wylanbiweekly · 8 days
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Chapter 2: Kobold Khaos (Pt 1.) It took Yoku a mere three days to reach Keep Remembrance. However, he didn’t think the coming task would be so quick. Kobolds are many things: quiet, sneaky, crafty, but above all else, careful. A kobold who’d managed to worm their way into a secure place would need to see the safety vanish in order to begin running away. Luckily kobolds tended to grow quickly, so a few of the younger ones might be interested in leaving the safety of the Keep. As soon as the Keep rose into his vision, he realized that he may have more difficulty than he’d thought. Well fortified, solid stone. Yeah, this would be tough. Yoku walked to the gate, stepping in without too much hassle. Though his visits weren’t too terribly often, the staff of Keep Remembrance had a hard time forgetting him. He asked a question about where Kallum was. Kallum was the leader of the kobolds, and knew where Yoku could find a few who’d be willing to leave. As Yoku wandered about the Keep, he began to feel as if something was off with his cape. He kept checking, but he couldn’t see it catching on anything. Ah well. He continued, not noticing the three little kobolds now clinging to his cape. Kallum was rolling along with the Butler of Keep Remembrance, Sir Duncan. Yoku found his name hilarious for a handful of reasons. Upon Yoku’s arrival, Duncan left. He wanted to give the two some time to themselves. Also, Yoku giggled constantly whenever they were in each other's vicinity. “Yoku!” Kallum cried. “Why didn’t you say you were coming? We would have stolen more food from the kitchen if we knew!” Duncan poked his head back into the room. “Please stop, we do not have enough food to feed Yoku.” “Hey, Duncan!” Duncan did not reply to Yoku as he left. “So, Kallum, sorry, but I need a favor.” Yoku began to pace, it helped him think and speak. It also allowed Kallum to see Yoku’s tagalongs. “Yoku…” “I know that our clan doesn’t really like risky things, but-” “Yoku.” “And, see, if we had a couple kobolds out there, in part for seeking tribes, and also inspecting the stone-” “Yoku!” “Yea?” Kallum pointed at his cape. It took Yoku a minute to recognize the three shapes curled up in the folds. They returned his gaze, before bolting for the halls. Kallum let loose a dejected sigh. “Those three… I might need your help Yoku.” He began to roll along, slowly explaining the whole ordeal surrounding the troublesome trio. The three were Keef, Klyps, and Krimmic. Keef had apparently recently wandered in, having been rejected by his clan. He had a history of alchemical experiments. Klyps had learned to track from following the many staff of Keep Remembrance, and robbing them blind. Kobolds stole all the time, but she really pushed it. And then there was Krimmic.  Krimmic, the heir apparent to the clan. Krimmic, who had one of the worst cases of wanderlust seen in a kobold. Krimmic, far too small to be related to Yoku, and yet… Yoku didn’t enjoy coming to Keep Remembrance. When he’d left the clan the first time, he’d thought that hidden away in the mountains of Dracor they’d be safe. But the Conqueror had found them, and forced them to swear fealty to him. Yoku had been their protector, and he’d left. He managed to get Dalkan to cut the strings that bound the clan to the Conqueror, but he had still left them. Now they were safe here, at least until Yoku could get Pakan squared away. And the clan wasn’t as weak as they had been when he’d first left, most of them having received training from the Conqueror’s army. Still, what was it with the heirs to the clan all wanting to wander off?
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wylanbiweekly · 8 days
“Now, I think that, seeing as you’ve been running about the world, you might be able to talk to Krimmic. Make him understand that running off isn’t all it’s cracked up to be,” Kallum said, turning a focused look onto Yoku. It wasn’t a glare, but it was a loaded expression. Yoku had never been good at reading people.
Eventually the two managed to reach the hall where the trio may have gone down. It was quite easy to follow the path of destruction. They stumbled upon the three harassing the kitchen. 
