zaydatft · 2 months
Hello and happy trans day of visibility everyone!!!
I hope you’re all having a great day because I sure am! Let’s all take this day to remember to give love and kindness to all our trans brothers and sisters!
While I got you here I also wanted to share my “trans feel good story of the day”. So this week I’ve been visiting my family for the first time in 3 years (I only started medically transitioning 2 years ago give or take) and I was speaking with my mom and she told me that when she first saw me as a woman I was glowing and looked happier than I ever have and that she’d never creamed of having such a beautiful daughter.
I tell you this to let you know that it does get better and you will get to wherever you need to be. I used to be a real sad sack-of-shit before I transitioned, but I’m happier than ever now!
So get out there and be visible however you feel best! And I’ll try my best to keep being visible as a trans woman of color!
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zaydatft · 4 months
It’s been like a hot minute since I gave y’all any updates so I just wanted to give you guys a quick cliff notes on what’s been happening with me.
1. My office chair exploded so it’s been hard for me to work on videos
2. I’ve started a new job which makes it hard to work on videos
3. I had to scrap the video I was working on due to personal dissatisfaction with it
And 4. I’ve been kind of having a weird creative identity crisis that’s made it hard to settle on making a video I like and fundamentally rethinking how I approach video essay as a genre.
Many way all this to say, sorry things have been kinda dead but I promise I’m working on stuff and I miss y’all!!!!
New stuff soon(ish)!!! I PROMISE
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zaydatft · 6 months
But no…
To get a glimpse of my next video y’all are gonna have to check out my patreon! This video is turbo spicy with a touch of sweet so I dont wan’t the public to see any of it till its complete so it’s only for VIP! (sorry to be a tease)
in the mean time I’ll let y’all know my next video is gonna seem scary on the surface but I beg y’all to give it a chance its been a super fun working on it. In the mean time I love y’all and I promise to keep y’all updated!
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zaydatft · 6 months
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I remember while working on my D&D video i once woke up from a nightmare where WOTC did something fucked up and laid off a bunch of employees so I had to rewrite the script again. D-did… did I see the future??? Am I a prophet???
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zaydatft · 6 months
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I just realized I never posted these character design refs for my character! So uhhh here you go!
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zaydatft · 6 months
So today I watched the new Hbomber guy video “Plagiarism and You(Tube)” and really loved it! But also it gave me some thoughts as someone in the “video essay” genre (even though over time I’ve debated the continue use of that label but thats neither here nor there) so I wanted to share them here. I’d highly recommend watching that video to get better context on what ill be saying here!
The feeling I got from the video oddly was a sense of pride. Seeing that the biggest channels in the space, wether in queer analysis or video essays where content mills that practiced in content theft has made me feel quite a bit better in the time I’ve taken with my videos. My dnd video was such a long piece to write because I spent so much time making absolutely sure that my observations for the large majority of the video where my own and making sure that I was able to find examples to back up my work. Not to mention all the analysis I left out of the video because I thought it had been done better by others and I didn’t want to step on there toes. I included over 20 sources for that video even though I didn’t quote or use any ideas from them since I purely valued there text as partner text that allowed me to begin thinking about these subjects. So its crazy to me to imagine just stealing shit whole sale with no regard and not even siting them LMAO! Its kind of affirming to know that i shouldn’t feel pressured to keep up with the upload schedules or content production of the biggest creators just because they aren’t actually making the content! Good writing and good art take time and I want to assure you all that I’ll always take my time and try my best to share observations that could only be born from my point of view.
Also I just wanted to say please do check out any source I put in the description of my videos because if im including them it usually means I actually think they’re fucking dope and super useful!
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zaydatft · 6 months
That's right me!
Check out my new video to see how!
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zaydatft · 6 months
Hihi! I ran into your channel while watching a deep dive into another series and I kinda ended up watching some of your vids??? Like go girl, your content is really relaxing and incredibly interesting to the point that when I tried having it in the bg I got too invested and forgot what I was originally working on... so I'll be cheering you on ^^
Anyways, I was popping in to ask... In your "So I kinda hate Dungeons and Dragons" vid, is it me or is the song on the intro a remix/cover of "Twister" from Twewy's soundtrack?
Awwww thanks!!! Honestly hearing feedback like this is super flattering since how I structure my videos for engagement is a big focus point for me so to see it working is sick as hell!
Also to answer the actual questions, yes that is a remix of twister! It was made for the twewy final remix release of the game and it’s by the super talented T$UYO$HI.
Fun fact: I originally considered using the version of twister from Kingdom hearts 3D for the video but went with that remix instead at the final minute!
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zaydatft · 7 months
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W̶̬̥̦̫͊ḫ̶̢̛̰̮̂̊̇ò̴̯͉̩͙ ̴͔̈́́̕͠i̶̛̭̯̅̀s̵̹͠ ̶̡͉͌͌̾̉s̶̟̣̠̈̎͆̚h̶̨͍͈̎ȩ̷̧͙̎̑̽̊?̵̢̹̗̰̓?̷̫͂͝?̸̖̟͓̟̾
Something big coming soon!
