#getting my life together
winryrockbellwannabe · 7 months
✨ Getting my life together ✨
to be very honest, i've been feeling kinda awful this last couple of weeks, and i haven't been able to do anything but stress over exams and complain about my life. today this will end.
So here's a hopeful but realistic list of habit's I'll try to implement
🏋🏾‍♀️ 1: Im going to start working out again.
Not everyday at first, and i still have to understand if it works better for me to work out in the morning or at night. Ideally im going to rotate between: arms/abs workouts, youtube ballet classes (there's a youtuber that seems to have great adult ballet videos, and its a chill way for me to work out), and hopefully going on walks on fridays, since i have the morning off, when it's not raining.
🫗2 : Im going to do the dishes right after i use them
i dont even hate doing the dishes, i dont know how i accumulate so many shit. But i do, and then i have no clean dishes and that makes me not want to cook, and delay eating lunch and stuff like that. SO DO YOUR DISHES!!!
💊 3: im gonna go to the pharmacy to get my meds and actually take them
self explanatory, ive been super anxious about taking my adhd meds, since im going to try to take a more intense dose than im used to, and i was a bit scared bc of side effects but my friend has already calmed me down a bit about it
🖋️ 4. Im goint to try to post more regularly and journal more
4.1. Post more regularly
It helps me get excited and motivated about studying, so self explanatory
4.2. Journalling
Everything is being so weird rn. My friends are acting so weird, two of them are basically ignoring me, and other two are acting super shitty towards me and another friend. It's super messy, and we don't know why everyone is being off, so i think i need to let all this negativity out of my system and reflect about this, and see if i could also be in the wrong in this situation
🧹 5. Im going to be more organized, and try to keep my room tidied
💖 6. Im going to try to spend more time with people that actually recharge my energy, instead of people that just stress me more and make me more upset
📜 7. Im going to try new places to study, since my usual ones haven't been working as well for me
and there's more to go, but i don't want to be too optimistic, Im going to be happy if I actually manage to keep half of those for more than a week lol
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landofmoa · 1 year
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We realize a lot everyday.
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takenbykloud · 2 months
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reorganized my workspace after a week of breaking down to feel like i have my life together 🫠
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studentbyday · 6 months
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end-of-semester reset / rejuvenation
🌸 how i want to spend my break so it's productive, restful, and rejuvenating... 🌸
clear and clean all the surfaces and things i use that should be cleaned!! (e.g. desk, piano top, night table, water bottle [try to get into the habit of washing it every day 💧], washroom)
get outside as much as possible. the soul needs fresh air 🌬️🥺
all the tasks i planned for the rest of the december study challenge (note to self: see journal index)
back up my files
digital clean-up (e.g. delete unnecessary files from desktop, unsubscribe from things i don't read)
fix the closet mess and organize it for winter ❄️
all. the. laundry.
change bedding
work on figuring out a proper wind down routine that works for me (ideally it should start after dinner and gradually decrease in stimulation level 😅)
fix! my! sleep schedule! (i have 2 weeks to move my wake time from 9am to 8am...or a few minutes before bc i hate the sound of zesty's alarm which nearly always wakes me up with a start 🚨😂 )
journal to answer these questions for 2024: where is my life going? where do i want it to go? what milestones should i be setting for myself? what should i prioritize? (i.e. setting/revising my goals)
set up bujo for next year and figure out how i'm gonna keep track of all the things i wanna do
read a short article on moral philosophy so i have a better idea of what i would be getting into if i take a course on it...
read a vaccinology article
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thest4tekid · 20 days
Well yall, I'm back and that means it's time to get back on my self-improvement bullshit. I'll update this post daily (probably) with the stuff I did/didn't do, and my weight and shit. I didn't weigh myself this morning and didn't hit any of my goals today but I'm gonna shower and get ready for bed so I can start tomorrow on a good note!
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Day 14 of getting my sh!t together
It's day 14 and I feel lighter and healthier, although I've a long way to go. My high cortisol levels make it harder for me to lose weight so it can get really demotivating sometimes. However, since I've started posting here, I've felt a nudge to do better every day. The euphoria that comes with making better choices, and saying no to your favourite chocolates and beverages even though they are sitting right in your refrigerator hits differently. I do eat when I feel like but that too in moderation. I was craving ice cream yesterday, so I ordered this tub of mini bon bon bites which are like 22 calories each. I had one after lunch and after dinner. It's all about balance. 🥰
Here's what I ate today:
Black coffee
I tried this chicken rice bowl yesterday that I saw on YouTube. I made the rice with brown rice and also added a lot of lettuce, cucumber, onions (the original recipe had only lettuce and cherry tomatoes). Added a generous amount of greek yoghurt dressing and sriracha. It was so easy to make and came together very easily. If you want the recipe, message me, I'll send you the link.
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Evening Snack:
Black Coffee
I wasn't feeling hungry for dinner. I had like a couple of spoons of yoghurt left and tofu from yesterday, mixed the tofu in the yoghurt with some spices and cooked it in the pan without any oil,by sprinkling water. Tasted pretty bomb though.
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2 of these bites like mentioned
Here's the song recommendation for the day
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sapphire-imeo · 8 months
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doryythebutterfly · 2 months
Glow up - Day 11
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♡ Skincare (x2).
♡ Brush teeth (x2).
♡ Drink water (x5).
♡ Washed my hair.
♡ Cleaned my room.
♡ Cleaned out my school bags.
♡ Completed my english book report.
♡ Made chocolate muffins.
Felt pretty excited about school starting again and to go to netball practice and meeting my coach!!
