#study buddy
yang-jin-seo · 3 days
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Day 89 🌿
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folgzstudies · 1 month
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He is going to write my thesis in Multimessenger Astronomy instead of me
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studywith-hada · 3 months
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The cat disapproves of philosophy 😾
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thelailasblog · 1 year
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kraro-school-life · 5 months
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✦ 18. 1. 24 ✦ 📓 ✦ Thursday ✦
3 days left to physics exam
finished 10 page theory summary
cleaned/ organized my desk!!
made flashcards
to do: memorize formulas and practice questions
I saved up enough to buy the maple tree in forest! It´s definetly my favourite now
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🌱🌿🪴 - 3h 23min on Forest ♫₊˚.🎧 ▷▷ Break The Wall - Nmixx
Have a great day/night !! ~ ♦️
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femmeconomics · 9 months
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09.18.2023 we’re so fucking back baby! this is going to be a studyblr again … at least until i find a different source of motivation
🎧 criminal - nemahsis
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Study Buddy 1
Warnings: this series will include dark elements which may include bullying, noncon or dubcon, or violent behaviour. Mind the warnings.
Summary: a group project leads to a tense partnership.
Inspired by this
Character: Walter Marshall
Big thanks to those who read! Feedback always helps inspire and you know I'm always happy to chat about possibilities! Please reblog and comment 💕
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Group assignments are your worst nightmare. You’ve never been a fan of doing all the work while your classmates sit around and waste time. It’s one of the many reasons you opted for an online program over in-class learning. At least, you’d thought it would solve that problem.
How wrong you are. The second assignment and your task is to write a book review with a partner. Wonderful.
Worse than being the work horse, you’re just as much a pushover. How many times did you let the others speak over you and end up researching a topic you didn’t even care about? And all so they can coast off your efforts.
You sigh and look at your phone. You're nervous. It’s after three, they’re late. Or maybe not coming at all.
You frown and put your cell face down. You offered an online meeting with your assigned partner. You even made suggestions; Zoom, Whatsapp, Teams… They said they preferred to meet face-to-face, you were too reluctant to counter that you don’t. Again, rolled right over.
What was their name again?
You snatch up your phone again and check the short conversation. Terse responses to your overly quizzical messages. Walter. Your mind builds a stringy character with square glasses and a World of Warcraft tee shirt.
You stare at your last message. You told him you were there in the library, down in the basement where it’s not as busy. You think you included enough description of where; just between reference and biographies.
You minimize the chat and tap the learner portal shortcut pinned to your homescreen. It redirects to a browser and you sign in. No new announcements or notification. You scroll through the homescreen aimlessly.
You hear the heavy door to the stairs open and close and you flinch. You look up and see a man in an unzipped jacket with a messenger bag hanging off his shoulder. He’s tall and broad and his curls are slightly mussed with his expedience. He peers around and you sink into your seat.
Not him. He’s too old. Definitely not the ‘Walter’ sort.
You bring the chat back up, ready to text; ‘you on your way?’ Not anything accusatory, just checking in. Before you can hit send, someone clears their throat. You look up as that man stands across the table from you.
He says your name and you lower your phone, frowning as you straighten in your seat. Really?
“Oh, hi, Walter?” You utter.
“Mm, yeah,” his voice is more of a growl as he pulls out a chair and drops into it.
He puts his bag on the table as you lock your phone and set it aside. You swallow and grip the edges of your closed laptop. You watch him shrug out of his jacket. He lets it drop back over the chair which seems too small for him.
He’s not what you expected. At all. Not the sort you thought to meet in a creative writing program.
He inhales and rubs his forehead, “shoulda grabbed a coffee,” he grumbles. “Sorry I’m late, got held up.”
“It’s okay,” you eke out, running your fingers up and down the sides of your laptop. His eyes fall to the movement and you stop, opening the lid instead, “well, I was looking through the shared Doc, going through the suggestions…”
He hums and nods, an elbow on the table as he leans in, listening to you intently. Your voice wobbles as you speak only to keep yourself distracted, “I like the list but I’m not sure if they fit the parameters of the assignment.”
“How so?” He challenges.
“Oh, well, I… I don’t know, I was just reviewing the guidelines– if you think they do, I’m open to discussion–”
“And your suggestions? Girls’ books. I don’t wanna read those.”
You wince and bring your eyes up to meet his. You can’t tell if he’s glaring or that’s just the way he looks. You notice the few strands of silver woven through one of his curls. How old is he?
“Right, I’m not ruling anything out,” you sniff, “I did like this one. In The Woods? It sounded interesting, my only concern is it’s the first in a series.”
“So nothing,” you wilt again, “sorry, well, how about that one? We can see if they have any copies we can take out here–”
“I have one,” he grits out. You don’t understand why you met in-person. He hardly seems to like chatting and you’re not better at it.
“Sure, okay, well, I’ll take care of getting a copy for myself,” you say, “we should set a date to read it by… I guess you already have… but we can make notes in the Doc. I’ll add a new section here.”
