#dragon age sera
hattedhedgehog · 5 months
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My embroidery of the Sera character card from Dragon Age Inquisition is now complete!
75 hours of work, 11.5x19.5 cm
[Image description: An embroidered version of the Sera character selection card from Dragon Age Inquisition. She stands atop a slanted tree trunk with her bow held suggestively between her legs, looking at the Skyhold tower in the distance, where the tiny figure of the inquisitor is present in the window. Mountains and turrets make up the background behind her.]
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tarraxahum · 1 month
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For one, it comes out a bottle. For two, I mess up, I get burned. For three? Bottle, little burned, no demons. So there.
(I am fully aware that tempests smash their bottles, preferably far away from their faces, but I wanted a badass shot, sue me)
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kesterite · 1 year
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tobio-fish · 11 months
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Sera because she needed a royal portrait!
As lesbian royalty ofc <3
I luv
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rock-is-not-here · 2 months
This did numbers on TikTok....
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calcium-draws · 9 months
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help im addicted to making these stupid things
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scarfacemarston · 17 days
Dragon Age Inquisition free on Epic Games!
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Proof here:
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Epic Games isn’t perfect by any means, but it is an option for people to finally play the game!
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lizah-aart · 1 month
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I saw you from across the bar - I hate your vibe. Wanna fight?
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fthechantry · 1 year
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Happy 5th Day of Pride!
Today's Pride art is Sera! The only exclusively lesbian love interested so far in Dragon Age!
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anneapocalypse · 4 months
I feel like you've done meta that touched on or directly answered this question before, but I can't find it. What do you make of Sera's pretty severe negative reaction to "Sera Was Never"? (Smashing someone's instrument is a pretty expensive way to show your disapproval.)
I have, and it's here!
But in short, I think she finds it invasive. Initially, she seems to think Maryden is hitting on her and Sera's just not into her back, which I think is plausible given that she's only companion to have a song not merely referencing her but explicitly about her, by name.
Sera really does not like people prying into her life and past, based on how reticent she is to open up to the Inquisitor, how she rebuffs personal questions from other companions in party banter, and also the notes she leaves in the margins of the Inquisition's notes on her in World of Thedas v.2. I get into this more in the post linked above!
I think it's also worth considering that Sera doesn't want to be widely known by her own name. She chose to operate under the name of "Red Jenny" for a reason. She doesn't want to be notorious as "Sera," but as just one nameless nobody operating under the banner of a mythic figure--that's the whole point! And here's this minstrel mucking it all up!
She says the song is "creepy," and honestly if you put yourself in Sera's shoes I think that's kind of fair. She seems to spend most of her downtime in the tavern (my guess is she sleeps there, though it's not stated one way or the other), and so she has to hear that song about her all the time... inescapably... possibly multiple times a day...
And by Trespasser, when she breaks the lute, that's been going on for over two years.
Imagine having someone write a song about you that bugs you, and then having to listen to them sing it publicly, more or less every day, for two years. Imagine other people liking it, or worse, quoting it to you like they think it's cute.
From that perspective, I think it starts to be understandable why she finally gives Maryden such a decisive "fuck off." I don't think Maryden had bad intentions, but I do get why it bothers Sera so much.
[ My Sera meta series ]
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barnabeetheraven · 1 year
Companion Reactions to the Inquisitor waking up from a nightmare
Cassandra: When she stumbles on the Inquisitor outside, she can tell from their face that they are having a rough night. Cassandra asks them if they’d like to do some training, maybe it would help take their mind off of things; she knows that works with herself sometimes, and the two of them spar until the early morning light begins peaking over the Skyhold mountains. If Romanced: When she feels them startle beside her, she is instantly on high alert for any threat. But when she notices the Inquisitor shaking and breathing heavily, she takes a deep breath and leans over to wrap her arms around them. When the Inquisitor remarks that they dont want to go back to sleep, Cassandra gets up and grabs one of her favorite books, and they spend the rest of the night in each others arms, with Cassandra reading softly to her love.
