#james fleamont potter
corwnvus · 15 hours
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pasta - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 283
"Are you serious?" the man sitting across from James asked, an incredulous expression on his face.
And James didn't blame him, to be honest. He wasn't trying to hide it. It was just...he was having trouble not staring.
He'd originally arrive at the restaurant that night to have dinner with John, a dreadfully boring man from work that he'd finally agreed to dating after multiple requests, mostly because John was nice.
"Get yourself a nice man," Euphemia kept telling James every time he went 'round for dinner, and James contemplated that a bit too much.
Because he didn't want nice. He wanted..
Well, he wanted the man a few tables down. The man with dark, chin-length curls and piercing eyes. The man who kept throwing him withering looks and rolling his eyes. The man whose gaze was making James's body heat up and tense. The man whose beauty was undeniable.
Get yourself a nice man.
Well, maybe that was James's problem.
"Yeah, I think I am," James murmured, and focused on John, was was chewing on his pasta nervously. "I'm so sorry, John, but this isn't going to work out. Here-" And, passing him a fifty-pound note, he stood, heading toward the bathroom, jerking his head slightly, eyeing the man he'd been enamored by all evening.
When he entered the small, single-person restroom, he almost panicked. Of course the man wouldn't follow. What had he done? John was perfectly nice, and decently good-looking and-
The door opened, and the dark-haired man entered, light eyes full of hunger. "So you really buggered that up, huh?" he asked haughtily, smirking a bit.
"Depends," James grinned. "Are you single?"
And suddenly, their lips crashed together.
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hedgehog-troops · 2 days
can we talk about how genuinely disappointed lily would be with herself when she realises she found the quidditch captain hot.
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three--eyed--cat · 3 days
!! james potter, moodboard !!
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yourgalgremlin · 1 day
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lulublack90 · 1 day
Prompt 31 - Insecure
@jegulus-microfic May 31, Word count 1101
Previous part First part
This is it, the final part. I hope you enjoy it. I'm just going to go cry that it's over. Love you all xxx
Sirius dropped down next to James and looked thoughtfully at his brother. 
“What is he? A, maine coon?” He tilted his head, trying to see all of Regulus. Remus leant over and traced the flickering star shape on Regulus’s chest and looked closer at the glowing eyes. 
“I swear I’ve read about a cat like this somewhere,” He screwed up his face as he tried to recall the information. 
Peter crashed through the trees and came to a stop beside them, his hands on his knees as he bent over and inhaled huge gulps of air. He looked over at Regulus in his cat form. 
“Oh, he’s cute,” He wheezed. Regulus hissed at him. “Sorry, regally handsome,” He corrected. Regulus let out a little huff. 
“I think he’s a Cat-Sìth.” Remus started, explaining, "They were these huge cats that lived in the highlands. They used to go and mess about with the muggle farmers, so the wizards in the area told the locals to leave out milk for them on Samhain so they'd bless them, or they’d dry up all their cow’s milk. There was also something about the muggles believing that the cats were really witches that could transform into a cat. And there was something about them stealing souls. But everything I read said that they were all black cats apart from a white patch of fur on their chests and eyes that glowed in the night.” They all looked at Regulus with scrutinising faces and nodded along in agreement. 
Regulus transformed back into his human body. 
“Ha! I’m a legendary myth,” He pointed at Sirius, gloating. 
“You might transform into a legendary myth, Reggie. But at the end of the day, you’re still just an itty bitty ickle pussycat.” Sirius took off running and transformed into Padfoot mid-step as the giant black cat of legend chased him into the forest. James couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him as he heard the unmistakable yelp of a dog being attacked. 
“We should probably go and break them up,” He said to Remus and Peter. They followed the sounds of barking and hissing through the trees.
“We’re going to have to add him to the marauders map and figure out a nickname for him now, aren’t we?” Remus chuckled as Sirius yelped again. 
“Yeah, I think we have to,” James grinned happily at the thought.
He was nervous. More nervous than he’d been on the night he’d first turned. He’d followed James, Sirius and Peter out into the grounds. It was still light, but the sun was rapidly sinking towards the horizon. 