For a moment, the three were surprised to be chased down by a stranger. They tried to run again, but Yoku nabbed Krimmic before he could join the others. Lifting him up, Yoku studied the young kobold. He looked about five years old. Not yet full grown, he still had another year or so before he could be considered matured. His scales seemed to be a muddy red hue, except for his underbelly, which was a dirty white. Krimmic’s large ears dwarfed his miniscule horns. A thick brown fabric tufted by white fur was draped over his body. 
Two facets stood out to Yoku though. On his back was a long spear, for a kobold. It might have been a little short for most humanoids though. Oddly, a portion of the spear was made out of… bone rather than steel. The Dragon Fang Lance. It was a mark of pride for the tribe, but due to its size and weight, few kobolds ever used it. Other than that was a band wrapped about Krimmic’s wrist. A brass band studded with rubies and sapphires. It marked one as a leader amongst the kobolds. Kallum had himself one such band. But the one on Krimmic was different. It took Yoku a minute to recognize the magic in it. He didn’t have a clue what it did, but it was there.
Krimmic crossed his arms in defiance. He was a big, dangerous warrior of the clan, ferocious and strong. Alas, he stood barely up to Yoku’s shins on his own, so Krimmic’s authority was somewhat undermined.
“You’re Krimmic?” Yoku asked. Sure, the band pretty much confirmed it, but it was good to double check. “Yeah, so what?” Krimmic replied. “I think we need to talk,” Yoku said, easing himself to the floor. Krimmic was still about three feet off the floor, Yoku didn’t trust him not to dash. “So, you’re interested in running off? How come?” Krimmic scoffed. “Shouldn’t you know? You already ran off looking for glory and whatever.”
Oh. “Kallum, can you and the others get out?” “Yoku? What is it?” “I need to talk to Krimmic alone.” “… very well.” Kallum ushered out the kitchen staff. While he could press the issue, he’d had no luck swaying Krimmic. If Yoku had a way to do that, to connect with the lad in a way he couldn’t, it’d be worth it. Krimmic glared up at Yoku. This might be a tough sell.
“So, interested in adventuring?” Yoku said. “What are you after?” Krimmic’s face softened a bit at that. “Well, I want treasure! I want myself a massive hoard!”
“Oddly, adventuring isn’t the best way to get treasure. You think, oh, I can just run wherever I want, plundering who knows what, but then you get told about all the fees various guilds insist upon, and also food, lodging, and all the equipment you need to just get through every place. You need to get really lucky to get a job that pays well enough to cover it’s own cost. That’s assuming it doesn’t kill you outright,” Yoku explained.
Krimmic’s face had long since eclipsed listening and traveled to incomprehension. It was apparent that he had considered the logistics of this about as much as Yoku had.
Not at all. “What do you mean? How do you get jobs?” “You get lucky.” Krimmic was downtrodden upon hearing of the far more realistic life of an adventurer. Yoku didn’t really want to break his dream, even if he had talked to Kallum about getting Krimmic to stay. “Y’know what? Let’s make a deal,” Yoku said. He wasn’t completely sure about this, but he had an idea. “I’m planning on taking over Pakan. When I’ve got a base all set up, I’ll invite you over. You can get some experience for the whole adventure thing. Until then, you gotta stay here. How’s that sound?” Krimmic pondered the offer for a second. It seemed like he would accept, but there was a nagging voice in his head, pushing him to ask a simple question. “Why do you think I should stay?” Yoku heaved out a sigh. He knew someone would ask this question. “When I set out, I wasn’t sure the clan would be safe. I wanted to try and become so ferocious no one would dare threaten you guys. Instead, I abandoned you, right when the Conqueror appeared on our doorstep. I should have been there, instead I left. I don’t want you to go through that too.” “But. But you came back! You saved us!” Krimmic cried. “I still left. I don’t want anyone else to know how it feels to abandon those who depend on you.” Krimmic seemed… surprised?