks, worse than Fred and George 
- slytherin would have sadistic glee in coming up with them
- ravenclaw figures out the logistics. nothing is more satisfying than seeing that marshmallow fluff land exactly where they wanted it to 
- most things they do are out of boredom 
- “hey so I found this in the potion stores the other day—" 
- "baneberry potion? dude, you could kill a city with that shit.”
- *smirks like the grinch* “I know." 
- they would skip a lot of class, but only because they know everything already 
- slytherin being protective of ravenclaw
- *hugs slytherin*
- “um”
- “..”
- “ok this can stop now”
- *hugs them tighter*
- “..ok”
- ravenclaw getting really excited about the nerdiest things, like figuring out a new potion or seeing a rare butterfly
- and slytherin just smiles and thinks they look so adorable
- not being very into PDA, but they always link pinkies whenever they’re next to each other
- braiding each other’s hair and taking it really seriously
- “I’m so glad we hate all the same people”
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acciosblog · 5 years
Slytherin x Ravenclaw
- first of all, sytherin is absolutely adorable. like puppy-in-a-tea-cup adorable
- except the puppy is a pit bull and it’s angry 
- so like cute as hell and kind of terrifying 
- ravenclaw is weird; they spend more time in their own head than in the real world
- *stubs toe* “oh fudge”
- has a weird fashion sense that they get bullied for
- until slytherin secretly took the bullies aside and threatened to shove their wands so far up their asses they sneeze splinters
- definitely partners in crime 
- like they would be notorious for their pranks, worse than Fred and George 
- slytherin would have sadistic glee in coming up with them
- ravenclaw figures out the logistics. nothing is more satisfying than seeing that marshmallow fluff land exactly where they wanted it to 
- most things they do are out of boredom 
- “hey so I found this in the potion stores the other day—" 
- "baneberry potion? dude, you could kill a city with that shit.”
- *smirks like the grinch* “I know." 
- they would skip a lot of class, but only because they know everything already 
- slytherin being protective of ravenclaw
- *hugs slytherin*
- “um”
- “..”
- “ok this can stop now”
- *hugs them tighter*
- “..ok”
- ravenclaw getting really excited about the nerdiest things, like figuring out a new potion or seeing a rare butterfly
- and slytherin just smiles and thinks they look so adorable
- not being very into PDA, but they always link pinkies whenever they’re next to each other
- braiding each other’s hair and taking it really seriously
- “I’m so glad we hate all the same people”
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