He huffs, a stormy gale that makes you shiver. What luck. You always did get the best partners for these things. You wonder if it’s too late to reach out to the instructor. No, that’s too much. It’s only your first meeting, you’re still strangers.
“Are you really taking this course so you can write those love stories?” He asks.
Your eyes flick up and your blanch, “what?”
“I wouldn’t let my daughter read those books. They set a bad example for girls,” he snarls.
“Oh, I didn’t… I… I want to write fantasy but er…” you stammer, his judgment scalding. “Let me just finish here.”
You turn your attention back to the screen. You go up to the list of book titles and erase the ones you put in. Your cheeks are on fire.
“You don’t have to delete them.”
“No, we don’t need them. We made our choice,” you insist with a tremor.
“Hm, shoulda figured.” You stop and once more peer over your laptop screen, “don’t have to be so sensitive. Can’t be a good writer if you can’t take criticism.”
“I wasn’t…” you begin and shrug off the argument. “Thanks, you’re right.”
He squints and tilts his head, “you also need life experience. No one wants to read a story about nothing.”
You gulp and bat your lashes at him. Wow, he’s mean.
“You don’t know me,” you quaver.
“Can guess a lot from someone’s bookshelf,” he says. “It’s my job to read people.”
“You’re job…” you wrinkle your nose, “well, then why are you taking a writing course?”
He pushes his shoulders back and inhales, “some people have something to say.”
The inference of his statement stings. You won’t debate him. You don’t know him and he doesn’t know you. Apparently, he doesn’t want to get to know you either. You’re not even sure why he came.
“Well, I think we have our next steps,” you push out your brittle voice.
“Sure do,” he checks his watch, “let me know if you need me to explain anything.”
He stands and grabs his coat and bag. You just sit there, watching him dumbly, “thanks, I will,” you murmur.
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guineapiggies · 4 months
Via loopyloola1
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cinnamon-irl · 3 months
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ᯓ★ hi , i'm back🫐🥹
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lawstudentreads · 9 months
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15.09.2023 | friday
both tea and coffee are my best friends.
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elonomhblog · 2 months
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45:15 pomodoro ~ study technique
the pomodoro technique was developed in the late 1980's by francesco cirillo, who was a university student at the time. here’s how it came about:
struggling to focus. cirillo found himself struggling to focus on his studies and complete assignments. feeling overwhelmed, he sought a way to improve his productivity and concentration.
the tomato timer. inspired by a kitchen timer shaped like a tomato (known as “pomodoro” in italian), cirillo decided to experiment with time management methods. he set a two-minute timer for himself and challenged himself to stay focused for just two minutes.
twenty-five-minute work intervals. building on this idea, cirillo refined the technique. he divided his work into twenty-five-minute intervals, which he called “pomodoros”. during each pomodoro, he worked diligently on a task without distractions.
short breaks. after each twenty-five-minute work interval, cirillo took a five-minute break. these breaks allowed him to recharge and maintain focus.
longer breaks. after completing four pomodoros (a total of one-hundred minutes), he rewarded himself with a longer break of fifteen to thirty minutes. this cycle helped him manage his time effectively.
some challenges that people face with the pomodoro timer include: facing interruptions and distractions, task switching, ridgity, ignoring breaks, perfectionism and fatigue.
this is why some students choose to partake in a 45:15 pomodoro, as it allows them to spend more time on their tasks, and then they can enjoy a longer break.
longer intervals allow for deep focus. some students find it difficult to switch tasks every twenty-five-minutes, preferring to immerse themselves in a topic for a longer period.
certain academic tasks, such as extended essays, research and programming, require sustained attention. longer pomodoros accommodate this better.
it's important to remember that everyone has different levels of focus and a unique productivity rhythm. it's important to test out different structures and strategies and learn what works best with your natural flow.
❤️ joanne
(images are from pinterest)
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expiationist · 8 months
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10/17/23: japanese + consumer behavior
listening to: the neighbourhood
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studywith-hada · 5 months
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imbusystudying · 5 months
Tips do decrease your phone screen time
With the new year coming closer and closer (literally tomorrow lol), the phrase 'new year, new me' is getting popular again. One of the things I notice a lot of people would like to change is their phone screen time, or their phone addiction. Here are some tips that helped me do just that!
Set timers. Every time you go on an your phone just for fun (tiktok, instagram, pinterest...) set a timer on your clock app for how long you want to be on it. I think we all know the feeling of thinking you'll go on your phone for 10 mins max, and oops it's 2 hours later and you're still on it. So set the timer for 15 mins or smth (and try not to hit snooze)
Be mindful. To some of at least, opening your favourite app is like a reflex. Try to change that by realising you opened it, and think 'do I have the time, mood, or energy to consume this?' if no, close it again.
Put limits on your apps in your settings app. I am not sure if every phone has this, but you can set daily limits on some of the apps, and when your time runs out it will automatically close the app and wont let you go on it again.
Make new hobbies. This could be anything - crocheting, knitting, playing an instrument, drawing... And so many more. So you have more to do instead of going on your phone!
I hope this helps, and lmk if you would like more of these tips! Have a great new year!
2024 will be our year!
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thelailasblog · 9 months
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