… to hear how Yoku felt. The idea that he’d abandoned the kobolds… Krimmic didn’t think he had. Klyps hadn’t thought so. Keef… Keef hadn’t been a part of the clan when Yoku left two years ago. “Alright,” he heard himself say. Krimmic wrestled with the fear that Yoku had now given him. The fear that without him the clan might be in trouble. “Great!” Yoku smiled again. “Now, do you know any good kobold rangers? I need to track a few people down.” “Well, Klyps is probably the best tracker in the clan,” Krimmic said. “Really? What happened to Krag?” Yoku asked. “Not able to smell a thing since Klyps jammed an onion up his nose.” “Ah.” /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Krimmic stared out the open window. There was a cart out in the yard, right by the gate. It was loaded high with maps of Pakan and some of Keep Rememberance’s best guesses as to where the tribes may be, some food, and one kobold carrying a sizable crossbow, for her. Her horns were more silvery than Krimmic’s, and her scales more brown than his Otherwise, it was quite difficult to tell them apart. They did have the same mother. Klyps had an anxious expression. She wanted a journey just as much as Krimmic did, but traveling all alone was worrying. Sure Yoku was a great warrior with numerous accomplishments under his belt, but the strength of kobolds was numbers and wits. Just two kobolds were not safe. Krimmic looked to his left as a voice rose. Keef was a new addition to the clan, sneaking his way in while they’d gotten themselves liberated from the Conqueror. His scales were far redder than the rest of the clan, and his underbelly far more yellow. His most distinguishing feature though were the pair of goggles over his eyes, followed closely by his bandolier of vials. Keef thought himself an alchemist, to the dismay of all involved parties. Krimmic enjoyed having him around. His many tricks were very useful… if they didn’t blow up in your face. “We could sneak on there. Yoku doesn’t seem too bright,” Keef suggested. But Krimmic was already shaking his head. “Yoku had me promise I wouldn’t go, he’s… he’s worried about the tribe,” Krimmic protested. “He always is.” Krimmic and Keef jumped as Kallum appeared next to them. For an ancient kobold in a wheelchair, he could be horrifically quiet. Was he invisible? Had he just greased his wheels? How did neither of them notice? Kallum turned a sad gaze out the window. Yoku was trundling back inside, grabbing the last few notes before they all took off. “Yoku ain’t none too bright, not at all. But he cares about us, and wants us safe. Whether that means trying to build us a home away from home, or fighting someone who hurt us. I think that if you went with him you’d be safe.” Krimmic and Keef glanced at each other. This kobold was the one immovable force which had stopped them from roaming free. And now… “Sir, are you saying we can-” “I’m saying that someone lost an important notebook, and Yoku’s spending a fair amount of time looking for it. I doubt he’d notice a pair of stowaways under a dozen blankets,” Kallum clarified. He put his hands to his wheels, and rolled off. Krimmic and Keef shared another glance, and shared a mischievous grin. 
Yoku never really talked about his ability to see soul’s strings. It’s not that it was some big secret, it just wasn’t terribly important. It was honestly annoying. He’d look around and see dozens of strings springing into the sky. Different strings meant something, but Yoku never bothered to learn the details, passed learning how to turn off the special eyes. But when three soul strings rose from the cart, and only one person was supposed to be there, he knew something was up. Yoku turned to Kallum, a single questioning eyebrow raised. Kallum returned the look with a coy smile. Yoku got in front of the cart. He picked up the handles, and began to walk down the road. Klyps kept trying to make small talk, obviously intending to run interference for the two stowaways. “Alright, you two can come out,” Yoku said once they’d gotten out of range of the Keep. One kobold head popped out, shortly followed by a second. “How’d you-” “Did Kallum tell you to come?” Yoku’s tone brooked no argument. If the answer was no, he very well may have tossed them all back to the Keep. “He-he did. He believed you’d be able to keep us safe,” Krimmic stammered out. Yoku let out a gruff sigh. “Fine, but you two had better have something to contribute.”
