#law of attraction
samara444 · 2 days
how much longer will you delay the life you deserve to live?
do you understand, theres a version of you RIGHT NOW whose sitting with your s/o all cuddled up, falling asleep in their arms, feeling safe and loved….while you are here fucking complaining??? theres a version of you right NOWW, whose getting princess treatment, everyone is falling in love with them, they feel so confident and happy in their body, so in love with their life, and you would rather be here WAITING and TRYING?? instead of HAVING MF??
theres literally a reality where YOU, not anyone else, but YOU. YOUR consciousness. whose out their enjoying every single thing that they wanted to have for yours. they are sitting in their dream city, all relaxed and satisfied and happy, with a huge smile on their face, love and relief in their heart, looking around and wondering….damn i really made it didnt i, while you are out here looking around and wondering why it isnt here yet???
EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE ONCE YOUU DO. you need to stop fucking delaying your dream life. how much more do you want to wait? how many more techniques do you want to do? when are you going to have it man? because it can be next month, or in an year, or 5 years, or a decade. you can wait your whole life for it goddamnit….orrr…you can have it NOW. right now.
cut the bullshit man, but honestly who tf enjoys waiting? its iterally like that kendrick lyric im obsessed with rn "why you trolling like a bitch aint you tired" literally, ARENT YOU TIRED?? because i am. i amm fucking tired of continuing the same cycle of victimisation and limiting myself. its so much easier to just let go. let go of all these steps to do and techniques to try and time to wait on.
just CHOOSE. to have it. right now. what more can i say which already hasnt been mentioned here before? we have all read this before. we all know this man, so why tf arent we APPLYING?? so let me repeat myself one last time….how much more do you want to delay your dream life? its your choice. now or never.
-love, sam <3
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onehundredwishesss · 2 days
Why I refuse to settle down and start a family in my 20's:
• I want to get more degrees
• I want to make more money
• I want to learn new skills
• I want to avoid dating a dusty
• I want to travel to new places
• I want to spoil myself a lot
• I want to make more time for myself
• I want to make sure I date the right one
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veganpsychedelephant · 12 hours
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sp0iledprincess55 · 14 hours
1.) you can have all the thoughts you want NEGATIVE or POSITIVE. And STILL manifest.
2.) You can do WHATEVER you want with law of assumption. It's a free place.You can do whatever you want really with it.
3.) it's simple. Just pick a desire,assume it's yours,and persist 🎀.
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yogadaily · 2 days
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(Like it? Buy Never Better High Neck One Piece - Sequoia  || Curated with love by yogadaily) 
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a-path-by-the-moon · 10 hours
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I saw a post by someone who was distressed because they couldn't manifest from the void due to going "blank" once entering it. I think this is due to the way the void is understood here on Tumblr, so I'm going to address this below.
In a book called The Vision, the author's Apache shaman mentor "Grandfather" teaches him to enter the void, which they also referred to as "the veil", and here is what he said about it:
"To modern man what I was attempting to do would be called meditation, but it was far greater than what he considered meditation...it was the absence of of all thought, of consciousness of time, place, gravity or body. It was an absolute nothingness, an equilibrium, and a limitless void. The veil was the absence of self, totally, an absolute purity of existence and non-existence.
It was in this void, this veil, that Grandfather said all things of the spirit would be found. It was there that we would have total understanding and transcend the physical planes of man's existence. It was there that the primal self could be found; it was the abiding place of the life force, the spirit-that-moves-in-all-things, and all the spirits that inhabit our worlds. It was also where we could find all knowledge, create realities, and touch the Creator."
In addition to all of this, the author said that being in the veil can make one invisible, and that the ancient scouts used to use it to protect themselves.
All of the author's descriptions of entering the void/veil involve having no thoughts whatsoever while he's there. Here are some excerpts where he talks about it:
"I lost consciousness of my body and my place...I found myself floating in a void, an absolute darkness, having no awareness of time or place, or even an existence outside that world. Though it was only for a moment, it felt like an eternity that I was there, where time had stood still."
This next part is especially important because it specifically addresses the author's frustration at his mind going blank when entering the void. The author and his friend were trying to send their conciousnesses to a time in the past and were advised to use the veil because "it knows no time." They did their meditation as usual but were not able to hold their intentions once they entered the Void.
"We tried desperately to carry the date with us to the veil, but every time we passed through, the date would disappear with all other thought. Feeling a little angry with my failure, I went to ask Grandfather why it hadn't worked.
'First' he said, 'There must be absolute faith, and second, you must not try to carry the time or place back with you. You cannot pass into the veil carrying any baggage. Instead, tell it where and when you would like to go and let the all- knowing veil do the rest."
The author prayed, presumably stating his intention, went into a "period of absolute thoughtlessness to meditate and rest," and then found himself in the time and place he intended. It worked.
So you see, there's quite a difference between "void" as it's understood in the book, versus by people here on Tumblr. In both cases it has the same possibilities, but the difference is that people here seem to believe you're floating around and still thinking about things while in the void, while the author, his mentor, and his mentor's teachers and ancestors believed that it's a place of no-thought; that it's actually impossible to think within it, and that your intentions need to be stated to it before entering it. According to them, whatever most people here are calling the "void" would not be the real deal at all, but more of a deep and relaxed state of meditation; nothing more. If your mind is going blank, you're likely actually entering the void.
