xxconchx · 1 year
Truly I would sell my soul for a limited edition Rosalía coca-cola. It tastes how lush and the body shop smell.
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xxconchx · 1 year
Taking "I wanna KIIIILL my MOM,,, I wanna Killll my DAD" to a whole new level.
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xxconchx · 1 year
Oh its fine that you don't want people to know I'm your kid, mami, really.
Its only the second time I've been rejected by a parent. You're nothing special.
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xxconchx · 1 year
My mother's crushing love drives me to aggressively write bad poetry more than any ex boyfriend ever could
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xxconchx · 1 year
Ay, mi amor, she says. I love you. I would do anything for you. I would die for you.
And I cried when she said that but not because it was touching or sweet or heartfelt.
Because dying is easy. It is easy. It requires little to no effort. Take a look at my hermano. All it took was for one tiny injection and he's gone now, forever. He didn't even try. It isn't hard. It isn't difficult.
You know what is difficult? Living. People don't commit suicide because its hard, they do it because the life part is hard. You only have to die once. You only have to get through it once and then you're free from all the pain that living caused you. So she dies, in the name of love and honour and other fake virtues, and never suffers again, meanwhile I end up more hurt and my life is ruined a little bit more.
She dies for me and I lose my mother. She says it like she's the next Jesus, here to free me of my sins but instead she's trapping me more, and now I'm atop a tower guarded by a dragon who breathes white-hot hatred and mistakes the passion for the same parental love that people move mountains with.
Really, her adoration for me is dead, and her resentment towards herself has made a coat of its skin and wears it as a horrific reminder of what I caused and can never fix.
I don't say what I want her to hear. I don't ask when I will ever be enough for her to live. For her to take her medication and get out of bed and sober up. I don't ask why I'm not enough for her to take care of herself. Or to at least stop trying to bury me under the rubble of her broken self, as though love was the one who smashed her to pieces.
All I do is hold her hand and tell her I know. I know. I know. I know. She has cursed me; I will never not be aware of her twisted love for me. I suffocate beneath the weight of her hand on mine, her heavy eyes, the storm she brings down on me every time a word escapes her lips. She has cursed me to never survive her tormenta.
She sees me cry, and she knows I know and she knows my thoughts. But she doesn't stop.
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xxconchx · 1 year
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Some angsty lockscreens im using atm ♡
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xxconchx · 1 year
Hi! Welcome to Cece's. Gonna see if I can look after a tumblr blog a little better than I can look after myself :)
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