#natural herbs
theambitiouswoman · 2 months
Herbs to help you regulate cortisol and stress 🌿🍵🧚
🍃 Chamomile when you have an anxious stomach
🍃 Valerian when your thoughts don’t let you sleep
🍃 Skullcap when you feel muscle tension from stress
🍃 Holy basil when you’ve been high stress for days
🍃 Rhodiola when you feel burnt out from stress
🍃 Gotu kola when stress is causing you brain fog
🍃 Passion flower when you feel irritable and snappy
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divinefemmefatalexo · 9 months
Flower Magick 🌺🪷
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sappy-witch · 5 months
January Magick 🌬️
Hello darlings 🥰
As we start the new year, it's a great time to refresh your magical practice and set your intentions for the months to come. Here are some herbs, crystals, and other tools that you can incorporate into your magic this January and their corresponding properties:
Sage: cleansing, protection, and wisdom. 
Juniper: purification, healing, and protection. 
Basil: abundance, love, and luck. 
Cinnamon: prosperity, warmth, and love. 
Peppermint: purification, energy, and clarity. 
Thyme: courage, strength, and purification.
Garnet: passion, creativity, and grounding. 
Clear Quartz: clarity, amplification, and healing. 
Black Onyx: protection, grounding, and transformation. 
Amethyst: intuition, spiritual connection, and relaxation. 
Rose Quartz: love, harmony, and peace.
White: represents purity and new beginnings. 
Silver: represents the moon and the feminine energy. 
Gold: represents the sun and masculine energy. 
Black: protection and banishing. 
Blue: peace, communication, and healing.
Frankincense: purification and spiritual growth. 
Myrrh: healing and grounding. 
Cedarwood: protection and purification. 
Peppermint: energy, clarity, and focus.
Tarot cards: divination, self-discovery, and guidance. 
Runes: divination and communication with ancestors and deities. 
Meditation: relaxation, grounding, and connection with the inner self.
January 1st - New Year's Day: A great time for setting intentions, cleansing your space, and starting new projects. 
Remember, the magic is within you, and these tools are here to support and enhance your practice. Use them with intention, gratitude, and respect.
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🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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petalodys · 17 days
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❛ ⠀ salvia. ⠀ ❜
botanical photography ┊ (©petalodys)
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artistperla · 7 months
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axololtls · 19 days
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My 100th post!!! To celebrate I wanted to take a moment to profess my love for nettles. They grow wildly in nature, and can be picked from early in the spring until late autumn. They're filled with vitamins and can be used in food, drinks, and as supplements!! Just make sure you boil them for at least five minutes before using them, otherwise you might get stung and if you haven't experienced it, lemme tell you: it HURTS.
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lavenderwitch80 · 5 months
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highonjen · 3 months
started a little herb garden 🌞🪴💕
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got a big beautiful rosemary plant, some parsley, basil, cilantro in one pot & my spearmint mint in the blue pot. Hoping they will thrive & grow🙏🏼
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mindawaken · 2 years
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I love lavender 💜
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wildrungarden · 5 months
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12/30/23 ~ Propagated these Rosemary twigs I cut from school! Finally getting around to planting them 😅
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divinefemmefatalexo · 9 months
Simple Nature Witchcraft🍄🍁
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sappy-witch · 9 months
September Magick 🍂
Hello darlings 🥰
As the leaves start to turn and the air gets cooler, it's time to welcome in the energy of September. Here are some tools and correspondences to help you tap into the magick of this season:
Sage: purification, protection, and wisdom.
Cinnamon: abundance, warmth, and love. 
Apple: love, fertility, and abundance. 
Mugwort: divination, psychic awareness, and lucid dreaming. 
Chamomile: prosperity, good luck, and relaxation. 
Thyme: courage, strength, and purification. 
Citrine: abundance, success, and creativity. 
Amber: manifestation, vitality, and confidence. 
Carnelian: creativity, motivation, and energy. 
Peridot: balance, growth, and abundance. 
Smokey Quartz: grounding, protection, and manifestation. 
Sapphire: wisdom, truth, and spiritual insight.
Frankincense: purification and spiritual growth. 
Myrrh: healing and protection. 
Sandalwood: grounding, relaxation, and meditation. 
Green: prosperity and abundance. 
Brown: grounding and stability. 
Orange: creativity and self-expression. 
Air: communication, inspiration, and new beginnings. 
The Hermit: introspection, wisdom, and inner guidance. 
Cornucopia: abundance and gratitude. 
Fall leaves: connection to nature and the cycle of life 
Pumpkin: protection, prosperity, and transformation.
Remember, the magick is within you, and these tools are here to support and enhance your practice. Use them with intention, gratitude, and respect.
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🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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theroadtofairyland · 2 years
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Simple Life
Watercolor on Cotton Paper
2021, 22"x 30"
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fallenstar777 · 2 years
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spookymama666 · 9 months
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Needing some extra self love today 🥀
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raw1111official · 27 days
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🌺🥑🌿🔮✨ Explore the power of spices at RAW1111.COM with "Golden Guardians: Turbocharge with Turmeric & Vegan Magic!" ✨ Discover how turmeric and other vegan wonders can enhance your health and vitality. #GVWU Go Vegan With Us and feel the magic! 🌱💫
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