n0vakay · 1 day
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My prompt for the @marauderswithpalestineproject !! 🍉🤍
I had prompt #176, "Artwork of Remus and Sirius feeding ducks at a park together (not bread, must be peas)" SO chaotic I loved it jjdshd.
Thank you @houndsinheaven for the donation, I had so much fun making this!! I hope you like what I came up with hahah
(this pic is glazed, but if you want the full resolution just send me a message :D)
Thank you to everyone who donated! 🤍🍉
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emeriart · 14 hours
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Happy pride month to our dead gay wizards! 🌈🌙
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ffunny-boness · 18 hours
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For Iggygiraffe (prompt number 163) Nothing says pining more to me than breaking the law for the boy you like. They’re so pathetic, I love them both <3
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my-castles-crumbling · 12 hours
incantation - @wolfstarmicrofic - 241
"So," James whispered, standing next to Sirius as they both waved their wands just how Flitwick had shown them, "when are you gonna tell Moony?"
"Tell Moony what?" Sirius responded, trying not to look too suspicious as he practiced the incantation in his head.
"That you're gone for him," James answered casually, smirking as he began to mumble Expecto Patronum, only to achieve white smoke.
"Wh-what?" Sirius stuttered, turning to James, who looked smug.
"You were staring at him the whole lecture. You doodle moons in your notes. Your Amortentia smells like chocolate, for fuck's sake," James chided, furrowing his eyebrows as he only conjured smoke again. "It's bloody obvious to everyone except Moony himself, Pads."
"You're barking," Sirius denied, rolling his eyes. But it was Remus who he was picturing as he focused himself on the spell. Remus, whose eyes were the perfect shade of brown. Remus, whose smile always made Sirius feel so safe, and a bit floaty. "Expecto Patronum," he murmured, his heart leaping when a corporeal animal jumped from the tip of his wand.
But James let out of a shout of laughter when they saw what it was: a giant, silvery wolf, short snout and tufted tail making him distinct in every way. "Yeah, Pads? Wanna tell me again what you said a second ago?"
And, blushing crimson, Sirius stared at Patronus-Moony, unable to deny his feelings, knowing that his own spell had sold him out.
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charlie-old-one · 2 days
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I love raining day 🌧️
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outromoony · 2 days
Blind date
@wolfstarmicrofic | Word count: 215
"So... how was the date, mate?" James asked eagerly as soon as he saw Sirius, raising his eyebrows with curiosity. He had been insisting that Sirius try a blind date for a change, and it had been...
"Amazing," Sirius replied honestly, unable to suppress the huge smile spreading across his face. "He was... the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. You know how much I hate Greek mythology, but he loved it. And you know what? For the first time in my life, it sounded like the most interesting thing in the world. He loves books, and—"
"Wait," James interrupted, a confused expression on his face. "You said 'he'?"
Sirius frowned. "Yes... what's wrong with that?"
James's eyes widened. "The blind date I arranged for you... it was with a girl."
It was Sirius's turn to look surprised. He had been so enchanted by the beautiful stranger that he hadn't even checked his phone all night. He pulled it out of his pocket and froze as he read the message from hours ago:
"I am so sorry! I don't think I will make it in time for our date. Do you think we could reschedule?"
He stood there, trying to make sense of it. Who the hell had Sirius gone on a date with then?
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gender-thief2 · 1 day
personally i think sirius would pitch a fit about jegulus when he first finds out about it. you’re really gonna tell me this rich boy with abandonment issues isn’t going to mind sharing his best friend with his brother?? or his brother with his best friend?? hell no he’s gonna stomp around and be bratty about it and i love him for that.
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hlxc23 · 1 day
Happy pride month to this gay ass fandom
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Record/music store au, where Remus owns the store and James works there. Sirius is constantly visiting to pick up vinyls Regulus orders. Sirius spends most of his time flirting with Remus at checkout while James is slowly falling in love with whoever the vinyls are for based off the selection. (He potentially starts leaving notes with the purchase recommending albums and artists).
I think this could work for a comic book store au too maybe
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oatmilkbasic · 1 day
may 25: makeover | @wolfstarmicrofic | word count: 407
It hadn’t been long since Sirius’s escape, and even less since he'd moved back into the flat. “I need a haircut,” he declared one day, so softly that Remus might have missed it if he wasn’t growing accustomed to this quiet, skittish version of Sirius. 
