worldfoodday · 3 months
Achieving SDG 2 without breaching the 1.5 °C threshold: A global roadmap (SIDS4 PrepComm Side Event).
On the occasion of the 1st Preparatory Committee Meeting for the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations is organizing a side event on a brand-new policy roadmap to achieve SDG 2 Zero Hunger through ten action areas that would not only transform agrifood systems to provide healthy food for all, but also factor in climate-change measures along the way.
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With between 691 and 783 million people facing hunger in 2022 globally, and more than 3.1 billion lacking access to healthy diets, tackling the challenges posed by food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms is essential. Moroever, according to the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2023 report (SOFI 2023), over 15 percent of people living in SIDS were estimated to be chronically undernourished while over 20 percent of the adults were obese.
As agrifood systems contribute 30% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, there are trade-offs at play on whether to increase production to address current food security and nutrition requirements at the expense of future needs or to limit production to reduce emissions. In the face of these urgent challenges, we need an approach that interlinks and mutually reinforces the nature of the three pillars of sustainable development, fostering partnerships among different stakeholders for collective action.
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worldfoodday · 6 months
State of Food and Agriculture 2023.
Revealing the true cost of food to transform agrifood systems.
The value of agrifood systems is not in doubt. They provide nourishment, sustain economies and shape cultural identities. However, one must also consider the environmental, social and health hidden costs associated with these systems.
True cost accounting allows the estimation of the hidden costs generated by market, institutional and policy failures. It provides decision-makers with the evidence needed to correct these failures and transform agrifood systems for the better.
True cost accounting for decision-making builds on a long tradition of economic valuation; however, a lack of availability of high-quality data, on both hidden costs and the costs of taking action, often limits its application.
This report proposes a two-phase assessment process, relying first on national-level true cost accounting assessments to raise awareness (presented in this report) and then moving towards in-depth and targeted evaluations to prioritize solutions and guide transformative actions (which will be the focus of the 2024 edition of the report).
This year’s report presents a first attempt at a national-level assessment for 154 countries. Even with large uncertainty and excluding some impacts, there is a very high degree of confidence that the global quantified hidden costs of agrifood systems amount to 10 trillion dollars or more at 2020 purchasing power parity (PPP), revealing the urgent need to factor these costs into decision-making to transform agrifood systems.
Globally, the dominant quantified hidden costs are those arising from dietary patterns which lead to diseases and lower labour productivity. These health-related costs exhibit considerable variation across countries, but are most prominent in high- and middle-income countries.
The environmental hidden costs, while not exhaustive, constitute over 20 percent of the quantified hidden costs and are equivalent to almost one-third of agricultural value added. They are mostly associated with greenhouse gas (GHG) and nitrogen emissions and are relevant across all country income groups.
Hidden costs appear to be a greater burden in low-income countries, where they are estimated to amount, on average, to 27 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), compared with 11 percent in middle-income countries and 8 percent in high-income countries.
Addressing poverty and undernourishment remains a priority in low-income countries, as they account for about half of the total hidden costs quantified in these countries.
The new national-level estimates are a first step in raising awareness, even if they are incomplete and involve a high degree of uncertainty. Targeted true cost accounting assessments that also look at the cost of different abatement actions – the focus of next year’s report – are needed to inform decision-makers on how to leverage policy, regulation, standards and private capital for a transition towards sustainable agrifood systems.
For true cost accounting assessments at scale, innovations in research and data, as well as investments in data collection and capacity building, are needed to scale the application of true cost accounting, especially in low- and middle-income countries, so that it can become a viable tool for informing decision- and policymaking in a transparent and consistent way.
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worldfoodday · 6 months
Factoring the costs and benefits of agrifood systems into decisions.
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➔ The unsustainability and lack of resilience of agrifood systems are major concerns, exacerbated by market, institutional and policy failures that generate losses to society and inhibit much-needed transformation towards sustainability.
➔ To improve outcomes, decision-makers need a comprehensive understanding of agrifood systems costs and benefits for all stakeholders, including under-represented groups and future generations, which are not being systematically and consistently measured.
