xbenscott · 1 year
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𝐒𝐇𝐄simply shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly at his first inquire. But then she handed back his wallet, giggling softly. ❛ Opsiiee… Trust none. ❜ She stuck out her tongue playfully, and began to walk by his side. ❛ Makes sense. ❜ Her grey-bluish hues looked around at the sight of seeing if there is the sight of her driver. She sighs deeply, and dove her hands back on the pockets. ❛ So, how are you? ❜
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Trust no one. Those words caused a laugh to bubble up in Ben’s throat and he shrugged very lightly. He hadn’t trusted anybody for over six years now, constantly found himself wary of absolutely everything. He hated that he felt that way all the time now, but he’d yet to find a way through it at all. “Especially not you,” he mused playfully, walking with her through the market. “I’m doing good, got to spend some time with Mira earlier. Still can’t get my head ‘round that.”
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xbenscott · 1 year
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SAM CLAFLIN photographed by Maurizio Bavutti for Un-Titled Project
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xbenscott · 1 year
           “You’re not drinking? Wait, why? Not that I’m judging,” she quickly added, “but it’s the mulled gin.. and the mulled wine. It’s the main reason people go to Christmas markets and what not. And trust me, that’s a fact,” she laughed in that famous Jamie Ryan way that was rather contagious. “People always say they want to feel Christmas spirit or get into it or there’s some other excuse, but it’s really the hot alcohol that gets you in the mood. Not the songs, not the stalls, just the good old alcohol.”
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Ben’s brows shot up, the amusement written all over his face; when someone claimed they weren’t judging that was exactly what they were doing, but he was used to it now. Six years of the constant questions and the sidelong glance, it became like second nature simply to deflect it. Even though today it didn’t sound like that was going to happen, as she kept on and on and on. “The same reason I haven’t drunk for six years,” he answered her with a casual shrug. “I have five year chip in my wallet I’d kind of like to keep hold of.” There had been several blips in the first year out of prison, but he’d celebrated five years sober back in September and he didn’t want to take another step back because some people thought drinking was the only way through the festive season.
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xbenscott · 1 year
☆゚*·゚TILTING HIS HEAD to the side, Adi chuckled, now understanding what he meant. “Oh, of course. I think I’d want kids, one day, I’m not sure,” he stated, knowing that he would be a good father. But he wasn’t entirely sure that he would be good based on his work schedule. Pausing for a moment, Adi looked at him, trying to figure out if he knew his daughter, especially with his daughter. “You have a daughter? What’s her name? I may know her.”
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The question did throw Ben a little, but his expression softened as he said, “I’m going to assume you’re a paediatrician or something or else that question comes across a little weird,” he said with a gentle chuckle. He was only kidding around, but if he hadn’t know any better that would have sounded very strange, a grown adult claiming they may know a five month old. “But Mira Madden,” he supplied eventually.
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xbenscott · 1 year
Blake was more than willing to pass Mira over to Ben because not only did she trust him, obviously he was her father, but it would also give her the chance to take some photos of her chubby little face gazing at the brightly lit colours. Photos she’d be in with her father. “Right? They’ve really pulled all the stops out, I didn’t know New York could have any more lights in it.” She giggled, shifting Mira so she could pass her carefully over to her dad all trussed up in her snow suit to keep her toasty in the cold. Smiling softly, they looked so cute together, she had his nose. “I think things are often better when you have company, but it has to be the right company. Someone you feel comfortable with.” Tucking a tendril of brown hair behind her ear she chewed her bottom lip before speaking again. “Speaking of…I feel like I hardly know you…We should, I don’t know, maybe get tea or something? Sometime?”
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Ben was definitely getting used to having the baby now, even though he couldn’t help but find it strange. This tiny little human that needed so much, was his, would rely on him for so many things over the next... well, until his dying day. “Something about this city, it surprises you that way,” he commented lightly, gaze settling on the youngster now, a smile crossing his features. “You’re not wrong there.” A nod and he did look up to Blake once more, smile pulling at the corners of his mouth when Mira grasped hold of one of his fingers. “We should definitely do that, it would make this whole co-parenting thing a lot easier.” 
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xbenscott · 1 year
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐍 blonde looked at him with an amusement smile crept over her delicate features. ❛ I was meddling with you silly! ❜ She refers in regards of using thee chainsaw for the magic show, and use him to do the trick. ❛ I don’t have chainsaw number. Those horror movies I see keeping me creative. ❜ She teases, as she showed him, his wallet, that she picked without he notice. Literally, she pickpocket him. ❛ Watch out with your pockets, especially in a fair like this. ❜ Handing it back to him.
