private messaging friends: lmaO so anryrywya im fuckgng crygn
private messaging someone for the first time: Hello, nice to finally talk to you! It's wonderful that we have the chance to communicate through this messaging service - anyway, enough of me blathering on like a fool, how are you?
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Attention people who don’t have horses:
Sorry to break in with this on a very much Sherlock-only kind of blog- I promise not to make a regular thing of this, but this is something that’s happened TWICE now. 
This is Beyli. He’s a two-month old foal and he’s adorable. He belongs to a friend of the family. 
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So adorable, in fact, that a member of the public spent a nice afternoon feeding him. You feed the ducks and that’s ok. right? It’s a nice thing to do. 
They fed him turnip. He choked and gave himself a stomachache as a result.
The problem is that horses can’t really burp and horses can’t vomit. Their digestive systems are fine-tuned and when they go wrong, they go really wrong. Colic in horses is difficult to treat and in Beyli’s case, like many others, proved to be insurmountable. With pain medicine not working, after 4 hours of doing their best with no improvement, the vet called time on his suffering rather than let him go on to a very slow and painful end. 
A horse needlessly suffered and died because someone fed him the wrong thing. They weren’t necessarily malicious, they were just hugely ignorant. And worse, they were hugely entitled. There were already signs asking people not to feed the animals. As I said, this has now happened TWICE to the same family, and they’re by no means alone. 
PLEASE Don’t feed horses that don’t belong to you. 
Horses can have disorders, diabetes, allergies and dietry requirements and you have NO IDEA if what you’re giving them is acceptable or not. Even ‘safe’ things like carrot and apple could be ‘wrong’ for this particular horse. Grass clippings? Not okay. Grain? Not okay for a horse that hasn’t been regularly eating it. 
Don’t assume. i have seen walkers pull up random plants and offer them over the fence INCLUDING TOXIC, DEADLY weeds like ragwort. I’ve seen horses offered dog-biscuits and bread. I’ve heard of horses being regularly fed by strangers thinking they were being under-fed, when the horse in question was on a vet-given diet to control weight and other conditions. 
Don’t feed horses that don’t belong to you even little treats and things like sugar cubes because it gives them bad manners. They start biting and harassing people. It’s bad for their teeth and too much sugar is terrible for them.
In some places if the owner has liability insurance, if you can be identified, YOU will be legally responsible for the vet’s bills. And if you’re thinking ‘well, they’d never identify me’, then that’s besides the point. 
Please. You wouldn’t feed someone’s dog without asking, I hope. You definitely wouldn’t feed someone else’s child. 
TL;DR: Don’t feed other people’s horses. You can make them SERIOUSLY ill. Treat animals in fields like animals at the zoo: you’re welcome to look, but don’t meddle with their care. 
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Me: [accidentally stays up too late and gets on the group chat and rambles about how I'm going to either die young or die old and utterly alone after college and after building my own sad, lonely world of isolation]
Friend: ...I think it's cool that you want to go to college...
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The X factor is a goddamn train wreck this year
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When ur gonna say "Jesus is my daddy" but u also wanna say "Jesus is my bae" so you accidentally end up saying "Jesus is my baby daddy"
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I’m Just Taking A Little Nap
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So today I was trying to get into school but the door was locked and this chick looked really nervous but let me in and said she only did bc she recognized me as the kid who makes weird noises constantly in the halls as I bump into people so kids remember, being socially awkward sometimes pays off. Be yourself. Screech like a bird when you're startled. You can do it bud.
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Things not to say to a trans person: "Interesting that you used [bathroom corresponding with gender trans person assigned at birth]. I'd be really grossed out if I saw you use [bathroom intended for gender the trans person identifies as or identifies more with], haha" "Lol now I have a trans friend! I never thought I'd ever have one of those lol" "Okay but how about if I use THESE PRONOUNS instead?" "But right now you're still a [gender the trans person was assigned at birth]" "The worst that's gonna happen is someone doesn't want to use your pronouns lol"
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Imma go to a coffee shop and pretend to have music in my headphones so I get the juicy stuff
No but my school assignment is actually to eavesdrop on a conversation and write it down
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That awkward trans moment when you start rambling to your friend about how awkward it's gonna be to audition with a guy monologue when you aren't entirely out and they kinda just look confused and then you realize you aren't out to them and you're just like "oops"
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No but my school assignment is actually to eavesdrop on a conversation and write it down
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Reblog if you are insecure about anything below:
-intelligence (or lack of) 
-skills (or lack of) 
-weird hobbies
-friends (or lack of) 
Who ever reblogs this will get a message in their inbox.
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Loki and Deadpool
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Sometimes I see someone I know and wanna go say hi really bad but then freak out bc I might annoy them so I just turn around and go the other way even tho I needed to go by where they are
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When ur really down and feeling like actual shit but you don't know how to put it into words so u try to mask it with jokes but your jokes don't help at all like "hahaha wouldn't it be great if the ceiling collapsed but only on top of me" "oh when your dad gets here can I stand in front of his car while he drives away" "lmao how long would it take me to die if I drank this moldy paint do you think" "Wait is there an actual fire in here because sign me the fuck up" "If my stuff catches on fire can I actually just hold it close to my neck"
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Do you ever think you're doing great and maybe not ruining all your friendships but actually maintaining them really well but then something happens to remind you that you are always going to be more attached to others than they are to you and you are everyone's second choice?
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Sometimes when I'm really paranoid and anxious I take solace in how unlikely it is that there is, or will ever be, someone in my life who hates me as much as I do.
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