➔ A comprehensive understanding would enable available levers – from fiscal support and regulations to voluntary standards – to be better realigned and used more effectively towards more nutrition-, gender- and environmentally sensitive investment and policy actions.
➔ True cost accounting (TCA) is a powerful approach to uncovering the hidden costs generated by current agrifood systems, underscoring their unsustainability and guiding the use of available levers to improve their outcomes.
➔ True cost accounting requires large amounts of data, however, which can be a challenge, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Therefore, already available data need to be used to the greatest extent possible to avoid inaction.
➔ This report proposes a two-phase assessment process that relies on TCA, starting with wider, initial national-level assessments to raise awareness and moving towards in-depth and targeted evaluations to prioritize solutions and guide transformative action.
STATE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE 2023 - Factoring the costs and benefits of agrifood systems into decisions.
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worldfoodday · 6 months
Uncovering the hidden costs of agrifood systems from national to global scale.
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➔ A novel true cost accounting analysis of 154 countries provides preliminary estimates of the “quantified hidden costs” of agrifood systems. Referring to them as “quantified” acknowledges the data gaps in many countries that prevent the estimation of all hidden costs, such as those associated with pesticide exposure and land degradation.
➔ The analysis finds that the global (environmental, social and health) quantified hidden costs of agrifood systems were approximately 12.7 trillion dollars at purchasing power parity (PPP) in 2020, equivalent to almost 10 percent of world GDP in PPP terms.
➔ Even taking uncertainty into account, global quantified hidden costs have a 95 percent chance of being 10 trillion 2020 PPP dollars or more, highlighting the undeniably urgent need to factor these costs into decision-making to transform agrifood systems.
➔ Globally, 73 percent of the quantified hidden costs in 2020 were associated with dietary patterns that led to obesity and non-communicable diseases (NCDs), causing labour productivity losses.
➔ The quantified environmental hidden costs from agriculture, accounting for more than 20 percent of quantified hidden costs, are equivalent to almost one-third of agricultural value added.
➔ On the social side, it is estimated that the incomes of the moderately poor working in agrifood systems need to increase by, on average, 57 percent in low-income countries and 27 percent in lower-middle-income countries, to ensure they are above the moderate poverty line, thus reducing food insecurity and undernourishment.
➔ Finding that unhealthy dietary patterns are the main contributor to global hidden costs should not steer attention away from the environmental and social hidden costs. Rather, it emphasizes the importance of repurposing support to transform agrifood systems to deliver healthy and environmentally sustainable diets to all.
➔ The quantified hidden costs pose a greater burden relative to national income in low-income countries, where they are equivalent, on average, to 27 percent of GDP (in large part due to poverty and undernourishment), compared with 11 percent in middle-income countries and 8 percent in high-income countries. Addressing poverty and undernourishment remains a priority in low-income countries.
➔ These preliminary results suggest there is considerable variation from country to country in the relative importance of environmental, social and health hidden costs, underscoring the need to produce national estimates of hidden costs and improve them with country-specific information, so they can be a useful input in decision- and policymaking processes.
STATE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE 2023 - Uncovering the hidden costs of agrifood systems from national to global scale.
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worldfoodday · 6 months
Moving towards targeted true cost assessments for informed decisions.
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➔ Agrifood systems are complex, making it difficult to measure their impact comprehensively. As a result, targeted assessments that focus on key sectors and challenges are necessary.
➔ True cost accounting (TCA) is a fitting approach for conducting targeted agrifood systems assessments, for example, of dietary patterns, investments, organizations and products. The chosen unit of analysis will depend on the actor(s) for whom the results are most relevant.
➔ Any agrifood systems intervention or management option can involve trade-offs and synergies, including between environmental and economic impacts. Targeted TCA assessments can help identify and manage them, thus aiding governments, businesses and other stakeholders to make more responsible decisions to improve sustainability.
➔ Analysing key policies is essential in targeted TCA assessments to address trade-offs and maximize synergies. Scenario analysis plays a complementary role by exploring the possible outcomes of different future interventions and deciding which will be most effective.
➔ True cost accounting not only helps businesses better understand and manage their impacts and dependencies on agrifood systems, but also leads to improvements in performance, reputation and resilience.