Regulus watched James fold away the marauder’s map, now proudly emblazoned with the names, Moony, Wormtail, Eclipse, Padfoot and Prongs. They had decided on Eclipse after they’d pulled Regulus off of Sirius, because James said, with the white flash, he looked like a solar eclipse, with a tiny bit of light in the total darkness.  
The whomping willow reached towards them as they neared. Violently slamming its branches down at them. He watched as Peter transformed into the tiny rat. He scurried under the flailing limbs and pressed a little knot on one of the tree's roots. The willow froze, not even its leaves moved. The four of them slid into the opening at the tree’s base and dropped into the tunnel below. 
Regulus had to stoop to walk forward. He had no idea how Remus walked down here, he must have to nearly crawl. 
The tunnel finally opened up to reveal a door. Sirius pushed it open, and they stepped into the dusty, mouldy insides of the shrieking shack. 
“They send Lupin here?” Regulus asked incredulously. No wonder he’d caused himself so much damage. 
“Better than being locked in a cell made from silver under the ministry,” Sirius said blandly. Regulus turned to his brother, shocked. 
“Is that really what they do?” 
“Yes. Registered werewolves have to report there before the full moon.” Sirius replied. 
“But silver is poison to werewolves,” Regulus argued. Sirius nodded sadly at him. 
“That’s the point, Reggie,” Regulus’s eyes flickered to a spot on the wall behind Sirius’s right shoulder. There was a long deep gouge carved into the wall. His eyes widened as he realised what had caused it. 
“Just how big does Remus get?” He asked, feeling insecure for only a second as he pointed at the claw mark on the wall. Sirius grinned. 
“Let’s just say he makes me look like a puppy.” Regulus stared at him open-mouthed. 
They had to hide quickly when they heard Madam Pomfrey and Remus coming down the passageway. They ran up the stairs and hid in one of the bedrooms until Madam Pomfrey left. 
Sirius rushed back downstairs ahead of them and checked Remus was okay by running his hands all over him. 
“Sirius, I’m fine, stop fussing me,” Remus protested, pushing Sirius away. James pulled Regulus in close. 
"It won’t be long now, love. You ready?” Regulus looked up into James’s eyes and felt completely safe.
“Yeah,” He smiled, being completely truthful. He looked around the room at the four people in the world who truly cared for him and chuckled under his breath.
“What’s so funny?” James asked, his voice full of kindness. Regulus stood on tiptoe and kissed James before he answered. 
“I’m so glad I was out picking fluxweed while a crazed werewolf was running amok.”
“Hey!” Remus feigned outrage through gritted teeth. 
“It's time,” Sirius said, giving Remus one last kiss before he changed into Padfoot. 
Regulus watched through his new eyes as Remus dropped to the floor screaming and writhing. Sirius whined and danced about on his feet and Remus broke apart and reformed as a truly enormous wolf. Eclipse craned his neck to see all of him.
The wolf and the dog sniffed each other excitedly and Padfoot licked the Moony all over his face, wagging his tail excitedly. It took a while, but the wolf eventually spotted the cat. He let out a low growl, but Padfoot rushed to Eclipse’s side and whined at Moony, pleading. Wormtail scuttled forward and sat at Eclipse’s feet. Prongs came to stand behind them all, his antlered head slightly lowered in case he needed to protect them. 
Moony leaned closer, but Eclipse held firm. Moony shoved his nose into the white fur on Eclipse’s chest. Eclipse put his paws on Moony’s muzzle and stood up on his hind legs. The werewolf stared into the Cat-Sìths eyes, recognising him as another legendary creature. Eclipse purred. An approximation of a smirk crept across his feline face, knowing everything would be alright.
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queenie-blackthorn · 3 days
the marauders playing kiss marry kill but the three options are the other marauders what would each of them say
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Could you please write a fluffy one shot of rosekiller coming home together after a night out?
Quiet footsteps divulged from messily loud, giggling bodies. The pair headed up the stairs,careful and inaudible as they went. Sneaking back into the dormitory, Barty let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding as the door shut. Regulus was spending the weekend with James.
Peace, Evan thought as the began to unbutton his shirts collar.
