zabcia-sonia · 7 years
For the Love of Apple
If one more person bashes Apple or tells me how ridiculous I look with an apple watch, I am going to scream. First of all Apple products are awesome. I don’t care what you say. If you disagree stop reading. You won’t enjoy this post. If you share my love Apple and all it’s glory, read on. 
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I bought my first iPhone (4) about 6 years ago. Before I had an iPhone, I used Blackberry, Motorola and of course the Nokia phone with that super annoying ringtone. Of course before iPhone, I typically only used my phone for texting and phone calls. Emailing and checking Facebook was far too painful on that teeny blackberry screen. When I wasn’t using a cellphone, it sat dormant in my purse or room. That’s not usually how it goes today. As I type, my fingers furiously flying across the keys on my Macbook Pro, I look down and I see Apple Watch, to my left my iPhone and AirPods case and finally on the table in front of me, my iPod Pro. You might say I am sitting in the middle of my “Apple Ecosystem.”
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The Apple website is my favourite porn page. Are you sickened with me yet? If not, read on. In all seriousness, over the years, I have been adding to my Apple Ecosystem and  with which each addition, my life improved. The main benefit of owning all Apple products is that they seamlessly work together. As you may know from the ads, when you take a picture on one device, it appears like magic on the rest. Download a song, BAM, it’s on all devices. Download an app, BAM, it’s on all device. The connivence of it all!
 One of my favorite apple accessories are the AirPods. People made of fun of the fact that they are cable free, easy to loose and look funny. Be that as it may, I find the lack of cables so effing liberating. And yes, they stay in your ears. i tested them at the climbing gym bouldering. They stayed in after big falls.  Sure, you gotta be cautious with them, but shouldn't you treat all your expensive tech carefully? The AirPods sync magically to all my devices, so I don’t have to pair them to everything. That’s the benefit of purchasing made for apple products. 
So here is where I have an insane love/hate relationship with Apple. In my mind, I know that every year they sucker me into buying the latest and greatest. The irony of it all is that they don’t necessarily innovate and they add only one or two major features to the new device that another company has already done. *Cough, Cough* Samsung. The consumer’s job is to discern if they really need the new device. My addictive personality dictates I need it. This is due to some childhood issues that I don’t have time to explain in this blog. I have owned a new iPhone a year for the past 3 years (6, 6s and 7 Plus). The iPhone x is calling my my name now. The only positive thing about my iPhone purchasing pattern is that I manage to sell my pervious phone to cover the cost of the upgrade at Rogers. In that case, I am not really losing money and ergo is acceptable to purchase they latest. I can stay confidently that I don’t have a stack of barely used iPhone lying around. I RECYCLE! 
To wrap up this love letter to Apple, here is what I say to the haters: 
People buy the devices their lifestyle and what they will use it for. When my friends ask me for a recommendation, I ask them if they have any Apple products already. If they do, iPhone. If they have a PC or no other tech, either Android or Apple. It’s that simple. Not all devices are created equal. Some are better than others. Ultimately you have decide what YOU will USE the device for. 
Thanks for reading! 
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zabcia-sonia · 8 years
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10 posts!
