Latin Literature Tournament - Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut!
Sulpicia Propaganda:
Sulpicia does more in 40 lines than most poets do in thousands
If you don't vote for the only female poet of whom we have any significant chunks, you're sexist. I don't make the rules
She is so fucking funny, you guys. I laugh out loud every time I read her
Terence Propaganda
Terence's Latin is really conversational and pleasant, giving a really cool look into everyday speech
He was a really important school author for centuries, up there with Vergil and Cicero
Surprisingly influential on Christian writing, including Augustine, Hrosvitha, and Erasmus, which is a testament to his style and his discussions of human behavior
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volterran-wine · 11 months
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therealvinelle · 4 months
I would die if SM wrote a “confessions of atrophy wife” book about the volturi women
I'm imagining a lot of "The cactus I've been watching for 75 years finally bloomed. It's a very nice cactus, I like cactuses and Corin. Aro tried talking to me about something important but I was distracted by the cactus."
(I say that, but sadly Meyer's actual attempt to write the confessions of atrophy wife would be preachy and involve a lot of "And that's why killing Didyme... is bad actually". I don't want that, I want cactus.)
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literarydesire · 19 days
Just finished translating a couple of Sulpicia poems and if I had a dick it would be hard
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What if in "The invitation ", Bella listened to Sulpicia’s advice about "sex as a vampire is better "? What if Bella insisted to be turned after the weeding ceremony? Would Edward have turned her? Would Edward think that this is some master plan by Aro to make Bella a monster? How would the story have proceeded?
The Invitation by me and @therealvinelle
What Does Edward Think
You bet your ass Edward thinks this is a horrible plot by Aro, the plot is obvious, Aro's getting Bella to be turned into a vampire. Before he showed up (per Edward), Bella had a real chance at remaining human. Edward would have sex with her and convince her to take her time, go to college, and that goal post would keep moving as Bella would want to get a career as a human, then perhaps have children with someone, and eventually she'd live out the human life Edward always wanted for her.
By convincing Bella to have sex with Edward only as a vampire, not only does Bella not have that reason to remain human, but she'll push to become a vampire as soon as possible and Edward will lose all leverage he previously had.
That Aro got his wife to do it was extra crafty of him as Bella never suspected.
Now Aro will get what he wants, his precious law will be obeyed, Bella will be ruined and become a vampire, and Aro probably bets he can tempt Edward and Alice to Volterra where Aro can become fully omniscient and a true terror.
(How Aro would even manage this is unclear, that's not important.)
What Happens
That's the trouble, Edward doesn't turn her. He tries to buy himself time and convince Bella that they really can have great sex as a vampire and a human. The Denali lovers have a great time! Edward's seen them!
Edward likely convinces Bella to postpone her decision until she talks to the Denali at the wedding so that they can convince her to fuck him (yes).
Unfortunately, Carlisle is increasingly horrified by this. He'd thought Edward was doing this as he saw no other option, Bella wouldn't listen, and he was filled with youthful fancy and arrogance.
Nope, turns out, Edward really wants to fuck his wife to death.
"There's a type who like virgin sacrifices," Aro comments from a corner, no one wants to hear this.
Edward now has to backtrack again thanks to Aro (that swine putting the most horrifying, awful, degenerate thoughts in everyone's head!) He still wants Bella to talk to the Denali but asks Bella to reconsider college.
Bella won't be able to go for years if she turns now, her life will be put on hold. Fully desperate, Edward stops sugar coating slightly, and tells her that her thirst could be such that she can never attend university or high school.
She could end up stuck at the house, unable to leave for fear of eating a neighbor, unable to see Edward most of the day.
Bella gives him a look and asks, worriedly, where he would be.
Well, he'd be at high school, of course.
Bella tries to laugh it off, of course she couldn't trap him in the house with her (hypothetically anyway), he should live his own life and she'd get to see him at night and hunting on sunny days so...
Yeah, she's okay with that.
She'll go to university when she gets it under control and if she doesn't--well, then she doesn't, and she never goes to university. Her dream is to be with Edward forever, not go to school or even have a career.
Edward's jaw hits the floor as he realizes--Bella really has no human ambitions. There's nothing she wants to do with her life beyond being a Cullen. She's willing to sacrifice absolutely everything for him (and he loves her for it, but it causes him so much pain).