"Relax, Rosier. Just got me here alone and you're already taking your clothes off?' Barty half-smirked as he grabbed a T-shirt for himself, tossing one over to Evan. The pair changed quickly, Barty not failing to look longingly in Evans direction the whole time doing so.
Still covered in party glitter and half-wreaking of cigarette smoke, the pair climbed into bed beside one another, as friends would, of course. With a few quick swipes of his wand and an overly-complicated mantra of a spell later, a muggle T.V. before them Barty snuggled up closer to the other, some shitty reality T.V. show the pair had started weeks ago began playing as this happened.
Evan half-breathed a chuckle, his arms wrapping around Bartys waist, pulling him in, less than focused on the television.
Bartys head nestled in the nape of Evans neck, sighing as he found that spot. The spot he always ended up in. His spot.
"Bee.." Evan started. He was met with a responsive "mm?" But he said nothing. He didn't have to. He was sure his silence said enough. As even exhaled, carding his hand through the others hair, Barty would make some sound caught half between frustration and total nirvana, utterly content and entirely distraught.
"I love you."
"Not like that. I think..I love you more than that."
Barty only snuggled closer as he confessed his ugly, dark secrets. The silence was defeaning as he did, finally broken by another less-than desirable confession.
"...I think I love you, too. I'm in love with you. I mean, in love with you."
Barty didn't lift his head, but Evan felt some sort of lazy kiss pressed to the nape of his neck. He smiled. It was barely something, but it was everything to him. He layed there content, exhausted and in-love, kissing in the top of Barty, his Bartys, head.
"We're fucked, you know that?" Evan chuckled, pulling Bartys head up just to kiss greedily all over his face. It was certainly done in a harmless enough fashion but it in all reality was a silent mantra of mine, mine, mine, as he did so. Barty giggled throughout the whole process, his head made it's way eventually to rest on Evans chest.
The pair fell asleep in each other's arms that night, rather than shamefully separating back into their respective beds as usual, too afraid that if daylight touched their skin whatever they once were would perish. That it would bring forth Shane to their entire being if they so much as were caught in each other's wave of existence by a roommate or two.
Shame had long since dissipated as they lay there, soft hyms as their breathing, a calm dormant on their faces. Idiots in love, as cliche would have it. But two best friends, too far separated, forever united, as the story would turn out to be.
Fucked, they repeat. But that really was their truth. Too long apart, now forever together, even if in spirit. Lovers in this universe, enemies in the next. The world was evil and cruel, but for now they had this. Eachother. Comfort in one anothers presence and lord, if that isn't a soft life than what remains to be?
The daylight came and the room shone with light. Barty woke up, his chest not any heavier with shame than it usually would be. Seeing himself cuddled up to Evan Rosier brought forth no feeling but joy and this, he could say, this was love.
And the story book can close. For now it will. Two idiots utterly in love, newly navigating it. Even if they had known, even there always had been love, now confidently they could say it. And now confidently they would remain. And isn't that beautiful? The unlovable being meets the insufferable boy, and they care for each other just the same. Literacy cannot define that. They stayed tangled in eachother for the majority of their day. Brevity does, as it turns out, wait for the gentle. For the murmured "Good mornings" and the loving glances and the messy kisses.
Perhaps the universe is kinder to those sunkissed and rose-bound.
That's it! Hope you enjoyed!!
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ddanthedumbass · 2 days
Insecure Regulus who is jealous of Sirius and self harms because he thinks he is ugly and not good enough
James who thinks Regulus is fucking beautiful and looks at him like he fell from the heavens and would give up a kidney for him
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aleskyyy · 2 days
Redamancy IV — Poly!Marauders x Fem!Reader
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When you think no one will love you anymore because of your current condition, you are faced with a reality that is completely opposite to what you think.
Warnings — AU where voldy no nose doesn't exist, fem!muggle!reader, blind!reader, poly!marauders, fluff, fluff, fluff, Sirius being Sirius, etc.
1,3k words.
Main Masterlist Series Masterlist
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You sat on a chair on the porch of your brother's house and hummed softly. You were waiting for the arrival of James, Sirius and Remus or Marauders as they called themselves. You smiled as you heard many footsteps coming from your front yard. Soon you cringed when you heard the sound of someone falling and then you felt a hand holding your hand gently.