“Would you like me to do it?” Remus asked politely as he cleared the dishes. 
Something— panic, maybe— briefly flickered across Sirius’s face, but it was gone in an instant and he nodded.  
Sirius perched on the edge of the bathtub. Remus stood behind him, holding the shears. He was still tall and willowy as ever, but twelve years had been good to him, and it was without that old air of awkwardness that he leaned down. He had grown into his skin; it seemed Sirius had grown out of his. He hunched over now, and his skin had taken on a pallor that made his usually fair complexion only look sickly. And then, of course, was his hair, limp and stringy as if was perpetually damp. 
All of it made Remus want to hold him very tight and never let go. 
“How much off?” 
Sirius tugged a lock of hair over his shoulder and pinched it at different lengths before settling on a point just beneath his shoulder. “Here,” he said. It was how he used to wear it, Remus noticed instantly. 
It should have made him sad. It should have made him mourn the twelve years they lost, or curse the betrayal that made it so. And it did, deep down, but it was smothered by relief. This was a step towards normalcy— or at least a new normal, because things couldn’t go back to the way they were, but Remus supposed that didn’t sound so bad. Slow mornings and careful haircuts in their old bathroom sounded wonderful, actually.
When he was done, he gave Sirius a once-over, confirming that both sides of his hair were the same length. He nodded once in satisfaction, then hesitated. Now what? He flexed his hands that hung awkwardly at his sides. 
Sirius surprised him by wrapping his arms around his middle. Remus stood stiff as a board for a moment before he slowly, tentatively, held Sirius right back. He raked his fingers through his hair— already much lighter, the curls more defined— and exhaled. 
“Figure we should wash it next,” Remus murmured against his head, and Sirius hummed in agreement, so they did. 
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Sirius: James...I have something to tell you.
James: Yeah? What is it, Padfoot?
Sirius: Me and Moony...we're dating.
James: You're...dating? Dating who? Did Moony finally get a girlfriend again?
Sirius: No! We're uh, dating. Each other.
James: Each other...? Each other's what? Like, each others ex girlfriend's, or–
Sirius: OH FOR MERLIN'S SAKE! storms off
James: Huh? Padfoot where are you going– oh, hi Moony!
Remus: Sirius? Why'd you drag me over here? What are you doing– mfph!
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henrywintersgf · 3 days
I want them to go from willing to kill each other to be willing to kill FOR each other
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(slightly) poorly timed confession - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 159
"D'you ever have dreams about me?" Sirius asked, his thoughtful voice as vague as his expression, which was glazed over from the heat and incense seeping through the room.
James, flipping through the Divination text to define the meaning of their dreams, paused. "I dreamt we all got a detention for turning Slughorn into an actual slug once. Does that count?"
"Nah, just..." Sirius drifted off, but then his gaze snapped back to James's. "You never dream of me? Or- or Moony? Or Pete?"
"Not in detail," James answered uncomfortably, shifting on the cushion he was sitting on. "Why?"
The other boy paused. "What d'you suppose it means that I dream about Remus? Like...a lot?" he questioned softly, his face tinging a bit pink. "Like sometimes, we're k-"
But James, who had seen this coming for a while, just chuckled, closing the book in his hands, and interrupted by saying, "Nothing you can find in this stupid book, mate."
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Maturing is realising that barely any of the marauders  era students met in the after life. Regulus’ soul was stuck in the cave. Sirius’ was stuck in the veil. Barty’s soul was with the dementors
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ashes-to-ashesxx · 1 day
Happy birthday to the birth of wolfstar
prisoner of azkaban (movie) is 20 years old😭😭
thank you for introducing us to our gay boys🫶🫶🫶
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lexithwrites · 1 day
marauder men k!nks:
giving, receiving
- james -> mirror, oral fixation, multiple o's, praise, daddy
- sirius -> orals, daddy, marking, degradation, bondage
- remus -> marking, edging, pet play, vibes, daddy / sir,
- reg -> marking, nipple play, edging, humiliation, pet play, overstim
- barty -> overstim, humiliation, degradation, daddy, knives, wounds, blood
- ev -> blood, medical, knives, masks, humiliation, degradation
thoughts, additions?
(hope i got the colors right, was very very confusing)
Amen anon, and thank god people are giving in to pet play Remus let my boy get called puppy in bed I AM VERY PASSIONATE ABOUT THIS OKAY
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