13-24-35-23-14-42 · 18 days
my toxic trait is that I totally think I could survive the backrooms
like every level
all of them
i mean so what it says on the wiki that every person who goes in has never come out and that if I end up there I'll die a slow and painful death.
that level has yet to meet ME
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13-24-35-23-14-42 · 25 days
the urge to make a YouTube channel and a 7 hour long video essay about my current hyperfixation vs. the strong hatred I have for my voice
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13-24-35-23-14-42 · 1 month
"tHe iNtErNeT iS fOrEvEr"
have you ever visited r/lostmedia?
what about that one movie you watched as a kid that has just disappeared?
i know this phrase isn't meant to be taken too literal but like 75% of the internet from 2009 and back is basically completely gone.
so no Martha the internet is not forever, I get what you were trying to say but please come up with a better phrase.
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13-24-35-23-14-42 · 1 month
ARGs are the solution!
Making a story is so hard because what fucking medium do you choose??? I suck at writing anything longer than 10 pages. I draw like one comic page then give up. I am way too impatient for animation. I can't sing and I play one instrument mediocrly. My solution, ARGs! It is free, you can do it on any social media or website, it allows freedom of many different media, and it probably won't get too popular but maybe get a small very dedicated fandom. The only limitation is that it's kind of limited to the sci-fi and/or horror genre. Some people think there are too many ARGs nowadays but I personally can never get enough of a good ARG. So I say do it, make that ARG!
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