"Are you ready to go now?" You smiled happily at the sound of Remus' voice.
Before you could answer Remus' question a voice came from inside the house. Elijah came out of the house in his casual clothes and looked at the three boys on his porch. His eyes looked at Remus who was holding your hand with an unreadable look then turned to James and Sirius who were still on the floor and clutching each other. Elijah grunted under his breath at that.
"You," he said, pointing at Remus. "I trust my sister to you, not those two–"
Before James or Sirius could protest, Elijah had glared at them both.
"Don't get any cuts on my sister's body, be home by ten o'clock at night if not sooner. And don't make my sister starve," he explained, making you feel embarrassed.
"Elijah, I'm a big girl. Not a kid anymore."
"You're still my little sister, smaller than me."
You grunted in annoyance and tugged Remus' hand towards the path you knew so well. You can hear Elijah's voice saying not to leave you alone, you smile silently at that. Your brother is really protective of you. You felt Remus' grip on your hand tighten slightly as you began to walk down the sidewalk. It wasn't long before you felt an arm around your shoulder.
"So, we're going to the fair in the city park," Sirius said in an excited tone.
"I've never been on one of those spinning things," James said as he walked beside Sirius.
"You think I have!"
"You've never been on a ferris wheel?" you ask James and Sirius in confusion.
"What's a ferris wheel?"
You blinked in confusion at Sirius' words. How could he not know that the spinning thing he and James said earlier was a ferris wheel. It's weird, it's like those two lived on another planet before.
"Which planet are you guys from?" you asked in a joking tone.
"Don't think too much about what those two said," Remus said to you as he led you to walk away from his two friends.
You laughed softly as you heard James and Sirius shouting for you not to be left behind. You start to hear the noise of the crowd which indicates that you are nearing your destination. You tightened your grip on Remus so as not to be separated from him or James and Sirius.
You actually know that a blind person like you is not good at traveling in crowded places especially at night. You will only trouble those who brought you here. You even wonder why you came when you can't see anything beautiful here. But you were too quick to fall for James and Sirius' persuasion, even Remus'.
And here you are now, the fair being held in the city park for the next few days. You followed Remus who took you somewhere then soon you heard Remus telling you to sit down and you followed what he said. You could feel Remus coming to sit on your right and then James sitting on your left after he won the argument with Sirius of course.
"So how was the fair? Was it lovely?" you ask them with a smile.
Remus starts to explain what kind of games there are and the food that is available in such detail. You don't even know if he can actually see it all from here clearly. Even James and Sirius add to Remus' explanation with enthusiasm even though there are words that you don't understand coming out of both of their mouths because of their speed of speech. They were really excited.
"You guys can play first if you want, don't hold back just to take care of me," you said to them, specifically to James and Sirius who were debating what ride to go on first.
James and Sirius said no at the same time. There was no way they would go play alone and leave you behind. The three of them purposely brought you here to have a good time. They know you can't see how beautiful the fair is, but they will be your eyes to see it. They will explain everything they see to you. Even if it's not important.
"So what do you want to ride first?" asked James as he reached for your hand and held it.
"You know you can ride me."
"Sirius!" shouted James and Remus at the latter.
"I was just joking!" defended Sirius as he raised his hand.
As for you, poor you. Your face turned red at the impolite words that came out of Sirius' mouth. You cleared your throat and pulled Remus and James' hands to stand up and walk with you. You really regret not bringing your stick.
"I thought we could ride the ferris wheel first," you said to the two.
Sirius frowns as you take Remus and James and leave him alone. He meant it as a joke, but if you wanted him to he wouldn't mind at all. Sirius quickly catches up with you guys who have started lining up to buy tickets. When you wanted to give your money to Remus who would pay, he quickly said that James would pay for all of their tickets.
You can only sigh when they really don't want to accept any of your money. You followed Remus who led you forward after buying the ticket. As the ferris wheel guard said that one place was only for two, you listened to the argument between James and Sirius again.
