Being against AI art is classist and ableist. The vast majority of people are currently excluded from art in a variety of ways, and AI technology stands to dramatically increase access to creating visual art.
If you find yourself on the side of gatekeeping who gets to make art (and how), take a good hard look in the mirror and ask yourself why.
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As the world continues to progress and technology advances, it seems that every day there is a new development that threatens to upend our way of life. The latest of these is the invention of photography, a so-called "miracle of modern science" that has taken the world by storm.
But let us not be fooled by the hype. Photography is not the blessing that it is made out to be. In fact, it is a curse on society, one that we would do well to reject outright.
At first glance, photography may seem like a harmless novelty, a way to capture memories and document the world around us. But the truth is far more sinister. With the ability to capture and disseminate images at an alarming rate, photography has the potential to do irreparable harm to our society.
For one, the proliferation of photographs has led to a disturbing trend of "fake news." With the ease of manipulating and altering images, it has become nearly impossible to determine what is real and what is not. This has caused widespread confusion and mistrust, as people are left to wonder if the images they see are genuine or have been doctored for nefarious purposes.
Furthermore, the obsession with capturing and sharing images has led to a culture of constant surveillance and voyeurism. People are no longer content to simply observe and appreciate the world around them; they feel the need to document every moment, often at the expense of their own privacy and the privacy of those around them.
But perhaps the most concerning aspect of photography is the way it has negatively impacted the world of art. With the ability to easily capture and reproduce images, the demand for traditional forms of art such as painting has declined significantly. This has had a devastating effect on painters, who have struggled to make a living in an increasingly digitized world.
In short, photography is a danger to society and a threat to our way of life. It is time to reject this insidious invention and return to a simpler, more honest time. Let us put down our cameras and embrace the beauty of the present moment, unencumbered by the distractions of the digital age.
Co-written by ChatGPT
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Robots, made by robots!
Made with stable diffusion in @dreamupai
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Creating original art from scratch using a base image that you create yourself by generating a silhouette...
Step One - create a Silhouette "base image" using a simple set of instructions (dark silhouette, female, head and shoulders, messy long hair flowing, precisionism, hyperdetailed, beautiful, mysterious, hyperrealism, incredibly detailed.)
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Step Two - Save, Download and reupload as a base/start-up image.
This time use a more descriptive set of instructions, for example -- beautiful, long wavy billowing silver hair, snowflakes, icicles, sparkling, glowing, photorealism, precisionism, hyperdetailed, beautiful, mysterious, hyperrealism, surrealism, incredibly detailed, iridescence. Etc
Adjust strength and guidance to determine variation between images.
Add or remove descriptive information.
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Created using-
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I was raised with both Jewish and Christian holiday traditions, but these days I’m more about the solstice. There is, unsurprisingly, not much of an existing market for artwork that expressed this. Enter AI!
Made with Stable Diffusion in Dreamup.ai
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The Elder Moon finds us at the edges, where stillness and darkness meet. She is teacher and advisor, encouraging the quiet inner work of wisdom, with a touch of magic. She is a mystic lightworker. Here for one and all;
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Plant Ladies
Made with Stable Diffusion in Dreamup.ai
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The people raging against AI art have such a profound misunderstanding of what is actually happening.
The Following Images Began their Creative Journey as a photo I took of myself...
Using a technique of layers and building upon each previous image, adjusting settings and weights, I have Reimagined my Original Photo in fascinating new ways.
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Please Note: No Artists were Harmed or Tested on During this Creative Experiment.
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This is a technique I use a lot. It works really well to give you more control over your image
Creating Art using Nothing But a Silhouette and Words, Building Upon Each Image Layer by Layer.
No Artist Names Used.
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Flower goddesses
Made with stable diffusion in
If you’re to accuse me of stealing, you better be ready with a link to where I can buy this.
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Mossy Ladies
Made with stable diffusion in https://dreamup.ai
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Wolf symbolism includes  loyalty, family and friendship, teamwork, protection, wildness, freedom, instincts, playfulness, and other noble traits.
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Historically, wolves lived throughout the world, so they are subjects in the art, mythology and folklore of many cultures
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The wisest trees in the world
Made with stable diffusion in https://dreamup.ai
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Really into this aesthetic. Made with stable diffusion in https://dreamup.ai
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