Aro pipes in to remind everyone that Bella can't go to university, she must turn or die. Aro would personally prefer she turn but-- He's not leaving until she's turned so they can put this whole thing behind them.
Edward, in horror, realizes there's a metaphorical timer that's been set. The years, decades, he counted on for the Volturi to notice is now weeks if not less.
(This gets worse as Edward catches Aro, Jasper, and Carlisle planning Bella's 'death' and how to shift blame off of Edward. They plan on faking the couple's death together, so Edward won't be investigated for murder as he likely would be otherwise.
Boating accident in Rio, they decide on, as this is still the day of the wedding.)
And just like that, Edward finds himself marrying Bella not knowing exactly when Bella will be turned. The way the others are talking, it will be when they touch down in Rio.
This is his last night with the human Bella Swan.
Then, thank god, the wolves arrive.
Edward confronts Sam and Jacob, asks that they flee with Bella and shield her so that she can live a human life. Now, Edward sort of knows this but the Quileute gave up on Bella. They're letting her get turned into a demon because they don't have the will to go to war for it. They don't like it, but what can they do?
Now Edward's trying to throw that in their face, and oh the king of the demons is here but don't worry about him.
Jacob's all for it, Sam is not at all. Sam vetoes, they're not getting involved with this. Edward points out this is the only way Bella can live her human life, and that is compelling, but Sam just can't risk it.
Besides, Bella wants to be a vampire.
(Jacob, not quite being angry enough and knowing Bella wants to be a vampire, is unable to break the alpha bond and begrudgingly goes along with it. He has to let Bella go.)
Edward's now out of options.
Of course.
He gets rid of Aro.
Edward quickly tries to find a way to take Renata by surprise, as without her, Aro and Sulpicia will be presumably defenseless.
This goes poorly.
Aro ends the wedding night with Renata having murdered Carlisle's son and has to somehow explain this to Carlisle while swearing it's not his fault. "I swear, that last time it looked like I was trying to murder you, I wasn't, and I wasn't this time even though Edward's very dead."
Aro, unable to tell Bella he just killed her husband because the boy is an idiot who really didn't want her to be a vampire, tells her that Edward went to a farm went on ahead to Rio.
"Also, we should turn you right now."
Unfortunately Rosalie, the bearer of bad news and terrible truths, fesses up to Bella in her grief (in part because she irrationally blames Bella for this, as if Edward hadn't fallen in love with a human this never would have happened.)
As usual, the people Rosalie tell this news take the worst action and Alice blames Rosalie forever.
Bella pulls an Edward and asks Aro to kill her.
He has to, after all, it's his law.
Aro leaves the wedding responsible for Edward and Bella's death once again, thinking that he should have kept his mouth shut about Edward sleeping with her to death as the girl ended up dying horribly anyway.
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archoniluthradanar · 10 months
The Volturi Summer Ball
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The Volturi Summer Ball-second winner in the one-shot story poll
This one-shot comes off the storyline of my one-shot series, Summer Fun with the Volturi masters, all posted under Tales of the Volturi at AO3. Got all that? Ok then, here we go.
Thanks to @vampyrheartz for the Moodboard (to inspire me).
Marcus is now mated to the Reader who is still human (and featured in those one-shots). She joins the other wives, Sulpicia and Athenodora, in getting ready for the ball.
The annual ball is a mix of vampire and human guests. But it's alright. Everyone will be having a good time.
The masters had taken care of you since the day they had saved your life. Except for the times you could convince them to share with you your mortal existence, you spent time with them on a business level. You helped them with their responsibilities to the city of Volterra and watched some of the vampire trials they had to judge. But the day came when you would participate in an annual ritual. The Volturi Summer Ball.
Once a year, the Palazzo dei Priori would open its doors to vampires and humans alike. It was a festive occasion, dating back to older times beginning with the Romanians. No one ever brought their name up, the Volturi insisting this was their celebration. Aro would invite the city's leaders and their spouses, along with a special invitation going out to any vampires within the area, with requirements for behavior to be strictly observed. This applied to civilized covens and nomads alike. It was important, because this was one of the few times humans were guaranteed to be completely safe within the walls of the castle. Any vampire who attacked a human guest would be instantly destroyed.
