#swissarmy ghoul
tehriel · 5 months
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Oo look, a goblin
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quaildoodle · 4 months
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sorry for the lack of art recently here’s some scribbles
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transitcowboy · 2 months
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carnaldesiresiii · 7 months
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real messy Swiss ghoul drawing for @sillyswiss 😁!!
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terzosmainhoe · 26 days
swissdew stans come get your dinner 🤲🍽️
@thethirdpapa a kith for you
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ghouliebabies-art · 3 months
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Mini gouache paintings of Phantom and Swiss!
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ethereal-maniac · 5 months
Aether: okay, what do we say when we want something?
Sodo: give it.
Rain: for me please?
Swiss: mine now.
Mountain: can I have that please?
Y/n: Daddy~
Aether: HUH
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nameless-ghoul-xinkru · 6 months
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Long time no see, here’s a doodle of Swiss and Sodo😌
(everybody ignore that I forgot Dew's little horns. Pretend they're under his hair)
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tehriel · 1 year
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A Swiss
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quaildoodle · 3 days
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i asked my twitter and insta from drawing refs since i was testing out some new brushes + some close ups of my favorite doodles
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zargosstuff · 9 months
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Same, Swiss
I also bite people as a sign of affection 👹
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dam1en-69 · 7 months
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he’s so…
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scarletrosesstuff · 10 months
The Summoning
The ghoul that disappears (Ghouls x Fem!Ghoulette!Reader)
Warnings: Mentions of Abuse, non-sexual nudity, and a little bit of fluff.
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Everything was quiet. You were surrounded by pitch black with nothing around. You didn't know how long you were there, or why you were here. You thought you never did anything wrong. No bad past or sins you committed.
You were scared to death every day to step one toe out of line in the fear of being beaten, or starved. All you knew was that your only purpose was to service the people you belong to.
But as you stared off into the distance you started to notice the flicks of light. You thought your mind was playing tricks on you as the light became bright. The heat almost burned you as the light flashed. Then all you saw was darkens again.
You could hear the faint noise of breathing, thinking it was your own you opened your eyes excepting blackness. Your eyes were blurred, seeing the outline of people above. Maybe you had blacked out from another beating you weren't sure.
You shifted around on a cold stone that was against your skin. Your hearing was still fuzzy as you heard the sounds of the people talking around you.
The view in front of you started to clear. You looked up and saw a group of hooded masked people around you. It shocked you as you curled up in fear wanting this to be all a dream. But when you felt the cold touch of leather you realised it wasn't.
You screwed your eyes shut in fear as you heard a soft voice speaking to you. "Do not fear mia cara." The voice felt you shiver as a blanket draped over you to cover your modesty. The hand started to softly pet your skin in a loving manner something you had never felt. "Please open your eyes." He whispers again placing a soft kiss against your forehead.
Blinking open you saw an older man covered in white paint with sunken eyes. He looked back and smiled, he held out his hand to help you sit up just in case you passed out.
You sat up facing away from the others staring at you, The man covered you up more as you caught glimpses of your pale grey skin. It almost looked transparent as you held your hands up to see more of you. The blanket dropped around you, Papa panicked seeing your naked breasts out in the open. He quickly wrapped you up again bringing your face towards him as he spoke.
"I know it's new." He said holding your hand.
"Who are you?" You said in a whisper not used to hearing your own voice.
"My name is Copia, but you may call me Papa, cara."
"Papa." You repeated as he heard a giggle behind you.
"She's adorable." A female said behind you. You glanced behind to see the group of people still there. Their hoods were down, and the same grey skin peeked out from their clothes and helmets. You frowned and looked up at Papa again.
"Who are they?" You whispered again as Papa squeezed your hand.
"They are my other ghouls, just like you." You nodded as he carried on explaining everything to you. "They were all summoned here like you, but you mia cara are here for a different purpose."
"Which is?" You asked.
"To take care of them."
"Like a maid?" You asked knowing that was your life purpose before.
"In a way, yes. But you will be so much more than that." He said ensuring you were safe and wanted. He saw your eyes dropping again, this time from tiredness and overwhelmed by everything that happened that night. "I think it's time for you to get some rest." He said caressing your cheek. "Please show her to her quarters, they'll give you a proper tour in the daylight."
"Thank you." You mumbled tiredly as a tall ghoul stood in front of you. He wrapped your arms around his neck, and you leaned your head on his shoulder feeling sleep taking you over. He chuckled as you snuggled into him breathing him in. His smell was comforting, he smelt of earth and a faint smell of pine.
He wrapped your legs around him as Papa patted his shoulder. "Take care of her Mountian."
"Of course Papa." He mumbled as he felt you snuggle into him.
He walked on in front of the other ghouls as they all followed behind him. The ghoulette's hearts melted seeing your face buried into Mountain.