Sergeant Daniels sat at her desk. She was finishing up her report. Her higher ups had been mentioning having a band of Falkran Mercenaries try and clear out Pakan. If she couldn’t provide tangible proof of progress before then, they might be out of luck. Sure, they all wanted to see an Epanak unburdened by the Conqueror’s presence, but the little progress she had made being wiped away as the success and skill of these mercenaries? Unacceptable. Sergeant Daniels would take this fool, this brute, this villain, Yoku, and forge from him someone who could fend off each and every fragment of the Conqueror’s broken legions. A commotion erupted from the corridors of the barracks. Yoku had returned. Wonderful, maybe they could have a meeting on how they should go about finding the many tribes of… what is that. Daniels watched as a trio of kobolds, not even up to her hips, rocketed past, leaving a trail of robbed soldiers in their wake. Those soldiers, of course, did not stay in their wake for long, lest they be bowled over by a storming Yoku. Daniels had her work cut out for her.
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wylanbiweekly · 20 days
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Blu3b1rd and I had an art trade. I drew his Coco, because snake, and he drew Draskull.
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wylanbiweekly · 24 days
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Cersu here was my first dnd character. Originally, he was lawful good.
Then Chaotic Good.
Then Chaotic Neutral.
Then Chaotic Evil.
Then Lawful Evil.
He became a yugoloth by the end of our little campaign, but it was a mess of people who didn't have a clue how to run the game. We had barely even knew that the books existed. I was the only one who had the books.
I got them halfway through the game.
Cersu wasn't any class, because none of us understood what that meant.
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wylanbiweekly · 1 month
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Chopcake was born of a pig, one who managed to sneak into a royal banquet, and feasted on desserts. When it was meant to be killed for the feast, it tried to flee, but it had eaten too much.
Those Inspirited by Chopcake discover a love for baking, and begin to bake themselves. And Bake. And Bake.
Would you like some cookies?
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wylanbiweekly · 1 month
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Yoku's Big Book of Being Bad: Adonis and Fear
“What makes a villain?” the medusa pondered. He’d been wearing a veil, which he wore whenever he needed to interact with mortal elements. Normally, these interactions were on his terms. He’d never before had to deal with someone breaking into his home and asking him about villainy.
But when a ten foot tall dragonborn arrived asking an innocent question, well, what can you do?
Adonis raised his head, considering even those criminals he had spoke with.
“I believe being feared is the most important aspect of villainy. Or perhaps more accurately, building a reputation of fear.
“To be known is one thing. To be feared is another. Not even just as a matter of being ‘evil’ but moreso, the matter of being able to dictate the flow of interactions.
“One who is feared also maintains control. They decide who can speak, and can command silence with only a look. Well, I can.
“Though I have a few operatives among the various settlements, none of them come unannounced, because they all know that one wrong move, and I could render them stone. You might be the only person to ever arrive whensoever you felt like.”
Adonis studied the Dragonborn, curious if his thinly veiled threat had been clear to him. To Adonis’ surprise, the brute had been taking notes!
“Ask Corvus or Duncan about stone eyes…  Alright! Thanks for your time, I’ll see you later. Buh bye!” Yoku said before he marched himself right out.
Adonis didn’t intervene as the thug finally left his home. He was a strange one, but not altogether terrible. Yoku… Perhaps a few more surprise visits from him wouldn’t be the worst, provided he didn’t get himself turned to stone.
-Adonis, the Mirror Knight, Halakian Sellsword
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wylanbiweekly · 1 month
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Biweekly Wylan: Deep
Once they had sorted out the sneeze situation, Dalv, Coldsnap, and Buttons wandered off. None noticed the little ones watching them.
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wylanbiweekly · 1 month
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False Demon: Nightmare Tenebris
Ok, this boy. He started as a kirin, and he still is. He also has a tendency to invade others dreams, and when this happens, he takes this form.
The primary method I used to change his form was just adding in more giraffe and lion, mostly because when china or japan first saw a giraffe it was thought to be a kirin.
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wylanbiweekly · 1 month
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Skylanders Oc's
From left to right is Clobster, then Nimbolt, Lodust, and Wick.
Clobster, Nimbolt, and Wick are all old, heavily redesigned figures, Lodust is young.
I considered shading it, but I just don't have the time.
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wylanbiweekly · 2 months
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BiWeekly Wylan: GesundFIGHT!