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zabcia-sonia · 8 years
Paying off Weight & Losing Debt
I often equate losing weight and paying off debt. The both have many similarities and I believe are the two most hated forms of consequences. Human nature dictates that we enjoy eating and unwanted pounds creep up on us. Similarly continual usage of a credit card is the same. Some people spend money they don't have and then get a a rude awakening when they suddenly have no credit let alone real money left. At this point they are faced with having to pay the credit card back but it is a slow process, especially if you keep spending what you pay off. One of the main similarities of debt and weigh loss is that both are difficult in the beginning. They are challenging and you almost always want to give up and keep eating or spending. You end up eating a chocolate bar or buy something you don't need because you feel the stress creep up on you. Just as with paying off interest, in exercise you need to start the regime before you see results. The first couple weeks of working out will not boast any significant weight loss. The main point here is that you need to go through that awful period of interest burning and weight payments. A person who struggles with a shopping addiction is constantly battling. Their desire to shop overrides common sense. They think they need the latest and greatest computer or boots. A person who struggles with weight loss may think that the burger is worth being fat for and doesn't think about the calories they need to burn later. The prospect of having to pay debt is daunting and hopeless at times. Giving up seems like the best idea ever because the stress is overwhelming. In this day and age, fat shaming is frowned upon and people justify their unhealthy weight. It's easier to give up losing weight and then settling for your unhealthy lifestyle. Everyone has debt in some form or another, it's easier to say "Fuck it, I will pay off the card eventually..." Adopting smarter money management will make your life easier in the very end. And if those cute boots go on sale, the purchase will feel a lot better because you have paid with cold, hard dollar bills. Eating burgers and fries is amazing especially if you exercised the hour before and burned the calories. It's all about balance and making right decisions so your financial and body situation is hot hot hot.
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zabcia-sonia · 8 years
My Style Evolution. Coming Soon...
This past May I turned 28 years old. It’s been a wild 28 years. Believe me. As human beings we go through a number of changes. I would like to focus on one of those changes, style and presentation [to the rest of the humans].
Recently I had a bit of an epiphany as I stared into my closet. My closet seemed too cluttered. It is full of too many colors, patterns and other unmanageable items. I felt overwhelmed. Nothing hanging in my closet looked appealing or “nice” anymore. Maybe, I am on Instagram and Pinterest too much and all the fashion bloggers are making me feel worthless. I haven’t updated my style in years. Or should I say “their” style. They being celebrities, models and TV stars. I am starting think that I have always mimicked others and used their style with combination of what I like. However, as I write this I can’t help but wonder, isn’t everyone influenced by somebody else? It’s time for me to move on and keep things simple but elegant. 
As I continued to ponder my closet, the new style I hope to transition to is “minimalist” movement. I adore minimalist style. It appeals to me because it is simply easy and still looks “put together” and stylish. Wearing a white tee shirt with black slacks, loafers, leather jacket and a bold lip sounds is so awesome. As soon as patterns and bright colors get involved, I panic that I look like rainbow and trying too hard. That being said, wearing too many colors and patterns can be overstimulating for your and those who see you on the street. Vogue magazine posted a great article some time ago, which said the reason you have “nothing to wear” is because you have too many “fluff” pieces and not enough “meat and potatoes” in other words, the basics. I would prefer to build up a simple wardrobe with basic colors with the occasion pink or navy blue shirt. I am planning on killing color or pattern shirts, but enough is enough. Have a few variations of plaid and flower shirts, but not your entire rack! At least that’s what I think.  
If your wardrobe is simple you can accessorize with almost anything such as velvet blazer, bright pink shoes, bejeweled necklaces, bold makeup and handbags. With accessorizes you can transform your entire outfit without your changing your clothes. Oh my gosh, just visualize my new theoretical wardrobe is titillating! Fashion is such a fantastic way of self expression. It puts a little pep in your step and makes you feel valuable. I always say that life is too short wear ugly clothes. Now, it may seem that I am gonna go super broke with this new wardrobe transition, but I don’t think so. I plan on hitting up various stores, such as American Apparel (for the basics), Banana Republic (fro Crisp Shirts), Dynamite (for the slacks) and Everlane Online (for shoes). This wont happen in one day. Haha. My bank account would murder me. But build it up slowly and by late 2017, I will be a whole new woman for 2018. :) 
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zabcia-sonia · 10 years
Got Wig?
Sometimes in life, you have to act impulsively and change your look drastically. In my case, buy a wig. I have had short hair for quite some time now because I think it suits me and I love it. However, as of late I decided I really really miss my long locks. I made the decision to grow my hair out a couple months ago and the process, well, it takes a long time and patience. Yesterday, my patience wore out.