In the end you sat with James and Remus with Sirius. James helped you sit down and then he sat in front of you. His hand is still holding yours which makes you smile at him. You listen to James' explanation of the view from above. You ponder for a moment, listening to James talk like this makes your heart flutter, especially his hand that still gives warmth to your hand.
"There's a cotton candy stand over there. Do you want to buy cotton candy later?" James asks, waking you up from your trance.
You smile and nod yes to James' question. You close your eyes and enjoy the breeze. Without realizing it, James looks at you with a soft gaze. His hand moves to brush your hair from the wind which makes you open your eyes. You smile as you say thank you to James.
When the ride on the ferris wheel is over, they take you on a few more rides and then take you to buy some snacks. James even keeps his promise to buy you cotton candy. You laughed at what Sirius said about one of his school friends, or rather school enemies. He even said there was someone with white hair that looked like an old man's hair.
You were reminded that in two days they would return to their school, but you didn't dare to voice it because you didn't want to mess up their fun and your own. You feel a little sad because they are your only friends right now besides Elijah, Euphemia and Fleamont.
You don't even know how to communicate with them in the upcoming days. Maybe you'll ask Euphemia for help. But for now you quickly dismiss that thought and start listening to their conversation while eating your cotton candy.
Remus is still holding one of your hands and the other is held by Sirius. James was beside Sirius and occasionally helped you tidy up your hair that was blown by the wind. Tonight was really a nice night. You are very grateful to them.
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veryberryjelly · 12 hours
🍸 prompt 5 or 6 with james potter maybe?
james potter x reader
prompts ; ' wait don't go, please' + " is this okay ?" " its more than okay "
𝐍𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ✦ 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 !
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afternoons spent lounging on james' bed under his cover with delicate and soft kisses being exchanged for hours were your favourite way to spend your weekends.
sometimes you two could go hours without anything being said, just basking in the warmth of each others company.
only today it had been spent slipping in and out of light sleep due to a party going very late last night in the common room.
you had only been awake a few moments when james roused beside you, his head moving to bury in the crook of your neck which only brought a smile to your lips
" morning sleepy head " you said softly, turning slightly to wrap your arms around the boy.
" time is it ? " he questioned, his voice groggy and his eyes struggling to open as he looked up at you.
" quarter to two " you replied, one of your hands lifting to thread through his curls.
" you think we should get up any time soon ?"
" in your dreams am i letting you up "
his words caused a soft laugh to bubble past your lips. you tilted your head to press a kiss onto the top of his head, your arms wrapping slightly tighter around him before you settled.
you were on the verge of falling into another light sleep when you heard the door to james' dorm open and both of your eyes flitted to the door and were greeted with the familiar sight of remus and sirius.
" - could just live above the shop, moony. it might be the only way i'll never be- oh, hello there, didnt mean to interrupt lovebirds "
you were unsure what the beginning of that conversation was but that didnt matter too much. remus and sirius headed to the bed across the room, both sitting on the edge looking over at yourself and james.
your instinct kicked in and you sat up, pulling a sweater over your head.
" you didn't interrupt, i was about to head back to my dorm, i need to shower "
you weren't shy about pda, but you whenever someone walked in on you and james in his bed, you felt out of place. this was their dorm and you felt like you were imposing.
as you moved to slide out of bed james' strong arms wrapped around your torso, halting your effort to get up.
" wait, don't go, please, you can shower here " james pleaded, his tired eyes gleaming up at you in a way that made it almost impossible to say no to him
you lowered your hand down and brushed some curls from your lovers face.
" i'll see you later, jamie, i promise " the hurt on his face might be subtle to anyone else but to you it was practically painted across his face in big black letters.
" i hate it when you have to go back to your dorm- " he admitted, his gaze dropping down to the mattress, his sadness obviously presented in the way he fiddled with the sheets between his fingers.
" i know, but all of my stuff is there, i live there, baby "
" move your stuff here " he blurted out causing disbelief to appear on your face and your sure on the faces of james friends. " i hate it when you leave, baby. i want to sleep with you every night and wake up to you every morning...come stay here " his voice sounded almost desperate and you wanted to melt at his sincerity.
