2fast2furyous · 4 months
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2fast2furyous · 4 months
With how often you bring that truck into the shop I'd have figured you would have seen a whole lot of this town by now. You ever check out the Art Walk? A kinda cool, funky peak into the art scene around town.
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Tryina [......] broaden my horizons a little. Mama said I gotta get out and meet people-- I know plenty of folks-- but I guess she means I ain't been-- Ahh well-- Been in town a while but ain't really seen much of it. Anyone got dire recommendations for what can't be missed?
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2fast2furyous · 4 months
Oh damn... everything ok? Ya know, I'm pretty good with tools if you need a hand with any repairs.
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I really, really, REALLY hate to do this, but Escape Your Fate is going to be closed for the next few weeks due to some minor MAJOR dkgkdfgkfdkgk repairs to the shop. Looks like it's meals at with the parents and canned shit for the next month or so.
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2fast2furyous · 4 months
Usually helps to announce your birthday before it happens if you wanna get gifts on your birthday.
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Yesterday was my birthday. I was not given gifts. I want gifts.
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2fast2furyous · 4 months
Someone's tryna sell a photo? for 20 large? Of a lighthouse keeper? Yeah... that's a con artist if I've ever met one. And I have. But also... why you got so much nautical themed spooky shit? And why do you charge people to look at it?
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Can you really believe some con artist is trying to sell a picture of some alleged ghostly lighthouse keeper? For 20 grand? I've been up and down this coast countless times, I can assure you I've never seen him. But why? Does he not like me?
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If anyone's interested in seeing some real nautical themed spooky shit, I'll gladly show you some of my own haunting evidence. I'll even do it for much cheaper! (Not free)
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2fast2furyous · 4 months
Not jolly? Open late nights? Have you tried the Coineater? Wasted many a nights there and I can assure you it's neither jolly nor sunshine filled.
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I've grown bored of my usual haunts. Someone come up with some more interesting places to go. Nowhere too jolly or sunshine filled though. Night owl places only thanks.
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2fast2furyous · 4 months
You paying?
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I really don't want to be alone Anyone looking for Does anyone want to get a drink or something? Or maybe just food? I feel like I should go out tonight and get my mind off things and get some fresh air or something.
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2fast2furyous · 4 months
What kinda stuff you usually keep in your pocket?
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LOST: One sketchbook. Blue. Has initials MAC on most pages with drawings. Last seen on Vicker's Beach being stolen by a stupid seagull.
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Reward of whatever I have in my pocket available to whoever brings it back to me.
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2fast2furyous · 4 months
Oh, really? Didn't realize you were so musical. Tell me your favorite [...] instrument. Or, uh, melody or whatever. Too soon to tell, if I'm being honest. Either way, I don't usually let other people do much steering when I'm around.
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Um, since literally always. I know everything about music. [user is sick from lying, but finds the bit worth it.] Would I ever steer you wrong?
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2fast2furyous · 4 months
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2fast2furyous · 4 months
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2fast2furyous · 4 months
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2fast2furyous · 4 months
Vạn sự như ý! Happy lunar new year! I hope you also have a good year, that is only bald if you want it to be.
I know that for all of their similarities Chinese New Year and Vietnamese New Year also have vast differences, but if you ever want somewhere to celebrate any holidays my grandma always makes too much food and sets too many plates. It's not the same as having your own loved ones near, but if you ever want a surrogate family I'm happy to offer up my own.
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恭喜發財! Happy Chinese new year! I'm a little late on this but I hope you're not all bald! Sorry, I mean, I hope everyone has a good year.
Also totally unrelated but how do you reconcile a lack of family during holidays? What do I do if the people I love aren't here to celebrate the moments that are important to me? TOTALLY UNRELATED TO ANYTHING THO.
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2fast2furyous · 4 months
Well consider yourself lucky. Or, maybe I'm just exponentially unlucky. Either way, you're luckier than me. I remember being in the common having a winder wonderful time and then *bam* my life was like an episode of Glee. Not much else to remember.
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I was there but I didn't "spontaneously burst into song". Were you there? Do you remember what happened?
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2fast2furyous · 4 months
[pm] I'm going with relieved, personally. At least if I'm losing my mind I'm among company. And I know it's not related to the whole me being dead thing. It kinda just stopped on its own, I think. If I did anything that stopped it I didn't do it intentionally.
What'd you sing? Or... are you still singing?
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[pm] I don't know if I am more relieved or worried that I am not the only one. I've never been more embarrassed before in my Did yours stop of its own accord or did you find some way to stop it? I still have inkling of it left
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2fast2furyous · 4 months
[pm] Wait... really? Everyone else has just been making jokes about me singing and dancing about. Happened to you too? When were you there?
Thankfully, yes, feeling much less singy. Not sure I'll ever be able to listen to Kelly Clarkson the same way ever again though.
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Yes. It is very annoying. Singing was not my favorite part of Mass. Are you feeling less sing songy now?
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2fast2furyous · 4 months
Touche. Though ideally we'd live in a town where avoiding the main outdoor public gathering area wasn't necessary to enjoy a normal day.
Didn't go great. Don't think a Broadway career is in my future.
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Ah, good reminder to avoid the commons. I'd rather be dead than have to Appreciate it. How'd that go for you?
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