The strange thing was named Coldsnap. Dalv wasn't entirely sure what to make of the jelly-filled eel, until it sneezed a truly incredible amount of freezing cold snot in his face. Buttons desperately attempted to drag her new friend away from Dalv's wrath, but she could not keep pace with his wings.
I've started fiddling with opacity, and adding a few sparkles to Dalv's gem. I've got a long way to go, but it's getting better!
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wylanbiweekly · 2 months
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Galas is a fanlander that evolved into a bizarre trickstergod type thing. I don't know what to say.
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wylanbiweekly · 2 months
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Yoku's Big Book of Being Bad: Yoku Zuna
Here we have the titular character. I don't know why, but I love him. I loved him when I made him, I loved him when I played him, I loved him after the fact.
I don't know why, but this boy just consumes my waking thought.
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wylanbiweekly · 2 months
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Part 1: Conquest
You know, I’m not an old man. Even by dragonborn standards, I’m pretty young. I’m only twenty seven. But I’ve had a pretty eventful life, assassination, murder, and adventuring. I fought the Conqueror, and helped take Pakan.
However, there is something that I’m not too happy to see. When I lived with Kallum’s Clan below Dracor, I bore witness to all manner of stories. Tales of titanic dragons, scouring villages with a breath. Legends of unflappable tyrants, ruling with an iron fist. Whispers of vile mages, breaking the laws of nature.
Now, I see none of that. In this sunlit world, no tyrants, few legendary dragons, and “villains” that proclaim the better good while murdering aimlessly. And hired murderers, oh right, “assassins,” who only kill for a good cause. It’s sickening.
Why, even one of the Sleeping Dragon Crew was like that. She called herself Crybaby. Going on and on about good, and how one could do bad, in the name of good.
I’m writing this book for any aspiring villains of the world. Here’s the first lesson for you lot.
Don’t become some greater good. BE A VILLAIN! Revel in the dramatic! Pillage! Plunder! Live!
So many I see just… fail. Fail because they can’t stand what they need to do. They’re crushed by the weight of their desire to do what’s right competing with just how inherently destructive what they’re doing is. 
I met a hobgoblin once. Insisted on calling herself a hero. Unfortunately, she began to fall apart when she reaped the seeds of war. Luckily, I was there!
She forgot to burn a couple towns, she was so distraught.
Ultimately, the most important facet of villainy, the cornerstone of villainy, is the desire to do evil. Doing wrong, ENJOYING doing wrong, is what ultimately allows us our drive. And that drive is what grants us true power.
-Yoku Zuna, Archlord and Titan of Pakan, Professional Villain
Chapter 1: Yoku’s Woes
Ah, Pakan. A land torn apart by a hard fought war against the conqueror. Between the Conqueror, the Giants, and the land itself, most preferred to leave it alone. Even the kingdom of Epanak tries to leave it alone.
All those factors were what led Yoku to try and claim it. A land with little to no governing authority, no laws he had to work around, wasn’t that just perfect?
No. No it wasn’t.
Everything that made it a tempting target, also made it rather difficult to take over.
A pair of ogres were lumbering over. The metal plates armoring their body indicated their station as members of the conqueror’s army. The brutes towered over most men, bearing a cruel axe, and a wicked hammer. 
Yoku sighed.
To most a pair of ogres would be a fearsome opponent. Even if they weren’t terribly powerful, at ten feet tall, they loomed head and shoulders over most humanoids.
Yoku was not most humanoids. 
His horns, tail, and red scales marked him as one of the Dragonborn. His Hacenalian heritage had blessed him with extraordinary size, such that he was eye level with these lesser giants. Yoku was not skinny either, layers of fat and muscle rippled throughout his body.
Yoku’s size meant most recognized his strength, but it was hard to recognize just how strong he was, for more than mere muscles were at work.
Yoku felt the magic pump through his veins as he threw the first punch. It connected with a sickening crunch. The ogre began to stumble backwards, only for Yoku to then grab it, pulling it back for a punch to its stomach.
The other ogre rushed forward while Yoku was occupied. With a guttural bellow, it raised its hammer, and brought it crashing down. Yoku raised his arm to catch the blow, and grumbled at the sting. Luckily, it seemed that this pair had not been outfitted with magic weapons.