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Of course Ben had only been kidding around, he knew she didn't actually have anything going on involving a chainsaw —- in face, as far as he knew she was still relatively new to the whole magic thing. Then again, his roommate seemed to be the type to always have a lot of random shit going on. “I know, you still don’t know when I’m being sarcastic, do you?” When she suddenly swiped his wallet, he shook his head. “Funnily enough, wouldn’t usually expect my friend to do that,” he chuckled. “I’m more aware of every other fucker.” More than she probably knew. A year in prison did that to you.
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xbenscott · 1 year
Brown eyes scanned the display in front of her, taking in the view. Although Christmas wasn’t something the doctor really connected with, the cheerfulness of the holiday altogether always managed to turn her biggest frown upside down. Rebecca let her shoulder muscles relax as the holiday spirits began to crawl into her body just as a voice called for her attention, making her turn to the source with a sigh and a nod. “Depends on the situation, I suppose” she analyzed. “I can’t imagine a 2 months old enjoying this in the slightest and I can’t imagine anyone else enjoying it with a three year old” a smirk then appeared on the corner of her mouth. Then again, how could she know? She had never been a kids person, not even after having her own. “Not a big fan?” she inquired with a whisper as her eyes scanned once again the house in front of her. 
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“Of this?” Ben turned to the woman beside him, a sigh escaping him for a moment. “It’s... different.” Of course, the question posed, could have been about anything; the sight before them, Christmas in general, or even kids seeing as he’d brought them up. “Curious to know who actually came up with the idea.” It certainly wasn’t something he’d have conjured. His mother perhaps and her obsession with Christmas villages... theirs now spanned the entirety of the family room, it was quite ridiculous. “I’m more of a fan of the mulled wine. Well, I was.” Times like this he really did miss drinking, just standing around watching everyone else enjoying as he spent his time having to turn down stallholders. Non-alcoholic mulled wine just wasn’t the same.
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xbenscott · 1 year
Blake gave him a sweet smile as he answered her quickly but only as a gateway to speak to the baby, which to her was absolutely okay. Every time she got to see the two of them interact her heart, like the Grinch’s, grew three sizes. Except hers was fairly sizeable to begin with - she liked to think. “I think she’s been hypnotised by them, it’s the biggest collection of twinkling lights she’s seen in one go in her tiny little life.” Nodding enthusiastically at the question, glancing in the direction of her stall. “I am! Avery is watching the stall for a little while so I could take this little bean around to see some of the Christmas things. Hey Mira, did you want to go and give daddy a cuddle for a second?” She cooed, eyebrows raising in Ben’s direction as if asking silently if he wanted to hold her, she’d never push it on him but she also always wanted them to interact as much as possible. “Are you having some fun at least?”
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Ben could understand Mira’s reactions to the lights, there were many children walking around who were much the same —- adults, too —- completely blown away and walking around a little dazed. Or that simply could have been the mulled wine and Baileys hot chocolate. “I’m starting to think it’s the biggest collection of twinkling lights I’ve ever seen in my life and I’m never lived anywhere else,” he answered with a gentle laugh, his attention moving back to Blake properly now, not exactly wanting to ignore her. “Well, if you dare give her up for a minute, I won’t object if she’s game...” The words came casually and he laughed. They really were still getting to know one another still. “Sure, I love stuff like this.” A pause. “Okay, it’s better with company, but it’s still good.”
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xbenscott · 1 year
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𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐖𝐀𝐒 dressed as magician, that resembles Zatanna Zatara from DC comics, her clothing certainly not very appropriate for the weather but she was handling it very well. ❛ All magician needs a break for time to times to gather energy for another magic show. ❜ The Italian blonde didn’t know what she had in mind when she thought doing magic tricks would be easy, at the same time she was having fun, for in a certain way cosplaying comics… Not that she cosplaying a character in specific but she likes to dress up of different things. The only cosplay she did was Barbie on Halloween, and well, her assistant asked her to dress again to surprise children on the hospital which she did and had fun. ❛ And it is. I want to use my chainsaw, can I split you in two? ❜ She teases.
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“Right, I get it.” Light laughter followed on Ben’s part, but he flashed her a smile all the time. The magic show she was putting on wasn’t exactly something he’d expected at all, especially considering his experience with actual magicians, friends he’d found in college —- Juilliard had been like that, though, so many different creatives with all sorts of different interests. It was an experience he wished he could go back to sometimes, something he’d never once been able to recreate. At the mention of a chainsaw, his expression became more serious, full attention on her and a brow lifting slightly. “Yeah, not sure how I feel about that one, Blue. Not sure I trust you enough.”
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xbenscott · 1 year
What was the best phase of your life?
"This is a difficult one. Either college or now. The in-between was extremely rocky. But I had a fantastic time at Juilliard, I met some amazing people and achieved some amazing things... even if I was drunk for most of it. Now, however, I'm more centred, probably a better person, I'm entering a whole new period of my life with lots of important life-shaping things happening."
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xbenscott · 1 year
If you're being extremely quiet what does it mean?
