abo-yoongi 2 years
Yoongi threw a hand up and then looked at Jimin. "Get comfortable baby, I'll be back soon." He brushed his nose along Jimin's cheek and Jimin calmed, watching him go. Yoongi followed Saint into the other room and he took a seat crossing his legs and lacing his fingers together at his knee. "Okay. We've already established that Jimin and I both want to be taken care of. We want to feel protected, loved, cared for... even if what we have is not a 'relationship' does that make sense? A friend who can provide those sorts of things. That being said, if you will be looking after us, there are a few things you should be made aware of." "Heats and ruts are a thing our breed deals with, for starters. Jimin has a heat every month just like a woman would have her period. It's not some lust filled haze full of mindless fucking. We can control ourselves.... however, my rut only comes four times a year. That leads me to my next thing. Jimin-ah is able to carry and have children, but he struggles to carry to term. As a result, being mated to him, my ruts are less frequent. Point is.... Jimin-ah is doing really well right now but he struggles with depressive episodes and eating disorders. I can show you what to look out for. More eyes are better than just my own.... Not wanting to leave the nest for days at a time outside the heat is a big flag. Eating alone or separately from others or 'eating later'. Those tend to concern me because they usually mean he's disposing of his food someway or not eating entirely." He sighed. That was a lot. "Sorry. I realize that's a heavy burden to dump on you. Like I said he's doing well, but there's always that fear of relapse.... do you have any questions I could maybe clear up?"
The alpha stretched out bare on the bed as Jimin fretted over the response his ad had gotten and he grumbled as he messaged the person who responded. It鈥檚 Min Yoongi. Can we meet you? I think you owe my omega an apology. And maybe if we talk in person you might understand what we want better.
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abo-yoongi 2 years
Jimin seemed to settle at that. "Sorry.... we get a lot of stereotypes. And some fit some don't it's just frustrating. Yes it's comforting and we can buy our own nesting supplies if that is okay. Yoongi and I both like to nest when we're in heat or rut."
Yoongi snorted at the little dick energy comment and he rubbed jimins back. "We will set up a nest in the next day or so. We can both sit and talk with you about any concerns we might have separately. Right jimin?" He gave him a knowing look and the smallest sighed and nodded.
The alpha stretched out bare on the bed as Jimin fretted over the response his ad had gotten and he grumbled as he messaged the person who responded. It鈥檚 Min Yoongi. Can we meet you? I think you owe my omega an apology. And maybe if we talk in person you might understand what we want better.
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abo-yoongi 2 years
Jimin bristled a bit at his words and he frowned. "It's not bullshit. And no I'm not mindless I'm just horny. Yoongi and I both nest also, for your information. Alphas that claim they're too macho for that kind of thing are usually abusers and have little dicks." He huffed.
Yoongi blinked but then chuckled. "I think you hit a sore spot."
The alpha stretched out bare on the bed as Jimin fretted over the response his ad had gotten and he grumbled as he messaged the person who responded. It鈥檚 Min Yoongi. Can we meet you? I think you owe my omega an apology. And maybe if we talk in person you might understand what we want better.
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abo-yoongi 2 years
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one thing is common in these gifs and that is his tongue pretty face... (x, x, x, x)
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abo-yoongi 2 years
what if i rubbed my face on you like a cat because I love you? huh? what then?
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abo-yoongi 2 years
Getting out of the car, Yoongi passed his gun to Jimin and the alpha walked around the car, emerging as a white wolf on the other side. Jimin buried his small fingers in the soft fur. "I think we would be okay." He smiled softly, watching Yoongi step forward back into his human skin. If he shifted with clothing on it left weird patterns in his fur and he hated it, so he didn't stay long and took the gun back, checking the safety before putting it back. "Call us stupid all you want, but we're not helpless." He grunted, following the other to the door.
The alpha stretched out bare on the bed as Jimin fretted over the response his ad had gotten and he grumbled as he messaged the person who responded. It's Min Yoongi. Can we meet you? I think you owe my omega an apology. And maybe if we talk in person you might understand what we want better.
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abo-yoongi 2 years
The pair got up to follow the taller and Yoongi told him he will follow him in his car so that they could come and go as needed. He looked at Jimin as they drove, taking his hand and kissing the back of it. "You feel ok?" He questioned. He hadn't gotten any funny feelings from this guy yet but Jimin was more sensitive to that sort of thing. "I'm okay. Nothing feels off." He rested his head against the window, watching things pass by as they drove.
The alpha stretched out bare on the bed as Jimin fretted over the response his ad had gotten and he grumbled as he messaged the person who responded. It's Min Yoongi. Can we meet you? I think you owe my omega an apology. And maybe if we talk in person you might understand what we want better.
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abo-yoongi 2 years
Jimin looked at him weirdly and made a face and Yoongi grimaced. "Nu uh, neither of us are into that daddy shit." Yoongi grumbled. "Good, in that case you can start now. Take us home with you so that we can nest." Yoongi snorted, trying not to choke on his drink. He was blunt but sometimes Jimin was something else when he wanted something. And apparently he wanted to begin their arrangement sooner rather than later. "You're big enough to cuddle us both." He nodded, unphased by his alpha's slight cough.
The alpha stretched out bare on the bed as Jimin fretted over the response his ad had gotten and he grumbled as he messaged the person who responded. It's Min Yoongi. Can we meet you? I think you owe my omega an apology. And maybe if we talk in person you might understand what we want better.