They made it back to their den, and they all remained quiet as Cirrus helped Mountain to your room. Mountain lay you down hearing you whimper at the loss of heat, he chuckled and left to give you some privacy as Cirrus dressed you in a nightgown.
"Sweet dreams, my love." She whispered placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
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one-boring-person · 6 months
For the Christmas prompts, how about Swiss and fem reader with #13 :3
Thank you for requesting! ☺️ I hope you like this, I'm sorry it's a bit short😅☺️💛
You're On.
Swiss x reader
Warnings: none
Make a request!
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“Your room is always a tip,” I remark as I look at the bedroom, settling myself down in amongst Swiss' many blankets.
“It's not that bad!” Swiss protests, pushing a pile of DVDs to the side in his efforts to locate the remote for his TV.
I make a noncommittal sound in the back of my throat, pointedly eyeing the clothes hanging from one of the light fixtures. He catches my gaze, a smirk crossing his features and he winks at me.
“Come on, you know how that got there.” 
Blushing, I stick my tongue out at him, reaching for one of the neatly decorated cookies we'd brought in with us. The sweet treat is perfectly crumbly and practically melts in my mouth as I take a bite, a content sigh escaping me at the taste. Finishing it quickly, I eagerly reach for another. 
“Please remind me to thank Mountain for his cookies,” I practically groan, stuffing the second into my mouth.
The multi-ghoul makes a small sound of triumph as he finally finds his remote, waltzing over to flop onto the blankets beside me. Upon seeing me reach for another cookie, he takes the plate in hand and holds it out from his body, his usual shit-eating grin plastered across his handsome face.
“Leave some for me, greedy-guts!” He teases, laughing when I gently hit his arm.
“We both know you'll end up eating all of them by yourself anyway,” I point out, grabbing for another cookie but ending up sprawled over the ghoul's lap. 
“Oh, I like this.” Swiss’ voice is laced with amusement, his free hand coming down to lightly tap my ass, “Maybe you should stay like this.”
Huffing, I push myself up and out of his lap, “Yeah, you wish.”
“Maybe later,” He muses, still smirking.
I blow a raspberry at him and settle myself back into the cocoon I'd made moments before, letting the warmth soak into me. The multi-ghoul makes a small noise in the back of his throat and places the plate down on the bedside table. Having done so, Swiss makes a point of wiggling himself in behind me, wrapping his long arms around me so his strong forearms trap me against his chest. He nuzzles his face into my neck, careful to avoid spearing me on his horns, his tail curling around my leg to pin me against his hot body. A deep purr rumbles from deep inside him, sending vibrations through me as I relax back into his grip. Eventually, he pulls one arm out so he can switch the movie on.
“OK, movie number one: The Grinch,” He announces loudly, putting on his best news reading voice. 
I giggle at his antics, settling into his embrace as the movie begins to play, the familiar scenes quickly enrapturing me. We last about ten minutes before Swiss’ usual commentary starts up again, poking fun at some parts, reminding me of facts I already knew at others, his eyes fixed on the television screen for the most part. It draws a laugh out of me as he starts to mimic the words being said, getting the inflection and emphasis perfect every time.
“You've watched this way too many times,” I say playfully, craning my neck to look up at him.
“It's a good movie, what can I say?” He replies, grinning down at me.
Shaking my head, I lean up and place a soft kiss on his lips, which he eagerly returns by lifting a hand to cup my face, holding me close to him. Before he can get too into it, I pull back, smiling softly as he chases my lips, his thumb stroking a gentle line over my cheekbone.
“Don't get too distracted, Swiss,” I murmur jokingly, looking back to the television.
“Not my fault I have the prettiest girl in the world sitting in my lap,” He responds, nuzzling at my neck again to press gentle kisses there for a moment.
I roll my eyes, blushing at his words.
“You big softie,” I laugh, “Can you please pass me a cookie?”
“Why me?” 
“You're closer.”
The ghoul grumbles but leans over and grabs me another cookie, hooking one for himself as he goes. As he hands mine over, he lifts his up to the light, squinting at it.
“What are they actually supposed to be?” 
“They're reindeer, dumbass,” I scoff at him, lifting my hand to angle his cookie the right way round, “See? Antlers there, big red nose?”
He furrows his brow, “Not sure I really see it. Did Mountain let Dew help him with these?”
“Don't let either of them hear you say that,” I smack his arm again, “Anyway, if you don't want it, I'll eat it.”
“No! No, I'm fine.” Swiss hastens to take a bite out of his, his features lighting up at the taste.
“See, they're good! Now shush, I want to watch the movie.”
“How many movies did we say we'd watch?” 
“We watch until you fall asleep.”
“Until I fall asleep?!” He exclaims, tilting his head to look at me, “I bet you won't even make it through this one.” 
