wrd5hrine · 23 days
how does one go about writing a short story
i want to turn one of my poems (simulacrum) into one as a little exercise/ trying something new
does anyone have any pointers ? thank u!!
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wrd5hrine · 26 days
i blink and the ground is a lot further away than it previously was.
where am i?
confused and bewildered, i crave the comforting embrace of my father.
i frantically glance at my surroundings, the cacophony of children’s laughter piercing my ears in a way it didn’t before.
in this room, many children ramble around with grins on their faces, playing and dancing like perfect flowers in the wind
the walls are too colourful, and the constant movement and noise is irritating me.
but there he is! staring right back at me, with that same smile that warmed my heart all those years ago.
i heave a sigh of relief, eyes already glazed over with tears of confusion.
but as i get closer, something begins to feel wrong.
the room becomes silent, save for my deliberate breaths
he’s staring straight through me.
and when i turn around. my eyes widen in shock at what i see
a simulacrum of me.
her soft hair flows down to her waist and bounces around as she races over to my father
my hair is brittle, and ends at my shoulders.
her eyes glitter with boundless curiosity
and a strong resolve i lost a long time ago
her beautiful white dress sways around and her skin is youthful and soft
whilst my clothing is tattered and creased,
and my skin is littered with craters and flaws.
i lose all feeling in my body upon realising what i’m faced with.
the only thing i have is my vision. the one thing i want to leave behind.
i don’t want to see this anymore. but i’m trapped in place, unable to even blink.
i can’t even clasp my hands in a desperate prayer
i have been eternally damned to look my greatest fear in the eyes
i try to cry out in order to defend my identity, but my voice has been stolen by the improved spectre
the warmth of the very blood than runs through my veins
has been taken by the perfect version of me.
and now, i am left hollow
soon to dissolve
into nothing.
as he lifts her up and holds her high,
causing her to giggle and squeal with excitement
i drop to my knees and attempt to exert what i’ve felt for so long
but my emotions drain from my body
causing my heavy tears dry up
and i remain frozen and unaccomplished forevermore
authors note : hai guys now this one is kinda depressing LMAO i just showed one of my friends all of my poems (i wrote seesaw about her) i’m on a high right now and none of y’all can take that from me!
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wrd5hrine · 27 days
light my way
sun, please hold me
make me feel like i’m surviving
because when you’re gone in the winter
the rain clouds drift into my mind
and fog up my thoughts
they make me shiver.
but sun, you tire me out at just the right time
and wake me up again when i’m feeling my best
your orange hue swallows me
and lets me feel your heat
your bright rays purify me when you baptise me in your light
and you help me breathe the pure, euphoric air of summer
because even though i’m alone in the night
i know that you will light my way
into a holier tomorrow
authors note : hai! i’ve been writing suuuper long and depressing stuff recently and wanted to take a break and talk about how nice the weather is at the moment LMAO pls enjoy
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wrd5hrine · 29 days
i sit down and am immediately propelled into the air
i feel the rapid breeze fly through my hair
the chill kisses my skin, and allows me to feel somehow warmed by its low climate
in this position, i am above anything else i can imagine.
but naturally, a child’s weight is never a match for a seesaw.
i’m uplifted.
when i look down, the ground draws me in
it is dull and dreary
black marks run through it, concrete and stone haphazardly stuck together
made to look real
this illusion fools me. i maintain my high spirits
because unfortunately, the carefully draining hue of the sun blinds me from reality
when i grow, i am no longer elevated.
i am on the ground.
with the shattered tracks and dull cracks
because the seesaw cannot hold me anymore.
my memories drag me down
i sit on the end of the rusted seesaw, gazing at the blackened ground below me with smoke coursing through my lungs.
now, years later, i’m fully aware i can never achieve the height i once did.
but i still question the logic of this strange situation.
how can i be dragged down by my heavy mind when it still feels so empty?
i look up. the other end of the board is deserted.
permanently cursed to hang in the air whilst i alone weigh it down.
i am the last scrap of life left.
i am the last hope of joy returning to this desolate place.
but i breathe the fumes of the past. i close my eyes and still grasp the last flicker of the only remaining streetlight before the area goes dark.
as much as i want to defy the odds i received,
i am helpless.
so i drop my head and bathe in the dreams of a perfect balance
blinded by the depth of my troubles, i don’t notice the silhouette that passes the gate to the park. as she does so, the smoke around her begins to clear.
her small frame strolls over the cracked ground and stands next to the seesaw.
i become aware of the presence when the seesaw gives one final screeching cry as the apparition pulls it down and takes a seat.
and as she does so, i feel myself rise at a graceful and comfortable speed.
the rust is withdrawn from the metal, and the smoke dissipates before it reaches my lungs.
although this isn’t the highest i’ve been, i feel elevated beyond anything i’ve felt before.
i look up. i breathe the fresh air of the present, and disconnect myself from the smoke of the past.
she somehow makes herself solid, and i gaze at her in awe.
she smiles.
a silence sits between us. but it’s one of understanding.
i don’t have any questions. why would i? the emptiness i once felt has been replaced by warmth and the joy i thought i’d lost.
and by looking at her smile, i know she feels the same way.
we finally reached our balance.
authors note : hai guys this is the first poem i’m posting! was gonna post a short one to start but i can’t help myself i just love to yap and am too attached to the narrative to omit anything
maybe i should try short stories instead LMAO
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wrd5hrine · 1 month
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✞ introduction ✞
i’m rue, she her, 16, and from the uk (that’s me up there)
poetry + literature lover who wants a place to stash all her silly poems + maybe other random stuff
random stuff about me : i love lain + death note, i dye my hair all the time (current hair colour = pink again!) and i live off of instant noodles
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wrd5hrine · 1 month
hello !!
i’m rue, i’ve been writing poetry for a while but i feel like the only way i can develop further is to share with others. but i’m scared to show anyone irl lol so if anyone is interested in exchanging writing and helping each other pls lmk !!!! <3
(i may do an intro post soon)
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