#glow up
malusokay · 3 days
Little things to be more charming ౨ৎ
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holding eye contact when speaking to someone. takes some practice but so so worth it <3
don't be shy about your niche interests!! even if people don't fully get it, it makes you interesting!!
remember people's names!!
accept compliments, don't go "oh noo you're too kind I'm so ugly I look awful blah blah blah" when people say something nice to you.
signature pen. Don't question it. every cool girl has a signature pen.
always look out for others, make sure no one feels left out when you hang out with a group, check up on your friends, etc etc
listen closely and think before you speak, that way you won't stumble over your words and appear more collected and calm! :)
"please" and "thank you" ALWAYS.
you don't have to be perfect at something to have fun. I'm terrible at golf (a danger to myself and others) but people don't mind and think it is cute and fun... a win-win for me lmao
dressing up? normal to you. Don't save your cute outfits for "special" days; every day is special and you deserve to look gorgeous. <3
Oh and sit up straight ;)
As always, please feel free to share your own suggestions and tips in the comments! <3
✩‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧✩
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lovecorrin · 2 days
little reminder that you can do things just for fun, without any pressure of having to show anything to anybody. you are allowed write a book that only you have to read, a song you only listen to or paint something only you’ll get to see!
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days-may · 2 days
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Today's Reminder
Buy land in secret. Build the house in secret. Then do the house warming party with publicity. Date in secret. Propose in private. Then marry in front of a crowd. Let your haters only see your reality, never your vision, or you will have division. In a game of chess, you don't speak. You just act. The only time that you ever speak when playing chess is to say checkmate. Life is like chess. Don't broadcast your intentions. Act quietly. Keep achieving. Your achievements are your checkmate.
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agirlwithglam · 2 days
becoming selfish is the best thing i ever did.
✧*. * · ~ thewizardliz 💖🕯
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💖 stop going into arguments with people who are not willing to listen. it is completely useless. if your boundaries were crossed, and the other person is not willing to say "im sorry for doing that, i won't do it again", then conversation over. its done. its not worth your time or energy.
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🕯prioritise your own needs and wants. fill your own cup! are you okay? are you whole? if you don't want to do something, dont do it. whatever you want, comes first.
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💖 stop being always available and trying to save everyone. if you keep on being there for people- again and again and again, you are letting people use you. people will only reach out to you if they have problems or they need help. but what about when everything is going good? then what? do they come to you? you are showing them that they can always come to you and you will always be there but that shouldn't be the case. be able to say "i dont want to listen to your problems today. i have enough of my own problems and goals to worry about." the only reason they come is because YOU allow them to come.
you ask yourself why does anyone not make sure i am ok? thats because YOU do not make sure you're okay. remember that you cannot save everyone. IT IS NOT YOUR JOB TO SAVE EVERYONE.
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🕯sometimes god gives you situations so you can grow. also if you are constantly trying to step in for God to help and save everyone, you may also be sabotaging God's plan. people give certain problems/ situations in their life because God gives it to them so they can grow wiser and better! why are you trying to save them? its not your responsibility.
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💖 be okay with people misunderstanding you. if you have a goal or a dream in your life, NOT EVERYONE IS GOING TO UNDERSTAND YOU. people come from different households, religions, schools, etc. they will not understand you or have the same mindset/ heart as you. be OKAY with people not understanding you. they are not you.
"oh why did they hurt me/ treat me like that, i would never do that to them" honey, they're not you. they don't have the same personality or heart as you. if you're constantly gonna go through life thinking that everyone has the same heart as you, you will be hurt. i have done that so often thinking that i'm a good friend to them so they will do the same back, its not always true. you will be hurt. people are just different. and thats okay! let them be.
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🕯realise that you can only change yourself. stop trying to change people. they will not change unless they are willing to. our human nature is comfort- humans love comfort. in order to change, it takes going through discomfort. it takes strength. some people are completely oblivious to themselves- they think that everything is perfect and nothing is wrong with them, etc. and yk what? let them be. you cannot change them. but you can change yourself. and if you do not want to change, you're not going to change. no one can force you to change unless you want to. by trying to change others and help them become their best version, you're wasting your energy to become YOUR best version and to create your dream life!
