#top vaggie
goldenamaranthe-blog · 2 months
Måneskin Drinking: Chaggie 18+
Alright, time to be a little horny on main. Buckle up, buttercups!
Hazbins: (sitting in the newly rebuilt bar in the hotel and enjoying an easy night off)
Husker: .....I got a bad feeling.
Cherri: What? Why?
Husker: Call it bartender intuition.
-Lights dim and spotlights focus on the karaoke and band stage as "I Wanna Be Your Slave" by Måneskin plays over the speakers-
Charlie: (struts onto the stage while tossing her blazer away drunkenly and grabs the karaoke microphone. Runs her hands through her hair seductively and snaps her hair ties with her claws and sings) I wanna be your slave~
Vaggie: (steps onto the stage with a microphone in hand, salsa dance steps around Charlie and runs her fingers up her spine to the base of her scalp. Giving a gentle tug at the blonde hair while singing) I wanna be your master~
Charlie: (whimpers hotly and bends over to touch her palms to the floor, legs widening, and pushing her ass into Vaggie's hips while slowly rolling up to standing) I wanna make your heartbeat run like rollercoasters~
Angel: (snickering impishly as he holds up his phone)
Charlie: (grinds against Vaggie's hips) I wanna be your sex toy~
Vaggie: (spins Charlie around, undoes her bow tie, uses it as a leash, and uses a firm hand to make Charlie sit on her knees while hiking her knee over Charlie's shoulder) I wanna be your teacher~
Charlie: (mouth watering as she looks straight up and under Vaggie's skirt) I wanna be your sin.
Vaggie: (smirks) I wanna be your preacher. (kicks Charlie away and struts away like a fucking queen)
Husker: Someone turn off the music! Cut the music!
Cherri: HA!!! Are you kidding?! (Holds up her phone to record) This is GOLD!!!
Charlie: (demons out and crawls after Vaggie on her hands and knees) Because I'm a devil who's searching for redemption~
Vaggie: (grabs Charlie's chin between her thumb and forefinger) And I'm a killer who's searching for redemption~
-Lights and music cut out-
Angel: Your daughter was about to get laid!
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goldenshornyjail · 16 days
MAGIC, Baby~: Chaggie & Huskerdust
Hazbins: *all gathered around for weekly movie night*
Vaggie: (dead inside) Who's idea was it to watch "Magic Mike"?
Charlie: (peeking through her fingers) Angel.....
Husk: ...... (tilts his head to the side) How does that bastard not break his back doin' that?
Vaggie: (helps Charlie cover her eyes) Angel, what the fuck?
Angel: What? It's still better than the local parody, "Magic Dyke". That's just a bunch of-
Vaggie: Don't finish that sentence. We don't need to be canceled.
Angel: (rolls his eyes) Fiiiiiine.....
Hazbins: (watch a dancer back into a woman aying on her back, hook his legs on hers, and flip her over so she's belly down and he grinds on her ass)
Niffty: OooOoOOoooOOOOoOoooOoh~
Vaggie: Niffty, no. Besides, that can't be an actual move.
Angel: Oh, I guarantee it is! (Smirks with a glint in his gold tooth) Wanna make a bet?
Vaggie: No.
Angel: Aw, come on, Ol' Featherduster. If you win, I won't make a single horny comment for a week. I win, you gotta buy me that new Sex Delux Blaster 5000.
Vaggie: ...........What is it?
Angel: See who can bust that move better! You or me. You're a dancer. You should be able to manage. You can use Charlie, and I got Husk.
Charlie & Husk: Excuse me. What, now?
Vaggie: Hmmmm.... (glances at a blushing Charlie and smirks) Psh! Too easy. You're on.
Angel: (claps his hands together and rubs the palms) Ooohohooooo! This is gonna be good!
*Cut to Vaggie and Angel sitting on all fours on the floor with Charlie and Husk laying on their backs behind them. Husk is draining a bottle of whiskey while Charlie blushes to the point of being faint and covers her face in her hands.*
Charlie: I-I'm supposed to be setting a good example here!!!!