Varric: He can tell instantly that they are having a bad night; he’s seen his fair share of that look from Hawke, Fenris, and Anders before. He starts off with some of his favorite jokes until he can see just a hint of a smile on their face, before he tells the Inquisitor that they can always come and talk to him if they need to. Not that he’s any good at doing anything about it, but hell, sometimes you just need a shoulder. Afterwards, to break the emotional tension, he has them sit down and they spend the rest of the resting hours playing Wicked Grace.
Solas: He knew even before he saw the bags under their eyes, as he had felt the intense emotions from the Inquisitor’s nightmares in his own dreams. He offers to help them with the problem, not wanting to overstep his boundaries but also wanting them to know he can help chase the nightmares away. He also makes sure to send them with a decent sleeping drought, one that is designed for dreamless sleep. He prefers not to use it, as he enjoys his nighttime adventures, but he also knows that most people cannot control their dreams as he can. If Romanced: The Inquisitor begins to notice less and less nightmares, but in each dream they see the same thing; a large, dark wolf, always at the edges of their sight, as if watching or guarding them. The Inquisitor goes to sleep at night wrapped tight in the arms of the Dread Wolf, who chases away any nightmare that might harm his Vhenan.
Sera: As she was sneaking her way across the courtyard from the kitchens, arms full of cookies and pastries she had nicked when no one was looking, she almost knocked over the Inquisitor in her hurry. After making a joke about how they look like shite, and seeing how it hit home, Sera offers to share her bounty of stolen goods, and her and the Inquisitor spend the night on the rooftop, munching their goodies and talking about all manner of silly things to take the Inquisitor’s mind off of their night. If Romanced: There are all manner of ways for her to distract the Inquisitor, late in the night hours away from prying eyes. But when she can see in the Inky’s eyes how badly they are hurting, her favorite form of love comes out; SHARED PRANKS! Skyhold spent the next two weeks being terrorized by any and all manner of joke and prank, while Sera and the Inquisitor have never looked happier or more rested.
Vivienne: She cannot help but make a comment about how terrible the Inquisitor looks, and how important appearances can be, especially when dealing with the Chantry and them being the Herald of Andraste, after all! She makes them sit down for a spa day, and sends them back to their quarters with arms full of different sleeping aids, lotions for their face and eyes, and a book that Vivienne swears will put ANYONE who reads it to sleep, because of “how unbelievably droll” it is (It might or might not end up being Swords and Shields)
Blackwall: He has his own nights like that, where you wake up and just dont want to go back to sleep for fear of the nightmare returning. He asks them if they would want to help him with the horses, as it relaxes him taking care of them, and the two spend the night brushing the horses and harts, feeding the nugs and drakes, and talking about the universe and old war stories. If Romanced: After they get done taking care of the animals, Blackwall makes a nice, roaring fire, and he starts teaching the Inquisitor how to carve and whittle, making sure to touch and brush against them as often as possible, so they know that he is always there.
Iron Bull: He has a lot of nights like that on his own, and he’s seen the Charger’s experience more than a few. He offers to buy the Inquisitor a drink, and openly talks to them about how bad his are sometimes. He and whichever of the Chargers are awake end up sitting around in a circle, playing Wicked Grace and sharing stories, until everyone is smiling and looking more content as the sun comes up. If Romanced: When he feels them shaking next to him, Iron Bull rolls over, wraps his long arms around the Inquisitor, and pulls them to him. He rocks them just like that, with their head cradled against his chest, and begins to him an old song he remembers his Tamassran singing to him when he was young, and he feels the Inquisitor slowly fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat, feeling more at home and loved than either of them ever has.
Dorian: He scoffs jokingly, talking about how much work it is to keep their eyes looking young when they dont sleep, but he steers them to his favorite chair in the library and makes sure they get comfortable. He pulls out books left and right, criticizing or complimenting, joking and laughing until the Inquisitor falls asleep, softly dozing in the chair, and Dorian cant help but smile as he pulls up a chair of his own next to them, determined to defend the rest of his friend. If Romanced: When they wake with a start, he rubs their back, speaking comfortingly in his language, and when he gets the Inquisitor calmed down, goes and grabs a book off of the table. He cradles them against his shoulder and begins to read to them, softly stroking their hair until they fall peacefully asleep, nestled against Dorian and listening to the rise of fall of his chest.