(P.S. I am so so so sorry for not posting sooner. School has been crazy busy but I'm glad I did atleast post even though I'm a little late 💗)
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thrive-evergreen · 4 months
Consistency Sunday
As an exercise to strengthen my discipline, I am creating a week-long challenge each Sunday outlining a particular daily habit I want to accomplish for the next seven days. My goal is to allow these baby steps to build on each other without becoming completely overwhelmed by so many drastic changes at once. Keep reading for more details and to follow along yourself!
Week 2: My second micro-goal is to begin each morning with at least 25 grams of protein.
Benefits to front-loading protein at the beginning of the day:
Energy & Appetite - Helps avoid that mid-morning crash and keeps you feeling satisfied longer.
Healthy skin and hair - Protein provides the essential amino acids required to synthesize collagen, which is a major key to great hair, skin, & nails (not to mention joints and connective tissues).
What I'm doing:
Hormone health - Adequate protein intake helps ensure your body's ability to regulate the various hormone peaks throughout your monthly cycle.
I'm not much of a morning person, so to meet this goal I will be utilizing a few different quality protein shakes, and may throw in a scrambled egg or two some mornings if I'm feeling ambitious. Overall, a simple protein-dense breakfast is easy to add to my morning routine for this week, and I hope to feel a positive shift in my overall energy levels throughout the day that motivates me to continue fueling my body with quality nutrients first thing in the morning.
As always, I invite you to join me in this slow and mindful journey to living my best life on a daily basis, one week at a time. Feel free to let me know if you are tackling the same habit alongside me, reblog and add your own micro-challenge for the week, or drop an ask to share some ideas for future Sundays!
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justsokaela · 3 months
There is just something so ethereally magical and special about early mornings alone
I'm driving through the dark along abandoned small town suburban main road, past darkened strip malls and empty traffic light intersections. I've had a nice upper body workout, a relaxing massage chair + Calm meditation session, I'm sipping my boba milk tea protein drink...a hot shower and comfy baggy clothes for the drive home... I'm winding down the roads, no cars on the road except for lone travelers and 3rd shifts heading home...passing a family of deer near the local horse farm. I slow down, roll down my window and greet them. I'm energized, but relaxed. Lo-fi hip hop chill beats play on my Spotify playlist, via a Bluetooth radio setup connected to my phone, the sunrise is still hiding beyond the horizon. I'm high, free, relaxed, accomplished.
I arrive in my room, greeted ecstatically by Zero who was burrowed under the blankets on my bed as usual. It's not freezing cold out anymore, so a little sweater on Zero and a light jacket is enough for us to go for a short walk around the neighborhood. I'd forgotten how much I missed morning walks before work with him, even though he comes to work with me every day now.
When we get back home, I make a warm cup of tea, get changed and dressed for work, do my hair and makeup, and then get back into bed to snuggle with Zero under the covers for a power nap.
When we get up, I feel well rested and ready for the day. Zero hops into the car and looks proudly from his perch between the driver and passenger seat as we head in to work. I arrive on time, I log in, check the emails and reports to catch up, and then make us our breakfasts. It's warm with a little space heater under my desk and a puppy dog in my lap, and just some paperwork to do this morning on the computer. If this job paid me 8$ per hour more, I would probably be content. I could probably give up my dream of law school and a masters degree, and focus all my energy on doing things I like and having fun and just living... At least I have all this free time at work and a healthy work-life balance. I can survive off the bare minimum if I have to, for a little while.
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takenbykloud · 4 months
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a bit more productive today compared to the past few days. not much but im patting myself on the back 🧿️ photos via pinterest.
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studentbyday · 6 months
sometimes feeling like a mess >> desire for drastic change >> the urge to make big plans and trackers for each of them in my bujo that i will once again ignore bc on second thought they don't actually line up with what i really want
reminder to myself that instead of giving into that urge, sometimes you just gotta sit on it
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thest4tekid · 2 days
Friday selfie time!
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Another rough week, but a selfie for you nonetheless. Add my snap: thestatekid or talk to me on here!
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Day 10 of getting my sh!t together
Ahh! Summers are terrible over here. It was 43°C outside, and everyone is suffering from this heat. It was a Saturday, there wasn't much to do today. I just remembered I forgot writing in the gratitude journal probably because it has been a while.
I couldn't sleep well last night, my anxiety is at its peak right now. You know the stabbing chest pain you get when your anxiety is triggered? That is happening to me constantly since last night. My heart is racing and it feels like I've a huge boulder seating on my chest. It hurts.
I tried distracting myself, nothing works. So I'll get straight to what I ate today.
1)1 multigrain toast (it got burnt on the side but oh well).
2)Scrambled eggs without oil.(just seasoned the egg and added it directly to a hot pan, kept sprinkling it with water)
4)Green tea
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1)2 Brown Rice Cakes Unsalted.
2)1 seasoned and steamed chicken wings (not a single drop of oil)
3)Greek Yoghurt
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1)Steamed carrots and broccoli with two chopped up hot dogs (I added some seasonings to the carrot and brocolli and kept it aside for 20 mins before steaming it).
2)Vanilla ice-cream with green apples.
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I think vanilla ice-cream with green apples is my new guilty pleasure!
Here's my song recommendation for the day:
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sapphire-imeo · 1 month
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feeling sporty?
I am! I've been wanting to start tennis for a little while now. I'm excited to start now that theirs warm weather! I've noticed the sporty fashion trends recently like jerseys, sports logos. chunky sneakers and of course active wear so adorable! are you hopping on this trend?
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doryythebutterfly · 2 months
Glow up - Day 10
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♡ Skincare (x2).
♡ Brush teeth (x2).
♡ Drink water (x4).
♡ Went shopping with my family.
♡ Planned out the Japanese lessons I want to do in the future.
Yesterday was super chill. Just spent the day savouring my second last vacation day.
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