Professor from Hogwarts: you four explain now
Slytherin: it was griffindor
Ravenclaw: it was griffindor
Hufflepuff: it was griffindor
Griffindor: it was griffindor
Griffindor: shit
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X: if ravenclaw jumped of a cliff would you jum....
Griffindor: yes
Griffindor: if ravenclaw is jumping off a cliff it must be for a good reason
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*at a party on someones house*
Hufflepuff: see, raven? i told you we would be having fun here hanging out with everyone we know. there's no reason to feel anxious!
Ravenclaw, shoving breadsticks into her purse: yea lots of fun- I gotta go something urgent came up
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James: Can you please keep it down? I’m trying to think.
Lily: Don’t worry, trying anything for the first time is hard.
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*on a mission*
Hufflepuff: ok, who’s turn is it to give the pep talk?
Gryffindor, rolling their eyes: Slytherin’s.
Slytherin: Fuck shit up out there and don’t die
Ravenclaw, wiping away a tear: Inspirational
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*Silvester 2021*
Gryffindor: Yeah! F*ck off 2020, we are done with you! Hey Puff, help me to install the fireworks! We'll leave that shitty year with a boom and some glitter!
Hufflepuff: I'm totally in, glitter and boom sounds amazing! Sly, I can trust you with that champagne?
Slytherin: Don't worry, you can always trust me with alcohol. Keep an eye on Gryff though, they are gonna burn something.
Gryffindor: *carrying out fireworks in the hall* I would never! But you'll be drunk before midnight!
Ravenclaw: In fact, you are both right. And tomorrow morning, when Sly suffers a hangover and Gryff some small burns you will battle each other who has it worse while Puff and I need to look after you. Mark my words, they will come true. *thinks for a moment* But I'm in with glitter and boom too, this year hast to be ended.
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If you need something done, get me. And maybe Ravenclaw so that we have some common sense in the group.
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Hahaha I love this so much
Gryffindor: You clearly came straight from hell.
Slytherin: Wrong,
Slytherin: I clearly came gay from hell, bitch.
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Hufflepuff, playing scrabble: I will put my “A” down to make “A!”
Slytherin: I will add to your “A” to make “AT"
Gryffindor: I will add onto your “AT” to make a “RAT”
Ravenclaw, completely genuine: I will add onto your “RAT” to make “BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC”
Gryffindor: [flips the board]
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Slytherin: How stupid does Raven think we are?
Gryffindor: sometimes they leave me pictures of food instead of a shopping list.
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Gryffindor: The moon is really beautiful tonight
Hufflepuff: Oddly enough, it really is
Slytherin: *Whispering* Should we tell them that’s just a tortilla I threw at the window?
Ravenclaw: No...
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i know the new year won’t magically erase everything bad happening in the world but i hope 2021 is kinder to you all and that it brings brighter moments and healing 
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Ravenclaw: what's up?
Slytherin: about to have a mental breakdown. what about you?
Ravenclaw: in the middle of a mental breakdown
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Ravenclaw: i’m not wearing my glasses anymore.
Ravenclaw: i’ve seen enough.
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Slytherin: Have you been yelled at by raven yet?
Griffindor: Ha! I’m not scared of them.
Slytherin: So that’s a “no” then.
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Slytherin: I am not a sweet and loving person. I am a stone cold person and nothing can break me.
Ravenclaw: What about an hour ago when you literally cried because Hufflepuff was wearing your beanie, and you said “they look so adorable”?
Slytherin: Did I ask for your opinion?
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Ravenclaw: I’m always scared, but at the same time; I have an arrogant self hatred that makes me wish for death,,, so..
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