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💖 stop needing people to validate your self worth. "i dont need anyone to tell me how good i am. i dont need anyone to tell me how beautiful i am or smart i am. because i see those qualities in myself already." KNOW who you are. if you get a compliment, say thankyou, be grateful. but don't crave it. be okay with not receiving it and not needing it because you already know that you're all that. if you need that compliment or words from other people, then they are basically in charge of you because their opinion can change your reality entirely and shake you. when YOU are the one that always creates your own reality! be strong in your ownself otherwise you'll be like their little puppet. know that you know what? im amazing. i've been through so much stuff in life but i'm still coming out strong and i'm still standing.
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🕯treat yourself as your own best friend. talk to yourself! in her video, liz said that she talks to herself before bed and tells herself about her day. (for that i recommend videoing yourself! its so much fun) or when she's stressed she says to herself why are you feeling stressed? what exactly are you feeling? and then she tells herself and talks to herself. BE YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND. hype yourself up in your mind! comfort yourself, have a conversation, etc. give the advice to yourself. go on dates with yourself, hug yourself, love yourself.
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💖 less chasing, more attracting. being feminine basically means letting it flow and go. being calm and at peace. being relaxed because you know that you attract all your blessings. when you're not desperately looking for things, or chasing after things, then your whole. your energy is whole. when the energy of desperation is gone, then you can attract everything you want into your life.
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🕯only add great people to your life. make sure that whoever you date, are friends with, hang around- they need to add value to your life. its not only in terms of money, its also in terms of are you making me happy? are you reciprocating my energy? people that are always negative or always complaining, do not allow them into your life. do not be friends with people who are being miserable then complain about being miserable but don't do anything about it.
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💖 stop seeking other people's permission to do whats best for you. you don't need someone to say "you can do it!" because you know you can. be independent- liz doesn't need to ask anyone for money because she is already making her own money. she is doing everything for herself. she has everything she need to support herself and people she loves.
like how cocky are you to think that you know be better than i know myself? lol. you have not been through what i have been through. you have not lived my life and yet you're here deciding whats good for me and what i should be doing? um, no thanks! xoxo.
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memoriesndew · 1 day
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Happy new month bugaboos 🩰
The theme for this month is - FOCUS
happy new month to everyone, feels great to be alive, Thank God. it's a new month which means a new theme for the month and what I'm going for is "focus" this is mainly because these past few weeks I've been finding it very hard to focus on one thing, and I've been so lazy so I just want to discipline myself and focus
goals for june:
1. reach june step goal
2. go on walks
3. put more effort into writing
4. complete this month's daily worship
5. consistent workout
6. keep up with diet
7. get duolingo june badge
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cause-position · 15 hours
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byeolgirl · 3 days
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"It's gonna be okay, like the hands on the clock they'll go in circles back to their places."
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꙳. !˚Choosing friends is an important aspect of our lives, as the company we keep significantly impact our well-being, mindset, and personal growth.
by: 𖧷´ bყᥱoᥣgιrᥣ 𝅄 ׂׅ
When it comes to selecting friends, it's essential to consider a few key factors First and foremost, look for individuals who share similar values and principles friends who align with your core beliefs and morals are more likely to provide supportive and understanding environment where you can thrive authentically.Another crucial aspect is mutual respect Seek out friends who respect your boundaries, opinions, and decisions. Likewise, make sure you offer the same level of respect to them (give respect to receive respect easy !). A healthy friendship is built on a of mutual understanding and consideration.Furthermore, consider the positive influence a potential friend has on you. Surround yourself with people who encourage inspire, and motivate you to be the best version of yourself. A great friend uplifts and empowers you, offering constructive feedback and your successes.Emotional support is also vital in friendships. Look for individuals who are there for you during both good and challenging times offering empathy, compassion, and a listening ear when you need it most (ikr it's hard to found them 😭) Likewise, be sure to reciprocate this support and be a source of strength for your friends.