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zaydatft · 7 months
Hello everyone! I wanted to inform you all that I’m feeling much better and I’m getting over the infection that I had so I can finally get back to working on my next video! Expect it soon™️ since I want to ease back into my old work flow so I don’t want to promise any specific dates. I want to thank you all for all the surprisingly kind private messages I received during that time! Like seriously wow I didn’t know you guys cared about the goofy internet trans woman this much but it means a lot that you do. I’m also planing on adding some more content to my patreon so expect more cool stuff from me soon™️ and I thank you for your patience
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zaydatft · 7 months
Hello everyone!!!
So a bit of an unfortunate update. I know I promised a video this week but unfortunately I’ve come down with something and I’m feeling sick. I can’t sit and edit at the moment so I’m losing a lot of progress so unfortunately I’m going to have to push the video back a bit. I promise I’ll get it to you all as soon as I can but until then I hope you can understand and I thank you for your patience.
In the meantime feel free to send me asks or check out my patreon content!
Much love!!!
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zaydatft · 7 months
Yep! you read that correctly! I have a new Patreon! it has over an hour of exclusive podcast content along with the ability to vote on future content and your name being featured in my videos! and all this for...
Consider throwing me some support over there if you're at all interested and I hope you all have a fantastic day!
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zaydatft · 8 months
Hey guys I know it’s been a hot minute but I promise y’all my next video will be live by the end of the week! It’s looking to be a good one and I plan on launching another surprise to go with it soon so get hype and stay tuned cuz I’m going to announce it here on my tumblr first! >:3
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zaydatft · 8 months
I just found your channel and I'm watching your video on video games and the trans community and first and foremost, I would like to say that it is just a damn good video and you shouldn't bash yourself too hard for relying heavily on anecdotes. Anecdotes can be the most powerful rhetorical tools to use and I think it makes your video essay stand out. Anyway the real question is. Can you drop a song list please? The music in that video is just too good and it really elevates the video. If it's not too much work, would you also consider like leaving a Song list in the description of your future videos please? Only if it's convenient for you of course. Have a great rest of your day, I'm going back to your video now.
First of thank you that means a lot! Often for me anecdotal evidence worries me to use since I feel it may just be serving my own confirmation bias but I think I’ve gotten more comfortable with its use in videos I’ve released since the trans video.
Also I totally do plan on making a playlist of all the songs i use in the future I just don’t have the time rn but its for sure on my list!
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zaydatft · 8 months
Just finished the D&D video and it's a freaking masterpiece, even if it's not my scene. The story you said about your friend refusing to play invoked a similar memory regarding anime. Thanks for your work, love it.
Awww thank you so much! I think a lot of people discredit how deeply anti-poc a lot of nerd spaces can be both through their behavior and chosen media I wanted to connect that idea within the video so im really glad that connected with you!
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zaydatft · 8 months
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Yep! Heres a look at the thumbnail of my next video!
Also if you can guess this videos topic I’ll give you a big ol’ high five
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zaydatft · 8 months
So I watched the entirely of your DnD video and I found it to be really good, however, I noticed one small irreverent error in it, when you were talking about the infamous Pinkertons you said something that was wrong, and that was the Pinkertons being involved in the enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act, and while the Pinkertons were utterly and completely evil, I couldn't find anything in relation to it, so I was wondering what your source was given Allan Pinkerton well-known involvement on the union side of the civil war.
Hey thank you so much for reaching out and also this is an excellent question! Honestly this was completely my fault for not taking my time in the video to further clarify what I meant and is something I’d change if I could since I did kind of just throw it out there without a lot of clarification since the video was already ballooning way out of scope. See it’s a common American myth that the pinkerton’s actions where completely unmotivated by race which is a fair assessment to come to considering Allan Pinkerton was an abolitionist. Unfortunately though this is one of those ship of Theseus type conundrums.
See a lot of slave patrols including the Texas rangers once dissolved due to the civil rights act would find new work under the pinkertons a few years later (especially if you where a Scottish or Irish American but thats because of a litany of other socio-economic factors). Both on the lower grunt levels and also higher up within their ranks a lot of the core of the Pinkerton where made up of ex-slave trade Irish Americans. I really don’t blame anyone for not knowing this off hand since the pinkertons are still actively distancing themselves from this era of their formation.
So yes while factually its incorrect to say “the Pinkerton organization” was directly assisting in the slave trade, A LOT of soon to be pinkertons sure as shit where. Look into anyone who was around Allen Pinkerton and your bound to bump into some ex-slave trade boot lickers eventually. So “the pinkertons” as an organization are clean but the pinkertons as agents where often coming fresh off that era of history. I wish I had one really strong resource for this that like pulled all the names of these assholes together but unfortunately I don’t so I’ll unfortunately have to leave this post on a “do your own research cuz im a fucking clutzy bimbo YouTuber bitch who forgot to find a good resource for this claim” note. (Would make a great thesis project tho if your in college!)
remember kids-
It’s important to check the sources and discuss information on opinions even if you agree with them!!!
Thank you for taking the time to fact check me and thank you for the support!
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