STATE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE 2023 - Moving towards targeted true cost assessments for informed decisions.
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worldfoodday · 6 months
Mainstreaming true cost accounting to support the transformation of agrifood systems.
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➔ Governments have a wide array of levers at their disposal to effect the transformation of agrifood systems. When based on targeted true cost accounting (TCA) assessments, these levers can be used to improve the economic, social and environmental sustainability of agrifood systems.
➔ Subsidies are one of the most important ways in which governments support food and agriculture. Repurposing these subsidies has the potential to improve environmental sustainability and human health without reducing economic welfare.
➔ Private capital invested in the food and agriculture sector of as much as USD 9 trillion a year, or 14 times global public support, plays an important role in shaping sectoral sustainability by affecting the way food is produced, processed and distributed. It also influences consumer choice.
➔ Scaling up the adoption of TCA can facilitate the correct implementation of the levers. For this to happen on a large scale, especially in low- and middle-income countries, the barriers of data scarcity, poor-quality data and lack of capacity need to be overcome.
➔ Governments are the linchpins in creating a conducive environment for the scaling up of TCA, alongside research organizations and standard setters. Accounting firms, business consultancies and financial institutions can further advise and support businesses in their sustainability transition.
STATE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE 2023 - Mainstreaming true cost accounting to support the transformation of agrifood systems.
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worldfoodday · 6 months
Revealing the true cost of food to transform agrifood systems.
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FAO's latest State of Food and Agriculture report (SOFA) looks into the true cost of food for sustainable agrifood systems. The report introduces the concept of hidden environmental, health and social costs and benefits of agrifood systems and proposes an approach – true cost accounting (TCA) – to assess them. With this information, we can all work together to transform how food travels from farm to table.
State of Food and Agriculture 2023.
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worldfoodday · 6 months
Agrifood systems transformation accelerates climate action.
The World Food Forum's (WFF) flagship event is comprised of the WFF Global Youth Forum, the FAO Science and Innovation Forum and the FAO Hand-in-Hand Investment Forum. In 2023, the WFF flagship event will take place from 16 to 20 October at the Headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome, Italy and virtually.
Indigenous Youth from around the world will join in at the opening ceremony, where expectations, knowledge, actions, challenges and expected results will be shared. Hand in hand withWorld Food Forum (WFF) indigenous knowledge systems, their cosmogony and spiritual beliefs, the Forum will mark a decisive moment for Indigenous Youth to be heard and taken into consideration by political decision-makers.
In 2023 the World Food Forum (WFF) - a youth-led movement and network to transform our agrifood systems - is committed to the theme: “Agrifood systems transformation accelerates climate action.”
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worldfoodday · 6 months
WFF: Concert and Global Youth Forum opening.
Celebrate the power of music as a catalyst for change while we kickstart the Global Youth Forum with the WFF's annual concert featuring young upcoming artists from around the globe.
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worldfoodday · 6 months
Transform agrifood systems and accelerate climate action - 2023 World Food Forum grand opening.
The World Food Forum's (WFF) flagship event is comprised of the WFF Global Youth Forum, the FAO Science and Innovation Forum and the FAO Hand-in-Hand Investment Forum. In 2023, the WFF flagship event will take place from 16 to 20 October at the Headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome, Italy and virtually.
A dynamic launch event, uniting global leaders, innovators and activists, marks the beginning of the 2023 World Food Forum. Join us for inspiring speeches and performances as we ignite a movement to transform agrifood systems and accelerate climate action. A brighter future starts here.
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worldfoodday · 6 months
Watch the annual ceremony of the World Food Day 2023 and FAO Achievement Award.
The World Food Day annual ceremony will see the participation of His Excellency Sergio Mattarella, President of the Republic of Italy, His Excellency Michael D. Higgins, President of Ireland, and Her Excellency Mariam Bint Mohammed Saeed Hareb Almheiri, Cabinet Member, Minister for Climate Change and Environment of the United Arab Emirates. Special messages from Pope Francis and the United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres will be delivered and they will be followed by the intervention of the Heads of the Rome-based UN agencies Mr Alvaro Lario, President, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and Ms Cindy Hensley McCain, Executive Director, World Food Programme (WFP). The World Food Day ceremony will end with the presentation of the FAO Achievement Award.
