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Charlie saving Angel Dust or if she was more demonic ahahah
its kinda trash
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HH: Charlie's transformation
I'm done with this and im super proud!
I have been wanting to go Eldritch Horror with Charlie because of the potential of her being a Nephilim is HUGE (pun intended)
Also a little lore dump of my design decisions:
Charlie is a sheep/lamb here. I chose the Jacob sheep for her horns, in 100% reference to the Jacob from the bible that defied God.
The cracks on her main eyes are doll like!
Tongue is inspired by a snake (Lucifer's genes) but Charlie is more dragon like (again in reference to The Beast from the Apocalypse)
Speaking of dragon, she breathes fire like her dad! But her fire is hotter, hence the blue-ish tone.
She has a mane like a lion! I thought it would fit with her hair + the feline sound she does when her hand transform in the finale.
I dont think I have to explain the eyes but they are basically her angel genes + the demon genes being freed and expressing on her with this amalgamation.
I would love to do a full version of Beast!Charlie so i can show off more of the body horror going on her
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 14 hours
Happy Pride!
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I usually dont gloat about my art but
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im so proud of this one im actually going to try to render it
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I love the Date Expectations posts, they're how I found you actually! I'd definitely love seeing Charlie run into her ex, Vaggie beating the ever loving life out of her ex, etc, Just seems like it'd be fun lol (and I like angst and hurt/comfort)
Hi, phoenixablaze666!
Aww! Thank you! I honestly wish I remembered what made me want to write the Date Expectations post originally, but I swear I have the memory of a goldfish.
Hahaha! You wouldn't be the only one wanting to see Charlie and Vaggie run into Seviathan. And.... as much as I hate to admit it.... I am getting a liiiiiitttle more comfortable writing angst thanks to a friend of mine (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!). So, I might be able to do a Date Expectation angst blurb in the future. Just entirely depends.
Until then, you'll just have to stay tuned for now! I'm glad you've been enjoying my posts! Thanks for dropping by! And, as always,
Stay Golden!
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haha abonymous here! thanks for the blurb it was even better than i expected. bite ring is perfect. i didn't imply bite marks as anything sexual just them getting their bites while cuddling. but i see you want to do their bite marks on your nsfw blog and i'm very excited about that.
- love, abonymous.
Hey, ABOnymous!
Well, shoot! You should have said so! I'm so used to "mating marks" being such an NSFW thing that I misunderstood! The curse of asks, I swear!
Well, thanks so much for stopping back in! I hope to do some more omegaverse Chaggie at some point. Along with answering more asks. It's been very busy lately.
Thanks again for dropping by! And, as always,
Stay Golden!
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Sometimes, knocking can help a lot. kek..
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Here's a heads hotel of my first Chaggie fankid, Perri (Periwinkle) Lucilith Morningstar! She is the adopted daughter, but still very much loved. Little angel was found in the dumpster. Who would ever throw away this little face???
Pay no mind to the skull. It's nothing... for now. Dun dun dun!
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choose your fav puppy
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Texts between Vaggie and Charlie.
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Hey 👋
I just get a lot of random of ideas I just got to share!
So my question/ask is what Daemons would Charlie and Vaggie have? How would they interact with their person, the others daemon, how would the two daemons interact with each other?
The rest of the Hotel as well but Chaggie the priority?
Hi, silencetheloudestsound,
Like, what biblical demons do they have? What sin do they most encompass? Could you elaborate a little more on this?
Stay Golden!
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Aince you started with Ch2: How did Charlie approach Vaggie to be her personal trainer? And how did Vaggie's... interest in her start.
Hi, drenosa!
I'm working on chapter 1 right now. Here's a quick overview of how they met. Vaggie was out on the University's outdoor track to workout. She was halfway through her sprints when she saw Charlie walk onto the track, looking confused and lost, before doing an ineffective warm up and trying to run. Vaggie noticed that Charlie was having trouble and offered to help.
Thanks for dropping in! It's good to see you again, friend!
Stay golden!
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TT^TT ilovethemsomuch
Here's my solution for censoring this. The ducks were also my spouse's idea.
Song inspiration: Devil's Choir - Digital Daggers
[open image > Right click > Open image in new tab for high res]
Uncensored under the cut:
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Hazbin Hotel Masterlist... Uh... Masterlist!
Okay, I'm trying a thing. This is where everyone can go to find all the links to my AU blurb master lists.
Apple Seed: Charlie accidentally eats a magic apple seed that allows her to get pregnant. What ensues is nothing short of hilarious and emotional as she experiences the miracle of pregnancy and childbirth.
Dumpster Baby: Vaggie is out on an errand for one of Charlie's crazy new bonding exercise when she finds an angelic baby in the dumpster.
Little Emerald: Charlie is a single mother to a seven year old little girl named Mia. Vaggie Carmine is the adopted daughter of Carmilla, and insists on working for a living. When a prior client, Angel, slips her the number of a lady in need of a playhouse, who is she to deny a work prospect.... or a possible date from the hot single mom for that matter?
Date Expectations: Charlie has dated two people in her life: Seviathan Von Eldritch and Vaggie, her self-proclaimed Guardian Angel. Let's see how the bar for her date expectations was installed so low, and how it was raised WAY, way up!
Protector: Lucifer is a single dad at his wit's end trying to take care of a small Charlie. So much, in fact, that he calls up the last person he ever wants to ask a favor of, but it's to help out. Charlie needs a bodyguard
Kid Vaggie: Vaggie's been transformed into a child! What's the worst that could happen?
Who Dares Summon Me: Vaggie is bored, so she does what any bored person living in a shitty apartment with two assholes does. She buys a Necronomicon knock-off and summons a demon.
Hell Pride University AU: Vaggie is late to getting into college when she spots a pretty girl on the track one morning before the semester starts. It wouldn't hurt to get her number... probably... Wait, she's the President of the College's daughter?! (Turns Angsty Later-ish)
Drunk Chaggie Blurbs: Charlie and Vaggie don't drink often. They like to try and set a good example for the guests, but when they do.....
Puppy Love: Bunch of blurbs where Emily gets a little puppy crush on Vaggie. We don't blame you, girl. Trust me, but Charlie maaaaay have an issue with that.
Omegaverse: .....This is exactly what you think this is. Alpha and Omega Charlie and Vaggie. Once I get a few more, I'll put a link to a master list here.
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Little Emerald Masterlist
Chapter 1: Meet Mia
Chapter 2: Thirsty
Chapter 3: Lies
Chapter 4: Time to Call for Help
Bonus: Stupidity
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Who Dares Summon Me: Masterlist
Chapter 1: Summoning
Chapter 2: Morning After
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Kid Vaggie AU Masterlist
Chapter 1: Meet Kid Vaggie
Chapter 2: Protect the Princess
Chapter 3: Cuddle Pile
Chapter 4: Unsung Lullaby (angst)
Bonus: Puppy Love/Kid Vaggie Crossover
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