"It means I've lost my voice. I am not a quiet person. At all."
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xbenscott · 1 year
Who do you wanna share a special kiss with under the mistletoe?
"It's a good question. I guess I'd have to opt for the guy a couple of doors down. But if anyone wants to volunteer...?"
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xbenscott · 1 year
Who do you want to get to know better in MNYC?
“Top of that list is Blake. I mean, we have a kid together for fucks sake and I barely know anything about her. Kind of pathetic, right? It still amazes me that even happened, but here we are! Really though, I'm willing to get to know anyone who wants to get to know me, that's one thing that's never really changed.”
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xbenscott · 1 year
      Jamie raised her brows up upon the other’s comment. “I’m sorry, kids?” Strongly shaking her head, she couldn’t really agree with the man. Perhaps because kids were not on her my mind at all.. not that she couldn’t see herself with one in the future, but now.. it was all about Jamie, still. “I don’t think drinking mulled wine, or in my case, a mulled gin,” she raised her glass up, “would be easy while having to look out for kids? Believe me, it’s hard enough to look out for myself,” Jamie laughed clearly joking, but then again, it wasn’t far away from the truth.
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A slight snort of laughter escaped him at her response. Admittedly a year ago Ben would have thought the exact same thing. Kids weren’t exactly something he’d thought about much, he’d been too busy trying to sort out his own life out, let alone the life of a small child. But here he was and there Mira was, turning up unexpectedly and not giving him much of a choice. “No, probably not, you’re right there,” he said with a grin. “Feel free to have one of those for me.”
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xbenscott · 1 year
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          𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐖𝐀𝐒 in the break of her ‘magic show’, answering a few things on her phone, dressed as a magician, even though her outfit wasn’t exactly fittable for the weather because she seems cosplaying DC comic characters, but she had a coat to get her warmer. Lost in thoughts, his voice woke her up from her trance, recognized him. ❛ Oh, hey!! Long time and no see! ❜ She teases her roommate and tugged her phone back on her coat. ❛ What’s up? ❜
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“Been ages...” Ben’s response was casual as he took a step away from the house and closer to his roomie, flashing her a bright smile. “You taking a break?” he asked, moving to push his hands into his coat pockets, huffing slightly in the cold. “I passed by earlier, looks like a lot of fun.” His wiggled his brows a moment, the amusement written all over his features.
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xbenscott · 1 year
Blake was showing Mira one of the little Christmas houses - not that the five month old was really paying much attention - she resembled a Pillsbury Doughboy in her onesie that was designed to keep her toasty in the cold weather they were out in. She’d left her cookie decorating stall in a capable hands of Avery so she could take her daughter around to look at some things, just for the experience since this was her first Christmas with a baby. Hearing the familiar voice however she peeked around the side of the house she’d been looking in, spotting Ben. “I can confirm it is actually, even if she’s not really paying much attention it’s cute to see her little eyes get all big at all the twinkling lights.” Leaning down she put her lips close to the tiny ear peeking out so she could speak to Mira. “Look who it is, sweetie. Look who’s over there?” Was it weird that she was excited at the prospect of maybe getting the chance of taking a photo of Mira with her biological dad? The family time with Jasper had been perfection, but…well Mira’s first Christmas should have Ben in it too, right? If the man wanted that. Maybe he didn’t. Well now she was second guessing herself. Should she have even said anything to him just now? Oh no…was that the wrong thing to do?”
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When Blake was the one to round the corner, Mira with her, Ben’s expression softened somewhat and nodded. “Yeah... I get that,” he answered her with a gentle chuckle before his attention moved to the baby instead. The whole thing was still weird and it probably wasn’t going to move out of territory anytime soon, but he still wanted to try and do his best. “Hey sweetie...” He crouched for a moment so he was eye level with his daughter, a smile brightening up his face. “Are you having fun looking at the lights?” He didn’t receive much of a response, although it wasn’t surprising. “Is mommy having fun, too?” he added then, looking back to Blake. “Aren’t you running a stall?”
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xbenscott · 1 year
☆゚*·゚AFTER FINALLY BEING relieved by his coworker, Adi was able to enjoy the market. He’d been starving for quite some time and knew he needed some food. Getting himself a Christmas pretzel, covered in who knows what, he munched on it before hearing someone’s voice next to him. “There should be more kids coming during the day. I told some of the kids I’ve met at the hospital to come with their families, and invite all of their friends.” Tilting his head to the side, Adi looked at him for a moment. “Is there a kid you’re wanting to be here specifically?”
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“Oh. No.” Ben realised now he’d probably been misunderstood and shook his head. “Like if you had kids in tow it’d be more fun, you know? Seems like more of a family thing.” And family things had never really been his vibe, no matter how close he actually was with his siblings. “My daughter’s probably a little too young to enjoy this anyhow.” He said it casually, although still surprised himself in even talking about her. 
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