Angel: You're bonding with your clients, Toots! (To Vaggie) Ready, bitch.
Vaggie: Get ready to plaster duct tape to your mouth for a week.
Angel: Ha! Yeah. Right. Cherri, you and Niffty are the judges with Al as the tie breaker! Ready?
Cherri: You bet! (Pulls up camera) Aaaaaand..... GO!!!
*Angel and Vaggie slide back seamlessly, hook their legs under their prospective partner's knee, and whirl them over onto their bellies. Angel grinds against Husk's ass and pulls on his wings. Vaggie grinds against Charlie's ass, drags her nails upper girlfriend’s clothed back, grabs a fistful of blonde hair from the back, and pulls back.*
Husk: (eyes widen in pain and his pupils change sizes as his spine cracks and pops like a glowstick) FUCK!!! YOU BROKE MY BACK!!!
Charlie: (hearts in her eyes as she blushes and drools, her horns and tail spring into existence as she keens into a moan) FUCK!!! PLEASE, BREAK MY BACK!!!
Alastor: ............................ (walks away in tired asexual)
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jessibbb · 3 months
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The episode 8 outfits>>>
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shitty-kinda-doodles · 2 months
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This is how it went right?
(quote from Red Valley Podcast because I sure do smash things I like together, it makes me have a bit of a giggle)
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goated33 · 4 months
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crawls out of my cave spitting blood. do you see the vision. do you understand
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
So thinking about the fact that exorcists apparently don't have a sense of self-preservation and all the stuff Vagie must have done to gover her poor girlfriend a heart attack k over the years. Especially when she still thought she was a basic newly fallen Sinner and HOLY SHIT THAT'S AN OVERLORD Vaggie no!
XD what if Charlie never saw Vaggie bleed bc she rapidly realized if Vaggie got into ANY real fight it would NOT be stopping at drawn blood someone would end up dead and Vaggie (totally normal sinner???) seemed to feel like the someone couldn't possibly be her, for. Some reason
like most sinners and other demons at least have a sense of self preservation even if they're stupid about it
Vaggie? Vaggie found an angelic spear somewhere. Vaggie really wants to use the angelic spear on someone. Vaggie seems to prefer if that someone WAS and overlord, actually
Charlie pointing a claw at the spear when Vaggie's not around like "I swear if you get her killed, I don't CARE if you're her most prized posession- I am breaking you and melting you down into slag, got it?" *does the points to fingers at her eyes and at the spear and back again while in demon mode* "I'm watching you..."
girl has been alone so long she develops a rivalry with the spear over Vaggie's attention and safety -w-;
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anonymouscheeses · 16 days
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Just wanted to doodle Vaggie holding her girlfriend s all
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shortbreadly · 1 year
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i’m actually so incredibly in love with these gals
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vaggieslefteye · 1 month
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HAZBIN HOTEL (2024): 1x01 - "Overture" ↳ "Niffty. Niffty... Niffty. Your line is: 'We have the cleanest rooms,' okay?" "Got it, I'm ready!"
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mvskedxrtist · 3 months
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Hazbin Masterlist
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Aɴɢᴇʟ Dᴜsᴛ
| The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Sɪʀ Pᴇɴᴛɪᴏᴜs
| My Needy Deer
| Who's my Jealous Boy?
| It's Out Again...
Cʜᴇʀʀɪ Bᴏᴍʙ
| Such a Good Angel
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edenfire · 4 months
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🗡❤️ Hazbin Hotel Buttons ❤️🗡
I finally have my new set posted up in my shop!!🥰💘💞 if there's any characters that you'd like that I don't have yet, pls let me know~🌸
> shop <
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 2 months
She's a Big Girl Now: Lucifer
-From Chaggie's Room-
Charlie: 💕 Oh! Fuck!~ Vaggie, right there- HOLY SHIT!!! *panting and groaning* 💕💓💋*whimpers* Please! Please, please, please, please! ❤️ I've been so good! 🗯💥💨💦
Vaggie: I know, mi amor. You've been such a good girl. You can handle a few more minutes, can't you? Continue being a good girl, my pretty little princess, so you can get a big reward?