The ogre Yoku had grappled attempted its own swing, chopping at Yoku’s arm. Again, Yoku merely grumbled at the sting. His thick scales took the edge off most blows, so he’d probably get out of this with only flesh wounds.
It still hurt though.
Yoku chose to ignore the hammer-wielding ogre, instead focusing on the one in his clutches. He hammered its face with several punches until it melted into a bloody sauce, and its struggles ceased.
The other ogre had not simply paused to let Yoku pummel its partner. It rained down blow after blow upon his back, but Yoku ignored it.
Now that the first ogre was dead, Yoku turned his attention to the second. He seized its raised arm, and twisted it. The ogre first thought he meant to take his hammer, but the increasing pressure alerted it to its mistake.
With sudden desperate howls, it struck Yoku with its free hand, aiming to break his grip. Yoku didn’t stop it, continuing to twist, until, finally, the bone snapped.
The hammer fell from the now useless arm, the ogre staring in shock at its broken limb. By this time, Yoku would normally be gloating, or monologuing, or something, but he didn’t bother wasting words on this stupid creature.
He reached over and snapped its neck.
Yoku had chosen the wastes of Pakan, hoping that they might serve as a decent first conquest, but all he’d found were the remnants of the Conqueror’s army, numerous giants, and no proper towns.
Currently, a hill giant was attempting to kill him. The towering oaf carried a long log which served it as a club. It swung the log, making the most of its reach to prevent Yoku from retaliating.
Yoku opened his mouth, unleashing three streams of fire into its face. The giant staggered, raising a hand to its burnt face. Yoku charged forward, raising his blade, hewing its leg with ease.
There wasn’t even anything fun to fight here, it was all just tedious busy work. Go kill these pathetic ogres, kill this starving hill giant.
Occasionally, he would be told by one of the bosses of the Epanakian forces to handle some special quest, a band of trolls burnt to a crisp, a rising star among the Conqueror’s legions crushed by a boulder, et cetera. It reminded him of old times, but something was missing.
He missed the Sleepy Dragon Crew. At least when he’d been adventuring with them, Yoku wasn’t bored. 
Corvus could be annoying, but her magic was fun, and she enjoyed being with him, more than these soldiers anyhow. It was mostly the bird that bugged Yoku anyhow. Nasty little meal thief. She had been given a place among the nobility.
Navar… Yoku could always trust Navar to be at his side through thick and thin, dire straits, or whatever stupidity he and Corvus would dive into. He’d left the Sleepy Dragon to study storm magic, and Yoku didn’t know where he’d gone.
Dionysis and Fennec were interesting. Yoku wasn’t that close to them, but they were entertaining. Of course, they kept messing up the table, disrupting meal times. The pair had left to establish their own… kingdom? Cult? Yoku wasn’t too sure what they were up to now.
Godren… Yoku always found Godren… freaky? Even ignoring the whole were-croc thing, his obsession with death was worrying. He stuck his hand out to grab a drop of primordial death energy! Granted, this was after Yoku grabbed the whole death sword, but apples and oranges. Godren still ran the Sleepy Dragon.
Crybaby never made a good impression on Yoku. While the others had never been as open about their evil as Yoku, at least they didn’t bother hiding behind good like Crybaby. She was frustrating. Last he’d heard, she still worked with the Sleepy Dragon.
And then there was Sword Lady. She didn’t have any other name. She was Fey Shaped, a mortal who has a certain path that they are meant to follow, but if they stray, they can shatter. Other Fey Shaped view this as most would view death. But the Sleepy Dragon didn’t really know much about Fey Shaped, and took her in. Over time, she began to develop some sort of personality, but she still had difficulty expressing her wants. For whatever reason, liking Sword Lady was just about the only thing both Yoku and Crybaby agreed on. She still worked with the Sleepy Dragon Crew. Yoku hadn’t talked to her in a while.
Yoku hadn’t talked to any of them in a while.
