znationfanfiction · 3 years
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Claire Redfield in Resident Evil 2: Remake (2019)
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znationfanfiction · 3 years
Chris and Leon: putting their inventory in police/military issue pouches, every item has its own compartment
Claire and Ethan: Confused screaming as they try to fit three mixed herbs, a shotgun, a pistol, a combat knife, three keys and a statue into their jeans' pockets
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znationfanfiction · 3 years
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Leon + Getting Choked
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znationfanfiction · 4 years
no bad things had happened then
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requested by anonymous
read the first part here (not necessary to understand this one but theyre loosely connected!)
Pairing: 10k x reader
Summary: an apocalypse wedding! (aka doc officiates, murphy cries, and everyone is happy)
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: blood/violence mention
Holding a wedding during the apocalypse is surprisingly easy to put together if you let go of all pre-conceived expectations about what a wedding should be. There is no beautiful venue or a mass of guests or catered meals, no brand new dresses and tuxedos, no formalities of any kind.
Doc and Addy do most of the planning, and direct the others around for a whole week, cleaning out the business center of the motel you’ve commandeered and spending hours in the room constructing a venue fit for a zombie apocalypse wedding. Admittedly, the majority of the work rests in clearing the space of years worth of blood and bodies and debris.
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znationfanfiction · 4 years
stunner don't ever move softly
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its been way too long since i wrote for my og boy!!!!! missed ya 10k!!!! also for anyone new here, almost every z nation fic (unless specific lol) takes place in the world of the old group, around s1 and s2, cuz im a forever hoe for the og group!!!!
requested by anonymous
Summary: Soulmates have telepathic links in moments of extreme emotion (aka the reader saves 10k from a bunch of Z’s)
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: violence
They came out of nowhere.
One moment, 10k is digging through the shelves at an abandoned gas station and piling food into his bag, and the next, a back door is splintering open and the small station is filling with Z’s, growls echoing off the walls and decomposed scent burning 10k’s nostrils.
If he pulls his gun out, if he starts shooting, he’ll only draw the attention of every other Z on this block, and seeing as he’s already surrounded by at least forty, he can’t afford the risk.
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znationfanfiction · 4 years
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What is Warren planning? She’s planning to spank your ass good.
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znationfanfiction · 5 years
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znationfanfiction · 5 years
Murphy eating pieces of his skin in season four
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znationfanfiction · 5 years
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znationfanfiction · 5 years
I know I'm the worst at updating, you guys! I'm so sorry. A lot has happened since I last posted a fic that has kept me very occupied and caused a major block for me. I'm so happy to have each and every one of you follow me, and am thankful for every person that reads my work!
Please enjoy part 1 of a super mini fic I'm working on, and as always please no stealing!
Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, mature language, zombie apocalypse
A Dilemma, Part 1
Gunshots rang out on the distance. They were less than a mile from the small shack I was being held in, if I had to estimate.
I huffed out a laugh, letting my head roll back to stare at the grimy ceiling spattered with old blood and mildew and something kind of purple. My arms flexed, weakly pulling at the ties that held them in place behind the chair.
"Trouble around the camp, asshole? Maybe they got tired of your bullshit". My words were raspy but clear enough to put a scowl on the face of the grizzled man hovering over me.
"Shut the fuck up", he spat, spraying warm saliva on my blood-crusted face and stepping closer to my weak form.
I rolled my head back around to shoot the man a sarcastic squint. "I thought you wanted me to talk, man. You remember, tell you where The Murphy is...", I mocked. "Is this your first time doing this?"
Wrong answer. His fist made contact with my already bruised and busted cheek and my teeth split the inside of my mouth open in a new place. Bursts of light sparked across my vision and I coughed to cover up a groan.
"This ain't a game! Tell us where The Murphy is, and stop wasting our time," he drew a revolver from the back of his muddy jeans and pointed it at my chest, "or I'll just shoot you and let you turn."
I worked up a mouthful of blood and spat it in his face, watching it work its way into his graying beard and mingle with his sweat. He grit his teeth with an audible squeak and cocked the gun. For the first time in the three days I'd been tied up in that place, real fear bloomed in my chest and I worked to push it back down.
He can't see my fear, or he'll know he has real ammunition against me.
As I worked to slow my heart rate, the door busted open behind the man and he swung around, gun pointed at the new potential threat. Before he could pull the trigger, his head exploded with shards of skull and blood and warm bits of brain matter that spattered me. I flinched away from the sensation, shuddering.
"Oh, gross," I groaned, turning my head back around to see my saviors.
Warren, 10k, and Addy stood in the doorway. 10k's rifle was still pointed into the room and he lowered it slowly after seeing the only threat had been mercied.
A relieved laugh bubbled its way up through my chest and my eyes slipped shut before squinting back open. I slumped in the chair. "Took you guys long enough."
Smiles fixed to their faces, they hurried over to untie me and help me out of the chair.
"You're a pain in the ass to find, girlfriend," Warren laughed.
"Sorry about that. I didn't tell them anything, in case you were wondering. They don't know where we hid Murphy."
"I'm glad," she muttered back, "It's good to see you're still alive too."
"They're all mercied, anyway. We think, at least," Addy added in.
I nodded and mumbled my thanks as 10k and Addy each slung one of my arms around their shoulders. Then, we slowly made our way back to our camp.
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znationfanfiction · 5 years
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znationfanfiction · 5 years
my dash did a great thing
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znationfanfiction · 5 years
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“Do you remember what you were before he bit you?”
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znationfanfiction · 5 years
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Some more Addy backgrounds
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znationfanfiction · 5 years
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Zombie boy
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znationfanfiction · 5 years
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Okay so, with the release of season 5 on my Netflix, I finally watched the last couple episodes of season 4 and restarted season 5. I watched 11 episodes today and was making shirts the whole time 😂 here’s what I came up with today! #renewznation #znation #weareznation #netflixznation #netflixsaveznation #netflixpickupznation #netflixrenewznation #zwhacker #znationseason6 #znations6
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znationfanfiction · 5 years
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