I stopped by the wig kiosk in Southcenter mall just for laughs and didn't realize I would leave with a wig. The salesman was quite helpful and let me try a few on. The very first that I tried, was a long wavy, chocolate brown. As soon as it was on my head, my heart filled with happiness. I nearly teared up. Oh how I missed my long hair!! I was also curious how I would look with long, blonde hair, so I tried a couple different styles, but I didn't like them. I have been colouring my hair blonde for as long as I can remember because I felt I didn't look good with darker hair, but suddenly being a brunette felt amazing. I wore the wig to go to and stalked around the mall feeling like a new person. 
If you need a look, I recommend wigging out, in the good way...
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zabcia-sonia · 10 years
For the Love of Sport. Another Blissful Day in Grotto.
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Another weekend was suddenly upon us and it was time to decide where to climb on the weekend. With our crazy Bow Valley summer weather, it can be hard to pick and choose the right crag. We ended up choosing Grotto again because the rain clouds tend to move to the opposite direction in the valley. However, to my boyfriend’s dismay, his favorite wall, the Waterfall Wall, (aptly named) was seeping like mad, so we were forced onto the Hemingway Wall all day. Our team warmed up on my project “Farewell to Arms” and “Chips are For Kids.” I pretty much stayed on those two routes and the boys tried a12a they hadn’t been on in years, so they were pretty projecting it too.
It was pretty enjoyable day and there were a few strong climbers that I admire, from the gym the working the harder 11s and 12a on Hemingway wall. I believe that one of the ways to improve your craft in a sport is to play with people that are better than you. I watched one of the girls effortlessly climb up my project with grace and poise. It inspired me to try harder despite a few falls on the same move over and over. I was supposed to be pulling on a “side pull” hold and then moving to a shitty crimp, but every time I hit it, but fingers greased off it. I admit, towards the end of my attempts, it got increasingly frustrating when I couldn’t stick the move. I kicked and cursed the limestone a few times. However, the frustration was reversed immediately when stuck the move. I had to improvise the beta and use an intermediate hold and then move onto the shitty crimp. Just like that, everything was right again in the world.
Grotto is an interesting place to climb because it is a little secluded and not an extremely popular crag, so I have heard. But it is slowly gaining more popularity with climbers and more so hikers. Non-climber hikers are interesting because they usually stop and stare and occasionally ask questions. “Is climbing hard?” “What happens when you fall?” ”What are those hanging clips for?” and my all-time favorite ”Why climb? Hiking is wayyyy easier.” Of course, we [climbers] can answer that and say confidently, “Because it’s super fun, etc.” This is not saying that hikers are bothersome or silly, but in fact great that they bear witness to climbers having fun. I love it because it gives me the opportunity to show that climbing is a fantastic sport and not just another dangerous activity. In the presence of hikers, I always try harder, grunt a little louder and finally come off the wall with a big smile on my face. I love to see people’s faces in awe and being impressed by our amazing sport. I know I have been the hiker’s shoes (pun intended) before too. I once watched a water skier in action and remember being in absolute awe. The skill and fitness that requires water skiing is pretty mind boggling. “Showing off” your sport is a classic show and tell moment that makes the great outdoors a more beautiful and entertaining place.
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zabcia-sonia · 10 years
"Patientally, Move with Confidence"
Every time I approach a new sport , I am all about going fast-fast-fast, usually without thinking. Whether it's skiing or mountain biking, I make myself go quick to get through the turns or down the hills, so I don't lose momentum or spontaneously lose strength in my legs or arms. What I didn't realize, until last night, is that I do the very same in rock climbing. This is surprising because climbing is precise sport.