" jamie, you're asking me to move in here when you live with three other people..." you loved waking up with james, the sight of his bed head along was enough to want to sleep with him every night. but he lived with three other people, including another couple.
james finally sat up in the bed and focused his eyes on you. " darling, is that something you would want, yes or no "
" yes, theoretica-"
" is that okay ?" he brought his gaze over to the two boys on the opposite side of the room.
there was a few moments of silence where glances were exchanged between the two boys, but the grins on their faces gave you your answer before they spoke up.
" it's more than okay. we can help you move your stuff tomorrow if you want "
you could feel the joy beaming off of james beside you before you even turned to look at him, but when you did he had a shit eating grin on his face, his bottom lip caught between his teeth waiting for your answer.
" ok, yes, i'll move in "
the minute your answer fell from your lips you were tackled by the boy into one of the most passionate hugs he had ever given you. it wasnt long before remus and sirius jumped in too, their arms wrapping around the two of you.
" welcome to the dorm...don't wake us up in the middle of the night with sex noises "
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incantation - @wolfstarmicrofic - 241
"So," James whispered, standing next to Sirius as they both waved their wands just how Flitwick had shown them, "when are you gonna tell Moony?"
"Tell Moony what?" Sirius responded, trying not to look too suspicious as he practiced the incantation in his head.
"That you're gone for him," James answered casually, smirking as he began to mumble Expecto Patronum, only to achieve white smoke.
"Wh-what?" Sirius stuttered, turning to James, who looked smug.
"You were staring at him the whole lecture. You doodle moons in your notes. Your Amortentia smells like chocolate, for fuck's sake," James chided, furrowing his eyebrows as he only conjured smoke again. "It's bloody obvious to everyone except Moony himself, Pads."
"You're barking," Sirius denied, rolling his eyes. But it was Remus who he was picturing as he focused himself on the spell. Remus, whose eyes were the perfect shade of brown. Remus, whose smile always made Sirius feel so safe, and a bit floaty. "Expecto Patronum," he murmured, his heart leaping when a corporeal animal jumped from the tip of his wand.
But James let out of a shout of laughter when they saw what it was: a giant, silvery wolf, short snout and tufted tail making him distinct in every way. "Yeah, Pads? Wanna tell me again what you said a second ago?"
And, blushing crimson, Sirius stared at Patronus-Moony, unable to deny his feelings, knowing that his own spell had sold him out.
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hedgehog-troops · 2 days
guys... guys. hot take
but nobody really truly gave a fick about the marauders aside from people who disliked them, and the teachers who likes them. mind you im in a very marauderesque group rn (the only difference is that nobody knows thats its us when we're doing shit)
but you mean to tell me that literally no body in the entire school noticed that these 4 apparently really popular kids went missing for a day or two every month on a full moon and never reconsidered it? nah they simply gave no shits.
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moonyswarmsweaters · 16 hours
Reading “JFP”
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yourgalgremlin · 2 days
📢💬 Killing Eve is a lesbian Jegulus AU:
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lulublack90 · 2 days
Prompt 30 - Pasta
@jegulus-microfic May 30, Word count 986
Previous part First part
They jumped up, as another flash of lightning lit up the sky. Sirius bolted upstairs to grab the bag they’d prepared for when this day came. 
“You ready?” James asked as he squeezed Regulus’s arm. Regulus looked up at him as he took deep, steady breathes. 
“The double heartbeat is getting stronger.” James squeezed his arm again. 
“You’ll be fine, I promise.” They headed towards the portrait hole.
“Oi, where are you lot off to?” Mary called across the common room. They stopped in their tracks, crowding around Regulus, as he’d begun shaking. They needed to get him to his potion and soon. 
“Nowhere, just fancied a walk,” Sirius turned his best smile on Mary. 
“Past curfew?” She raised her perfectly manicured eyebrow at them. Lily and Marlene snorted with laughter behind her as the boys tried to come up with a good excuse. Regulus grunted and they were pushing him forward. “Idiots,” Mary yelled after them. 
“Cya, McDonald,” Sirius waved before the fat lady’s portrait closed behind him. 
Remus pulled out the Marauders map from his pocket and opened it. 