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worldfoodday · 7 months
Junior 2023 World Food Day.
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Join us for a journey of inspiration filled with stories, music, art, the launch of the new music video and more. Influencers and renowned chefs like Max Mariola, Bela Gil, Fatmata Binta and Anahita Dhondy look forward to meeting young minds for an engaging, cross-cultural conversation guaranteed to inspire water action for food.
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worldfoodday · 7 months
World Food Day 2023 Ceremony and Achievement Award.
We'll be kick-starting the World Food Day 2023 global events at FAO headquarters with the annual ceremony. The Heads of the Rome-based UN agencies and other special guests will be invited to attend the ceremony, which will feature special messages from Pope Francis and the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres and as well as the presentation of the FAO Achievement Award.
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The 2023 World Food Day annual ceremony will see the participation of His Excellency Sergio Mattarella, President of the Republic of Italy, His Excellency Michael D. Higgins, President of Ireland, and Her Excellency Mariam Bint Mohammed Saeed Hareb Almheiri, Cabinet Member, Minister for Climate Change and Environment of the United Arab Emirates. Special messages from Pope Francis and the United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres will be delivered and they will be followed by the intervention of the Heads of the Rome-based UN agencies Mr Alvaro Lario, President, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and Ms Cindy Hensley McCain, Executive Director, World Food Programme (WFP). The World Food Day ceremony will end with the presentation of the FAO Achievement Award.
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worldfoodday · 7 months
Video message by António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General, on World Food Day 2023.
World Food Day 2023 comes during a global food crisis, with the world moving backwards on ending hunger and malnutrition.
Some 780 million people around the world are going hungry; almost fifty million children are at risk of death from severe wasting. Yet funding for this year's global humanitarian appeal stands at just 32 percent.
In our world of plenty, it is outrageous that a person dies of hunger every few seconds, while the World Food Programme has been forced to cut its essential aid programmes.
In 2015, after years of progress, Governments set the goal of zero hunger by 2030.
But eight years later, the number of people suffering from hunger has increased significantly.
This crisis demands action – first and foremost from national governments, which have a responsibility to make sure their people have enough to eat.
But many governments lack the resources to do so, and so effective international solidarity is also essential.
The long-term causes of the global food crisis include conflicts, climate extremes, inequality, and economic instability.
The UN system is addressing these root causes through our support for sustainable, equitable food systems that put people over profits.
That means massively scaling up investments in resilient agriculture, and aligning them with climate action.
It means leveraging science and technology to improve the efficiency and reach of food systems.
This year's theme for World Food Day focuses on water – a necessity for nutritious and healthy food.
The sustainable management of water for agriculture and food production is essential to end hunger, achieve the SDGs, and preserve water for future generations.
Zero hunger is achievable.
This World Food Day, I call on governments, the private sector, civil society and academia to work together;
to prioritize feeding the hungry;
to bring ending this crisis to the top of the global agenda;
and to invest in long-term solutions that provide everyone with enough to eat.
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres.
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worldfoodday · 7 months
Water is Life-Water is food: Leave no one behind.
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"Water is Life -Water is food: Leave no one behind." World Food Day 2023.
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worldfoodday · 7 months
Enter the world Food Day 2023 Poster Contest!
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The entry period will begin at 12:00 (CEST) on 1 June 2023 and will close at 12:00 (CEST) on 3 November 2023. The competition is divided into the following categories: 5 to 8, 9 to 12, 13 to 15, and 16 to 19. Only one entry should be submitted per person
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worldfoodday · 9 months
Day I (cont.) - Leadership Dialogues - United Nations Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment.
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The United Nations Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment is happening 24 – 26 July 2023 at FAO Headquarters. Convened by the UN Secretary General, this follow-up to the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit is hosted by Italy, in collaboration with the Rome-based UN Agencies (FAO, IFAD, WFP), the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub, and the wider UN system, to create a space for countries to review progress on commitments to action and identify successes, bottlenecks, and priorities to close the implementation gap.
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