Thinking on my own climbing style, I approach boulder problems with vigor and try to get through the moves quickly. I do this because I am fearful my fingers, joints, arms, legs will give way if I don't. Perhaps, I doubt my own ability and strength. On that note, I should mention that climbing is very much a mental sport. It is like figuring out a puzzle on the wall. "Beta" is the solution to the puzzle. For those of you who don't know, "Beta" is specific information on how to perform a difficult task (Urban Dictionary). If you are trying a climbing problem for the first time, without someone else's beta, you may question your ability and if you can figure it out on your own. Usually the grade of the problem is indication to the individual if they believe it's within their ability. My issue usually concerns whether I THINK I can do it or not. Usually, I am sure I am physically capable of doing difficult routes but the mental blockade can do horrible things to the self.
I find as I grow as a climber, my mind has become more acclimated to convincing my body to move certain ways. Routes tend to have very specific beta and attuned climbers can look at a difficult boulder problem and know exactly how to do it and get the very precise move required of them. In the past few months of climbing, I feel like I am starting to GET IT. I have proof of this particular phenomenon from last night’s session. I ran into my old coach, Knut, and he created a problem for me to try on the new steep wall. I examined it carefully, pointing at the olds and muttering to myself. I got the first couple of moves and fell. I re-examined. Immediately, Knut pointed out to me that I, A. didn’t use my hips, B. didn’t lock off on the jug in order to hit the crimp and finally C. didn’t use the proscribed heel hook. I probably worked on this problem for the next hour trying the problem and finally sitting down and grumbling. A few other friends of mine came along and I promptly recommended my problem to them. I knew they would get it right away, so really I just wanted some fresh beta. One of the guys sent it easily, I realized I could do the problem a different way, avoiding the heel hook. I jumped on once more got two more moves before my fingers collapsed with exhaustion.
At the end of the session, I spoke with Knut. He said my climbing has gotten a lot better in the past couple years and there is one thing that could really improve it patience. If I were to move slower and more precisely, placing my toes and fingers on the hold without moving irrationally, my climbing would get exponentially better. It is definitely some food for thought and I am sure I knew it all along. You can’t learn to climb a route without being able to get the proper sequence. That, evidently requires thinking and moving slowly, at least until you have the moves down packed. The other piece of advice I picked up, is using my body parts for what they need to be used for. For example, moving the hips in the direction you are going it order to move the body forward without putting too much strain on the arms. The more you know! Who knows what I will learn next sesh!
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zabcia-sonia · 10 years
For the Love of Fashion
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I recently celebrated my 26th birthday and passed the mid-twenties hump and is cause for a quick revaluation of who I am. As you grow older and realize you have passed the "quarter of a century" mark, you may start to think what your purpose in life is. Some women are family driven and the others are career driven. I am definitely the latter. I once thought my purpose was to be super model. I love fashion and I dreamt of being on the cover Vogue and strutting down runways. The HBO TV show, Sex and the City, was a big influence for me, especially the fashion side to it. I blame Carrie for my insufferable shoe fetish. Before you accuse me of being self-centered and narcissistic, I was young and impressionable. Flipping through Vogue magazine inspired my little soul to dream of wearing beautiful clothes and getting to see the world. This would be short-lived.
I walked into one modeling agency and I was pleasantly surprised when they asked me to do a modeling shoot with them, a trial shoot, so not technically model (at least in my opinion). They charged me a hefty $350 to walk around and look pretty. I admit, looking back a these photos were pretty sweet, but not nearly as nice Vogue. *Wink Wink* When all was said and done, they asked if I would sign a contract with them. Pleased yet very nervous, I said no. I was just starting my English Degree and was scared this would pull me away from my education which was more important. They also promised to charge me more money and said, no. I likely wouldn't go "anywhere" anyways because I was too old. I was 19 at the time. This would be my first, bitter taste of the “Calgary Fashion” industry. Right then, I believed I was not good enough nor would I never become a professional super model as my 19 year old self wanted. My negativity and lack of confidence pulled me straight down and I dropped the dream. Although, I would flip-flop between various agencies and constantly change my mind
Throughout the years, I modeled for various photographers, who often became great friends, but I never got paid. It was extremely fun and I looked forward to each photo shoot I did. I felt pretty and all my insecurities vanished into thin air. From then on, the modeling got better and better. When I attended #YYC Fashion Week, a few years ago, I met the owner of Diva Salon and Spa. He asked me to be a hair model to help promote his salons. Through him I met an amazing hair educator, who is now one of my now best friends. We did two creative shoots together and the result hangs on the walls in a couple of Diva Locations. This was probably the best gratification I got while working as a model. It made feel important and beautiful, as most girls want to feel in this business.