“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good,” Remus chanted as he tapped the parchment with his wand. “Filch is on the fifth floor, Mrs Norris is down near the kitchens, and McGonagall’s in Dumbledore’s office.” Remus kept the map out to keep an eye on everyone. 
They reached the seventh floor. Regulus dove into the come and go room and reappeared with his crystal phial in his hand. The contents were now blood-red. 
time, so“Okay, love, you have two options now. We can either go out into the forest, which will take more time, or we can ask the come and go room for a suitable space for you to change.” 
James took Regulus’s hand, trying to comfort him. 
“I still want to go to the forest. We’ve got everything we need in the bag, right?” Regulus looked at Sirius for an answer. 
“Yup. I packed the cloak, blankets, healing potions, bandages, books for Moony and food.”
“What food did you pack?” Peter asked, looking interested at the bag on Sirius’s back. 
“Sandwiches, crisps, chocolate for Moony, penne arrabbiata,” Sirius listed on his fingers as they set off towards the staircases at a brisk pace. 
“Wait, you packed pasta for an animagus transformation?” Remus questioned Sirius over his shoulder. 
“It was what we had for dinner when I packed the bag,” Sirius replied. 
“Sirius, that was over a month ago!” Remus said, horrified. 
“I put a stasis charm on it, don’t worry Moony, you don’t have to eat it.” Regulus groaned again, rolling his shoulders uncomfortably. James scooped him into his arms, and they broke into a run. Remus silenced their footsteps and kept his eye on the map.  
“I’ll, catch, up,” Peter wheezed when they slowed down when he started lagging behind, “I know where you’re going, it’s fine.” 
They crashed through the entrance doors, Sirius, twirling to fire a spell to close the doors behind them. Rain had begun pelting down while they’d made their way outside. 
The sky lit up again, the storm was right above them, the thunder was deafening. 
‘We’re nearly there, love.” James puffed under Regulus’s weight. 
“We’re not going far in, Reggie, don’t worry,” Sirius panted. 
They rushed past Hagrid’s cabin and into the forest. He and Sirius had picked the perfect spot. The trees were thinner, so while not a true open space, there was enough clear area for Regulus to transform safely. 
James carefully lowered Regulus to the ground, kneeling him in the crunchy leaves. 
“It’s time, love. You need to drink the potion now and say the incantation one more time,” James instructed. Sirius dropped down next to his brother and put his hands on his shoulders. 
“Reggie, you can’t be scared, okay? It’s going to hurt, a lot, but we’ve faced worse. The double heartbeat isn’t going to feel nice, but as soon as you transform, it’ll be gone.” He leaned in, pressing his forehead against Regulus’s and said confidently. “You can do this. You’re going to be amazing.” 
They moved away and Regulus unstoppered the crystal phial. Regulus lifted the phial to his lips and swallowed the potion. He held his wand to his heart and chanted. 
"Amato Animo Animato Animagus"
“Give me your wand, Regulus,” Remus told him. Regulus tossed it over and Remus pocketed it. 
James watched Regulus carefully. Nothing had happened. But then Regulus bared his teeth and the vein in his neck stuck out as beads of sweat covered his skin. He dropped forward onto his hands and grunted through the pain. His eyes were screwed tightly shut. Sirius took a step forward, but Remus held him back.  
Regulus’s form began to shimmer and shift. They couldn’t make out what he was turning into yet, but he was nearly there. He flung his head back, letting out a loud roar of pain, and then he fully transformed.
Stormy eyes glowed in the gloom. They blinked up at James as the cat got to his feet. But this wasn’t a normal cat. It was huge, the size of a dog. Not as big as Sirius, but still, it could easily be mistaken for a dog. He was black as ebony apart from a flash of white on his chest that reached out like a star. 
James knelt on the floor and held out his hand. The cat arched its back, bristling its fur and hissed at him. He pulled his hand back. 
“Reg, love. It’s me, James.” He said gently. The cat stopped hissing and peered at him with more intelligence than it should. It slunk forward and butted James’s chest with its head before sitting back. James reached out a hand and stroked the cat's head. “You’re beautiful,” He told him in awe. The cat purred loud as thunder as he nuzzled into James’s lap.
Final part
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