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abo-yoongi 2 years
"Something like that." They both said in unison and Yoongi downed the rest of his drink. Something tells him that this beta despite looking like an alpha, has no idea how to behave as one. Jimin got up from his seat and walked around to Saint, taking a seat on his lap and nuzzling against him, giving Yoongi a cocky look. "Like this." He said nonchalantly and made himself comfortable. Yoongi kept a blank expression but his scent gave away his wariness of having Jimin on the other's lap. They still didn't know if he will accept their proposition after all.
The alpha stretched out bare on the bed as Jimin fretted over the response his ad had gotten and he grumbled as he messaged the person who responded. It's Min Yoongi. Can we meet you? I think you owe my omega an apology. And maybe if we talk in person you might understand what we want better.
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abo-yoongi 2 years
Jimin was the one to speak up next, pulling his long hair over his shoulder. "No not really. We have enough money on our own. More like... someone who can make us feel safe if we're feeling vulnerable. Our wolf pack is a lot different from yours." He tapped his nose indicating he could smell the other's scent. "Basically we want someone who can let us potentially stay with them and provide cuddles, and a safe place for our heats and ruts. An apartment is not the best place for wolves to do that sort of thing." "One time Yoongi-hyung almost bit the pizza delivery guy because he was flirting with me too close to my heat." He teased Yoongi and the other looked bored. "The jealousy game is just that. We're polyamorous but we still get jealous sometimes. And usually we use that to play. It's kind of like foreplay for us." The older shrugged.
The alpha stretched out bare on the bed as Jimin fretted over the response his ad had gotten and he grumbled as he messaged the person who responded. It's Min Yoongi. Can we meet you? I think you owe my omega an apology. And maybe if we talk in person you might understand what we want better.
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abo-yoongi 2 years
Yoongi took his drink back from Jimin and sipped it. "Jimin, you're drop dead gorgeous and you're acting like a pup. Stop that. You're just being dramatic." He sighed and Jimin got an angry look on his face that only served to make him look cuter as he lightly smacked Yoongi's chest. "So how about we move to a table so we can all talk?" Yoongi suggested, sliding down off the bar stool with Jimin following. "We both got carded even though Yoongi-hyung is carrying a pistol." Jimin was amused. He didn't care about his height. Must be an alpha thing. They took a seat across from Saint and Jimin stuck his feet out, poking the other's knees with his boots. "So if you have any interest at all in our ad. We want someone to look after us. Make sure we're taken care of. Can provide affection and security. Or even someone who would let us play the jealousy game. Sex is not a requirement. Though I wouldn't rule it out. Sometimes we get pretty playful. But it's not what we're after." He stated and Jimin nodded.
The alpha stretched out bare on the bed as Jimin fretted over the response his ad had gotten and he grumbled as he messaged the person who responded. It's Min Yoongi. Can we meet you? I think you owe my omega an apology. And maybe if we talk in person you might understand what we want better.
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abo-yoongi 2 years
Yoongi's ears turned backwards before Saint even spoke and he turned, back facing the bar while Jimin grabbed their drinks so no one would do anything weird. "Just because your ass is giant." He grumbled and moved his jacket. "I always carry a gun. I've been on the darker part of life before. I don't take as many chances as I seem to. So you're the one who sarcastically answered Chim's ad. He was nervous you know." He hummed and Jimin nodded, a natural pout on his lips. "I forgot a lot of stuff." He complained. "Why are we meeting him Yoongi he doesn't wanna help." He pouted.
The alpha stretched out bare on the bed as Jimin fretted over the response his ad had gotten and he grumbled as he messaged the person who responded. It's Min Yoongi. Can we meet you? I think you owe my omega an apology. And maybe if we talk in person you might understand what we want better.
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abo-yoongi 2 years
Text: I mean if you want my kidneys just make sure you put me out cold first. Text: Give us about half an hour. I gotta get the princess ready. Yoongi pushed himself up off the bed and went to the closet, picking out some jeans and a t-shirt for himself and Jimin's favorite jeans and leopard print shirt. Yoongi always wore comfortable clothing while the omega would wear the painted on shit with boots. He dropped the clothes onto the omega's lap. "Get up and stop pouting, we're meeting the asshole." -- Jimin's pouting didn't last long seeing as they were actually meeting someone and there was going to be alcohol so either way he was in a better mood. The place didn't look too sketchy and plus he had Yoongi with him so he wasn't worried. Yoongi snapped a picture of them and sent it to the number, sitting at the bar with Jimin.
The alpha stretched out bare on the bed as Jimin fretted over the response his ad had gotten and he grumbled as he messaged the person who responded. It's Min Yoongi. Can we meet you? I think you owe my omega an apology. And maybe if we talk in person you might understand what we want better.
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abo-yoongi 2 years
The alpha stretched out bare on the bed as Jimin fretted over the response his ad had gotten and he grumbled as he messaged the person who responded. It's Min Yoongi. Can we meet you? I think you owe my omega an apology. And maybe if we talk in person you might understand what we want better.
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abo-yoongi 4 years
Well that was embarrassing.
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abo-yoongi 4 years
All I feel... is anguish. I can鈥檛 even run my pack anymore. Not that I really had one to run to begin with.
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abo-yoongi 4 years
You don鈥檛 love me. You never did.
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