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Since, those creative days in Diva, I have modelled as favors to friends and continued to enjoy it. There was a sort of magic in it that satisfied my need for being a “somebody.” In the past year, modeling has lost that magic. As I trained more in rock climbing, gained some muscle, curves and many tattoos, all those opportunities for further modeling diminished. I came to a realization that I want to focus on other things and the desire to feed my narcissism left me. BUT! I am not quite finished with it. I want to be on the styling aspect of modeling. I love picking out and styling shoots. My desire is do more “behind the scene” activities. I feel as I grow older, I am more fascinated with how the shows and photo shoots are run, where the ideas for the clothes come from, and what purpose the clothes hold. Fashion is one of the loves of my life and I now know my place should be behind the camera or behind the curtain, rather than front and center drinking in the spotlight.
Sonia xo.
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zabcia-sonia · 10 years
Free Falling in Grotto Canyon
One of the closest climbing crags to Calgary, AB is nestled just outside the little hamlet of Exshaw, which is near the huge cement plant, on the way to K-Country. It is my boyfriend's favorite place to go because his project route is located there. It' called Shep's Diner, a hefty 13A climb that requires a lot of technique and tenacity. A route that I haven't even touched with a rubberized toe. I tend to stick to the other side of the canyon that has all the "warm up" routes on it, called the Hemingway Wall. My project, "Farewell to Arms, 11A, aka the "warm up" is one of my favourites. I have the moves practically down except with one major issue. My fear of lead climbing, especially on more technical, difficult routes, and this prevents me from sending. 
They say it's not the "fear of heights" but rather the "fear of falling." In my case, this is especially true. I am not at all fearful of heights. I can look down from the top of mountain and not get scared. But as soon as you attached me to rope, give me a reasonable amount of slack and then I have me climb quite a bit higher than the last quick draw and we have Sonia with shaky legs. I become instantly paralyzed with anxiety and I start to down climb immediately to my last safety and yell "take" in a very high pitched, voice. After steadying myself and my belayer "pep talks" me, I continue to the next clip and then repeat the same shenanigans as the last clip. It's not that I have never taken a whipper on the wall, but I still refuse to fall if I can avoid it. 
Last summer I climbed with a friend in Grassi Lakes and he announced that I would be the "rope gun" and I had no choice in the matter. Swallowing a considerable amount of saliva, I said, "Uhhh sure...Yeah I can do that..." Putting on a brave face, I took the appropriate amount of gear for the climb and clumsily started the climb. After a few movements, my anxiety showed, loud and clear, and breezily talked me through the climb. The climb, called "Weed 'em, and Reap, 10B, I was doing was relatively easy, but I took my time and many takes. Finally I was at the last clip to the anchors and I knew that the next move was hit or miss. If I did not succeed, I would whip. Tentatively, I started to climb and then with purpose, I fell. I shut my eyes and Tom Petty's "Free Fallilng" rang through my ears. Ha! Really? Yes, really. After the fall, my friend snorted, "What happened?"
I called back, "I fell on purpose, just shake my fear away."
He replied, "Awesome, now send the stupid thing and I will buy you some store bought sushi."
