I wonder where the break happened that such wide swaths of younger fans don’t grasp fandom things that used to be unspoken understandings. That fic readers are expected to know fiction from reality,  that views expressed in fic are not necessarily those of the author, that the labels, tags and warnings on various kinkfics are also the indication that they were created for titillation and not much more, please use responsibly as per all pornography. The ‘problem’ isn’t that so-called ‘problematic’ fic exists but that some of the audience is being stupid, irresponsible, at worst criminal, at best not old enough to be in the audience to begin with. And that’s on the consumer, not the author who told you via labels, tags, ratings, warnings and venues what their fic was about and what it was for.
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I've said this before and I'll say it again: it's more important to know and understand fully why something is harmful than it is to drop everything deemed problematic. It's performative and does nothing. People wonder why nobody has critical thinking skills and this is part of it because no one knows how to simousltansly critique and consume media. You need to use discernment.
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kill all antis
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From a meme i saw
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Zim's ingenious plan to defeat dib is to become his stepdad and ground him forever
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Jhonen: Zim isn't cute!!!
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All images are from the movie, series and comics.
And oh would ya look at that another Zim is cute meme. Sorry to say but this meme may never die-
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Pilot zim
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dni lists are for pussies
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PSA Regarding Hateful Anons
Tumblr recently made it a requirement for you to be logged in to send asks anonymously. If you receive a hateful ask, don’t publish it - report it to Tumblr. It can be traced back to the user that sent it and with enough reports that person’s account will be suspended.
Share to raise awareness but also to make the clowns who think this behaviour is acceptable think twice before acting brave behind the guise of invisibility.
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I hate you shipping discourse I hate you unnecessarily aggressive DNI banners I hate you dehumanization of those you disagree with I hate you harassment over ships or favorite characters I hate you purposeful lack of nuance I hate you false equivalencies I hate you policing how people engage in fandom I hate you actively trying to make fandom spaces hostile I hate you refusal to filter your feed I hate you making it everyone else’s problem
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peppino having a dissociative episode in his pizzeria at 2am (loud??maybe?? its the spiderman 2 pizza song so beware)
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I still do not like tumblr or fictionkin
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"Aren't you aware of what this ship says about you as a person?"
No? Because my shipping habits and what I enjoy in a fictional context have nothing to do with my actions irl?
"But the ships condones/romanticizes abuse!!"
If you let fiction dictate your morality, then that'd be a problem. Thankfully though most people have enough braincells to distinguish bad things that happen in fiction, and real actual abuse that happens irl. The fact that some people can't, has nothing to do with the piece of fiction's existence.
"But what if children see it!!"
It's not my job to look out for people who can't distinguish reality from fiction, plus why the fuck would it be my fault that these children's parents aren't doing their job? The internet has never been a safe space, and it's never going to be. I tag my ships, so if they didn't filter them out, it's safe to say that they searched them up themselves. Note that they can still filter them out any time.
"I kin a character and it makes me uncomfortable that nsfw art gets made of me/them!"
Filter it out. You're not entitled to gatekeep a whole character from a certain part of the fandom just because you don't like their content. It's not anyone's responsibility to make you feel comfortable, especially if they don't even know about your existence. Block them if you have to.
"It triggers my trauma!!"
Again, filter it out or block the user. It's not the author's or artist's responsibility to cater to you. Also, remember that what makes you feel comfortable, could be someone else's trigger. Your trauma and triggers aren't more important than theirs. If they can filter out what makes them uncomfortable, then so can you.
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fictionkin is fucking stupid and i'm tired of pretending it isn't
i saw tumblr back then go from "lol fictionkin is dumb" to "telling chronically online teenagers that they aren't the reincarnation of an anime character makes you ableist" and it blows my fucking mind how this shit got enabled. like. how are we evolving backwards holy shit?? i guess calling people that disagree with you ableist or whatever makes you look like a better person, and therefore "so heckin' valid uwu"
fuck this website
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fuck tumblr for ruining fandom spaces
fuck tumblr for deleting porn and making terminally online teenagers and adult children migrate to twitter
fuck tumblr for fostering purity culture and fuck the users encouraging kids to overshare about very personal things such as mental illness, trauma, and triggers so they can weaponize it against artists and writers (who can also have trauma of their own!) trying to mind their own business
i hope twitter burns to the ground and sets all the seeds tumblr migrants injected into it into a firey inferno
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