As far as feeling that you must use the void to manifest anything... this sentiment is why I disapprove so much of the void-state obsession in manifestation/shifting communities. You do not need the void state to do any of that. There are SO many ways to manifest, and the void is just one of them; but personally I never even use it for that, and manifest successfully all the time just through 30-second visualizations. Manifestation should be fun and easy, and we should use the techniques that come naturally to us.
If anyone has trouble entering the void, or they try the alternative method I mentioned above and are still finding frustration, please set aside all thoughts of the void and get back to basic manifestation techniques. They work, and most of them are a breeze to perform. We as humans tend to complicate things for ourselves, almost as if we feel something isn't valuable if it isn't difficult; but the sooner you choose what works for you, the sooner you'll see your manifestations come to pass. And that's the whole point, isnt it? 💖
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hunkystephaudio · 2 days
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wouldn't it be so exciting if we could select a pinterest board to live in? 😍 that's exactly what this subliminal is about! you'll shift in no time, literally! this subliminal is made with my own voice, as usual. i hope you'll love it!
🤍B E N E F I T S: 🤍
instantly bring your pinterest board to life instantly live a life that is identical to your pinterest board instantly manifest everything you saved in your pinterest board instantly live an aesthetic lifestyle that is identical to your pinterest board instantly manifest anything you add to your pinterest board be the world's greatest manifestor instantly manifest by using visuals such as photos and videos instantly shift to the desired reality in your pinterest board
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nikasholistic · 2 days
Your energy creates your life. Your energy is the foundation of your entire reality. The better your energy, the better your overall reality.
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chiekodivine · 5 months
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girlhood never stops we just evolve…
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thoughtkick · 8 months
The worst distance between two people is misunderstanding.
Law of Attraction
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sp0iledprincess55 · 2 days
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Thank you guys really for liking my stuff 😭💗🫶🏿
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vixeneptune · 7 months
See yourself being perceived by others in this light bc you already are such a remarkable beauty to witness
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Pov : everyone who sees you says this about your looks
"Omg you're drop dead GORGEOUS 😍 "
"HOW are you so pretty 😭😭 what's your secret"
" you're literally the prettiest girl I've ever seen I'm not even kidding"
"Your eyes are so mesmerizing wow😍 ..I'm in love"
"U have the most perfect lips"
"Ur eyebrows are always on fleek"
"I love how long and thick ur eyelashes are"
"You're so beautiful I'm obsessed"
"Ur skin is literally FLAWLESS"
"I'm convinced you're a real life goddess"
"I looove ur hair it looks so healthy and soft and luscious "
"How are u even real? U look so ethereal and out of this world!"
"Ur beauty has me daydreaming and writing poems"
"Ur beauty alone leaves an unforgettable mark on everyone"
"I can't fathom how pretty you are"
"Everything about u is perfect, like youre unbelievably stunning"
"What's it like being the most beautiful girl in the world?😍"
"U have this kind of beauty thats so captivating, haunting and addictive to look at"
"I love ur stylee u always look so chic"
"You're such an eye-candy I could look at you forever"
"Ur face is literally my desired face, ur beauty is the standard"
"Girl I would kill to look like u"
"Ur beauty leaves me speechless everytime, how do u have that effect?"
"I don't think anyone who looks at u can resist falling in love w you"
"Has anyone ever told you how powerful your beauty is? Like it's dangerous how beautiful u are"
"Do you model? U literally have the body and looks for it"
"I love ur fashion sense , u give off IT girl vibes"
"Stop looking at me with those siren eyes 🫠"
Pov : people say this behind your back
"She's def the kind of girl who steals all the attention with her beauty when she walks into a room"
"Y/N had a huge glow up, she keeps getting prettier everytime I see her"
"She looks so stunning in pictures but wait till u see her irl its even better"
"I genuinely think she's the prettiest girl in existence"
"There's something about her beauty thats so hypnotic it sticks in ur mind"
"My heart starts beating so fast when she looks at me. Her beauty makes me nervous"
"Have you seen Y/N? she's the prettiest around here"
"She has that kind of beauty that everyone wanna copy"
"She's naturally beautiful like she doesn't even try"
Let me know if u want more like this 💫
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yogadaily · 3 days
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(via Pin by Tais Domingos on IOGA in 2024 | Yoga photoshoot, Yoga photography, Pilates poses   || Curated with love by yogadaily) 
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audreyassumptions · 2 months
- name change
- trilingualism
- 5”10 height
- thin and slender body
- a RAGING golden tan
- face like adriana lima’s
- top grades + intelligence
- dp has a FAT crush on me
- robotic affirmations in my head (for example repeating ‘I have everything I desire’ over and over in my head whenever I’m free throughout the day)
- visualizing
- law of assumption
- the belief that I am God and I am the creator of my own reality
- being crazy delulu
I never actually used the void state for this, because I found that putting the void state on a pedestal was limiting my beliefs. Please refrain from thinking too much about the void or from putting it on a pedestal because this can really hinder your progress. Remember, you are the void. The void is inside you. You don’t need to ‘enter’ it because it is already there!
That’s it, just remember to have a positive mindset and be literally as delusional as you possibly can be. Worked for me!! This took about a whole day to work, and the next day I woke up and it was all manifested (sounds crazy but it’s true and I literally started jumping and squealing like a five year old when I realised it worked). Most importantly, remember that manifesting is supposed to be fun, so go have fun and enjoy yourself!! :)
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