He looked to the band of soldiers with him. None of them spoke casually with him. Why would they? A ten-foot tall hired killer, with a history of incredibly violent feats, and now had been named Archlord of Pakan. 
Sure, there were probably others of a higher rank somewhere in Epanak, but the smart ones avoided getting put in charge of Pakan, and even those that did run Pakan didn’t particularly want to be here.
Yoku was both a terrifying figure, and the highest ranked person here. Sergeant Daniels, an Aasimar who had been given the job of wrangling this wild operation, would discuss missions with him, and while she gave him missions, they often felt like busy work. Dealing with trolls? Yoku’s fire was their most effective weapon against them, sure. But a pair of ogres? 
A dull ache was rising from his back again. The entire camp was beginning to run low on potions. And food. And water. They’d need to turn back. Again.
It didn’t matter how many giants were killed, or how far back they drove the Conqueror’s Legion, both had a hold on the region. Pakan wasn’t a rich landscape, but it had enough to sustain people if you knew what to look for. But the Epanakian forces didn’t have time to forage, they needed to establish a foothold. But they didn’t have time to establish a foothold before the supplies they’d brought ran out, and they needed to retreat.
Yoku was angry.
Angry at these soldiers who surrounded him, angry at the giants and Conquerors who fought him, angry at the tribes which just…
The tribes who just survived.
A thought cut through the haze of building rage, like a piccolo in an orchestra. If those tribes would work with them, that would be a step towards solving the food problem. And if the food shortage was no longer an issue, they’d have time to establish a foothold.
For the first time in a while a grin formed on Yoku’s face. It was a grim expression, proof of satisfaction, more than any true enjoyment, but it was a less morose expression than he’d had in months.
He’d need to talk to Sergeant Daniels.
Master Sergeant Daniels was exhausted. She was the highest ranking officer, and she was stuck. Stuck on some dead end assignment, fighting wave after wave of these Conquerors, hoping to one day breakthrough. With the death of the Conqueror, some of the unity had broken, yet there were still a lot of fanatic bodies to try and push through.
This was the third time she’d been sent here. The previous two efforts had failed for the same reasons this one was: lack of support from the nobility. Those fat cats would sit up high, talking about whatever schemes piqued their interest. And their interests didn’t concern Pakan, or the now dead Conqueror. 
One of her soldiers, wasn’t his name… Evan?, came into the tent. “Sergeant? Uh, Yoku wants to speak with you.”
She lifted a hand to her face. That was a new headache.
Dalkan had appeared before her company, she’d been worried. An ancient assassin walking up to someone is a recipe for disaster. Then he said that he had an archlord he wanted her to take to Pakan. Normally, she’d have refused, no matter which Count it came from. But Dalkan didn’t like nobles, so she was willing to entertain his request.
And then she met the hired killer, self-proclaimed villain, and one of the people who helped kill the Conqueror.
A towering dragonborn, glowering at all around him. Though, that might have just been his face. Yoku was far less threatening than he had first appeared. Despite calling himself a villain, he was strangely amiable. At least, til they hit Pakan.
When they got there, Yoku’s many… quirks reared their heads. His stubbornness, his simplicity, his lack of tact, and especially his strange independent streak. 
Sure, he was shockingly capable of surviving in the wastes of Pakan, and he’d often handle the beasts that their company, only three dozen strong, couldn’t deal with without incurring heavy losses.
Ah well.
“Send him in,” Sergeant Daniels said, resigning herself to this fate.
“Oh he’s-” Evan began, before stumbling away from the door as Yoku poked his head in.
“Hey! Sergeant!” he bellowed.
Daniels didn’t shrink from his volume, but Evan lacked her resolve. Granted, she didn’t have the misfortune of standing next to Yoku’s mouth.
Yoku wriggled through the door, fitting most of himself in the tent. He left his legs and tail in the cold, so as to let the other two have some room to breathe. Evan quickly backed up, giving a wide berth to the dragonborn, as wide as he could anyhow.
“Archlord Yoku, what do you need?” Daniels said as amicably as she could manage. 
“Well, I was thinking,”
A miracle, Daniels thought to herself.