Charlie: (shout groans into a whimper) Yes, Ma'am! Yes, Ma'am!
Lucifer: (sitting in his room, crying, and eating an emotional support apple pie. And wearing earmuffs to try to desperately cancel out the sound of his daughter getting railed into oblivion)
Lucifer: She’s.... *hic* She's a big girl now, Luci. *sniffles* (stuffs his face with pie and whipped cream) She’s a big girl.
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goldenshornyjail · 2 months
Vaggie: (firmly gripping Charlie's hair and whispering huskily into her ear) Does my sweet, pretty little princess want Mistress to fill her up? You'd look so good with your tight little pussy filled to the brim with my strap while you choke down another. Little tear marks trailing down your cheeks from overstimulation.
Charlie: fuck!fuck!fuck!fuck!fuck!
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420technoblazeit · 4 months
i just think that when it really comes down to it vaggie frustrates me a little because i see how much potential there is in her as a character but the writers kind of underexplore the most interesting parts of her story. her arc in episode 7 is supposedly about learning to focus on her love for charlie instead of her desire for revenge against heaven. except we already know how devoted vaggie is to charlie. literally all of heaven knows how about how much they love each other. and vaggie was actually the one reminding charlie to keep a cool head in the courthouse scene, she hasn't been motivated by revenge at all. so this song is kind of unnecessary
i wish they'd focus instead on how vaggie's belief in the hotel and charlie's dream is rooted in her desire to make up for her past. her line in episode 3 about charlie being a source of comfort in a new place hits a lot harder when you know that charlie saved vaggie's life and took her in when she was cast out of heaven. charlie showed her that her choice to choose mercy over heaven's supposed justice was right and that there was still good to be found in hell. and that ties in really well to the questioning of heaven's black-and-white view of morality where the dead are judged and then left alone without consideration for their potential to improve as people. vaggie's whole character is rooted in having a deep sense of empathy for other people even if that isn't always immediately evident. she's a good person who in the past was forced to do horrible things but she really does love with all her heart and believe in other people. and i think i'd really like it if she had more solo moments outside of just her relationship with charlie
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fizziepopangel · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel Masterlist
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Asks are open, feel free to make requests, and definately let me know if there's any characters I should add to my writing list😋❤️
Fic Request Form
This masterlist will be updated as I write for it😋
Hazbin Headcanons:
"Welcome to our home of healing! Our resort of restoration..."
"Nice try, fuckhead."
"You may own my soul, but I ain't your fucking pet!"
Husk Headcanons (Cat Tendencies Edition)
🕸️Angel Dust🕸️
"Hey, whatever means I can keep crashin' here rent free... crack is expensive."
Chronically Ill Angel Dust
"Sometimes I kill mother bugs in front of their children as a warning to others."
"This face was made for radio!"
Daddy Alastor
🥚Sir Pentious🥚
"I'll shelter and adore you more than anything..."
 “Um, which whore are we talking about this time?”
Character x Character Headcanons
HuskerDust Headcanons (romantic)
Fizzie's Fics:
🕸️Angel Dust🕸️
A Surprise For You My Dear
🥚Sir Pentious🥚
Character x Character Fics
Rest For The Wicked (Huskerdust fic)
Hazbin Lyricals:
Angel Dust
Flirting 101 with Charlie
Getting some bad vibes here
On Her Princess Sh!t
Fizzie's Top 10's:
Hazbin Hotel Quotes
Hazbin Hotel Scenes & Why
Fizziepop Takes:
Let's talk about.....
Charlie the assassin?
What we know about Husk.... and what we need to know
Theories with Fizzie:
Why is Niffty the way she is?
Is Lillith the one holding Alastor's leash?
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nifftyisgonnakillu · 6 days
TIERLIST TIMEE!! (Episodes editon)
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