The invited humans were aware of the nature of the Volturi, having worked with them for decades. Due to their sworn, and paid for, silence, the vampires could be themselves during the ball.
You were crucial in the preparations, helping the current secretary in compiling a list of invitees, then sending the invitations out. Yet, as the mate of one of the masters, you were also to play the role of hostess, along with the other wives, Sulpicia and Athenodora.
In the rooms you now shared with Marcus, you searched through your wardrobe, disappointed in not finding anything suitable for such a grand affair. He came into the bedroom, seeing you sitting on the bed looking so forlorn. Sitting at your side, he embraced you with his arm. "What is wrong, dear one? You look so sad. Is there anything I can do?"
"Marcus, this is the first Summer Ball I'm taking part in, and to sound cliché, I haven't a thing to wear. I will be representing you and the Volturi, and I have to be impeccable."
It was all Marcus could do not to laugh at his mate's very human concern. Still, he felt some anticipation for the first time. The Spring Ball never concerned him, and he would only make an appearance to placate Aro. Now he had a reason to go. It was you. He'd planned on asking you to dance with him, something he had not done since Didyme was alive. He was so pleased that you had embraced her memory, and felt no jealousy where she was concerned. It made Marcus love you all the more. So he had an idea.
"My love, I will ask Corin to come get you and take you to the Queens' Tower. You may meet Aro and Caius' mates there. I'm sure they would be happy to help you find a new gown to wear. They usually hire the best dress designer in Rome to make their gowns. This one knows what we are and we pay him a great deal of money to be on-call and to keep his silence. He may think you are a vampire at first, but I'm sure he will notice the difference once he takes your measurements."
You grin, delighted with this plan. "Oh, Marcus, thank you," you say, hugging your mate. You stand to face him, moving between his spread legs and sitting on one. His right arm holds you while his left hand takes your hand and kisses the wrist. "I love you so much," you say, happy to see him smiling. "I'll wait right here until Corin arrives."
Marcus hates to let you go. These small interludes with you give him his greatest joy these days. But to speak with Corin, he must leave for the tower. He pushes you up and stands himself, kissing your cheek and leaving.
You sit back on the bed, imaging what type of gown you want.
Later, Corin brings you to the Queens Tower room, where you are greeted by both Aro and Caius' beautiful mates. You feel intimidated by Sulpicia, Aro sometimes taking the liberties of an unmarried man with you. But she smiled and hugged you as her new sister. If she knew about Aro's attentions to you, she didn't say anything.
"Welcome, sister. This is Athenodora, as you must know. Congratulations for making our Marcus so happy. At last, our leadership is complete." She stepped to a table covered in books and fabric swatches. "Come here, child," she calls to you. "These are designs and fabrics sent by Master Cervelli. He's one of the best designers in Rome. See if anything here calls to you, my dear."
Sulpicia gave you the strangest look. "Aro has kept you happy, hasn't he?"
She must have known about the day you spent with the masters at the park. "My lady, I am sorry if that information offends you..."
"My dear, there is nothing to offend me with. Aro asked me before he and the others took you out that day. We gave them our permission."
"He asked you? Then you knew we...my lady, it will never happen again. I'm with Marcus now. He's my heart and soul," you reassure both women.
"We were glad to hear that you two are mated. Dear Marcus deserves love after all this time," Dora said.
"And child, you need not call us 'my lady'. I'm Sulpicia and this is Athenodora, although she prefers Dora. Come, sit by us so we can discuss your gown for the ball."
The rest of the afternoon was spent with your new sisters, each of you trying to find the best fabric and dress design. You had wanted something in teal, but Sulpicia convinced you that crimson was your colour. The dress would be slightly tight around the torso, but full in the skirt. There were no sleeves, only off-the-shoulder straps that bared them and your toned upper arms. The chosen designs would be sent to Master Cervelli, who would get the basic gowns made, then he would come to the castle in person to take care of the final fittings.
It had been fun getting to know the wives, and you hope Marcus will find you beautiful when he first sees you ready for the ball.
A month or so later, after a lot of hard work, all the preparations had been completed. The audience hall had been decorated with candles and imported blood red roses. Refreshments had been set up on long tables, those for the human guests kept separate from those unique to the vampire guests.