“The problem is that we can’t get set up in Pakan? Well, there are tribes that are already set up! Why don’t we just get them to help us? They know how to survive here!”
Daniels sighed. Sure, that’d be swell… just find the hidden tribes that have been hiding out here, unable to be found by the Conqueror or our armies, and then convince them to help us. Brilliant.
“Of course sir, we’ll take that into consideration.”
“Great! Then we should probably retreat for now, thirty some people might be too many,” Yoku replied.
“Wait, what?”
“Yep, glad that’s sorted. I’ll let the soldiers know.”
Daniels watched Yoku squirm out of the door. She turned to look at Evan.
“Did I just lose control of our company?”
Evan just shrugged.
Yoku went to get the soldiers. They were a bit bewildered as Yoku took charge, but they couldn’t exactly ignore him. He was an Archlord.
The troop moved back to Savarak, the territory under the rule of Count Dalkan Arental. They had been using this land as a staging ground for the forays into Pakan. Thanks to Yoku’s favorable relationship, Dalkan had been providing them with a decent amount of resources to maintain their forces, but not enough to properly replenish them. Dalkan had more important things he needed to spend his gold on, and Yoku had asked to take Pakan.
The mood on this return was different than before. The other times there had been a sense of exhaustion, of failure. A weary band, returning bedraggled and starving to a city. This time, they still had a decent amount of food, and only one or two died from the battles they had fought.
Yoku was at the head happily chattering about ways he believed that they could find the tribes of Pakan. Sergeant Daniels was confused. How did he think he could find tribes that hid from the entire army of the Conqueror, or all of the Epanakian armies?
Eventually, they’d returned to their barracks, and the troops dropped all of their packs. Yoku pulled Daniels aside to tell her what he needed.
“Right, I’ll need you to pick, four or five people who you’d want with you. I’ll be back in a week or two.”
“Sir, what is the plan?” Daniels asked. He was surprisingly evasive about answering that question, probably not even intentionally.
“Oh, I got a kobold back in Keep Rememberance who should be able to find the tribes, we just need to avoid the armies.”
Daniels attempted to say something to this proclamation, but Yoku had already begun walking off. She stared after him, shocked. This could not work. But… what other choices did she have? The other lords of Pakan were doing their damndest to avoid this whole issue, the people who could request backup for the armies fighting for Pakan were either uninterested or actively hampering them.
“Sergeant?” Daniels turned. It was one of her soldiers, one who’d been working with her even before the Conqueror’s death. Corporal Reigen. One of the many tired faces who were dying so often from the weather or armies. 
“Corporal, gather up some of the most experienced soldiers. We’re making a gamble.”
If she played her cards right, who knows how well this could go. Either they die the same death their previous course was aiming for, or they risk everything for a dream they could never hope for.
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wylanbiweekly · 2 months
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Yoku's Big Book of Being Bad: Sergeant Daniels
The wastes of Pakan, attempting to reclaim the land from the Conqueror is an arduous task. Luckily, one lady has the where withal to try and fight them back. Who knows? She might even be promoted.
Sergeant Daniels is the secondary protagonist of Yoku's Big Book of Being Bad.
There wasn't meant to be a secondary protagonist.
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wylanbiweekly · 2 months
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From top to bottom, Hamnose Scuba Snake and PopBurn.
If anyone wants a similar serpent, I require three things, a snake, an element(Preferably Skylanders), and a theme.
Send those three to me at any point this April, and I'll get to work on a serpent.
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wylanbiweekly · 2 months
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Yoku's Big Book of Being Bad: "Sharky?"
Off the shores of Pakan, there live a notable number of beings. Most of these focus on the depths, as that territory is quite enjoyable for them. One Sahuagin has found a taste for land, and has tried to take the lands for his own.
Sharky is just a nickname until I come up with a better name.
First time shading, it's not half bad!
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wylanbiweekly · 2 months
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She rests on top of clouds, witnessing and collecting the dreams of humans. When rains begin to fall, she sends her own dreams to the earth.
Those inspirited by Moonarch become devoted to the dreams of others.
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