thelailasblog · 3 days
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elonomhblog · 2 days
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day 37/100 ~ 100 days of productivity
achievements: ♡ sehs exam today, pretty sure i smashed it ♡ hung out with my friend way south of me (two and a half hours of travel to get home🥲) ♡ antibacterial scrubbed the dirt off of my wall, and now it's all clean! ♡ scheduled a couple of tumblr posts! need to get on top of my scheduling again
insights: ♡ do things for yourself before you do them for anyone else
notes: ♡ visited a bookstore-cafe today and it was incredible, best experience i've had my whole life,, thinking of re-borrowing the bell jar from the library
habit tracking:
morning stretch study time daily physical activity practice a hobby
photo credits: pinterest
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es-r-aa7 · 1 day
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عينٌ على ثغرك “))
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rkivenotes · 2 months
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working hard
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camelliawitch · 4 months
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Today was a rainy but pleasantly warm day ☁️
• Marketing class
• 2.5 hours on Forest 🌳 that I spent in the library.
• Material science exam (I feel pretty good about it and I hope it is not a false feeling :D)
I spent Friday and most of the Saturday resting. I over pushed myself a little bit a week before, so I decided to give myself some time to recover. I managed to finish the essay draft for my Asian History class on Sunday. It was very time consuming but I actually had a lot of fun with it. I’m going to polish it up tomorrow. The enormous list of work I have to get done by the upcoming Wednesday and Thursday starts to shrink, which I’m very happy about.
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mernoir-e · 1 year
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[051222] I have absolutely no motivation AT ALL…. How am I supposed to do ANYTHING like this !?
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I don’t want to study, but then I remember that if I try really, really, really hard, in few years I can live in the city of my dreams, eat whatever and whenever I want, date whoever I want, study what I want, read what I want, spend my money how I want, dress how I want, be friends with whoever I want.
Life will be so good, all I have to do is try, try and try
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lanabanana79 · 9 months
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nodalstudies · 8 months
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friday, october 6th, 2023 ☕️🍁
chill study date :)
🎧 celebrity by iu
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shmrrrr · 10 months
08.04.2023 🍀
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“and august slipped away into a moment in time”
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kayystudiess · 8 months
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A pretty pink glance at my Thursday morning featuring my notes and an excerpt I picked from a beautiful memoir I finished 🤍
Hope everyone has a beautiful day <3
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thelailasblog · 2 days
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elonomhblog · 1 day
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the cornell method
if you've heard of any note-taking techniques, it's probably been the cornell method. this note-taking system is a widely used method for organizing and retaining information from lectures or readings. developed by walter pauk, an education professor at cornell university, this system helps students actively engage in the creation of knowledge and improve their study skills. 
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source: pinterest
the paper is divided into three sections, for cues/questions, notes, and a summary. a narrow left-hand column is where you write down cues or questions related to the material. a larger right-hand section is where you take detailed notes during the lecture or while reading. a space at the bottom is designated for summarizing the key points from your notes.
during the lecture or reading, begin by identifying the main idea or topic. write this down at the top of your notes.
as you listen to the lecture or read the material, take detailed notes in the right-hand section. capture important facts, examples, explanations, and any questions that arise.
in the left-hand column, jot down cues or questions related to the content. these cues will help you review and test your reading later.
after note-taking, use the cues/questions to review your notes. cover the right-hand section and try to recall information based on the cues. write a concise summary of the key points in the bottom section. this summary should bring together the main ideas and details from your notes.
but why is this note-taking system effective?
by creating cues and summarizing, you actively engage with the material. additionally, this system organizes your notes effectively ~ making them easier to locate when you need to revise.
regular use of this method can lead to better comprehension and critical thinking skills, resulting in improved test scores.
finding a note-taking method that works well for you is so important in academia! have a try of the cornell method and see if it helps you retain information more efficiently.
further reading: wikihow cornell university utah state university wikipedia
i hope this post was helpful. ❤️ joanne
images source: pinterest
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studywith-hada · 5 months
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camelliawitch · 3 months
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• 4 classes.
Entrepreneurship: we had a group-work day. We did some brainstorming for our end of the semester project. (Basically come up with a business idea and write a business plan).
Asian History: Guomindang vs CCP or China 1930s
Physics: nice and short. The prof let us go almost half an hour early.
Financial Management: quiz. Surprisingly easy this time. It’s the first time I got a 100.
• 1h 20min on Forest 🌳 to prepare questions for the interview (another assignment for entrepreneurship class) and send out an email to the interviewee.
Also, I went to talk about my essay yesterday. TA was really nice. There was a particular thesis structure that they were looking for and that my essay lacked hence B- She told me that I can come over with my next essay and get it checked before submitting it which I will likely do. Moral of the story — not sure about something — ask!
I wrapped up most of my work today, sooo I will officially be on my spring break after I’m done with my volunteering tomorrow ✨🎆 (I need it soooo much)
Oh and my friend gave me a birthday present. A little early because we won’t see each other throughout the spring break. The cute notebook on the first photo is the gift. It was soooo nice. He is one of my closest friends in uni and I was really touched :3
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selfhelpforstudents · 7 months
Identify your personal learning style, peak productivity hours, and preferred study environments.
Girls in Finance server/project // Selfhelpforstudents server
Step 1: Learning Style Assessment
1.1 Research Learning Styles:
Explore different learning styles, such as visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or read/write. Familiarize yourself with the characteristics of each. (find my post here)
1.2 Reflect on Past Experiences:
Recall situations where you felt most engaged and learned effectively. Note the activities and methods that worked best for you.
1.3 Take Learning Style Assessments:
Utilize online learning style assessments to gain insights into your preferred learning style. Examples include VARK (Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, Kinesthetic) or Honey and Mumford's Learning Styles Questionnaire.
Step 2: Peak Productivity Hours Identification
2.1 Self-Reflection:
Reflect on your daily energy levels and focus. Identify times when you feel most alert, focused, and energetic.
2.2 Experiment with Different Times:
Schedule study or work sessions during various times of the day. Observe your productivity levels during these sessions.
2.3 Track Productivity Patterns:
Maintain a journal to log your productivity levels throughout the day. Look for patterns or consistent periods of heightened focus.
Step 3: Preferred Study Environments
3.1 Experiment with Settings:
Study in different environments, such as libraries, cafes, quiet rooms, or outdoor spaces. Note how each setting affects your concentration and comfort.
3.2 Consider Noise Levels:
Assess your tolerance for noise. Determine if you work better in complete silence, with background music, or in moderately noisy environments.
3.3 Evaluate Lighting:
Pay attention to the impact of lighting on your focus. Experiment with natural light, artificial light, and different color temperatures.
3.4 Note Distractions:
Identify potential distractions in each environment. Consider whether you thrive in a completely distraction-free zone or if a mild level of distraction enhances your productivity.
Thanks for reading! Hope it helps! x
Join our Girls in Finance project if you want to learn more about studying finance and the financial world <3
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