“I bet you won't!” I grin back at him, finishing my cookie.
“You're on.” 
I shake my head, smiling as I lay back against his warm chest, revelling in the comforting feeling of his arms around me. He smooths his hands over my sides and stomach, holding me tighter against himself. Once more, a deep rumbling purr echoes from his chest as he rests his head on my shoulder, tilting it so he's leaning on my head. Content, I relax and keep my eyes trained on the television screen.
Dew doesn't bother knocking on Swiss’ door as he enters. He can't hear any particular noises, so he knows he's not interrupting anything - even if there were, he'd interrupt anyway. 
“Hey man, have you seen my -” The fire ghoul stops in his tracks as he walks in and sees the scene before him.
Curled up together on his bed are Swiss and (Y/n), both fast asleep and snoring slightly in each other's embraces. The multi-ghoul's head is resting on her chest, purring loudly even in his slumber as his partner's hand rests amongst his dark curls. Dew looks round, noticing the television playing the end credits of The Grinch. 
Quietly, he goes further in, turning off the television before snapping a picture of the couple on his phone. He sends it off to group chat with the other ghouls and ghoulettes, leaving a small comment:
They didn't even make it through The Grinch.
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jd-loves-fiction · 1 year
➢ the kiss that breaks apart for a second, a smile stretching and they kiss you back again, fingers gently sliding down the side of your face to your neck (SWISS)
➢ 𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: Swiss x GN!Reader
➢  𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: fluff
➢  𝖜𝖈: 603
➢  𝖆/𝖓: Can you tell Swiss is my favorite? Hope he’s not too OOC i’m still trying to figure them all out 😅 (gets a little frisky but that’s just cuz im mad horny for Swiss and i couldn't keep it out of the writing)
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Swiss's kisses are breathtaking, to say the least. You'd think him to be an air ghoul if you didn't know better, with how he seems to suck the air straight from your lungs every time.
You’re waiting at your agreed meeting location, in the shade of a large tree just beside the chapel. Copia’s nervous voice rings out of the building, sounding like his sermon is close to the ending. Nervous, yes, but still strong enough to be heard all throughout the building.
Attending Copia’s sermons isn’t mandatory for anyone but the ghouls and ghoulettes, knowing that if it wasn’t, most of them would never show up.
And so you wait, rocking back and forth on your heels impatiently.
When dozens of shoes start clicking upon the dark marble of the floor, you stand up straight, realizing that Copia has stopped talking. Your hands pat down your uniform and hair, hoping to look at least presentable after having rushed through the tasks that gave you a good excuse to miss the sermon.
A bug-eyed helmet peeks around the corner, looking straight at you, and by the roguish flash of white teeth against dark skin, you know exactly who it is.
You raise your hand in greeting, smiling wide as Swiss walks closer with powerful, resolute steps, smile seemingly glued on his face. He doesn’t wave back but you know it’s not out of malice, by that shit-eating grin, you know he’s got something nefarious cooking up in that fast-moving brain of his.
He doesn’t even take a second to settle his forward momentum once he reaches you, he simply grabs your face in between his large hands and brings his lips down on yours, harsher than he expected to. You almost stumble back with the force of it, before one of his hands dip around your waist to secure you against his hard body. The dips and planes of which you can feel starkly clear against your own uniformed body.
Even as you attempt to gasp from the surprise of it all, he doesn’t let up, not for a second. His lips stay sealed over yours as his split tongue slips into your mouth. Your hands clutch his shirt tightly, feeling overwhelmed by how he seems to be trying to suck your soul out of you.
“Don’t be too rough on ‘em, Swiss! They’re only human,” Shouts Aether suddenly, probably noticing that the kiss had gone on for a bit too long.
Swiss’ hands return to framing your face as he pulls himself back from your lips, seemingly with great effort, to look deep into your eyes as you both pant against each other’s skin. He pays the older ghoul’s warning no mind, cheshire grin returning as he gazes at you with eyes full of love and fondness. Or maybe it’s something else, it’s hard to tell with the helmet on.
“I missed you~.” He sings softly, rubbing the tip of your nose up with his, before dipping back for more kisses, these ones quick and loud. The last of which he lets linger, before pulling back with his eyes closed, hands sliding down your face to hold your neck in a grasp that nearly covers it with how big his hands are, “Satan, I missed you so much.”
“You saw me this morning. We woke up together.” You remind him playfully, lightly stroking the hair at the back of his neck, not covered by his helmet.
“Don’t care, too long.” Swiss complains equally as playfully, before his lips touch yours once more with the pleased sigh of a ghoul who has it all.
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s0dom1zer1 · 6 months
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IS ANYONE WILLING TO DO A SWISSDEW SMUT RP W ME? god, i have been so fixated on these two now lordddd!! they’re so sillyy
detailed one-liners please, or semi lit 🙏
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