The rest of the day, pretty much went without a hitch, except with some small snags. I totally bailed on a couple climbs and made my friend do it instead. A couple mid-10's on the "Graceland" wall got on my nerves and refused flat out to continue. At the end of the whole affair, I thanked my partner for his patience and coaching. After all, I learned a lot and got my past my fear. However, this is always short lived. 
At the beginning of every climbing season, I need to, in a way, "break myself" into lead climbing. All my previous fears and anxiety come onto me and I cannot get past the mental barrier. For example, two weekends ago at Grotto, this was quite evident. My boyfriend, myself and his friends went out to work on our projects. A few people were already working on the "warm up" 11s, so resigned ourselves to work on some crappy 10 to get our blood warm.
The first route we did is called "Petty Theft", 10d. One of the guys lead it for me. He practically walked up it, but grumbled as he went on because it isn't one of his favourites. When he was done, I roped up and started the tedious footwork and reaches to slabby and greasy holds. I mentally high fived myself for not leading it, because it was just awkward and I figured the fall would hurt. I ended up doing the route a couple of times before quitting and laying in the sun watching my boyfriend climb Shep's. Finally the opportunity arose to climb the 11a, "Farewell to Arms." I easily topped roped it with a couple takes. I repeated it thrice more over a duration of a couple hours. Finally, the daunting question was asked of me, "Why don't you lead it?" Without any consideration of the matter, I refused and claimed I was tired...
I walked away that day with disappointment, disappointment in myself for not taking charge and blasting my fears away. Why couldn't I just do it? Now, as I sit here typing away, my heart pounds just thinking about the blasted climb. I think I just made a goal...lead and send "Farewell to Arms" and say farewell to fear. 
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zabcia-sonia · 10 years
The Gift that Keeps on Giving
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My story with Rock Climbing began when I was a wee 13 year old girl. My father was searching for yet another sport for me to try (I had already learned to ski, x-country ski, road bike and mountain bike at this point) and he wanted me to broaden my horizons. So he chose indoor rock climbing. Since he had little knowledge in the sport, he promptly signed me up for one of the only two teams at the Calgary Climbing Center. I was a shy, skinny legged girl who quietly accepted joining the team, with then coach, Dan Smith. Within a couple of weeks, I grasped the sport, pardon the pun, and enjoyed it immensely. I became quite acquainted with all the team members and for a shy, frequently bullied girl, I found my escape and shone with pride. Only a few weeks of being a part of the climbing community improved my quality of life in astronomical proportions. That's a lot for a little girl!
Half way through the climbing season, our team got different coach,  Knut Rokne, not the football coach you may have heard of, and he is still one of the most influential person in my life to date. Through the climbing community, I not only grew as climber but as young human being. It is truly amazing what sport and community can do for your life. When I think back on that first day, 13 years later, it brings tears to my eyes and I cannot imagine who I would be without it. Anyone who has spoken to me in person about climbing knows that I owe my life to the sport and will forever convince any passerby they should try it.
I admit most of my climbing consists of indoor or as some of my friends would refer to it, "gym rat." But in the last few years, I have worked more and more on my outdoor skills, or "real rock climbing." In this blog, I will explore both in my posts. I turn, I will also post my goals for each discipline. Stay tuned to my, hopefully, "gripping" tales.
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photo by patti pajak
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zabcia-sonia · 10 years
Audrey Hepburn
For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.
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zabcia-sonia · 10 years
Fresh Start
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Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sonia Raz and I am about to join the ranks of many other bloggers in the ever wide blogosphere. I am an English Major who spends her days as a feisty receptionist, an admiral paper folder and envelope stuffer. I have a love for creative writing and journalism, but I have yet to harness it, albeit properly. My goal dear reader, is to entertain and zero in on my two passions, FASHION and ROCK CLIMBING (indoor and out). I pray this blog does not get overly personal and magically turn into a virtual diary.
Everyday is a new day hence a new day for learning and experiencing this sweet, sweet life.
xo Zabcia
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