Cole: Fear, building and building, until all that’s left is a cloud of hurt and fog of pain. He can feel the Inquisitor’s pain, so he begins softly patrolling their dreams. Sometimes he and Solas trade off, but Cole is always watching to see if he can help the Inquisitor with their stress. They dont always know when he is doing it, but Cole makes sure to give that little push every now and then to help ease the Inquisitor’s stress and anxiety, that way they can sleep easier at night.
Leliana: She has many of her own nightmares, and she remembers how bad the Warden’s would get, especially when they got closer to ending the Blight. She offers to get the Inquisitor whatever they need; coffee to stay awake, or tea to help with sleep. But they spend many nights taking care of the ravens, letting them take their fears and worries up into the sky as they brush and feed them. It isn’t much, but it’s a strange sort of relaxing.
Josephine: She tuts softly, mentioning how the Inquisitor has way too much on their plate, and she begins shuffling meetings and tasks, trying to only bring things to the Inquisitor’s attention if it is absolutely necessary. The hope is that if she takes more off the Inquisitor’s mind, maybe they wont have as much to stress about before they are going to bed. If Romanced: It’s hard for her, but she tries to intentionally put down her own work and cuddle with the Inquisitor. The Inquisitor finds it relaxing to run their fingers through Josephine’s hair, so every time a nightmare happens, she softly brushed her hair and lets the Inquisitor run their fingers through it, sighing softly as the vestiges of the nightmare vanish into the night.
Cullen: He has a lot of his own, especially as he is going through Lyrium withdrawals. Often, he and the Inquisitor spend many nights walking the grounds, unable to sleep, or sparring to help get their tension out. The two became good friends, where they can go to each other in the middle of the night and the other will wake instantly and get up to walk and talk with them. If Romanced: He startles when the Inquisitor flips up, but he wraps his strong arms around them and murmurs to them how they are safe, they are here with him, and nothing is going to hurt them. Over and over, he softly whispers his reassurances against their soft skin, until he can feel their shaking subside and he can get them to lay down on his chest, cradled safely in his arms.
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hattedhedgehog · 5 months
The progress of my hand-embroidered Sera character card from Dragon Age Inquisition.
75 hours, 11.5x19.5 cm
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fanstuffrantings · 8 months
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Group 2 of some sticker sketches for inquisition.
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kassarts · 1 year
3D for ask meme!
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she just thought of the beeest prank
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
oh i got one. Dragon age with Solas, Cassandra, Varric, Cullen, Josephine, Leliana, iron bull, and Sera.
Where their inquisitor!S/O has a identical twin to the point it's uncanny. And when said twin came for a surprise visit, they both decided to prank everyone by appearing in separate places so it would look like the inquisitor was in two different places at once. How long did it take before they realize that there were two of them.
Hahahaha! I love it 🤣 Twin shenanigans
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Solas - he’s not so easily tricked, but finds you and your twin’s antics humorously endearing
Cassandra - she was surprised at first but after the few times you two prank her, she’s all like “ok haha 😒 very funny”
Varric - he thought he noticed something was different at first, but caught on pretty quick when the three of you had a good laugh over it
Cullen - you’re going to give him a heart attack!! But now he’s double thinking everything like “was that then I kissed or their twin?”
Josephine - takes her a bit of a while but she started picking up on it, with the little mannerisms here and there. Surprised when she figures it out but excited to meet your twin!
Leliana - busy AF so she gets frazzled about it at first, “wait you were there?” “Now you’re here?!”, until you reveal to her it’s your twin. “Oh it’s so nice to finally meet you! I’ve heard so much!”
Iron Bull - he’s perceptive about these things so he also figures it out three of you have a good laugh about the pranks you’ve all pulled in the past
Sera - oh she’s loving this!! Finally two more people who can be her prank buddies in Sky Hold
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plaguebeasts · 3 months
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Dragon age doodlies
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