Lastly, consider the impact of their company on your life. Good friends encourage growth, bring joy, and contribute to meaningful experiences Aim to surround yourself with individuals who contribute positively to your life and foster an environment where you can thrive choosing who align with your values, offer genuine support, and positively contribute to your life can lead to deep, fulfilling, and enduring relationships.
ıllı ⠀ : Surround yourself with friends who not only accept you for who you are but also challenge you to grow, cheer you on during your highest highs, and stand by you through your lowest lows. Remember, true friends are the ones who bring out the best in you, support your dreams, and fill your life with love, laughter, and positivity. Take care of yourself 143 ♡ ⠀ !!
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individual-surface · 3 days
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girlietips · 3 days
Academic stress and how to deal with it🎧📖📑🤍
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School can be extremely stressful at times especially because it can feel like you are drowning in work so I’m gonna give all my tips for easing the stress and being more productive.
Make a spreadsheet of all of your upcoming due dates and tests.
This might seem overwhelming at first but what you are going to do is estimate how long each task will take you and add up that time. Then you will be able to see how much study time you need per day to get everything done.
I also recommend setting a timer for that amount of time and trying to finish the assignment before the timer. Though it will take some practice to be able to correctly estimate how long everything will take you.
Use the 3 minute rule.
If you find yourself procrastinating on something tell yourself you only need to work for 3 mins. By the time the 3 mins are up you’ll usually want to keep going because starting was the issue.
Remember if you begin to get overalls stressed it is good to do different breathing exercises and techniques to calm yourself down.
Always study for tests as soon as you know about them.
This way you aren’t trying to cram a semester’s worth of information into your brain over night. I like to create flash cards for each lesson as it is taught then reviewing them whenever I have a free second.
The best way to eliminate stress is to be fully prepared.
Make sure you are sleeping a full 8 hours a night.
Always write down any due dates or test dates.
Create schedules so you always get things done on time.
Everyday make sure you have 3 accomplishable tasks.
These tasks allow you to feel like you are making progress and make sure you don’t over work yourself.
Break down assignments into manageable sections.
You probably can’t write that whole research paper in a day(or just shouldn’t) so break it down into research, outline, writing, editing or as much as you want.
Now instead of thinking of this giant project you only have the one task.
Do not compare your work to others the only person you have to beat is your past scores so don’t worry about others.
Those are all my academic tips. Stress comes about when we aren’t prepared so make sure that you are prepared for your classes and you’ll have nothing to worry about.
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lovecorrin · 2 days
never isolate yourself from people you love just because you think that’s what they would want! don’t listen to the voice in your head telling you they’re better off without you. you are not too much to the people that see just as much value in you as you do them.
treasure your friends, you deserve it!!
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aestermeadow · 2 days
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At some point you have to get serious about your life. Delete numbers, stay away from love that isn't real, hustle, get your health right, your spirit right, your mental right. STAY FOCUSED.
You gotta demand some respect. Not just from others but YOURSELF. Claim it, speak it, see it everyday.
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girlbloggercher · 1 day
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memoriesndew · 2 days
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thursday, may 30, 2024 | day 3/100 | ♡.°୭̥ ୨୧
✿ today was definitely better than yesterday, Thank God. I woke up early (I actually did not sleep because I stayed up for this program and after the program ended I just continued working and when I was done I got distracted on tiktok and stayed up till 6:00am and after prayer in the morning I cleaned my room and did my daily worship and then I fell asleep lol) but yh most of the work for today was done
✿ studied French on duolingo
✿ I took a walk and did pilates
✿ completed today's tasks in general
habit tracking:
morning stretch study time daily physical activity
Practice a hobby read bible daily worship drink water 1L/3L 30 mins of movement - 30-minute walk
✿ I need to stop trying to overwhelm myself with different tasks and just focus on one thing at a time
✿ today was a good day All in all
🎧 There is a place ~ Nathaniel Bassey
🎀 bluey ~ loved it
photo credits: pinterest
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