a-fox-who-writes · 12 days
One of the best writing advice I have gotten in all the months I have been writing is "if you can't go anywhere from a sentence, the problem isn't in you, it's in the last sentence." and I'm mad because it works so well and barely anyone talks about it. If you're stuck at a line, go back. Backspace those last two lines and write it from another angle or take it to some other route. You're stuck because you thought up to that exact sentence and nothing after that. Well, delete that sentence, make your brain think because the dead end is gone. It has worked wonders for me for so long it's unreal
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a-fox-who-writes · 2 months
If a scene feels flat and you can't figure it out, ask yourself:
• What can MC smell? Is there an ocean breeze, sweat, a cinnamon roll fresh out the oven?
• What can MC hear, besides the dialogue? Is a bird singing, river flowing, a car speeding, clock ticking?
• Can they taste something, even if they're not eating? Previously drunk alcohol or juice, aftertaste of a cigarette, smog, too instense perfume?
• Can they feel something on their skin? Rough clothes or delicate material, blowing wind, an allergy or a rash, grass that theyre laying on?
• What does the character see, besides other characters? Is the room dark or is sunlight coming in nicely? Are the colours vibrant or dull? Are there any plants?
• What's the weather? Is it snowing and the cold is making goosebumps appear on their arms? Is it hot and sweaty and clothes are clinging to their body?
• HOW DOES IT MAKE THEM FEEL? To any of the above.
Do they like the smell of cinnamon rolls or are they weirdos (I'm a weirdo, I don't fit in).
Does the clock ticking calm them down or annoy them?
Do they enjoy the aftertaste of a cig and like how dirty it makes them feel?
Are they sensitive to touch and how their clothing feels on their skin or are they indifferent?
Would they enjoy the scenery more if it was more sunny out, because they're afraid of the darkness?
Do they like it snowy or are they always cold and hate winter?
Come on, give them persoanlity, likes and dislikes, don't be scared to make them people and not only likeable characters.
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a-fox-who-writes · 7 months
i love when a character is at a super dark place at the beginning of the story and then i get to put them into an even darker place as i write them
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a-fox-who-writes · 7 months
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To all my writers out there 💪
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a-fox-who-writes · 7 months
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a-fox-who-writes · 9 months
“The first draft is just you telling yourself the story.” — Terry Pratchett
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a-fox-who-writes · 9 months
hey it’s okay. maybe you’ll feel better if you imagine your OCs in fucked up situations
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a-fox-who-writes · 9 months
Did I daydream this, or was there a website for writers with like. A ridiculous quantity of descriptive aid. Like I remember clicking on " inside a cinema " or something like that. Then, BAM. Here's a list of smell and sounds. I can't remember it for the life of me, but if someone else can, help a bitch out <3
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a-fox-who-writes · 10 months
"please don't" I whisper to my OC as I write how he does something Stupid(tm)
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a-fox-who-writes · 10 months
Hello! Busy with uni a little (u can see from how active I am on my studyblr @a-fox-studies) I'll get back to writing soon!
Everyone who've tagged me in tag games, hang in there, I'll get to those soon :3
Happy weekend y'all <3
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a-fox-who-writes · 10 months
James: Why do baby clothes have pockets when they have no money or goals?
Regulus: Why does Barty have pockets when he has no money or goals?
Barty: I didnt even say anything what-
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a-fox-who-writes · 10 months
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a-fox-who-writes · 10 months
Happy STS! What is your character's favourite comfort food? Share a snippet about it if you like 💜
I'm in a Nex appreciation mood, so you get Stace Kelland Trilogy character.
Hi, I'm Nex. Comfort food, you ask? I like chocolates :D I like them milk chocolates better, and you know those shiny wrappers those little cuties get wrapped in? I collect them, and my girlfriend finds it really amusing, and once gave me a whole box of those shiny chocolates for my birthday!
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a-fox-who-writes · 11 months
me: *torments my characters relentlessly*
also me: *crying* let them be happy!!
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a-fox-who-writes · 11 months
@tazlory me with Astin Larabascas
making ocs is so funny, especially when you get so attached to some and not to others?? it’s like yes these people live in my head and I love them. I love that one the most though.
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a-fox-who-writes · 11 months
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a-fox-who-writes · 11 months
''Useless'' Writing Reminders
Save your documents. Strive to be safe, not sorry.
Back-up your documents. Strive to be safe, not sorry.
Placeholder names can quickly turn into forever names. Picking name(s) on a whim can lead to great things, or it can become your worst nightmare (😁).
Your writing has value. Yes, even the most inadequate of writing. You don't have to boast or even like everything you've ever written, but even the most questionable of writing will have contributed to your growth as a storyteller. Cherish it for what it is.
You can take a break. It is absolutely okay.
First drafts are scary. But you know what's more scary? Not having a draft at all.
Using clichés or ''overdone'' tropes will not kill your story. Firstly, tropes are building blocks. Secondly, humans actively search to consume stories revolving around these tropes.
Write your heart out. Boast about your writing. Boast about your friends' and fellow writers' writing. Everyone deserves recognition, even you, from within your own heart. (Sorry. That's really cheesy. But it's true).
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