The ballroom, usually closed up when not in use, was opened and aired out. Red and gold drapings now covered the walls. The candles in the bronze sconces were lit. A chamber archestra had set up in one corner and were practicing. Everything was ready, with guests set to arrive in an hour.
You had dressed in your gown, with Heidi helping you with your hair and make-up. When she was finished, you looked into the mirror, hardly recognizing yourself. "Thank you, Heidi. It's perfect. And you look gorgeous yourself. So will you be attending with anyone in particular?"
"Demetri asked me to be his partner, but we both enjoy dancing so agreed not to pair off exclusively." She flashed you a sparkling smile and a 'see you later', before leaving you alone.
You had just stood up from the desk slash dressing table, when Marcus entered the room. He had dressed elsewhere to allow you the privacy of your rooms to get ready. When you see him move to your side, you can't believe how beautiful he is. In a white shirt, bowtie and westcoat with tuxedo and tails, he looked handsome as sin. His hair was tied back with a leather cord, the way you liked it. He had even splashed a bit of human cologne on to fit in with the human guests. It made your nose twitch in interest since it was one of your favourite scents, Drakkar Noir.
"You look...absolutely fabulous, Marcus. I still can't believe what I've done to deserve you."
"I feel the same, my dear. After so much loneliness, I have found the perfect mate in you." Your crimson gown fits you in the right places while baring your shoulders. He leans down and kisses one shoulder, then your lips, careful not to muss your hair. Right now, Marcus would love to tear your gown off and spend hours pleasuring you, but he thinks that might only upset you. He holds out his hand, covered in a black cotton glove.
"Marcus, will you keep your hands bare? I much prefer that to gloves. No part of you is too cold for me. And if you're worried about the humans, you can shake their hands. They all know what you are."
To please you, your mate removes the gloves and drops them on the bed. Then he crooks his arm through which you slide your arm. One more kiss, and you both leave your chambers.
On arrival to the audience hall, you see people entering from the inside staircase in couples and small groups. There are faces you recognize as Marcus greets them, mostly the humans who run the city government. You smile in welcome at the mayor and the chief of police arriving with their wives, and the bishop who runs the Catholic Church here in Volterra. You'd had meetings with all of them since living here, finding them all friendly and aware of the vampires, grateful for their financial aid and protection. The Volturi knew they could be trusted as they had worked with their fathers and grandfathers before them.
Many faces you do not know, but when you see their red eyes, you know these guests are vampires. Confusion hits you when you saw a group of handsome people with golden eyes. Not red, yet they were obviously vampires.
"Marcus, who are they?" you ask, pointing at the group.
"That is the Olympic coven along with their cousins, the Denalis. Carlisle, the head of the family used to live here with us several centuries ago, before heading to the New World in America. He and Aro were once close friends."
"Once were?"
"A story for another time. Let me introduce you to them, my dear." He led you over to the well-dressed group. "Carlisle Cullen, welcome to you and your family. I wish to introduce you to my mate..."
"But she's human," interrupts a beautiful blonde woman.
"Rosalie!" Carlisle chides her. "She is one of our hosts, so be polite. I'm pleased to meet you," he says to you. "My wife, Esme, and my children, Emmett and his wife Rosalie, Jasper and his wife Alice, and Edward and his wife, Bella. Then there is Eleazar and his wife Carmen, Garrett and his wife Kate, and her sister Tanya, our cousins from Alaska."
"Children?" you ask, going back to Carlisle's prior remark.
"Adopted. My family, for all intents and purposes." The blonde coven leader nodded at you with a proud smile.
"Now it's my turn to apologise. Welcome, everyone. Carlisle, Aro is in the ballroom, if you wish to find him and say hello." The Cullens leave you and Marcus, all of them gazing around the rooms' splendour.
You exhale loudly, making Marcus glance at you. "I'm a terrible hostess. At least they're friends of Aro."
"Not all of them, my dear." Marcus leads you into the ballroom, the smile on his face almost invisible.
You see lots of people talking and mingling. Music fills the air but not so loudly you can't hear. Aro, on seeing you, grins broadly. He comes over to you both, his hand taking yours and kissing it.
"You're a vision, my dear. An absolute vision. I assume Sulpicia assisted you."
"Yes, both Sulpicia and Dora were of immense help. They were wonderful to me, Aro."
Aro turns to Marcus, saying, "Brother, you are a lucky man indeed. I'm going to continue my conversation with Carlisle before I ask Sulpicia to dance. Enjoy yourselves. You make a lovely couple." Aro left you, looking as if he were preparing an army for battle. He greeted everyone he passed, offered them refreshments, and in watching him, you noticed how talkative his hands were tonight.
Once you were alone, you smile and tell your mate, "We are a lovely couple, aren't we."
"Of course we are, my sweet." Moving to the middle of the floor, Marcus holds out his hand to you asking, "Will you do me the honour of a dance?"
"I thought you'd never ask." You let him lead you in a waltz, aware you know how to dance it. If the orchestra plays other music, knowing that many of the vampires are very old and remember music from other eras, you might not know the moves to those dances. He decides to play it by ear.
Marcus takes you in his arms, one hand holding yours, while your other rests on his shoulder. To the side, you see Caius dancing with Dora. They both look gorgeous and very much in love. Soon, Aro is with Sulpicia, having ended his talk with Carlisle, who was now dancing with his wife Esme. Everyone seemed to be having a marvelous time.
The music continues while Marcus slowly spins you around the floor. It's all so magnificent and perfect. You marvel at how your life has changed since the masters saved your life from a street robber what feels like only a short while ago. And your life will alter once again as soon as Marcus changes you into a vampire.
As the hour moves into early morning, the human guests partake of the catered food and drink set out for them, while the vampire guests enjoy drinking fresh blood from crystal goblets.
You enjoy a glass of red wine and a few tidbits, not feeling very hungry. Marcus drinks nothing. He prefers not to have the smell of blood on his breath when he is with you.
You and Marcus slip away from the crowd, going out to the large balcony. Marcus takes you into his arms and kisses you, almost bending you against the balcony railing. You respond to him, your arms around his waist. You eventually smile into the kiss, then pull back, looking up into his crimson eyes.
"This has been such a magical night, my love. And you're a wonderful dancer, so graceful. Thank you for choosing me from every woman on this planet."
"I did not choose you, dear one. Our hearts chose one another. We are just going along for the ride. Just know that I love you, my heart of hearts." His cool fingers caress your warm cheek, then he nuzzles your bare neck, kissing your sensitive skin.
You laugh and hug your mate tightly. "I love you, mio marito." The night has been heavenly indeed.
A/N : I listened to the "Volturi Waltz" from the Twilight soundtrack while writing the dance scene. Beautiful. I wish it was longer.
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jessicanjpa · 7 months
Can you even imagine how much it would suck to be Corin. Not only does the scariest person in Volterra use you as a drug, but your entire job is to sit there with two bored queens 24/7 so they don't pull a Life and Death and revolt.
Meanwhile, you're hyperaware of the fact that there used to be a third queen who constantly radiated happiness and you're a woefully inadequate replacement for her. You're incapable of being around anyone who isn't stoned to some degree. What a life.
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alilaro · 1 year
how many times i gotta repeat myself: the volturi are horny fruity little faggot demons that live in italy's sewer system
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sed peccasse iuvat, vultus componere famae taedet: cum digno digna fuisse ferar.
- Sulpicia
Ah, it is a pleasure to ‘sin’ and exhausting to hide my face for rumour’s sake. Let me be known as a worthy woman with her worthy man.
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writerman · 9 months
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Another Volturi member- Sulpicia!
I love her, your honour.
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twibunny · 7 months
I remembered a Volturi idea I had a few years ago inspired by Mad Max Fury Road: Renata/Corin smuggles Sulpicia and Athenodora out of Volterra for a chance at freedom
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Latin Literature Tournament - Round 2
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Propaganda under the cut!
Tibullus Propaganda
The poorest little meow-meow of Latin elegy, while all of his lovers are bad bitches
He was so wonderfully bisexual. Wrote the longest poetic project about homosexuality in Latin lit, which is pretty lit
His style is really graceful and smooth, making for soft, easy reading
Sulpicia Propaganda:
Sulpicia does more in 40 lines than most poets do in thousands
If you don't vote for the only female poet of whom we have any significant chunks, you're sexist. I don't make the rules
She is so fucking funny, you guys. I laugh out loud every time I read her
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latinthusiast · 6 months
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therealvinelle · 1 year
What would happen to sulpicia and athenodora if aro and caius died? (Yeah that's right I'M SICK OF THE ASKS THAT ARE ALL "would the men turn into Marcus if their wives died", TIME TO FLIP THE SCRIPT!!) Would they keep getting high off corin?
I mean, according to Life and Death they pull a Princess Bride and make whoever's next in line the new Aro.
Aro and Caius die, Sulpicia and Athenodora blink at each other and then pull on their respective Aro and Caius wigs, "I am the Dread Pirate Roberts."
Sulpicia then bluffs her way through every trial, claiming to see all sorts of interesting thoughts while Athenodora very convincingly says "I vote death!"
Somehow, nobody notices the switch.
To give a serious answer: if Aro dies, it's almost certainly over for the Volturi. He's the glue, the visionary who brought the coven together and then recruited or turned all the guards. This is really worthy of its own post, but if Aro and Caius are both dead then the Volturi are going into survival mode.
I think two main things happen: one, Marcus and the wives are forced to step up, with all three of them completely out of their depths and not in their best form given they're in mourning, and two, the Volturi keep the deaths of Aro and Caius secret so as to prevent unrest and attempted coups.
With the twins having nowhere else to go and every motivation to stay and see their beloved father figure's vision through 'till the bitter end, the Volturi could theoretically coast along for quite some time, even after the vampire world finds out that Aro and Caius are dead (and have been for some time), but no organisation can survive without a reason to exist and Aro was that reason. The only path to survival is if Marcus and/or the wives can become this instead, but the loss of Didyme's brother could just as easily break whatever is left of Marcus as it could inspire him to do what Aro would have wanted, and the wives could just give in to despair and say yes to Corin.
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witchyw0m4n · 6 months
Sulpicia was a Gleek
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what if Aro upon turning Sulpicia found out that she has an absolute unit of a gift, something that can be extremely dangerous (probably useful, too, but the danger is truly overwhelming). does he kill her and go shop around for a better wife? does he keep her on the shortest leash? does she end up in the tower at all? (if Aro proceeds with killing Didyme, but maybe Sulpicia here has some gift that prevents it now (would Marcus and Didyme even try to separate if there was a threat like that? or maybe Sulpicia has a copy of Marcus' gift with some added flavor, what a field day for everybody)). what are her relationships with Athenodora and Caius in such a scenario?
A very similar post.
The thing is that Aro already has several gifts on staff that could easily destroy him if the bearer so chose.
Marcus was powerful enough Aro felt he couldn't lose him (we don't know how, exactly, Aro put him to use but I imagine Marcus excels and psychological warfare and could easily destroy a person if he so chose), Aro wouldn't be able to touch Renata or those she might choose to protect who could try to kill him, the twins could easily wipe out all of Volterra themselves. Chelsea could choose to turn everyone against him.
Aro still has these gifts and relies on them extensively.
The trick, I think, is if Aro believes he has things under control.
With everyone save Chelsea, Aro has Chelsea on hand to reinforce the loyalties they already have. Beyond that, they're loyal for their own reasons and Aro likely makes sure not to jeopardize that.
With Chelsea, Aro has Marcus keeping tabs on her, he has tabs on her himself, and if her priorities ever change then he'll know. As it is, Chelsea has safety, security, wealth, and everything she wouldn't be able to get in any other coven.
Even Bella, who was immune to Aro's gift as well as Jane's, who could potentially be immune to Chelsea, and had no reason to look well on the Volturi: Aro offered her a job on the spot.
Aro's willing to take very large risks if he sees a large payoff.
Aro already had courted Sulpicia at this point, felt assured of her loyalty, this would be a double win for him as he gets a very powerful gift he wasn't expecting to have out of this marriage equation.
I don't think he'd kill Sulipicia until/unless he suspects her loyalties are shifting and there's nothing he can do to stop it. Then, only then, might she get the Didyme treatment.
Didyme died not because she was too powerful or unwanted, it was because she threatened to remove Marcus from the equation (before Chelsea was there to stop them).
I imagine Sulpicia's treated exactly the same by everybody, she just has to be told to use her gift on occasion and that's hard because she was busy getting high.
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